Fried Ice Cream

This is my friend Marlene’s recipe and it is OH SO GOOD!!! She made it last weekend and I just happened to have my camera in my purse – so I took a picture and wanted to share the recipe with you all! It’s really simple!

Fried Ice Cream:

5 Cups Frosted Flakes, slightly crushed
5 T. Butter, melted
2 T. cinnamon
1/2 Gal. vanilla ice cream

Mix together frosted flakes, butter and cinnamon. Reserve 1/2 of the mixture and set aside. Spread out crumb mixture in the bottom of the 9×13 pan. Put it in the freezer.
Whip the ice cream in the mixer until soft. Spread it over the crumb mixture. Top it with the reserve crumb mixture. Freeze until firm.
Serve with your choice of toppings: Honey (my first choice!), chocolate syrup, whip cream or crushed strawberries.

Walk with the King!

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