Let Me Introduce You

Please allow me to introduce you to one of my best friends since high school – (yes, we have known each other nearly 20 years! Now that really ages me!) Why do you need to know her? Because she is my new partner over on GoodMorningGirls.org and I know once you meet her you will fall in love with her too.
We have double dated together, attended the same youth group, and were even in each other’s weddings. We’re blessed to have known each other through so many seasons of our lives.

Angela graduated from Baldwin-Wallace College with a degree in Elementary Education and worked as a 5th grade teacher while putting her husband through medical school.

She has also earned a Masters Degree in Instructional Technology from Bowling Green State University. She has worked for a total of 7 years in the education field before “retiring” and becoming a stay at home mom and wife. Angela is married to her best friend Dirk, who also happens to be her high school sweetheart, for 10 years. She is the proud mommy to her sweet daughters Paige (4) and Addie (2).

Angela enjoys spending time with her family, photography, web surfing and reading books on parenting, marriage, prayer and fasting.

Angela’s home church is LakePointe in Rockwall, Texas.

I hope you will join us (by the way we are at 60 groups now, with over 26 states represented and 4 countries! The deadline to sign-up was yesterday, but if you are still working on your group – just come on over this week, we’d love to have you!!!)

Walk with the King!

Categories: Good Morning Girls

6 Responses

  • Welcome aboard Angela! You will be a great addition to what Courtney is doing. Cant wait to get to know you better.

    Have a blessed day,

    Serving with Joy,

  • Kat – head over to the GMG website following the link in the post and page down to the bottom and you will find a video with all the information you need!

  • Thanks Sonya!!! I feel so blessed to be apart of what God is doing through Courtney! So excited to get to know you better too!
