Enrollment Began Yesterday!

Over on my sister site – GoodMorningGirls.org ( Good Morning Girls are tech accountability groups for your quiet times and we offer an on-line Bible study open to all women)  we began enrollment yesterday and we are already at 850+ women joining us for the fall session!!!  Go God!!!

I want to pass on a few important details in case you are new here!!!

RETURNING Good Morning Girls please RE-enroll. We wiped clean the old message boards and start new every session. So in order for us to know who is out there and to get an accurate count – we ask that you re-enroll.

I John Bible Study gals! Subscribe – We encourage you to subscribe to the feed of GoodMorningGirls.org Click on the button below and then click on “Get Good Morning Girls delivered by email” Our Monday, Wednesday, and Friday posts will come into your email inbox so you never miss a day!

I John Bible Reading Plan – If you have not printed out the plan yet – click on the Bible Study button below and the free reading plan will open!

SOAP Print-out sheets coming soon... You can use our SOAP printables and place them in a 3 ring binder OR use your own notebook/journal to record your study in the book of I John. Here’s how the SOAP plan works!

Get your Bible and a fresh journal. Read the passage of scripture for the day and apply the SOAP method. Here is what SOAP stands for:

1. S Write out the scripture passage for the day.

2. O– Write down 1 or 2 observations from the passage.

3. A– Write down 1-2 applications from the passage.

4. PPray over what you learned from today’s passage.

By the end of the 12 weeks, you will have written out the entire book of I John in your journal. You will have meditated on every single verse in I John as you have written it out and pondered each verse bit by bit.

Can you have a Good Morning Girls group but opt out of the I John Study? Yes, your group may already be in a Bible study together or each do your own thing! The I John study is optional!

When do we start? You will begin emailing your groups Thursday, September 15th as a warm-up. The I John Study Week 1 reading will begin on Monday, September 19th!

For NEWBIES! Here’s what you do:

1. Invite your friends to join your Good Morning Girls accountability group it runs from September 15th-December 15th. Email each other every day Monday through Friday after having your morning quiet time. If you don’t like email – use Facebook, twitter or texting!

2. Don’t have friends to invite? Go to the Message Board (click on button below) and find like-minded women there who have already started groups or start your own on there!

How to Enroll: Click on the enrollment button belowthen go to the thread “ROLL CALL” and enter your name, city and state, and number of girls in your group.

Can you join the on-line study and not have a group? Absolutely!!! We welcome anyone who wants to join us to study God’s word and we invite you to leave a comment on this post if you are joining us without a group so we know you are here!!! We are curious to know how many follow along without a group (for future studies) – so please let us know you are here!!!

So let’s get Roll Call started! Are you in?

I can’t wait to see how God knocks our socks off as we Walk with the King this fall!

Follow Good Morning Girls on Facebook and Twitter – our twitter hashtag is #GoodMorningGirls

Walk with the King,

Categories: Good Morning Girls

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