Today I Am Choosing to Linger…

In the midst of this noisy world, God’s voice can be drowned out by the distractions of our busy days.
 Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth”
My son has always been a very active little guy. From the day he began walking, he no longer wanted to sit in my lap. I would try to hold him and cuddle him and he would straighten his arms and like a bullet slip to the floor. He wanted to be free! But that made me sad – because I longed for lingering moments, like when he was a baby.
Sometimes I act this way with GodHe wants me to just be still and enjoy Him. But “NOOOO” I want to be free. Free to run around distracted and doing my own thing! God doesn’t want to hold me down all day long – but he does want just a little while to linger with me.
He wants to tell me how much he loves me and guide me by his Word. He wants me to talk to him about my day, my struggles, and my needs. He wants to teach me. He wants to reveal to me areas I need to mature in and fill me up with love, joy, and hope. He wants to be thanked and worshiped. He wants me to be still and know that He is God!


He loved us so much he hung on a cross for us in agony. Oh… just linger on that thought for a moment…He humbled himself to death on a cross so we could be forgiven of all our heinous sins and know him personally…intimately.  So we could linger with him!!!  Certainly we can set aside a few minutes a day to be still.

And so today we begin our 12 week study in the Book of I John over on I’d be remiss if I did not invite you over to check out our launch day!

If you do not have a fall plan for lingering over God’s word – would you consider joining us?  

There’s a free e-book linked below –  just click to open it! (you do not have to print it – feel free to use your own journal to write in! Just use it as a guide!)

(Click here to download the e-book if the above image link doesn’t work)

 Come visit us and linger a while – you don’t need to be in a group to join us –  God’s arms and our arms are open wide to everyone…be still.

Walk with the King,

13 Responses

  • Courtney,
    I’m a very visual person. I’ve also been a believer for a bit over 30 years. I’ve never truly in my soul understood the Lord’s desire for me to linger with Him until you gave the analogy of your son not wanting to be held. My son was exactly the same way ~ and it’s like a lightbulb just turned on when I read that. Now I understand EXACTLY why the Lord desires me to linger! I have felt the same desire for my son to linger!
    Brilliant, lady :o)
    Thank you!!!

  • I agree with Heather. This was such a great analogy for me as well. To know that God wants me to linger with Him for a few moments, to shower me in love, to direct my path, to take in His goodness. I certainly can identify with that, being a mother and all. We don’t want to hold our children back or hinder them, or hold them down. But, we do want a few moments in the day where they “linger” with us and we can shower them with love.

    This was a blessing to me!!

    Take care,

  • Powerful analogy. Thank you for sharing. I have always struggled with my devotional time, especially the aspect of lingering. As a busy mom of 4, as well as a school teacher, my instinct is to beat the clock all day long. I am joining the I John study, and am very excited about what God is ready to teach me!

  • What a great illustration. I never thought of God’s longing to be with us in this way, but it really helped me to see him as our Father. He loves us and wants that time with us. -Karen

  • I enjoy to linger with God in my garden, in there it allows me to slow down and really show me how great He is. Avid gardener that I am, it still amazes me how a tiny seed planted in the right soil can grow to such a large plant and giving food to many or showing off beauty (flowers) for the world to see. This is how I see God – he plants us, if we are luckily enough to have good soil and fertilized (the Word) and taken care of we can have an impact on many… sharing our food and beauty. THIS is why I love to spend hours lingering in my garden and have dirt stuck under my nails!

  • Wow!! I loved this and this is what the Lord had been speaking to me about just yesterday at service. I need to linger with Him. IT was a great analogy to what I had been doing straightening up my arms and saying I want to be free. But He is soo good and gracious and I love how reveals and confirms things in my life. I can’t wait for what He has for me today! I have a quick question to ask you Courtney are you doing the Fall Challenges again. I so loved them and was soo encouraged by them. I am in a new season in my life, I went back to work, and am needing some encouragement in that area. Thank you and love you sis! You are truely a woman after God’s own heart, and it’s very encouraging!! Thank you for all that you do for us!
    God Bless you sister!

  • The light just went on with what you said about your son……wow! I am choosing to linger today with our Heavenly Father. Oh how wonderful! God has certainly blessed me with you 🙂

  • I freaked out a little bit when I saw your post title. I wrote a blog article about a month ago that I posted today on lingering as well! Maybe God is trying to say something? HA HA

  • I loved your thoughts on spending more time with our Heavenly Fathe in prayer and listening for thoughts He may want us to hear. I love the scriptures and I love my Savior. I am so happy to know that He lives and he does want us to take a daily walk with him. I will pop over and see how the conversation is going.
    Blessings to you and keep on enjoying the moments as you linger longer with God.

  • This was such a moving example, especially when we’re feeling down and like we aren’t that interesting or useful for the kingdom. God Himself wants to spend time with us. That is so staggering.