The Blessing Tree

My Brother-in-law drew this beautiful Blessing Tree for Thanksgiving.

After Thanksgiving dinner, we handed out a leaf to everyone.  On the leaf we each wrote down one blessing that happened that year.


Then we took turns going up to the tree, sharing our blessing and tacking it onto the tree.  Here’s all the cousins together after the tree and time of sharing was complete.

We are truly a blessed family.


Happy Thanksgiving – from my family to yours!  I pray you have an amazing day with your family.

Walk with the King!


23 Responses

  • Dear Courtney,

    I wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! Give lot’s of thanks for all your blessings and enjoy being with your family! Here in Europe we do not celebrate Thanksgiving, too bad, I think it is a beautiful way to be grateful!

    Lot’s of Love, Yvonne

  • Love the Blessing Tree!! We began a Thankful Tree the 1st of Nov. My favorite time of the day, is when we have our Thankful Time. We have 3 children ages 7-18 at home and its such a blessing to share what we are thankful for each day. When November is over we will have 180 leaves on our tree, and when family comes they can join in as well!! The time we are spending together has made a difference in what Thanksgiving means for our family!

  • I love this. Too bad I’m in Canada and we did Thanksgiving a LONG time ago! Ha… but this is a great idea for any time, really. Love it. 🙂 Cassandra @ The Unplugged Family

  • That’s a beautiful tradition, Courtney! We’ve done that sort of thing around the table every Thanksgiving, where we all name the one thing that we’re the most grateful for, but I love the visual representation. And then you can take pictures and keep it! (Or scrapbook the leaves)!

    Sheila from To Love, Honor and Vacuum!

  • Hello there! My sweet potato pecan pie link somehow showed up three times! Yikes, I just wanted to apologize for that! I don’t know what happened there.