Unity With Our Sisters in Christ & WLWW Link-Up Party!

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I love this image above – it is SO powerful. It shows how the two eggs on the outside may differ but on the inside they are the same. I think of my two children – one boy and one girl. On the outside, they are very different and when they fight it makes this mama miserable! All I want is for my two children to GET ALONG! When they play cheerfully for over an hour together without needing a referee, this mom-heart is blessed!

You see what’s on the outside is different but their hearts are the same. The cross says they are both sinners in need of God’s grace and forgiveness.

How Can We Have Peace With Our Sisters in Christ?

Visit me over at Good Morning Girls where we’re discussing this today. 

Now it’s link-up time! It’s Women Living Well’s Wednesday Link-Up Party!!! Join the fun, do a little blog hopping and don’t forget if you join below -please add the Women Living Well Wednesdays button to your post so your readers can find us here! (Posts can include the topics of marriage, parenting, homemaking, finances, recipes, organization and more!)

To find the code go to the sidebar – or right click and “save as” the button and then upload it into your post! 🙂

Walk with the King!


15 Responses

  • If i remember rightly, my mum was always telling me and my sister (older by 2 and a half years) to stop bickering when we were kids… we never physically fought but i think i used to copy her and she used to snap, back but we always loved eachother… Years later i still completely adore her, and we can laugh about our silly little “fights” and about the awesome times too. We too are both SO different on the outside! She dies her hair red, wears black eyeliner and red or dark lipstick (sounds scary but i promise she pulls it off – she looks like a model) and she’s drop dead gorgeous! I get my brown hair highlighted blonde, dress and apply makeup in an incredibly girly way and couldn’t wear half the stuff she does!

    But we were both brought up toghether, we are both so much alike inside…both sinners… i love her for her differences, but i really L.O.V.E her for our similarities! <3

  • Speaking as one who grew up with a brother 2 1/2 years older… We fought and sometimes physically with each other, but there wasn’t anything we wouldn’t have done for the other. And NO ONE was ever allowed to speak against either of us… We made sure of that.lol but, would could say what we wanted. A little twisted.:-) Now, we’re 33 and 36 and I love him dearly!!

    I linked up, but I’m on my phone so it won’t let me get the code to post on my blog. When I get to a computer, I will!!

  • I love how you shared about unity today. We had such overwhelming unity at our FB party last night — it brought tears to my eyes! What a joy to have been with ladies who are seeking to glorify Christ and build Christ-honoring friendship with other mamas. God is so good!

    P.S. There are still giveaways up today if anyone is interested. DaySpring, Accordance Bible, Evy’s Tree, and Red Letter Words are giving away generous prizes through this evening: http://likeabubblingbrook.com/category/giveawaysreviews/

  • This was the first time I’ve participated in a Link-up. I really enjoyed it. I read some fantastic blog entries from inspiring women and I was so encouraged to see so much traffic from your site on my blog today! I’m thankful for you and all these ladies!