Why Is Being Disciplined So Hard?

I come from a family of thin people – Mom, Dad, and both of my sisters all seem to have this ability to eat everything in moderation…then there’s me – the baby of the family!  I do nothing in moderation lol!  Since I was little, I was the one who couldn’t squeeze into my sister’s hand-me downs and when I’d eat out of a potato chip bag they’d say “mom stooooop her.” lol!!! Cause there was no way I was stopping myself! (Now I know that you are looking at the picture above and thinking that I look just fine…but look who I tend to compare myself to – my two Godly and dearly loved… skinnie minnie sisters lol!)

Let’s just say – I’m the curvy sister and on Easter I was the only one wearing a Spanx (it’s an under garment that is a tummy tightening, thigh trimming, bottom boosting, super slimmer) and I was thankful for the help in my fitted dress.

For those that have followed me for a while, you know I’ve written about this before…a few times lol!  So it’s clearly a sticking point – a running theme – some brain clutter that exists in my life.

I heard Beth Moore talk about weight loss once and she said: “there are two extremes with weight loss: on one end there is neglect and on the other end is obsession – and in the middle there is balance.”

That’s where we want to be – balanced!

If I neglect exercise and eating my fruits and veggies I will not be healthy and able to serve God to my fullest abilities but if I obsess over every bite – my focus is off of Jesus and onto myself and I am not able to serve God to my fullest abilities.

One thing I know is I cannot be free as a size 2 because I have to obsess over every bite to get there. I also cannot be free if I neglect exercise and eating healthy – because here in 2012 I feel like…a blob lol!

I have to find the place where I am free…and it is not a number on the scale or a certain dress size…it’s when I am eating right, and getting proper rest and exercise.

I have been read all of the link-ups and comments from yesterday’s post.  Your input has been amazing!  One woman wrote about her tracking food and said her rule of thumb is “if you bite it your write it.”  Another said – her goal is to work out 5 minutes a day!  She said she knows if she gets started with 5 minutes that she’ll keep going for 30 – isn’t that so true?  I love that!

Last summer, I was invited to be a part of the ReShaping It All book club.  I made this video below for their site but it goes perfectly with today’s topic!

(if you cannot see the video click here)

Matthew 24:41 says: The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Day 1 of the Challenge is over and now it’s day 2.  It is going to take a daily and sometimes hourly denial of the flesh to live a disciplined life.  As Beth Moore said – we must not neglect these areas but we also must not obssess over them.  We must seek to overcome them so we are free to focus on God and his will for our lives.

If you have not committed to this challenge yet but would like to – click on the button below and leave a comment on this post (you will find a free printable there for you also):

Walk with the King,

40 Responses

  • It is SO difficult. I have struggled with my weight since becoming a mother at age 19. I had always ate like a “grown man” (what was said about the amount I ate) and something amazing happened when I was grown. I started gaining weight, but changing the way I had ALWAYS eaten was out of the question. Sure, I tried time and time again, but I always went back to my old ways. Exercise was great until I was diagnosed with MS (which has been healed by God, and I have the testing to prove it) and no longer allowed to exercise enough to counteract my eating. Anyhow, this past year my husband and I did bariatric surgery together. I am still losing weight, but healthier than I have been since I was 18.

    I am just sharing this because I understand, not saying I took the right road. Many tears have been shed over this decision, but there have been many joys too. I’ll pray for you.

  • I am joining you. I have so many goals, but the one I have been procrastinating on is to exercise 1 hour/week at least. I used to do 2-3 hours/week of aerobics, but have got sidetracked by some chronic pain issues. But it is all related. I have been working lately on disciplining my eating (certain things trigger some of the pain), but I need this piece of the Healthy Puzzle under subjection too.

    Courtney – Logging what you eat is a great tool! Of course then you have to resist the temptation of “rewarding yourself” with food too! Thanks for all you do.

  • I’ve struggled with my weight since I have had children. So I’ve been struggling for 15 years. I used to be quite slim, and after having kids, I still look a mess. I know I need to eat healthier, and certainly be more active, but I don’t know why it is hard for me to get my mind set right. It’s a constant struggle for me.

  • Courtney,

    I have missed your videos! Thank you for posting this.
    Your transparency and use of the WORD in your writing…. such a huge inspiration and encouragement. Thank you, again, for your wonderful ministry and great example to women.


  • This all sounds so easy when spoken. But how does one go from being a Samson to a Daniel? How does one deny oneself? I do pray and I pray in the face of temptation but still I find myself going for that cup of decaf or sweet or whatever food I know I should not be having. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me.

  • This is my biggest struggle. Thank you for giving me hope. I will only be healthy with God’s help.

  • Love, love, love your blog – so inspirational – by far the best!!! I’m also working through the one I missed on being a gentle mom – LOVE IT!!! I am definitely joining you on the next 5 week journey. Still harbouring the 10 plus pounds from my last pregnancy (4 years ago!!) and want to join you in my commitment to dying to self and becoming self-controlled. I am going to log everything I eat for the next 5 weeks, drink more water and excercise minimum of 10 minutes a day for 5 days a week (I know – sounds pathetic but its a start!! I’m allergic to exercise!). THANK YOU for all your inspiration!!!!!!!

  • Although I am smaller than I have been since high school and eat healthy and clean 80% of time and exercise faithfully (4-6) times a week…sounds like I’m right on track..right? Well..you quoted Beth Moore about being obsessed, and that’s where I am. I struggle daily with appreciating my life and the little things, instead..I obsess with what I am or am not going to eat that day. When the family goes out to eat…I tend to choose where wee go based on what I “can eat”. It’s a struggle! And I 100% know it. My running girls have been praying for me and giving me good advice..like not weighing everyday. I know this is God speaking to me through your challenge..and I am going to listen. There are some habits I need to change and working towards balance is my goal! Thank you so much!

  • I NEED to do all of those examples you gave. To start a challenge, however, I believe stating one thing alone is probably best. I think this would be the exercise. I HAVE to start moving!

  • I found your site last night. I love how God gives us what we need just when we need it, and right now, this 5 week challenge is it. I struggle with being disciplined enough to take care of myself. As horrible as it sounds, I have trouble with spending the time to even take old nail polish off my toenails. That takes what, less than a minute? I have a million excuses, but that’s just what they are. Anyway, I have a laundry list of things that involve taking care of me that I struggle with, but I have to start with slow steps. I’ll start with water. I don’t have a problem with drinking sodas through the day like I used to, but I will forget to drink anything after my morning coffee some days. I can feel it through my whole body. I’m sluggish, not moisturized, and just plain dehydrated. So, water it is. I should have 8 cups a day based on my weight, so that’s what I’m going for.

    “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Cor 12:9

    Thank you for this motivation!

  • I’m joining in……….I have struggled with weight loss and it’s all about discipline which is something I don’t have in so many areas in my life. Looking forward to it!

  • I have been making a lifestyles change, since Jan . I have a fatty and enlarge liver. The doctors told me if I don’t lose this weight with in 6 months to a year you will be on transport list. With god help I have being great so for.but in the last couple of weeks I have kind of hit a wall. So I am so happy you are doing this. With this I won’t feel so alone . Thank you .this was perfect timing ,with the grace of god .

  • Good Morning Courtney! I’ve blogged about this same struggle… and last year found great success through the use of Weight Watchers. I firmly believe in their plan. But then the holidays hit and I got lazy… and gained weight. I wrestled with it until recently and realized that (as you said) it’s not a size or a weight necessarily. I want to be my healthiest. And I want my family to be our healthiest. I read the book The Maker’s Diet (based on biblical principles for eating)… my husband and I began yesterday. The focus away from processed foods toward organic, clean eating is my goal. Best wishes as you go on your journey…

  • I’m in! Thank you for offering this encouraging challenge. For me, it’s all about balance and discipline. I am going to start with daily exercise (and being okay with whatever I have time for) and getting in bed by 10:00 p.m.

  • I sooooo understand.

    If it’s not fun, it won’t stick for me. God is actually working on me right now about discipline, but with cleaning my home and spending time in His Word.

    He’s given me a plan to exerrcise and eat right…I just have to DO IT.

    Hubby moved the XBox Kinect to the living room recently. We’ve had it for 2 years and I never used it until recently. The following day after playing I was walking like a crippled grandma! I was so sore. So now I’m going to use the Kinect as exercise. I remember I was getting frustrated because my little one was interupting me so I “gave up” for that day. But then I looked at the clock and realized a half hour went past! 10 minutes of exercise seems like forever, yet 30 minutes playing the kinect just flew by. And I’ve never worked so many muscles like that since I was a teenager going to the gym! It’s not like the Wii where you can still sit down and play. If a game REQUIRES the Kinect, there is NO sitting down!

    As for the food, I’m going to follow the Sneaky Chef (www.sneakychef.com). Her books are more for sneaking healthy food into your kids, but I want to do it on myself too. For example, you can add zuchhini and cauliflower to your mashed potatoes and NEVER know it. She purees all these veggies and hides them in other things. My son loves the boxed mac and cheese…well there is a TON of goodies in there that he doesn’t know (sweet potatoes, carrots, winter squash, white beans, cauliflower and zucchini). It’s great!

  • I agree 100% with your video! Our flesh is so demanding on us and without Christ we could not do anything. It is all about focusing on God first, and letting the rest come into place! The Maker’s Diet is a great diet to focus on. As a great lifestyle adjustment I have had great success with a program that nutritional whole-body cleanses and then refortifies and balances your body! I feel healthy, energetic and have shed pounds as a result. If you want more information, please email me at michelle_schroth@yahoo.com. I would love to give you some information. But please remember, that it all about GOD. WIth out him, no one can be disciplined.

  • This is my number one struggle as well. Seems like I’m not the only one here! I just started a book called Treasures of Healthy Living, and it’s all about health from a Biblical perspective. So far I’m learning a lot, and wish I had a group to do the study with!

  • Sooooo…I did accept the challenge, and I even posted a comment yesterday about how I was going to start working out with my hubby! I even bought a much needed pair of tennis shoes) So when he came home from work and I (after years of him saying” if only I would work out with him he would work out”) told him I would work out with him, he said he needed to rest his back first,,,then wouldn’t you know 20 minutes later I found him resting a little more than his back! he-he! So we agreed to do a good long walk and work out the following day. But first he had to meet with a man from our church, they were going to pray for our church, and grab dinner. So the kids and I ate our grilled chicken, asparagus, and brown rice (yay- healthy and yummy dinner!) I was still in my workout clothes waiting for my husband so we could take our walk together. Well after eating a burger and fries and not to mention it’s 9:30 practically his bedtime, he offers to walk for 10 minutes (the plan was an hour of brisk walking). So at 10 o’clock I set out to walk the dogs for an hour. I had been wearing work-out clothing all day and felt like if I didn’t do something I would have to call them pajamas! lol! I say all that to say this….just as he can not use me as his excuse to work out, I can’t use him as mine. And, I got a bonus, since I went by myself, even though I did miss having my husband with me on our walk I had looked forward to all day, I got more exercise than I would have if he was there…I actually ran some of the way! I do not run, I hate it! But I did run! Who knows what could come of this! Hopefully today we will get that work-out in! Thanks again for your encouragement!

  • Yes – the struggle to be disciplined. Wow – is it ever for me with diet & exercise! I agree with you on the daily mindset – and it’s a great reminder to not be defeated, but to keep pressing on with our goal to honor God through our obedience. Wonderful, Courtney and may I just say – your enthusiasm & joy just radiate and you always make me smile. Glad you’re using your gifts for Him!

  • Oh Courtney! I have two daughters, one of whom was 6 lb 11 oz, 22 inches long at birth and the other who was 8 lb 2 oz 20 inches long at birth. They were created with different body shapes, which doesn’t mean the 6 year old is fat, as she announced at dinner this week. I don’t know you in real life, and you’re right that eating right and exercising is so important for being healthy, but reading this I kept thinking about my dear daughter who is so much stronger than her older sister. Her bottom is curvy, but her arms are strong, not fat. If you really are still comparing yourself to your family, please please stop, and accept the beautiful woman God has created you to be.

  • As a Dietitian, I see this over and over again. MOST people know how to eat and know how to lose weight, but it’s a matter of self-control (a fruit of the Spirit) and discipline. I think the biggest weight loss success comes from accountability and changing habits for life. In our fast-paced culture people generally don’t lose weight because we are an impatient society and want results fast; therefore, most people don’t even bother. Losing weight, exercising, and healthy eating do not come easily. You have to make an effort and put in the hard work–make it a priority above television and computer time. And yes, being physically disciplined will overflow to every other area of our lives.

  • Courtney,

    Have you seen or read Lysa Terkeurst’s book ” made to crave”? It’s the first book I found to help me curb the “obsession” that I find myself in when it comes to weight loss. It’s not a diet book about what to eat or how to exercise but about turning to God instead of food. It’s about setting healthy boundaries for yourself and living there and turning to God for help and support instead of the bag of chips or cookies! ;D . It helps keep the BALANCE and find moderation. . She has a participants workbook and video to go with it.

  • I like how you said that it’s not about a number on a scale or a dress size, rather it’s about finding where you feel free. If we neglect we feel trapped by the extra “baggage”, but if we obsess, we feel trapped by the “rules”. On Easter Sunday a cousin of mine talked about how she gained weight after getting married last year. She said, “Yes, I’ve gained weight but I’m not going to worry about it too much because I’m happy”. I believe that if we find our “free spot”, we will be healthy AND happy.

  • I’m taking baby steps! Thanks for the encouragement Courtney! Today I gave up my afternoon coffee ( I tried yesterday but didn’t make it). I don’t think afternoon coffee is wrong…but it gives me a headache & I then don’t drink enough water the rest of the day. Last night we went out for my husbands birthday. Instead of dessert I had 3 pieces of Dove chocolate. I really enjoyed them! 🙂 Yesterday & today I worked out for 20 min & spent time with God 1st thing in the morning. At 1pm I took at 30 minute rest….I think rest is an important step in staying healthy. I looked forward to reading all the comments today…we can do it! 🙂 Btw Courtney…I also have 2 sisters…the comparison game is so hard! I loved the topic today…BALANCE! 🙂

  • Courtney, you are a beautiful girl and I hope that you don’t let thin people around you and images from the media affect your self-image. You are just the right size. Most people aren’t meant to be a size 2 or 0 anyway. Healthy is beautiful!

    With that said, I totally agree with the balance thing. We need to be healthy, not because it will make us skinny, but because that’s what’s honoring our bodies and God. I actually wrote a post about that a few weeks ago.

    I participate in another weight-related blog hop on Wednesdays, so I’ll think about it until then and link up my personal commitment tomorrow 🙂 Thanks for hosting a great challenge!

    • Hi Kelly,
      Your son could be right. Kristen, the oldest sister, teaches math on-line, and I tutor part-time at a local Christian school and used to teach the middle elementary grades, so one of us could be or could have been your son’s teacher. 🙂 Jen (Courtney’s sister)

      • Jen,
        He was right, Kristen IS his teacher!!! Funny! We sure do live in a small world, especially in the Lord! Thanks for answering! How fun!

  • I am joining this challenge. I have had a weight problem for a few years. My exercise and eating habits could really us an overhaul. I am making a commitment to exercise at least five days a week for 30 minutes. I also am going to eat more healthy. Thanks for doing this Courtney.

  • I find myself once again trying to wrap my head around WHY this is still a struggle for me? I have had the support, motivation and most importantly understood the commitment to take care of the temple of the Holy Spirit God has given me.Yet before I know it I’ve lost all control. Getting into a smaller size feels great but it’s not enough. Even the years of pain of “infertility” (shall i call it that) hasn’t been enough. The Lord has even put on my heart “what is going to take?” I too have been both extremes and can not grasp that balance that I desperately need and want. Tonight my cry is I want to loosed from this baggage that weighs my down physically, emotionally, spiritually and LITERALLY!!! LOL! I’ve seen the plans God has for me and I will fight the good fight! I thank you for this place to read about how other’s are coping, growing, being uplifted and empowered.Thanks for giving me a place share what’s on my heavy heart and here’s to modern fellowship Ladies!

  • Don’t forget, if your group is cisoohng to participate in The Mercy House challenge, comment today and let us know what you all are planning!!! Can’t wait to read what you have come up with!!!! Looking so forward to joining you and helping to make a difference in the lives of those girls! To God be the GLORY!Love God Greatly!-Angela

  • Hi….I just found your blog and love it!! No offense to your sisters in the above picture, but I think you look better than they do! Healthy and beautiful, not skinny.

  • Hi,

    I have been overweight my whole life.
    Last week I started this program called the Lord’s table at settingcaptivesfree.com
    So far I am losing weight on it- but that isn’t the best part. God is teaching me how to run to Him instead of food. Often times I would eat to fill a craving in my heart for something deeper that only the LORD can satisfy. I just started on it- but already I can happily recommend it to anyone who also struggles- because the focus is not on food… its on learning how to be satisfied in Christ alone and feed on His word.

    Thank you for posting this blog 🙂 There is freedom from bondage to food! He who called you is faithful and He will do it!!!!

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