The Proverbs 31 Woman – Week 8


This week we are looking at verses 23, 24 & 25.

Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.
She is clothed with strength and dignity:
she can laugh at the days to come.


We’ve heard the saying, “Behind every great man is a great woman!” ……that saying is especially true for the husband of the Proverbs 31 woman! This week we read that the husband of the Proverbs 31 woman is respected at the city gate….we see he is a man of influence. I believe one of the reason’s why the husband of the Proverbs 31 woman is so respected is because of his wife! Because she serves and manages her home so well she enables her husband to be a man of influence outside their home!

I love seeing how together they are having a mighty impact for the Lord inside and outside their home!

As I was reading and thinking over verse 23, I asked myself, “What can I start doing that will help my husband be the man of influence, God is calling him to be?”

Because of the Proverbs 31 woman’s focus….she brought respect to her husband.

She was focused on her relationship with her Lord….that’s where she draws the strength for her noble character.

She was focused on her husband…bringing him good all the days of her life.

She was focused on her household…selecting and working with eager hands, bringing food from afar, being available to her family and being well prepared by what she creates and how she clothes herself and her family.

She was focused on others….by extending her arms and hands to the poor and needy.

Because of what she did inside the home, she was a reflection of her husband outside their home…….and that reflection brought him respect.

Reading through Courtney’s ebook this weekend, I wanted to highlight one important point she makes in reference to verse 24 on page 29.

The lesson in Proverbs 31:24 is: she is willing to use her talents to add to her family’s finances BUT she does not sacrifice the family pursuing them….” – Courtney Joseph

God has blessed us all with talents we can use to be a blessing to others but we need to pray and seek His guidance and the guidance of our husbands as we pursue those talents.

In verse 25 we see that the Proverbs 31 woman saw her future in a positive light! She knows good is coming…..even if she isn’t experiencing it right at the moment.

She knows that her future is in her loving Father’s hands and that brings her confidence “to laugh at the days to come!” Her confidence isn’t in her own abilities, her worthiness as a mother or wife, her excellence in running her home or business…, her confidence comes from her relationship with God.

Her confidence comes because she knows who she is…….she is a daughter to the King of kings……she is His!

No matter what happens on this earth, she belongs to Him…….that’s where her confidence rests…….in Him!

Week 8 Challenge: Ask yourself this question this week “What can I start doing that will help my husband be the man of influence, God is calling him to be?” Also focus this week on giving your fears over to God. Mentally pray each time a fear pops in and give it to God. Instead of focusing on the fear, thank God for something instead and realize that YOU have a bright future with God… that will bring you joy and laughter “at the days to come!” Remember whose daughter you are and allow God to cloth you in His strength and dignity!


It’s your turn – chime in – how are you applying these verses in your life today?

Walk with the King,


Categories: Proverbs 31

16 Responses

  • I so needed to read the challenge for this week. I’ve been struggling a lot with fear and lack of confidence. I love the idea of replacing the fearful thoughts with thankful thoughts. God Bless you and Courtney for all the encouragement you give to us. 🙂

    • Hi D’Lorah!

      I LOVE Philippians 4:8…..and turn to it a lot on those days that I too struggle with fearful thoughts! I’ve learned such a powerful lesson when I decide to focus my thoughts on that is noble, right, pure, lovely…..focusing on being thankful instead of fearful!!!! Thanks so much for commenting today! You are a blessing to us, too! 🙂

  • These are great ideas, with excellent intentions. I exhausted myself my first 10+ years of marriage with a Proverbs 31 Woman point of view. Not all men will respond as we think. The more I do, the less my husband reciprocates, and enjoys having less and less responsibility. I actually have had to back off a bit over the past 3 years, as I was enabling him to “just coast”.

  • I always thought that the phrase “behind every great man is a great woman” was an insult on the man. Now I see it that as his helpmeet we can be there to encourage and help our husband, without making him feel incompetent or lacking.

    • Woohooo! Yes, you got it, girl!! 🙂 Marriage is best when both are playing together on the same team…..focusing on bringing glory to God through their marriage and their lives! 🙂

  • A great reminder to lift our husbands up, build them up and not tear them down or nag ( as sometimes I can do. ) This is a really good study. God bless you for putting this out there for us to follow.

  • This is always such an encouragement to start the week off right as Mondays can be daunting at times. I love the idea of “What can I do for my husband that will help him be a man of influence?” This past week I have learned that my attitude at home and towards him is a HUGE influence on his performance at work. I know that is one thing I can start working on is by having a positive, good attitude at home before he leaves and when he comes home.

  • I am unable to download the ebook for this study in Proverbs even after weeks of trying. An I cannot contact you via email due to overwhelming volume. Is there anyway I can still download this. I am subscriber. Thanks.

  • Since starting this study, it has really hit home just how much we has wives can either bring our husband’s up or down. I pray that I am always being the wife God planned for me to be and the mother he has planned for me to be also. 🙂 Thank you Angela and Courtney for all the work you do for our God’s kingdom. You are HUGE blessing in my life and I pray for God to continue to bless your work for Him.

  • This article on Proverbs 31:23-25 is very encouraging and helped my wife and I reach a fuller understanding of God’s calling in and out of the marriage bond. I deeply appreciate your inspired words, as a man of God who seeks to lovingly shepherd my wife and children rightly according to His Word and following Jesus. May mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance! (Jude 1:2)

  • Trying to find words of encouragement for our US President and his lovely Wife as they visit ancestral lands we find so foreign but inviting and rebellious , just like home.I will tweet @POTUS is Great. Half my followers will be Totally Disgusted. I can’t care anymore what other people think. Feminists, so self labeled, will say this Proverb is about Obedience to your Husband. It’s not. To Me it’s working with Him to make us Both Stronger, with a Shield of Armor encircling our Family. Thanks for your interpretation!