My Greatest Teacher

Today (March 11th) my greatest teacher turns 10 years old! My first born son, Alexander, has taught me more than anyone else about sacrifice, enduring love, forgiveness, mercy, grace, patience, joy, self-control, anger, endurance, obedience to God, and humility. In just ten short years, this little guy has taught me lessons I have needed to learn to mature in my walk with God.


Psalm 127:3 says “Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.”

This boy – this little boy that God has given to me for a short time – is my reward. Some days are so rewarding. And then there are days when the sacrifice and patience that it takes to train him does not feel like much of a reward and I am reminded – God is not just doing a work in this little boys life – but he is using this little boy to do a work in my life.

Through my parenting challenges and hurdles God has drawn me closer to Him as I have sought Him in prayer and in His word. God has used this boy to teach me. As I look at Alexander, I see a mirror – so many of his flaws are partly my own flaws. I tell him to be patient with his sister – while I am impatient with him. I tell him to use self-control while steam is pouring out my own ears. But each year as he grows one year older – I notice that I also have grown one year older. As he matures, I mature. Together we are growing in our walk with the Lord and becoming more like Christ as God reveals our flaws through the flow of family life.
Alexander is the perfect child for me. God created him in my womb and placed him into our family because God knew that this is the child that we needed for his glory. And we are so thankful for him.
 Happy 10th Birthday Alexander – You are my favorite little boy in the whole world!
Walk with the King!

23 Responses

  • I love this post! My little guy is 4, and I knew exactly what you meant with each line I read, and I was so encouraged by this post! Thank you for sharing! And happiest of birthdays to your son!

  • I agree that our children are our greatest teachers! I have both preschool and teenager in my house, with two in between. Too often lately I have been feeling like I have FAILED the lessons!! This weekend I was reminded my priority is to share my love of the Savior with them. I have done this consistently and have seen the fruits of this, even with several VERY difficult teenage years. I was encouraged that maybe I haven’t screwed them up completely! 🙂

  • What a beautiful post Courtney! I can relate to so much of what you said with my own children. God is so wise in planning out every detail of our lives. Happy Birthday Alexander! You are very blessed to have a Mom who is so passionate about her walk with Jesus and her love for her family. May you have a great and blessed year!

  • Happy 10th Mama-anniversary to you, Courtney! 🙂 And of course Happy Birthday to the beautiful boy (AND girl?) who can be very happy to have you as their mama.
    Best wishes from Vienna,

  • Happy Birthday to Alexander!! That Superman costume? I bought the SAME one for my son that year and also got it at Target(I noticed the tag on the sleeve). I try to buy the costumes AFTER Halloween at 75-90% off. Next month my son turns 9, ten years from now, he’ll most likely be in college. This time in their life goes by so fast! Hope Alex has a great day!!

  • Reading this brought tears to my eyes. I feel very much the same with my oldest (Emily is 4 1/2). I have made so many mistakes along the way and wish that I could have learned many of these lessons before I had children, but I was not ready. God used my daughter and 2 year old son to grow me up in every way – as a Christ follower, as a wife, as a mother, and as a friend. Learning is really a life-long process and sometimes we have hard days and take steps backwards but we are not defeated if we are in Christ. He can continue to help us make strides forward to become better in every way that truly matters.

  • I love this post! My little guy turned nine yesterday. You spoke the words of my heart. Looks like both of your kids have close birthdays. All three of mine (and my husband) are within six weeks! Enjoy birthday season at your house!

  • Beautiful. Happy Birthday to Alex, and your family is beautiful. I have an Alexander too! He’s 4. Our first born, Simon, has also been my greatest teacher, so I know exactly what you’re meaning. xo


  • I love it!! Your family is beautiful!! I love your example of transparency and honesty that you show in all that he’s taught you through your own humanness. We all have so much of that and your honesty encourages all of us to be honest with ourselves and convicts us to work on all that God is teaching us through our children.

  • Thank you for sharing this. It was exactly what I needed to read. My oldest son turned 3 last month and his behavior has been challenging. I’m glad that other moms feel the pruning of God with their children. xoxo Happy birthday to Alexander!

  • Love all the pictures. Such a beautiful family! So true, where would I be with out all that my children have taught me about myself. I need to thank them tonight ; ) Happy Birthday Alexander!

  • I was just thinking on this yesterday. As I spoke with my little boy (who is 3) about several things teaching him to do this and not do that, I was reminded I needed to teach these things to myself. He has learned many things from me and my husband. Sometimes I cringe when he opens his mouth and says: I’m so tired of this! These are words that have come right out of my mouth and he listened. Glad I’m not alone. Happy Birthday to your son 🙂

  • I relate to this post. Our kids are now 24 (Daniel, a missionary intern with Word of Life in Hungary who wants to be a missionary full-time in Poland when he returns after this summer), 22 (Suzi, our senior at Pensacola Christian College, studying Media Production, who is such a creatively artistic young lady, who can’t wait to come home to live and serve with us in ministry), and 20 (Mark, our youngest, who went to Word of Life Bible Institute, and is thinking of going back to continue his study for the ministry). They are all so dear to me, and each is close to me, especially because we homeschooled and they and I spent so much time with each other. They love talking to me, and I love being around to talk to them, and love on them whenever I can. Cherish the time. I’m so glad that your son has such a special mama and you have “your boy”. There is nothing like a son, for a mama. (I know our girls are uber-special to us, of course!) 🙂 Reading from moms such as yourself, I remember how very, very much I love my own, and how I wouldn’t trade/change a thing!

  • Oh my, the tears are just flowing . Boys are so very special to their Mama. My is 19 and oh did I make mistakes. The learning is not over just different and still very special but hang onto that little man tight while you have him in your care sweet mama.

  • This is a great post as it represents so much truth. I have done more character building as a parent and then as a home schooling mom than I ever thought I would. I needed it though!!! Thanks for sharing your heart and the truth represented there.
    God bless you,

  • What beautiful children you have, Courtney! They grow up MUCH too quickly so enjoy every moment now…but then, of course, you get grandbabies which are just as wonderful.

  • I had a baby boy the same day, 5 years ago, and how precious he is to us! He’s our 3rd and we just added #5 2 weeks ago. Completely can’t imagine my life without these precious babes. My husband and I have grown and learned so much by parenting them! Thank you for this post!

  • Very well written. Thanks, Courtney! My son will be 10 in November, and I’ve had these same thoughts. Keep inspiring us!

  • This is a wonderful blog and so honest and from your heart of hearts-thankyou for sharing your innermost love for your children. My son Sean is 42, daughter Chisana is 38, and baby Felicity Sue is 31, but when I read your post I remember their birthdays and growing moments with the Lord so clearly, it makes me cry with joy! Now I am blessed with helping to raise their children with the Lord too, so i am doubly blessed and honored that our Lord has trusted me with so many lives to love to Him! Thank you Courtney, but most of all Thank You Jesus!

  • So touched that you shared this. First because, I think this often of my own eldest son. Each time I struggle with a discipline issue I swear I hear my own voice coming out of his mouth. If that isn’t the Lord in a teachable moment! But then there are the traits that are so great that I do not have and I sit in wonder and think how lucky am I that God gave this special boy to me. Love your writing! Thank you for sharing.