7 Ways to Make a Good Marriage Great


I am excited to be guest posting over at the HappyWivesClub.com today!

This is me with Fawn, the creator of the Happy Wives Club.


Fawn writes:

Here is one of the things I love most about this club.  We run the gamut from women in powerful corporate positions to stay-at-home moms to entrepreneurs to women pursuing every passion project imaginable.

When I first met Courtney Joseph, I was amazed at how much she loved being a stay-at-home mom.  And I mean she LOVES it!

The pleasure she gets out of doing the dishes, folding laundry and cooking dinner, is the same pleasure I get from being an entrepreneur.

When her husband comes home, it’s usually to a clean house with dinner on the table.

When my husband comes home, it’s more often than not to a “straightened up” house (if I get to it before him) and I’m a master “take out” chef.

How we take care of our homes couldn’t be more different but how we love on our husbands is exactly the same: Just the way they like it!

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a corporate raider, this post has wisdom for us all.


Join me over at the Happy Wives Club today as I share 7 Ways to Make a Good Marriage GREAT!

Walk with the King,


Categories: Guest Post

2 Responses

  • Thank you for my husband. I realize I do not thank God enough for him. I am so
    sorry for that. I believe he is a gift that God has given to me and I really do
    appreciate him so much. He does so much for our family, he works hard, he makes time to
    play, he loves me… There is so much to be thankful for and I just wanted to say thank
    you for giving me a husband who is perfect for me. We may have our tough times or
    moments we don’t seem to get along or like each other, but we are best friends! Thank you
    for my husband! Please show my heart how I can bless him today in Jesus name AMEN! I love this!

  • Thank you Courtney and Fawn for being proud Happy Wives. I am with you! As a Mom of two daughters (one married and one divorced) I am blessed to love being a wife, mom, grandmother and homemaker. I am also a MOPS Mentor Mom and work very hard to encourage the young moms to love and respect their husbands, knowing the joy they can experience by doing this and that they are examples to their children. Marriage is God’s idea and designed by Him. How can it not be a good plan?!? May mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you both!