I Was In a Car Wreck

This past Sunday night I was in a car wreck. Another driver made a left turn (where there was a “no left turn” sign) in front of me and I could not stop and I slammed into her.  Today…I hurt.  I am walking like the tin man – very stiff and sore.  Though I don’t have any broken bones, my muscles are aching.

My son was on the floor Monday morning doing his school work and I got on the floor next to him and OUCH – I could not get up – everything hurt.  As I did my dishes, I realized how much my hands and wrists hurt from gripping the wheel and bracing myself for impact.  When I laid down to bed Monday night, a new little pain was in the middle of my back causing me to find a new sleeping position.

Not fun.

I was a bit shaken up after the wreck – all the what ifs –  go through your mind.  It certainly is a wake up call and reality check.

But today – now 3 days later, I’m bemoaning my good health.  Where did it go?  I feel like I’m 60 years old with all these aches and pains.  Normally I’m a zippy person – getting everything done quickly – this has completely slowed me down.  Nothing I do is fast right now – not even my typing…which hurts!

And I just want my health BACK!

Well all this is happening right in time for the “Your Health” *FREE* Webcast tonight!  I can certainly say that our health MATTERS and is a spiritual issue!

As you will hear me share on the couch – I’ve struggled A LOT with my weight.  But it’s funny because there is so much more than my weight to consider when we think about our health!

 This is one webcast you will not want to miss!  Clare from Peak 313.com is the keynote this week.  She is a personal friend and at one time I attended her aerobics classes regularly.  She is SO Godly and inspiring {and pokes a little fun at me and some of my odd workout habits – this is the danger of giving your friends a microphone – lol!}.

Here we are the day before the conference during set up – these were the cookies at each ladies seat.

Janelle from ComfyInTheKitchen.com (below on the left) also joins us with her weight journey and sweet Karen Ehman (on the right) from Proverbs 31 Ministries – opens her heart up and will bring tears to your eyes through her transparent struggles.

I think you will find this webcast both inspiring and heartwarming.

So here it is – *FREE*.

The words you hear on our webcast,

you won’t hear on television or secular media.

I hope you will grab a friend and a bowl of popcorn and join us tonight!

Thursday, October 24th at 9pmCT/10EST

at WomenLivingWell.tv

This webcast is available for only 24 hours – so please watch it before Friday at 10pmEST.

Many have emailed me and asked how they can see the previous webcasts they missed – they will all be available in the new year for replay :).

Walk with the King,


38 Responses

  • I was in a car wreck back in Nov 2002.. Smashed my little Geo Tracker head on into a telephone pole after skidding on a snow covered patch of black Ice & losing control of the vehicle. I was so sore too! Felt like Id been run over by a Mack truck the next day. My vehicle was totaled. But I didn’t suffer any broken bones, just bumps & bruises.

    Sorry you wrecked & are sore but glad you weren’t more badly injured! You’ll be sore for a good week! Hugs & prayers going up for your speedy recovery!

    • OH dear! Hope you had yourself checked out! The first few days (and nights) are worst…hope each day you feel better…

  • Dear Courtney,

    Gosh, I’m so sorry to hear you wrecked your car. But Thank God, you are only feeling sore and are not injured severely.

    Hugs, prayers are said for your recovery.

    As Always: Blessings X

  • I am so glad you are bruised and hurting – it means you’re alive!!! I’m sorry about the pain you’re in. I hope you take it eSy this week and rest. I’m thanking God it wasn’t worse! Gentle cyber hugs!

  • Every morning I’m anxious to find to what you you going to by talking about.My heart just started beating so fast when I saw u say you were in a car wreck. I’m praying for a speedy recovery for you. Glad to know that things were minor.

  • So sorry to hear that you hurt. I do know how you feel. I was in a wreck in Nov. 1992. I did have the bumps and bruises, but I also had back problems from it. I had a 4 month old at the time and was nursing him, so I couldn’t take any medication for my back until I stopped. I had to stop nursing him 2 months later, (which was earlier than I planned on), to be able to get my back better. It does take time and the aches and pains will get better. I will be praying for you.

  • I am attending a funeral today for a mom (of a four year old son) killed (4 others died in the crash, too–3 on cycles) in a motorcycle accident on Saturday.
    You can be thankful that your life was spared.
    Get better soon!
    Kim A.

  • I was in a car wreck several years ago and ended up going to a chiropractor. It was very helpful in the healing of my back and neck. I am sure you will get plenty of advice but that is my 2 cents worth! I like the chiropractic option because it helps correct the problems without pain meds that only mask the problem and less invasive than surgery down the road. As for your comment about struggling with weight, I have struggled with my weight since I started having children 10 years ago. I was finally at a point that i was going to let myself go completely or do somethinng about my weight. So, For the last three months, I have been going to a weight loss clinic and have lost 33 pounds, 5 in. Off my waist and went from 40% body fat or BMI to 29%. I needed the accountability of checking in every week. It will always be a struggle for me but this has been a great boost and motivator to keep it off. Much prayer and discipline are still needed! I am praying for your healing in body mind and spirit sister!

  • Praying for your recovery Courtney. I also think you would benefit from chiropractic. An upper cervical chiropractor would be gentle.

  • Courtney,
    I pray as each day passes you feel better. I understand your comment about ‘feeling 60 years old’ — I’ve said for years I feel like an 80 year old, because of the Chronic pain I live with daily. I went from being active – on the go all the time to bedridden – and now with God’s grace I’m moving more. I found WLW and GMG when I could barely move and needed fellowship. A true blessing!

  • I’m sorry to hear about your accident! I have a friend who recently lost her 20 year old son that way. Someone turned right in front of him and he was on a motorcycle….very tragic. I pray you heal quickly =)

  • Sounds like it was his fault? I was in a wreck in March and from that wreck, I have a herniated disc. It has been a long 6 months. From injections, MRI, physical therapy and Chiropractor. I am doing physical therapy and it has helped. My arms hurt for a while too. But you may want to check out going to an orthopedic specialist. And a chiropractor. I was wanting magic to happen overnight and be back to my old self. Being in a car for long, my legs and back start to spasm. I pray you heal completely, but not quickly. Healing takes months. And listen to your body.

  • Totally understand the pain issue. Twenty two years ago I was a passenger in wreck and I suffered a head injury. Took many years to recover, all thanks to God, but I still have a few residual effects. God bless you in your recovery.

  • warm soaks will help but much as it hurts keep moving; don’t do anything new or strenuous, but it is so important to keep moving, I’m praying it psses and this time next week you will be right as rain and ready to go car shopping…Car accidents have such trauma to them; I am so grateful you are up and walking away from it, my husband said to our children after they each had a fender bender in their early driving years “any car accident you can walk away from is a relief” . I shall pray no fear grips your heart when you drive again. So grateful you are able to still write and post your blog spots, but take the time you need to heal I’ll bet God will whisper lots to you as you are convalescing. Bless you today and gentle huggs from an older sister in a different country on a eastern coast.

  • I pray that your body will glow with health and your bones will vibrate with life (Proverbs 3:8 Message Bible)I will be praying for you Courtney 🙂 Have a blessed day 🙂

  • Courtney praying for you. Praise the Lord, for keeping you safe, and I hope you feel better friend. Keep shining for HIM!

    Much Love In England
    Nicole Auld

  • Sorry to hear about your accident! Hope you are back to 100% very quickly! I was wondering too will the webcasts will be available to watch if you have missed them? I would love to watch them!

  • Courtney

    I am so sorry. That just sucks, especially since it wasn’t your fault!

    You and your work are an inspiration to many and I hope that our prayers for your healing will be answered soon.

    God uses us in many ways and now you can sympathize with the sick and those unable to perform like they’d like. It’s not a fun lesson by any means but I know that you will walk away with new understanding. And that is a valuable thing!

    Love & (very gentle) hugs 😉

  • Courtney,
    So very sorry to hear about your accident I am praying you are on the mend and feeling better real soon. Also want to say thank you again for your web-cast, what a blessing it has been so far look forward to tonight’s broadcast, but not looking forward to them coming to an end. I am also reading your book really love that you used lots of scripture 🙂
    God Bless and feel better soon.

  • The blessing in this is that you are sore and achy. You are mobile and alive. You are in your home with your family. My sister was in a life threatening car accident 7 years ago which forever changed her life and the life of her daughter. It changed her, not only in her physical self, but in her emotional and spiritual self. The days will pass and you will regain your strength and mobility. Thank God for that. 🙂

  • Courtney, oh my goodness! I had the same accident happen to me several years ago. I did the pain meds and Dr. visits and nothing helped. Then, the Dr. prescribed pain therapy (massage) and in two visits I was better. It was covered by insurance because my Dr. referral. I just thought I’d share this so you don’t have to suffer as long as I did. I completely understand the “feeling old” – it makes you grumpy, too! I pray you feel like your healthy, perky self soon!

  • Prayers have been going up to Him for you today Courtney!

    He is watching over you, like a parent watches over their little child. You are loved by Him!
    His hand of protection is upon your life!

    You will heal and recover; the human body can do amazing things in that it is self healing.. Given the proper rest, help, pain relief, you will soon be back to normal!

    Thank and praise God for the blessings you do have, and for your loved ones -they will always be there for you!
    Sufferings physical or spiritual in this life come and go – they are often only temporary. Have experienced these very same “at the time” painful situations amongst my own family members.

    Love and prayers!!
    Keep walking with King!!

  • Courney,
    I am so sorry that you are going through all of this! I know much how you feel and I so want to help you! First of all, don’t do too much until you really know the severity of your injuries. I also have experienced whiplash and other injuries. I had a chiropractor who helped me a few times but the last time, he made things worse. He did adjustments to my hands which was probably not necessary, was too aggressive and significantly injured me. I was such a mess! Please, don’t let them touch your hands! Go see a physiotherapist, instead. It is more gentle and they teach you how to rebuild your strength. After much patience, perseverance, prayers, hope and yes some tears, 3 years later, I have regained about 90% of my life back! The tendons and ligaments of your hands may have had some tearing, so don’t do any heavy lifting until you know that you are completely healed. I had an MRI done of my hands and was told by the specialist that it would take 2 years to recover and he was right. Your hands may not be as bad as mine, but just be careful. What also helped me is using a Wacom pen and tablet, instead of a mouse while using the computer and ball point pens, if I need to write. I tried the Dragon voice recognition program but got frustrated with it because it kept typing the wrong words as I have a mild French Canadian accent. Some other people, however really like the program. Myofascia release really helped me as well as massage. Massage removes all of the knots in your muscles, promotes circulation and healing, removes toxins (drink lots of water), is relaxing and can help you emotionally. Japanese mint oil is amazing for sore muscles and my husband and I regularly use massage lotion by Grace, which is also amazing for sore muscles, you can get on my website http://www.AgeWithGrace.ca. Omega 3s are also really for inflammation, as well as for your heart and brain. If driving hurts, get someone to drive you around for a while. I wish I was nearby so I can do that for you! Some days will be good and others may be bad, but most of all, Courtney, do not get discouraged, you will get better!!! We are all here for you and will be praying for you. If you ever need someone to talk to, someone who has been there or you need any help of any sort, send me a message and I will give you my phone number.
    Your sister in Christ,

  • I’m so sorry about your car accident. I have prayed for your recovery!

    Have you tried a hot bath with epsom salts? It really helps sore and stiff muscles by flushing out lactic acid buildup. It also helps regulates muscle and nerve function which I’m sure you’re dealing with right now. I hope you feel better soon and know that it will get better! Sometimes I think God uses things like this to s l s l o w us down.

    He MAKETH me to lie down in green pastures.
    Psalms 23:2

  • So sorry about your accident, and so glad you’re ok! Definitely soak in epson salt – it works! 2 cups to a tub of water.

  • Hi Courtney,

    You are always a welcome guest on my computer, as your inspirational messages bring me new insight to my role as a wife (my children are grown and live in other states). Thank you for the time you spend preparing, praying, and providing this inspiration to so many women around the world.

    May God heal your body, as you are recovering from your recent car accident. I am especially happy to hear that you are alive and well, and that there is nothing seriously wrong with you. Vehicles can be replaced, however, it is the living, loving being that is so important!

    Just an FYI, as a 65-year-old woman, I can tell you that your body doesn’t always ache and hurt. However, if you overdo at age 65, then you will feel it, for a longer period of time than if you were in your 30’s or 40’s. What you are feeling is normal for a car accident, and not at all related to pain that people my age may or may not feel! So, now you can relax, and not worry that you will have all kinds of aches and pains when you get to be my age! LOL.

    Again, Courtney, thank you for your wonderful words of wisdom which inspire me daily. May “the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you.” May “the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and grant you peace.” -Numbers 6:24-26

    Kindest regards,

  • Thankful that’all’ you suffered is aches and pains (though they’re no fun either).

    …. wishing there was less of a time difference between you and us here in Scotland – it really makes watching your videos awkward. Roll on the New Year!!

  • Hoping that every day brings you a bit more healing towards full health and recovery. Many of us have experienced the various aches and pains MVAs can cause so we totally get what you are going through – hang in there!

  • My son was crashed by an 18 wheeler and was fine, just banged up. He refused pain meds and took 3 Arnica pellets under his tongue, I woke him during the night, gave him 3 more, just in case. In the morning, no muscle pain at all. He literally had been hit by a truck. I’ve always believed in Arnica, but I was super impressed with the results. Again. 🙂 found at any ole health food store. I prefer the lilac colored bottle with 8x on the label, cause I ain’t playing around with pain. 🙂 Feel better.

  • Awe sis…I am praying for you. I’ve been in a few and your body does get soar from tensing up. I’d say take some Ibprophen or aspeecream apply to where it hurts. Maybe even a hot bath. To soak in. Did you see a dr?? Sometimes you can’t see on the inside even though you didn’t bleed. Def check with a dr too.

    Praying for you,

  • Dear Courtney;
    I am glad to hear that you are on the mend! Be patient and heal. Rest in the Lord as he heals your body.

  • So sorry to read about your accident. I too was in a rear end collision, I was sitting at a traffic light and was rear ended by a women texting on her phone. I read one of these posts and I also went to a chiropractor, my back and hip were tweaked and it really helped. Insurance covered the Chiropractor also, that surprised me I guess. Time heals all this for you I pray. I do know that I still cannot come to a stop without flinching when someone is coming up behind me.


  • Dear Courtney,
    I just wanted to let you know what a Blessing you and your ministry have been to me. My first reaction to your accident was “oh no, not my new friend!” God lead me to your ministry earlier this year and He has begun a new work in me, because of you. I feel as though you are a friend and gifted teacher that I can relate to because of your connection with “The King”. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 30 years. We have been through ups and downs but God has always been our constant. After an especially difficult time last year, I decided to dig in deeper with my relationship with Jesus. The desire of my heart has always been to be the Proverbs 31 woman the Bible speaks of, which is how God lead me to your Proverbs 31 woman series. I must tell you my husband has noticed a difference which has encouraged him to also deepen his walk with our Lord. I will continue to pray for your complete restoration. Thank you for seeking, hearing and doing what God has called you to do.
