The Winner of the 10 Pack of Games Giveaway is…

The winner of the 10 Pack of Games Giveaway is…..

Stacy Melton!


My publisher will be contacting you!

For those who did not win –

Enter –> here <– this week to win a Kitchen Aid Mixer!

These giveaways are from my publisher, in celebration of my newly released book titled:

 Women Living Well: Finding Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids and Your Home.

Walk with the King,




Categories: Giveaways

2 Responses

  • I am new to reading your blog, and I must say I am beyond in love with it. I have always been a woman of God, but most recently I feel as though he is reaching out to me through my kids, and the past few days, just reading through past blogs, have really helped me out a lot. Excited for more to come!