The Women Living Well Book Club – Chapters 19, 20 & Conclusion


Hooray!  We have arrived to the FINAL post of the Book Club.  If you missed a week – no worries – this Wednesday I will post all the links to the archived posts from the book club, so you have easy access to it.

So let’s finish strong friends!

First up – the final video.  In this video I discuss two things – 1.) I have received emails telling me what is missing from my book – so in this video I answer one of these issues (there are more that maybe I’ll consider writing on later) and 2.) I discuss the “Ultimate Homemaker”.

(if you cannot see this video – click here)

Chapter 19

One of the biggest challenges of writing and blogging is being “real”.  While I can’t hang out all the ugly of my family because that would disrespect them –I try to be transparent with my personal struggles.  But even with those attempts, sometimes I fall short and I leave an impression that I have it all together…and I don’t!

I have written on the blog before that I believe this writing thing is my Ephesians 2:10.

Ephesians 2:10 says:  “For we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Blogging is the good work God created and prepared in advance for me to do.  It does NOT mean I have it all together – it just means I’m a follower of Jesus who loves people and who likes communicating with words (lots of them).

Another struggle I have is giving the wrong impression. For example – some people think I want everyone to live in a box and be just like me. No – a thousand time NOOOOOOO!  You do not have to strive to be a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom to be Godly. I recognize that we all have different puzzles and different hands that have been dealt to us.

I love it when I run into readers around town.  I am always so blessed when a working mom tells me she reads my blog.  I am blessed because this world has created “mommy wars” and says we should have tension over this.  But you have loved me and called me friend. Thank you!!!

Here are two quotes from Chapter 19 that sum up my thoughts on this:

(image credit: Biblical Homemaking)


“The biblical principles in this book should be the same for all of us, but how we apply them will look different in every home.  We must be careful that we are not followers of everyone online but rather followers of Christ.” ~pg.196

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 is all about the Proverbs 31 woman.   I love her because she is SO inspiring!  I want her discipline, diligence and eagerness to work hard!

If you are new to this blog – please be sure to subscribe to get my FREE Proverbs 31 ebook.

Go >>HERE<< to find all the details on how to subscribe and to view all of the free videos (13) that go along with the ebook!

Final Discussion Question:

We’ve come to the close of this book.
What is one major take-away you have learned?

May God bless you as you serve your family and as you continue to walk with the King!

Lots of Love, 

20 Responses

  • I’m so bummed to reach the end 🙁 Your book was truly amazing, life changing & a blessing for me!! And of course for my family too since I’ll be putting your tips into action 🙂 The one thing that stuck with me (many parts did but just mentioning one like you say to;) ) after finishing this book would have to be the Titus 2 workshop!! I loved how that was created and the purpose of it!! I’m actually talking to women at my church about starting Titus 2 workshops!! I believe it’s for us & our families best interest for us moms to get equipped for the seasons & moments we know are to come & be filled with knowledge & wisdom in areas of our lives that we may need strengthening in! Why wait till we’re in the midst of it & wishing we would’ve asked for help earlier!!? Through these workshops we will be educated by other godly women that have been there done that!! It’s brilliant!! Thank you for being such an encourager & a beautiful mighty woman of God!! I know you say to “walk with the King” but after reading your book I just feel like DANCING with the King!!! 🙂 Blessings!!!

  • Hi Courtney.

    I want to also thank you as this part of the study comes to an end, I will continue on this journey with all the wonderful and inspiring lessons learned here. I am blessed to have grown up watching my mother, grand mother and great grand mother set the tone for homemaking and family. I was taught that charity begins at home and when we put God first and then family that everything else will fall in to place. Many rich blessings upon you as you continue on this journey, pouring into others daily! 🙂

  • Thank you for using your gift to honor God, and bless me as well as so many others! I will be watching for book number 2! 🙂

  • I came into this book late, but I will be buying the book and going over the lesson. Thank for using your time and wisdom to help other women move forward in God.

    Peace to you.

  • Ah, Dear Courtney, Gods blessings on ya sister! Just because people are called to teach, doesn’t mean they are perfect. You are still learning , too. In the mean time, you are merely passing on to others, what a God has been teaching you to this point. I am not alone in saying I am encouraged to know there are other women like you out there, trying to live for God,raise your family and share Jesus. It’s not an easy thing to be a Christ follower today, and I believe it’s gonna get harder. We need each other. Thank you for being there and offering opportunities for us to learn , share and be there to strengthen each other. I NEED accountability and encouragement so I don’t get comfortable, lazy, discouraged, etc. it makes me feel better knowing I’m not in the battle alone. Thank you.

    In Christ alone, Rhonda White

  • I have enjoyed this book club so much. I always appreciate and enjoy your insight. I follow a few blogs, but I am always sure to read yours, when I might not find time to read the others. I hope there will be many more to come. Thank you so much Courtney. You are such an encouragement! God bless you.

    I am new on my spiritual walk and studying the bible and as another lady put it, I feel like dancing with the King!! I am taking away many things from this book:) The major point I will/have been doing is lighting a candle everyday and praying for peace with my family and others. I will keep this book handy to remind me if how to make my walk a happier more fulfilling walk. Sometimes others rain on our parade, but it is only for a short time wheb I pray to God (and speaking to my mother helps!) Love you Courtney and hope we will meet someday:)

  • One more comment 😉 After seeing your video I must say that to me your book was a guide on how to build the FOUNDATION in our homes for our family!! If our foundation is built on sand, then there is no possible way we or our family members can be strong enough or capable to reach out to others & help those who are around us, in our community, city, or the world!! You stayed FOCUSED on what needs attention first before anything else & that is great!!! Well done good and faithful servant 🙂

    • I love this! I was pondering over what my overall takeaway from the book is, and I came up with “star now”–by building the foundation of my home on Christ!

    • Hey Amy, Check out Courtney’s video of clutter in her archives. Although it doesn’t quite companre to my clutter!!

      • Checked it out Kelli, doesn’t compare to my clutter either. She must be doing the homemaking thing right ! Less internet more cleaning for me.

  • Courtney, I have enjoyed your book and your INFECTIOUS SMILE from your videos! I have been encouraged to continue to make my home a haven and reach out to others to share this gift from God with them. We are studying “The Family That Pleases God” at our congregation and your book was used as sort of a bridge to have me focus on what I should be doing better as a wife, mother and sister in Christ. I look forward to your next post..

  • I really enjoyed your book and the videos you’ve posted to go along with it. I appreicate your time!!

  • I love the Proverbs 31 Woman! thought I’d pass this info on, that many biblical scholars believe that this mysterious lady is Bathsheba, Solomon’s Mother. The reason being is that Lemuel was used as a pet name for Solomon. Lemuel is the only name recorded in this Chapter and no where else in the Bible. When she was giving a mothers instruction to her son about what to look for in a wife she could see those same characteristics in her son as in his father David, and instead wanted him to go the right path.

  • I have enjoyed this book immensely! One thing (if I have to pick JUST ONE…lol) is that my home is to be a haven for my family. They can find peace amidst the chaos of their world (as I pray for peace in my home every time I light my candle!). They can find encouragement when life is discouraging. They can find love when all around them they hear about tolerance or intolerance. And they can be given an example of someone who is following God with all her heart.
    “The greatest of these is love.”

  • So sad to see this come to an end. I have really enjoyed this book, the videos and all of the comments along the way. Thank you.

    I think the one thing I will take away from this book is that we need to make sure our home feels like a haven to all who enter. Home sound be a happy and healthy place to be. I encourage all of you to make your home that way and enjoy your life. Be blessed.

  • Thank you for putting your heart into this book and sharing it with us! It has been such an encouragement – I still remember reading your book on a little getaway trip and praying, “thank you, thank you, thank you, God for this moment to relax and read a good book!” After my trip I was refreshed and encouraged!
    Cooking Up Faith

  • I agree with the comments about the importance of building a firm foundation and trying to make our homes a haven. In addition to that, a message in the book that spoke to me is what Courtney wrote on page 148, “We are all works in progress…and we must lean hard on God daily to help us be the women He created us to be!” We are all far from perfect, but God sent a perfect role model to show us what is truly important in life. We should consistently keep our focus on Jesus – to sit at His feet and learn from Him, and to include Him in our thoughts, words, and actions as we go about our day. Courtney, thanks for taking time to share your heart with us in this book study.

  • Loved the book Courtney! The study added so much to it for me. It helped provoke thoughts and see some areas I need to work on in my walk with God, marriage and parenting. I find you so sincere and so I simply want to say”Thank You” for this book and for opening up your life to all of us who find encouragement from your blog! 🙂