5 Characteristics of Our Mighty God {Exodus 7-10}

The question I want to answer today is, “What do we learn about the character of God in Exodus 7-10?”

This is a question we can ask ourselves everyday after we read the Bible. Often times we quickly jump to the application process, but there is so much to be learned about the character of God as we study the Word. Don’t miss this!

For those using the Exodus eWorkbook, you are familiar with the SOAK method of Bible Study.  But for those not familiar, the word  SOAK is an acronym::

S – The S stands for Scripture

O – The O stands for Observation

A – The A stands for Application

K – The K stands for Kneeling in Prayer

The further break down of “O” is this (from the workbook):

Look at the verse or verses you wrote out. Write 1 or 2 observations. What stands out to you? What do you learn about the character of God from these verses? Is there a promise, command or teaching?

Here are 5 Characteristics of our Mighty God {from Exodus 7-10}

1.  God’s word is true. 

Over and over God tells Moses to go to Pharaoh and forewarn him of the coming plagues.  Moses obeys.  He tells Pharaoh the very words of God and after Pharaoh refuses to let God’s people go…God does as He says and He unleashes a plague.

God’s word is always true.  What he says He will do –He does.

2. God knows our likes and dislikes.

My daughter caught a frog in the summer and she kept it in a bucket for a day before we released it.  A frog in a bucket is cute BUT frogs in my house, bedroom, on my bed, in the oven and cooking bowls –NOT cute!

God knew exactly what He was doing. He knows man does not like blood in our water, frogs in our beds, gnats, swarms of insects, pestilence, boils, heavy hail, locusts and darkness.

God knows our likes and dislikes.  Every good and perfect gift comes from above.

Matthew 7:11 says, “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

3.  No one can reproduce the mighty works of our God!

Pharaoh summoned the sorcerers and magicians of Egypt to recreate the plagues.  The magicians recreated turning water into blood…and making frogs come up on the land.  But seriously – wouldn’t it have been more amazing if the magicians turned the blood back into water and made the frogs disappear?  They could not.

Then we see in chapter 8, they tried to produce gnats and could not…and then in chapter 9, the magicians could not even stand before Moses because of the boils on their own bodies.


No power is great like our mighty God!

4.  God sets his people apart and they receive His blessings both now and forevermore.

As God poured out the plagues on Egypt, He protected His own people.  In chapter 8, God says:

I will set apart the land of Goshen, where my people dwell, so that no swarms of flies shall be there, that you may know that I am the Lord in the mist of the earth.”

And again in chapter 9 we see these words,

But the Lord will make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt, so that nothing of all that belongs to the people of Israel shall die.”’” And the Lord set a time, saying, “Tomorrow the Lord will do this thing in the land.” And the next day the Lord did this thing. All the livestock of the Egyptians died, but not one of the livestock of the people of Israel died.”

God protected His people.

5.  God Wants His Name to Be Proclaimed In All the Earth

The entire purpose of the 10 Plagues is summed up in Exodus 9:16.  God says:

But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth.”

God’s purpose of the 10 plagues is that we would proclaim His name in all the earth.

That we would see that no god is mighty like our God!

No god can reproduce his works.

No god can stop Him.

Only our God can deliver us.

God wants his people to speak of His mighty power and proclaim His name to all the earth.

And look – thousands of years after the event of the 10 Plagues, we are reading this together here on-line and praising our great God, for the deliverance of His people.

We are doing exactly as He desires!

God did not perform these mighty acts in a hidden room…no, he did it before hundreds of thousands of people and had it recorded in His word so that forever, His name would be praised.

Forever, His people would take strength from His mighty acts.

Forever, His people would surrender their lives to Him.

Forever, His people would proclaim His name to the ends of the earth.

This is our God.

Are you fearful to proclaim the name of God before your family, friends, co-workers or classmates?  Remember, you are offering a God more powerful than their idols of money, beauty, popularity, busyness, comfort or success.  Do not give way to fear.  Point them to the one true God who is mighty to save!

Walk with the King,


****Chime In****

1.) It’s Friday Fellowship here at Women Living Well – crack open your journals and share with us something you learned this week in your personal study of Exodus 6-10.

2.) Did you see any other characteristics of God in your reading that I did not mention above?

3.) How does looking at the character of God strengthen your faith?

 BLOGGERS: Are you blogging through the Bible with us.  Link up below!
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25 Responses

  • I am loving this study in Exodus! In Exodus 9 I loved when God said “there is no one like me in all the earth”. We had better believe it! He is the one true God, the one who can raise us up and the one who can bring us down. I’d rather worship Him and praise his name and be raised up!

    All through the plagues so far we have seen God be both merciful and vengeful. He gives plenty of warning when he’s about to be vengeful though, even if it falls on the deaf ears of Pharaoh. I love also how in Exodus 9:20 it shows how there are officials of Pharaoh who are now fearing the word of God and heed Him. I love that! Their livestock and slaves are saved, showing God is truly merciful.

    • Thank you Nadia for pointing out God’s mercy and his vengeance. We serve a God of love but also a God of wrath. It is hard for our minds to comprehend how the two can coincide in our loving God but He has revealed Himself to us in His word and we see both there.

      Glad you are joining us for the study and loving it!
      Lots of Love,

      • I used to wonder a lot about why our God who loves us so much can wreak such havoc and destruction in people’s lives. Not just in Exodus, but in many parts of the Bible. But there’s always warning. God is not unfair or unjust. He often gives very strict instructions as to the conduct he expects as well, which are often ignored! We are so flawed as humans, it’s crazy. But there’s always love and always forgiveness. Always balance. We serve such an awesome God.

    • I am so thrilled and blessed to be a part of this study! This is the first online bible study I’ve been a part of and I love it! As a new mother, wife and teacher it has been challenging to protect my devotional time with the Lord. However, this study has helped me to get back in the groove!

      More than anything I sense the Lord speaking to me about his undying love and faithfulness to us, his children! He is an awesome God and he will go at great lengths to save his people! Even if it means sending his only son to save us from our sins! I am so blessed to be reminded of this promise and this part of the character of our God! I want to be more like Him!

  • I did the linkup and goofed it! Mine is number 7 without the picture. Gee whiz.

    I have really enjoyed going through the bible using the SOAK method. I have learned so much in just the first few weeks. It’s interesting going through a book you have read many times before. You know, Moses, basket, Pharaoh, plagues…yeah, yeah. I’ve heard this. I was not anticipating how much my life would change in just this little while by being in the Word consistently every single day. Thank you so much for this opportunity!

  • Hi Courtney,

    For quit sometime I was looking for a Bible study group, (somewhere I could belong) just simply learn and absorb the word of God as much as I can/could. I searched and couldn’t find a place where deep down I felt this was it, so i prayed and I asked God to guide me because I really wanted to learn HIS word and have a direction in life. Wouldn’t you believe the following day I went online and searched for ” Women bible study” your blog was on top of the list. As soon as I started reading through your posts I couldn’t stop. I watched all your you tube videos and I immediately fell in love and I KNEW this was it. Am enjoying reading through the bible with you and other loads of great ladies, I love the SOAK method and I just ordered The New Inductive Study Bible from Amazon, I cant wait to use a tangible Bible instated of my Ipad. Am from Kenya btw…..Thank you Courtney for allowing God to use you to create this great platform where you get to share the word of God and be a blessing to loads of ladies.

  • I think this week I was most struck by your first point- that God’s word is true. God keeps his promises and I need to remember this, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. In chapter 6 verse 9 we read that Moses told the Israelites what God was going to do, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement. We have to fight not to let discouragement blind us to the fact that God keeps his promises. Always.

    • Cat, you said the same thing I was thinking! All I have been reminded of this week is that no matter the circumstances or how bad life can get, God hears us and has an answer and is fighting for us! Sometimes we see it and sometimes its behind the scenes! I have to just remind myself of this, because the world does get overwhelming especially when circumstances get really hard! But one thing I have learned in all my years of being with the Lord, God’s timing is perfect! Even if we feel we need an answer now, God is known to work in the 11 1/2th hour! Just enough to stretch and grow our faith and patience and joy a bit more!

  • As I color coded my bible this week, I couldn’t help but notice a pattern: first, direction is given from the Lord, obedience of Moses, sin/darkness of the magicians, prayer from Moses, and, finally, God responds to the prayer. I used the same sequence of colors in each chapter. It shows how Moses is in frequent communication with God as some might be dissuaded but the magicians’ secret arts. Moses knew which works were from God and which were dark. If we do not seek God’s word and frequent communication with God, how will we know what deeds are miraculous and what are evil?

    • Jessica, how neat to recognize that pattern through the colors! A similar theme jumped out at me in Exodus 7:12. The magicians all threw down their staffs, and they DID become serpents, but Aaron’s staff swallowed them all up! The things of this world may seem appealing and like the real thing, but next to God’s glory they are revealed as counterfeit. I remembered Genesis 4:7, where is says, “but if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.” There are many attractive lies in this world, but our God is the only real deal. SOAKing up God’s word every day and staying in communication with Him through prayer (like Moses did) will help us to not replace His perfect truth, glory, grace and joy with anything less.

  • One of the most moving parts for me this week was from Chapter 7, verse 6: And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord commanded them, so the did. This is the first time we see Moses and Aaron do what they were asked when they were asked with out murmuring. They seem to have gain some confidence. Moses may feel this way since Aaron is beside him. Perhaps he finds comfort in numbers. Why is it that we have such a hard time doing what God asks when he asks? Why do we need comfort in earthly friends to go through the trials with us instead of fully trusting God. We have a head knowledge of faith but lack a complete heart of faith. Why should we fear what God has in store for us? I feel like it is a few things fear, stubbornness, and lack of want to. i think Moses has demonstrated all of these thus far in Exodus and now we see that he has come to a place and he is doing what is asked and he is seeing the mighty power of the Lord. I think he knew this as head knowledge but lacked the heart until now.

  • I too struggle with remembering God’s promises during the difficult times and trials in life. It’s so easy to praise Him in the good times and times of comfort but I also need to remember to be faithful when God is testing me as well. This is where I need to remember God’s promises, power and ultimately His love and grace. I have learned so much by reading through Exodus and watching as Moses goes from doubting himself to being faithful and obeying God’s instruction. I am also learning how passages can be seen so many different ways by using the color coding. What I may have seen as green at one time I can now see as green and yellow…obedience and God’s power.

    Thank you Courtney for doing all you do! I am enjoying this so much.

  • This study has been powerful for me. What God has pointed out that I usually don’t take the time to look at. Yesterday it was just a few words, “But for this purpose…” Ex. 9:16. And my mind went to Esther 4:14 “…for such a time as this.” We all have a purpose, a reason for being here. In Exodus God was using Pharoah for His purpose. It reminds me that everyone has a purpose sometimes we just need to be reminded.

  • I have so enjoyed this study of Exodus! Just when I think I’ve SOAKed up all the meaningful things, I read the comments, and my eyes open go to even more. 🙂 I would add kindness and compassion to the list of characteristics. In Exodus 9:19 God let them know to shelter all of the slaves and livestock so they would be protected from the storm. Even though He was using Pharaoh to make His name known, He made sure the Egyptians had a chance to save their livestock.

  • Here’s my take-away: I am wired for tasks (more than people) so crisis management/resolution is my cup of tea! Give me a problem and I will solve it…and move on!! At 64 (not quite as old as Moses), God is moving me into an area of concern that involves tasks and people, but there is no quick fix. As I read of Moses and Aaron having to return to Pharaoh over and over again….(how long, Lord?)…I realized that God is asking me to “up my game” and take on a project that will not be a quick fix; will require time and persistence AND – most importantly – full reliance on God. Never too old to learn or be used by God if we will listen and obey.

  • I have enjoyed studying along with all the women here also. I read the comments and am fed daily even when I don’t see anything new for me in the days reading. I seem to be struggling with this since I’ve read Exodus sooo many times and have taught these stories in my Sunday School soo many times. I find it hard to slow down and really ponder on the passages but then I read the comments from the women who are also studying and by going over their comments and their observations all of a sudden there is a new thing that I have missed. I have so needed this in my life. As a Sunday School teacher in a very small group, I am rarely in an adult study or hear a sermon of any kind. This study is my daily ‘food’ from God and I am “soak”ing all of it in. Thank you to all who take the trouble to post comments each day.

  • One thing I realized as I was reading was that Moses had very little self esteem! I had never really thought of it before, but once you read and disect the scripture with colors, you see how often he doubt’s himself. (I made another color for myself, because I noticed how often Moses was doubtful or fearful, so I made Grey – doubt, fear, questioning….) I see this with myself and my family that we are doubtful that God thinks we can do this or that. Then as I reread chapters 1-10 all together in one sitting, I found myself getting frustrated with Moses! Why did he think he would not be able to lead God’s people, that they would not listen to him, but would Aaron? It made me stop and think about how frustrated God must get with me when I question him! It also helps me to read this story as I would any other book, from start to finish. When I read one chapter a day, I don’t get into it like I do if I read it all at once.

  • I love the Exodus study, it brought me down to my knees and made me realize that God is there to protect me no matter what and that in a way tied to my One Word for 2015 which is Fearless. Thanks Courtney for this wonderful study.

  • What I learned this week…..The Plagues:

    1.) The Nile River gave life to Egypt and all it’s inhabitants. Once turned into blood life could no longer be sustained. It only brought about death which is what it was used for in killing the Hebrew baby boys. The Pharaoh’s thirst for blood was now being revisited to him.

    2.) Frogs – The Egyptian fertility goddess, Isis, was represented by a frog. It’s interesting to note that Exodus 8:3 states that the frogs will “go into your bedroom, and onto your bed.” The frog which represented life and fertility was eventually raked into heaps of stink and death.

    3.) Lice – Lice came up out of the dust of the earth. The Egyptian’s had a god that represented the earth and their god’s name was Seth. The earth that they worshipped was now bringing them misery that couldn’t get away from.

    4.) Beelzebub is the Egyptian god of the air and Ekron is the god of the flies. Again, God is mocking the Egyptians and their gods. He is showing how their gods are nothing and haven’t come to save them. The ‘air’ has brought disease through the insects. These gods were present at all their sacrificial ceremonies. At this point the plagues are only affecting Egypt and not the Hebrews.

    5.) Disease of Livestock. The Egyptians worshipped animals and believed that the livestock possessed the spirits of their gods. The Egyptians broke the Hebrews spiritually and God was breaking the Egyptians spiritually by killing their ‘gods.’

    6.) Boils – This was a direct attack on shamanism which was practiced by the magicians and sorcerer’s in Egypt. Exodus 9:11 says, “The magicians couldn’t even stand in Moses’s presence because of the sores which were on them…” It was thought if you had a skin disease that you were in sin.

    7.) Hail/Fire /Heavy Rains – Egyptians believed their sorcerer’s controlled the weather and natural phenomenon.

    8.) Locusts – Another attack against the agricultural sorcerer’s that practiced in Egypt. God sends the locusts to finish off anything remotely agricultural that was left from the last plague.

    9.) Thick Darkness – If you’ve ever lived in Alaska or visited during the winter time it is dark. It’s black, thick darkness. It’s literally a darkness that you can feel closing in around you. That’s why so many people up here suffer from SAD. Happy lights and tanning beds keep that darkness from penetrating you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You really can feel the darkness here in Alaska during the winter. Anyway, Pharaoh is rebelling against the Light that is God. HE is rejecting the Light that is salvation. God allows him and his people to experience the darkness that is felt when sin separates them from God. Israel lives in the light while the Egyptians live in the dark. What a contrast! This is also an attack on their sun god, Rah.

    10.) Death of the Firstborn – God has placed a special claim on the firstborn of man and beast. At this point God had taken all life from the Egyptians including the firstborn of all the animals, slaves, Pharaoh’s house etc. It is a sad end, one that could’ve been avoided had Pharaoh listened, obeyed and turned from his sin.Pharaoh’s firstborn would never sit on the throne and rule Egypt. However, God’s chosen people and the lineage of God’s firstborn was saved and preserved and would walk out of Egypt soon.

    What a powerful and awesome God we serve! He is a God of depth and that’s one of the many things I love about Him!

  • Along with reading through with Good Morning Girls I am using various sermons that go along with the Eakins in Exodus to enhance my study. (I disclose that because the following insists are not my own.) John MacArthur points out that all of the plagues specifically target one or more established Egyptian gods. He specifically displays His power over that of the gods that the Egyptians worshiped. Our God is a God of intentiallity, the plagues were not random, but each served a purpose. As He showed His own power He was also revealing the weaknesses of their false idols.

  • I have had trouble reading so far in Exodus with understanding why God chooses to harden Pharaoh’s heart. It was confusing with God telling Moses and Aaron to go and explain to Pharaoh, but then it also says that God will then harden Pharaoh’s heart. This troubled me, but today as I finished catching up with Thursday and Friday’s and read on into Monday, it dawned on me (probably God enlightening me) that had Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh those things and it was done right away, there would have been no lesson really. Pharaoh and his people had to see the power of the Lord, and God knew that just one example would not do it because he knows each of our hearts as he knew Pharaoh’s. Any insight by others to how they interpret this? Am I way off base with my understanding of those passages? Just wondering. Thanks…

  • I caught something in my reading this morning that struck me as humorous, and reminded me that God can have a sense of humor, too (we get it from somewhere, right?) In Ch. 9, v 19 after God tells Pharoah he is going to bring down a hailstorm, the likes of which Egypt has never seen, he says
    “Quick! Order your livestock and servants to come in from the fields to find shelter. Any person or animal left outside will die when the hail falls.”
    In a quick reading, this looks like an earnest warning but this morning I saw this as God almost taunting the Eqyptians. Like, “ooh, guys, this is gonna be bad…you’re gonna need to run for cover on this one..” Then followed up with a “watch this! *smirk*”
    Now I know our God is a God of love and mercy and of POWER, but I envision he is getting pretty testy with the Egyptians right about now and although his warning is sincere, he knows many will not heed it anyway.
    Maybe it’s the coffee, but that scene gave me a little chuckle 🙂