Working Diligently Inside and Outside the Home

Welcome back to Day 2 of our in-depth study of the Proverbs 31 woman!

If you are looking for the GMG resources and Bible Reading Plan for the week -> click here.  If you are looking for Day 1 of this series -> click here.

In today’s reading we will see that the Proverbs 31 woman is described as working vigorously.  When the Proverbs 31 woman works, she does not get sucked into the web world, junk mail or the television.. She sets about her work diligently! She doesn’t settle to just do the easy jobs she can do while sitting down – she gets into the nitty gritty jobs with all her might.

Imagine how much harder – physically – tasks were 100 years ago. Women had to scrub their laundry, wring it out and then hang it on a line. They had to pluck the feathers off of chickens, grow gardens, homemake the daily bread, sew their clothes, wash all their dishes by hand, care for barnyard animals and beat their rugs.

I have noticed in the last few years that my arms have grown weaker. One main reason is because I no longer carry my babies on my hip or juggle diaper bags and baby carriers –but the Proverbs 31 woman – she is strong!

Let’s look at today’s reading in Proverbs 31:15-18 together:

15 She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
    and her lamp does not go out at night.

The Proverbs 31 woman knows the value of time and is a diligent woman.

She doesn’t waste time in bed – she is not slothful. She rises so early that it is still dark out and in that darkness she provides food for her family. Rather than pulling something out of the freezer last minute – she starts the morning with her family’s need for food on her mind.

Need help in the area of daily meal planning?  Here’s two great examples of free monthly meal plans that you could replicate –> go here or here.

Then she provides portions for her servant girls.  {This is the part where we feel a little annoyed right? Because we don’t have servant girls!}

Our servant girls are our washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, microwaves, telephones, computers, cars (thank goodness I don’t have to hitch a wagon in the morning) vacuums and grocery stores! These little servants are huge time savers – but they do have to be managed. At times they break – in the last year we’ve had to replace both our refrigerator and our dryer. When these items broke – it was a huge inconvenience!  I learned how valuable both are to my daily life during that time.

Next the Proverbs 31 woman has a dream – she dreams of planting a vineyard – so she works vigorously and diligently to complete this task.

Do you have a dream?

Let’s look at the Proverbs 31 Woman’s method of pursuing her dream outside the home.

1. She considers a field.

The Proverbs 31 woman thinks carefully about her plan.  If you have a dream, take time to pray and think through your plan.  Consider if this is best for your family in this season of life.  Talk to your husband and let him lead you in the decision making process.

2.  She buys a field.

The Proverbs 31 woman had the money to purchase the field.   In order to purchase or buy whatever it is you need to work towards your dream, you must first save the money before you can invest it.  Patiently save the money you need to make this happen.

3.  She plants a vineyard.

The Proverbs 31 woman put muscle to her dream.  She worked diligently to plant her vineyard.  In the same way we are going to have to diligently work day in and day out to see fruit from our labor.

I followed these steps when starting this blog. 😉

So let’s summarize what we see in today’s passage regarding the Proverbs 31 woman.

She gets up early (v 15), she is visionary and an entrepreneur (v 16), she doesn’t just work but she works – vigorously (v 17), her work is profitable and even at night she was on-call ready to do any work that was needed (v 18).

Anyone else feeling tired reading that list? Lol!

Oh don’t be discouraged. Remember, the Proverbs 31 woman did not do all of these things in a day but rather over a lifetime AND remember grace.  Our Lord Jesus is not a heavy task master with a list of do’s and don’ts – his burden is light.

We serve a God of grace who guides us in His ways where we will find the most freedom and joy in this season of life.  Pray and ask God to give you the strength you need for today.  He is with you and will help you AND remember seasons of life change. Some are more difficult than others. If you are in a hard, dark season remember God has given you the comforter, the Holy Spirit. Cry out to Him – He is listening and loves you.  Give yourself grace and pray for wisdom as to when to work and when to rest and always remember that you are already enough in God’s eyes simply because of the blood of Jesus that covers our sins.

Now, back to the Proverbs 31 woman!  Join me for this video where I discuss how we can learn the diligence of the Proverbs 31 Woman inside and outside our homes.

**just one addition to the video above regarding my thoughts on her lamp not going out at night – it could mean that she was prepared with enough oil to keep a “night light” on all night in case someone woke and needed her help.  Also, in the morning she would already have a fire lit to start her other fires for cooking.

Here’s Today’s Proverbs 31 Challenge:

Let’s rise and organize our day BEFORE it starts! I know it’s hard. It’s hard for me too.  It’s one reason I love the accountability of my Good Morning Girls!  I need accountability in this area.

Pray this week for strength, diligence and the discipline to rise early! Also pray about your finances and ask God for wisdom to help you make wise choices concerning how you spend the money He has given you.

Walk with the King,


**Chime In**

**For a more in-depth look at today’s passage I encourage you to read pages 12-19 in my {free} Proverbs 31 eBook. 

Tomorrow I’ll be back here on the blog and we will be looking at verses 19-22 in Proverbs 31 together.  I hope you will come back and join us again!

56 Responses

    • I do too! Great analogy!
      Now when one of those convenient “servants” breaks down, perhaps I’ll be a little more compassionalte about repairing and nursing it back to health instead of simply discarding it!

      • My dryer just died this weekend and trust me, I have learned how much I rely on this particular “servant”. I am working now to have it repaired, I’m realizing how essential it is and how I do need to appreciate these types of “servant” more. I really never thought of them this way, just took them for granted, until this study. Loving it!

  • Thank you for the reminder. I know it may not seem like much to some – 4 little verses – but the way you shared your feelings through your writing and the video really helped me to see some areas that I could fine tune in my life. I work 40-50 hours a week outside of the home, and for that matter, what I consider very hard in the home as well. We rarely watch tv because there just isn’t time. However, I see that there are things that I’ve put less effort into that I know I am capable of doing better, with more impact behind my actions. I am going to be more diligent and purposeful with these things. Although they are small, they will make a big difference. Thank you for your words and diligence for all of us out here following along! Blessings to you, your family and all of the amazing ladies assisting in this study.

  • I’ve been reading your blog for a while. I always enjoy your posts and I am love reading through the Bible with you.
    I work outside the home and I often struggle with finding a balance. (I strive to be like the Proverbs 31 woman, but how does it happen when I have a full time job?)
    My husband and I have two children and he also works outside the home.

    • I too work outside the home and feel very discouraged by all of this. I work 40 hrs, but have to be AT work for over 45, then commute time… I work very hard to keep the house standing and keep the children alive. Sometimes I do grab something out of the freezer and throw it into the oven or microwave to just get food in our bellies. 🙁 And the few minutes I have to myself I do tend to take a nap from pure exhaustion. How do I be a Proverbs 31 woman and still keep everything moving??

      • Dear Mandi (and Tricia) – sounds like you are a Proverbs 31 Woman.

        While we are studying the work of this woman (because that is what is in the passage today) we must also remember that we see her relationships that stand out – she fears God (v. 30) and is there to support her husband and children. She does it all for them!

        Mandi – you may feel weary and exhausted many days – but you do it all for your family! You are here because you love the Lord and want to know His word. It’s your love for God and them that keeps you going – making sure they have all their needs met.

        Life is exhausting for most of us and sometimes we think that means we are doing it wrong…but actually…I think it could mean we are doing it right! We are spending ourselves on others, laying our lives down, living selflessly all for the glory of God. Running a home and raising a family and helping our husbands is hard work – but it’s a worthy noble work!

        A wife of noble character who can find? She is rare! You are rare Mandi – do not be discouraged. I don’t know the circumstances of the season of life you are in but some seasons are harder than others. Are your children hugged, kissed, fed, clean, and taught all about Jesus – then you are a good mom. God uses different seasons of life as sanctifiers – to make us more like Him. He wants to keep us on our knees dependent on Him.

        Keep drawing close to the Lord in the Word. If there is something in your life that needs to change – He will reveal that to you and provide a way. Until then, keep pressing on. The life of a believer is one of dependence on the Lord and pulling all joy and contentment from Him. He loves you so!

        Keep walking with the King,

      • Praying with you, Mandi. I agree with everything Courtney said in her reply. The fact that you do everything you do for your family (as opposed to being a couch potato watching Jerry Springer and eating junk food all day) shows the character of a Proverbs 31 woman. None of us will attain perfect status until we get to Heaven but we can do our best while we’re here. God knows our heart and in his strength helps us when we are weak or feel we can’t accomplish his work. Be encouraged that he is with you always. Lord bless!

  • I work part time out side of the home and I know I can push myself a little harder in our home for my family. And to do these with a glad heart and not complaining. Also, praying for my finances is something I don’t do enough of. Thank you for this great in depth study of Proverbs 31.

  • I’ve been getting up at 5am for months now to enjoy an hour of quiet alone doing my Bible studies, including yours. That hour in the morning fills me up and helps me to be a happier mom, wife and coworker. That time makes me want to be more like the Proverbs 31 woman. Thank you for this Bible study, it means a lot to me!

  • So thorough! My favorite insight: “she did this over a lifetime – not in a day.” Thanks for your diligence in sharing these insights and may you also be blessed in your ministry.

  • THANK YOU, Courtney! Once again, you have encouraged me while getting me in line. 🙂 I loved your comment about our “household servants” being our new, modern conveniences. I call my new washer/dryer R2D2 because of all of its lights and funny sounds. And I DO appreciate having them. I am a teacher and ALL of my department colleagues have a cleaning lady and I have been jealous in the past, I have said not so nice things to my husband about it… all the while knowing that I would not like some other person doing my work! I would feel that was an intrusion. I am renewed and encouraged today! The practicality of God’s word is so evident here. Thank you for all of your work to help and encourage through your blog!

  • I love this! I have a true desire and love for getting up early to spend time with the Lord and get my appliances going…. but today I am sleeping in… because sometimes that is important too. The bible says that out of our hearts the mouth speaks and I want to tell you my mouth and heart are not in good shape with out rest. I only write this to encourage the women who feel like this is a list of how they can never live up to this perfect proverbs 31 woman. It isn’t laziness to give your body rest. It is lazy to keep resting beyond what is needed and to neglect your work. She works with willing hands. She works hard, but I am willing to bet she also understood the principal of rest that God established in the first chapter of the bible.
    Don’t be discouraged, if you are doing all you can then you are on the right track to becoming that wife of noble character. Spending ourselves on our husband and children is the highest calling we can experience, we have to lay down our lives daily to serve them and that is honorable.

  • I must’ve missed day one but a friend posted this and I was so blessed by it. I has multiple revelations while reading this today. The coolest part to me was that as I was reading it I was relating it to my new blog adventures and then you stated the exact same about starting your blog. I look up to you in several areas and admire you greatly. I have big dreams but doubt myself often. But I know that if this is an avenue God wants me working in then He will help me learn and gain the knowledge needed, I just have to put in the effort and be diligent! Thank you so much for what you do. I love this study and will continue with it! Thank you. Blessings!

  • I am really enjoying this study. Today has been an encouragement to me as I try to “plant my vineyard” and juggle my all my other duties. Thank you!

  • This is another place in Gods word where being physically fit is definitely a necessity in order to be and do all we are called to as women. Maintaining a healthy and fit body results also in a healthy and fit mind. To be wise with money we must be mentally alert, same as doing the heavy housework or the work that causes us to get down on the floor or up on a ladder, etc… It is so important to keep up our fitness Spiritually, physically, mentally and Emotionally, we will need it!

  • For those of you with young children at home and feeling overwhelmed. . . Courtney is so right. We go through very difficult seasons but they don’t last forever. At one time I had three boys- three years old and under. I also taught school full time. Right now, the youngest is 21 and I have my summer off. I’m in a quiet season where it is easy to get lazy! This lesson is inspiring me to get some deep cleaning done and even explore cooking more since it isn’t a strength of mine! I can also help others who are in a busier season of life! Thanks for this lesson in Proverbs. Courtney, you really have a gift of interpretation!

  • I have so far to go in this. I’ve read Proverbs 31 over and over again in the few years since I have gotten married. I have struggled with comparing myself to this ideal Godly woman & never living up to those standards I have beaten myself up. The world is so different than it was when this woman was described but I think we can still find her in our selves. I don’t have children yet so my life isn’t as hectic as others but I pray that as I learn to become a more Godly woman that will transfer into motherhood when God finally blesses me with children. This blog has been a blessing.

  • Thank you for this study, this is exactly what I needed in this season of my life. I work full time as an IT professional and work many long hours. My husband and I have no children which was something we prayed about before making this decision, and we came to understand that God was leading us in another direction. I also had medical issues that would have made having children quite challenging. I have been called however to work with at risk children via a volunteer organization that allows me to work with one child at a time, trying to restore them to their family if possible and be a voice in court for them. This requires a commitment to devote a number of hours per work, and to deal with heartbreaking issues that no child should have to face. I have been struggling with trying to balance my work outside the home, volunteer work and running my household. I find that I don’t always juggle my many responsibilities well and feel like I am drowning and can’t keep up. I feel as if I have not been grateful for all I’ve been blessed with and need to look at my priorities and make sure they are in order, and remember that I can’t do everything perfectly. The Proverbs 31 woman didn’t do all things in one day, and neither can I. But I can appreciate the blessing I have, and try to work joyfully and vigorously in all I do, with a grateful heart. It’s a challenge, but I can do all things through God who strengthens me. I often forget that I am not walking alone and try to do everything in my own power, this study is helping to remind me I have not relied on my God the way that is necessary to juggle everything in my life. I’m often amazed and humbled how He provides answers via circumstances that seem random. I stumbled upon this study via Facebook, and now He is using this to lead me to His word and tackle the very issues I have been struggling with. Don’t we have an amazing God!! Bless you Courtney in all you do, your dream and hard work to accomplish it are truly being used by God to make a difference in the lives of many women.

    • Welcome Rachel!

      Nope – it’s not too late. There are no sign-ups or enrollments here. All are welcome to join anytime.

      I am posting everyday this week on the Proverbs 31 Woman – then next Monday we begin the book of Song of Solomon where we will read one chapter a day in scripture and discuss it. All the resources for that study will be posted this Monday- hope you will join us!

      Much Love,

  • Oh I am embarrassed. I am so not this woman. I do get up early, but I end up back in bed. I get caught up on my computer, or in some way or another find myself just being lazy! Its just my husband and I and our husky dog. I cant work right now as I am immigrating to Canada and do not have a work permit yet. I care for my husband, he is disabled. My family lives almost 4000 miles away so I have no family to keep me occupied. I have been subjected to isolation, depression, frustration… my sister in the Lord says this is my desert ! Boy, I was getting quite parched eh, until this particular study came up! I have been so way above and beyond blessed by looking at this book of Proverbs in depth. I feel the life coming back into me, I feel the fire beginning to burn again. Thank you so much for bringing the book to life! I am going pray this into my day, everyday so I can honor my God .

    • LisaMarie

      Oh I am so blessed to read how God is at work in your life. I’m so thankful you are beginning to exit the desert and move into a time of refreshment from the living well – the living waters of God.

      Keep walking with the King!

  • S–17 She girds herself with strength, And strengthens her arms.

    O–I love this verse because it describes the woman taking care of herself first so that she can then take care of her family. As caregivers, we don’t always look out for our own needs and give too much of ourselves. This is a reminder that we need to be strong on our own in order to accomplish Gods task for us.

    A–I am always trying to get in better shape by training and dieting. Often with very little success! Lately I have been more diligent and really striving to make my regimen about being more healthy and fit. I don’t always care for my body as I should and I really appreciate this verse and its instruction for me. Now as I work out or do boot camp, I can visualize myself girding myself with strength like the virtuous woman. What about you? Do you take care of your needs or just give all to the family.? Do you see your own value? We are prayer warriors and strong of mind AND body! #justdoit!

    K- this morning I pray for Paula Spicer Bianca Smith Tonya Johnson Jones Shiela Turner Kelly Hallman Kelly Brennan Khan and Lori McDonough Wilson. Strengthen us all dear Lord as we battle to do your will!

  • I’m in my early 50’s. My kids are in their early 20’s. They still live at home right now, but have their own life and things they do. How does the Proverbs 31 woman apply to a Mom whose kids are raised and she is “just a homemaker” at this point??
    This seems to be a lonely time in a way right now. My husband works and needs our only car for work, so I’m here during the day and am kind of at a loss about this new season of life. I finished homeschooling my youngest 2 yrs ago. Since then we had to move to another state for my husband’s job. These last 2 yrs have been an adjustment with my homeschooling yrs ending and then moving to a different state. I feel at an odd point in life.
    Anyone else experiencing something similar? Any advice for this new season?

    • Dear Becky,

      Two things come to mind, first my own mother. After all the kids moved out of the house she was in the same place you are today. She has poured herself into serving others by leading women’s Bible studies in our church, supporting the ministries my father does, taking care of her mother (who has now passed), attending grandchildren’s events, taking the grandkids on overnight trips (giving me a break and blessing my kids with experiences I can’t give them), making holidays special for the family and more. It is such a blessing to have a godly grandmother in our lives. So my first thought – is keep on being a blessing to your husband, family and church body. Look for ways to help and serve there. You are needed!!!

      Secondly, perhaps you have a dream? The Proverbs 31 woman bought a vineyard, sold sashes, and did trading. Perhaps there is something you love to do that you could do part-time that blesses you by getting to do a passion of yours while bringing in money you could donate or use to bless others in your life.

      I encourage you to really pray and ask God where he’d have you spend your time – or who you should spend some of your time on. God is not finished with you yet and when we lay our lives down surrendered to Him – he does great things.

      Maybe it’s doing a meal ministry, or ministering to a neighbor -I don’t know what it is for you – but God promises to answer us when we pray. Take it to the Lord in prayer! Oh and if you can’t find anything – perhaps lead a Good Morning Girls group this fall here on-line – we need leaders who are dedicated to their groups! Information for the fall groups will be coming at the end of August – so watch for it! 😉

      Much Love,

    • Yes I’m just entering this season of life. But I am a single mom kids are grown up and moving on. I feel lost at times and trying to figure out who I am now.

  • I yearn to wake up early mornings and pray…but I get my best deep sleep only after 4 am till 8 am. I’ve tried sleeping early, I still sleep light most of the night and if I have to wake up early I am groggy and messed up for the day. I enjoy studying the Proverbs 31 with you as it fills me up with new energy to be a better wife and a Mom.

  • Good reminder that my evening time belongs to the Lord as well and I should always look for how God might want to use me.

  • I just quit my job to stay at home with our young son and serve my family in my home. I know this is what Gods plan is for this time in my life. This is helpful guidance to give me a firm purpose and mission at home and to not waste my time! I need God to show me if there is something I can do that would make a profit. My days are easily filled with the tasks of home and family and I haven’t found a way to make money yet. It seems since this is my only “job” now that my house would be perfect but it never is! It was helpful to hear that our longing for a perfect house is normal and I shouldn’t feel guilty if my house isn’t perfect. Still learning how to do this so thank you!!

  • I am currently going back to school to get my nursing degree while juggling husband, children, a full time job, and a home. This day of the bible study has yet again been a great source for encouragement. Thank you!

  • Wow, thank you for a great video. Somehow I almost missed the e-mail, so glad I went back through them. Those verses and the way you explained them further in detail really has me thinking. I am definitely not the Proverbs 31 woman. I get so tired, I can’t imagine getting up early and going to bed late. I feel like I do work around the house with all I have to give and yet I am a major “keep it” person so there are tons of piles everywhere. This week I am really digging in trying to get rid of a lot of “stuff”. I am so dependent on those “modern” conveniences that were not available in the Bible times. Your video really challenged me. I enjoyed it so much! Thank you.

  • Courtney, love this post and loving this series! It is funny you bring this up, about dreams. Several years ago when I felt God leading me to write and to begin Woman to Woman Ministries, *my* dream was small. Confined to *my* thoughts and abilities. I was asked to speak at a teen girls retreat last year and was CRAZY nervous. But I did it and I survived! Afterwards, I felt God saying, “See. Let Me dream for you.” Then I heard the song by Casting Crowns, Dream For You, and made that my life song. I want God to dream BIG for me. I pray every day that His dream for my life, my family and my ministry would be all that He has planned.

    Jenifer <3

  • Courtney, I was inspired by your post/video. I especially appreciated that you compared and contrasted the Proverbs 31 women of yesteryears, and gave us a view of what that might look like today!

  • I love these verses and your video was great – you provide so much encouragement for us women to be all that God wants us to be. Thank you Courtney!

  • As I was watching Courtney’s video, it “just hit me” how a specific verse can be interpreted. The verse where the Proverbs 31 woman considers a field, buys it, then plants her vineyard sounds to me that she is considering a potential husband (the field), marries him (buys the field), then begins her family (the vineyard).

    Like many of you, I have read Proverbs many, many times. Until this morning, this thought never occurred to me! Does anyone know of any direct mention of the Proverbs 31 woman having children?

    This Bible study has been very refreshing! Thanks, Courtney!


  • I love, love this!! Its my second go around. I downloaded the book before and marked up my Bible with notes, so this time, I have to use a notebook because I have no room on the Proverbs 31 page in my Bible or on the Ecclesiastes opening page! haha!! =)

    This time around, its a little harder. I’m refreshing my memory and heart in hopes God gives me a second chance to be this wife. I am separated and almost divorced, but not by my choice. I’m standing and waiting. I’m trying not to have a hard heart while reading this as I long to be a wife again. Not with another man. With the man God gave me. So, this is good to help me see where I’m slacking and I’m using these last couple weeks before I head back to work (I’m in education)to declutter and make better choices in my homemaking.

    I know a woman like this and I hope I see her again soon, so I can tell her and ask her for tips. She’s in her 70’s I think and that woman gets done what needs to be done. I can’t even begin to list all I’ve seen this woman do in the short 5 months I’ve known her. Amazing to see this in action!!!
    Anyways…thanks for the study!! I never tire studying this book. I find a new nugget each time!!

    • What a blessing that will be to the woman who you see this way. I’m sure she feels like she could do better. .. we all do, it is nice to hear when we have been noticed.
      I will join you in praying for the restoration of your marriage! God can do all things! I hope you get the second chance!

  • I just joined this website and this bible study. I have to say this study is meshing with my life perfectly right now. I am a soon to be first time mother and wife. Lately, my fiancé and I have been in a rough patch due to all the pressure of having our son arriving soon. I guess I can say that this is a rough season until the baby arrives and I begin a new season. I am new to having a household and family to care for. Having this bible study and seeing the powerful woman that Proverbs 31 describes is encouraging because I see Proverbs 31 as a positive guide instead of something that is intimidating. It’s refreshing to know that I can be the woman God wants me to be by asking for guidance and praying faithfully. This study has already humbled me so much and it’s only Day 3 of the study. Thank you so much Courtney for starting this website and doing the Proverbs 31 woman bible study. It is exactly what I need to start my new life as a wife and mother.

  • I really enjoyed reading your blog. It just connected with me and everything I have been going through. God is so amazing. I was so lost in who I was as a woman and how i was expected to play all the roles in my life. That i didn’t remember how to dream. Reading this today. Has reawakened that woman inside. The woman of virtue and grit. Thank so much. I pray God contuines to bless you as use you for His glory.

  • Thank you for explaining that our servant girls our the (helpers) we have each day to take care of our homes. I have been trying to see them as blessings from God to make our days a little more easier. I love how you talked about the Proverbs 31 woman could be working on projects (for us etsy, blogs) it has turned the light on for me. I have been working for year or two trying to start an etsy shop, but things kept coming up. Now I see my season at those times were not to open a shop, but to take care of my family. That if I plan, save and work when I can the time will be right to open shop. I am not lazy like I thought in that area because I do put my house and family first (God first thing in the morning). Bless you and your family you are helping so many other women to be better in their homes!

  • Courtney–

    I really think I just need to work smarter. As I shared with yesterday’s posting, I really just have a terrible attitude about housework. I work full-time outside our home, and I do that work as much as possible, as for the Lord. I am very grateful for everything He has given. I set aside about 5 minutes when I first wake up to greet the Lord, share my concerns and ask for His hand to guide me through my day. I do create a couple of opportunities during my work day to go to a quiet place and listen for His voice. I make opportunities (like this study) to read the Word.

    I already get up at 5 am in the morning, and get to bed by 10 pm (most days). I don’t think I can get up much earlier. I really just need to find a way to WANT to do the things like decluttering, so I can clean and organize better. I know these things don’t happen overnight–we are paying down our debt, and I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel for that. It just seems so daunting, and I am so embarrassed that it is so bad. I have tried a lot of things, but I don’t seem to stick to anything. My flesh is indeed weak here.

    Thank you for this study–it hits me where I live, and hits me HARD.

    I am willing to do the things that are easy for people to see–I teach Sunday School, I sing on worship team, I interpret for the Deaf in church when needed. I just seem to have more difficulty with the motivation to stick with the things that most people don’t see.

    Your work is being used of God to speak to me. I need to find a way to let Him lead me in this. Thank the Lord I have an entire lifetime–I will certainly need it! 🙂

    Carissa in eastern Iowa

    • Thank you for sharing Carissa – I appreciate your transparency as we wrestle through this passage of scripture together! You are a hard working woman – your family is blessed. Keep going!

      Lots of Love,

    • Hey Clarissa…

      My eyes are hooked on your comment saying ‘…sing on worship team, interpret for the Deaf in church when needed…’ because I am Deaf and love doing worship with Jesus. Worth something to drop a comment here to say hi! Hope to hear from you… ???

      (God Loves U Eternally)

  • Might the getting up late at night and early in the morning with an infant be considered part of the “rise early, stay late-always on call” Proverbs 31 woman’s work? Childcare and seeing to the affairs of a home are two different things entirely… There’s an added degree of difficulty when you’re trying both! ? I guess it could be interpreted both ways? So long as we are willing to do what needs to be done, no matter what time…

  • courtney, thank you for listening to Gods call and then doing what he has required you to do and you just don’t do it, YOU DO IT WELL!!
    I need my GMG girls to pray for me!!! Call my name out LOUDLY! As you can see I’m posting this comment and we read this verse two days ago! Have you ever felt just lost? Like, you keep trying to begin again and it just isn’t working out. That’s me! I try so hard to be the best wife and mother(I’m a stay at home mom, I do work part time at the coach outlet … We can talk about getting a discount later ?), majority of my time is with my children. Just like Courtney said in her video if she doesn’t do it that day it piles up!! I’m tired of the pile up and traffic jams that interferior with my day to day!! I was doing really good with getting up early and having my quiet time, then one day I slept in and it was down hill from there! I was doing really good with cutting the TV off and sitting and reading instead, but one day the TV came on and I fell into my couch potato mode again!! Daily, I’m asking God to give me the desire to seek him more and to get up off my lazy behind and move!! The last few weeks have been ver difficult for me leading up to this week in particular. I’ve gone 367 days without my mom, she passed away last July!!!
    This is why I need your prayers ladies!! Anxiety kicks in at night, so I’m up till early mornings and then sleeping a lot during the day off and on!! I need sleep! My kids need all four of my eyes on them at a time( I wear glasses )! On Those days I do go to work and I’m all tired, I don’t get much done ! So now I’m guilty that dinner is half done, house is half cleaned, I feel out of Wack! I really wish I could step into a time machine go back to before I was married with all the info I have on being a P31 wife!!! I’m not trying to be oh look at me, I got this down pact, oh no! I just want to get something’s right!! I just feel like, I can’t get it right and I have three people in my life that are going to suffer if I can’t get this right!! So, I ask once again, please pray for me!!! I want to be better! I NEED to be BETTER!!! Lord, HELP ME DO BETTER!!! HELP ME TO SEEK YOU FIRST IN ORDER TO GET BETTER!!!

  • As we work to improve our skills and avoid the temptation to be lazy, we give our future spouses the sweet confidence that we are both willing and able to provide for their future. Whether your work is inside or outside the home, learn to work diligently.

  • I want to thank you for your video blog where you encouraged us not to give up working around the house late when we aren’t finished, even if we are tired. I spent all day homeschooling and taking the kids to their music lessons. I did little tasks, but my focus was school. My back hurt, and I was so tired, but I wanted to stick to my house management schedule, and completed my tasks, and planned the following school day. I didn’t sit down till 9 p.m. (and was up at 5:45 am) but I’m so happy I did this. Thank you for your Proverbs 31 study – – it has been a little cheerleading squad in my head as I scrub toilets and make yet another snack for the kids! 🙂

  • Courtney… You have been the answer to my prayer. I came across with you talking about the virtuous woman… That was exactly what I need it! I am so grateful for your time to seek and share so much light to so many people.

    I am disciple of Jesus Christ, I love Him, I know He lives! He is the source of all peace and joy. Together with Heavenly Father, He is the Author of eternal life.
    I strive to be more like Him, tonight you helped me with this goal.
    I love the way you talked about Him, thank you for sharing your testemony and knowledge of God.
    Keep doing what you are doing, you are a blessing to your family and many other lives even a blessing to generations. Each woman that you help, each one guides generations… Please keep up the good work.
    Kindly, Jani

  • In the Old Testament, a home would leave their oil lamp burning all night as a sign of hospitality…if someone was traveling at night and they saw your lamp lit, they could knock on your door to stay the night. It also was a sign of wealth/provision due being wise financially. ??. ?. Enjoying your study.!!