Ice Cream Cone Christmas Trees

For a few years in a row, I have purchased all the items for my kids and their friends to make these and they love it.  Here’s how it works!

Ingredients: Sugar cones, vanilla frosting, sprinkles and candy.

Have the kids ice their cones at their seat.

Then go through the candy buffet.


Walk with the King,


Categories: Christmas, Dessert, Recipes

10 Responses

  • My son is only 6 months, but I look forward to starting fun traditions when he’s older. For now I won’t rush his babyhood though as it is going ENTIRELY too fast! (And he will most likely be the only child we’re able to have). But I hope to do all sorts of fun Christmas things when he’s big. ?

  • I can’t call it a tradition yet, but this year my seven year old and I are doing your Advent study for Kids – and I have to tell you what a blessing it has been to us both, Courtney! The quetsions he’s asking about the Scriptures we read, the insights he has, and the way he’s learning the memory verses faster than me has just astounded me, because I actually thought he was too young for this type of study!
    He’s already told me that he wants to keep doing Bible Studies with me after Advent (rather than me just reading him Bible stories as we’ve done up til now).
    THANK YOU!!! And God bless you in and for your ministry to so many of us.

  • We are also doing the GMG Advent Study for kids!! It has been really good! Thanks for making it available to us and in such a easy form. I need easy, otherwise it doesn’t happen. 🙂 Thanks Courtney!!

    • Trudie –

      I’m so excited to hear you are doing the Advent Study for Kids! That’s great! Keep going! Your kids are blessed!

      Lots of Love,

  • Yes!! We have done gingerbread houses using graham crackers and decorating them using all sorts of candies. Also we add Christmas trees much like yours. It is a fun project for the kids. I’m sure your kids and their friends look forward to this each year.