God is in the Midst of our Storms

This week a beautiful covering of snow fell on our home and for a moment all was still and peaceful.  The glistening snow caused schools to be closed and the sleds came out and hot cocoa and marshmallows filled our mugs.

Our view out the back window.

But not all storms are as peaceful as this week’s.  Sometimes the lightening strikes and the thunder trembles.  The wind blows hard and trees snap, windows break and homes, cars and businesses are destroyed.

Where is God in the midst of the storm?

Job tells us in Job 37:9-13, God is in the storm:

From its chamber comes the whirlwind,
    and cold from the scattering winds.
10 By the breath of God ice is given,
    and the broad waters are frozen fast.
11 He loads the thick cloud with moisture;
    the clouds scatter his lightning.
12 They turn around and around by his guidance,
    to accomplish all that he commands them
    on the face of the habitable world.
13 Whether for correction or for his land
    or for love, he causes it to happen.

We do not always understand the cause of the storms but they come into everyone’s lives. No one is immune from them and when they hit they are unexpected, they are scary and they point to a God greater than ourselves.

Our God is with us in the midst of our storms.

The timing of our study in the Book of Job could not have been more perfect for me.  I planned for us to be in the book of Job LONG before I had any idea of the trials this new year would bring me. This is the book of the Bible I need right now! This alone shows me how intimately involved our Lord is in our lives.  His tender care – to lead me through Job – reminds me of Psalm 23.

If you are in the midst of a storm today – reflect on Psalm 23 with me.

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
    He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord

Are you in a storm?

Perhaps it’s a health issue, financial issue, death of a loved one, a job loss, a difficult boss, an unsupportive family member, friend or church or a wayward child or wayward spouse.

Perhaps you are exhausted with unanswered prayers and you are scared, lonely, heartbroken, or depressed.  What ever you are facing today…

Remember this:

The Lord is our good shepherd and He never leaves our side.

He walks with us through the valleys.  He restores our soul when we are weary.   He leads us to the path of righteousness when we have lost our way.  He gives us courage when we are scared and he comforts us when we are hurting.

Our God is the God of the storm.

He is mighty and powerful and the enemy trembles at His name.

There is no one like our God.

    God is clothed with awesome majesty.
23 The Almighty—we cannot find him;
    he is great in power;
    justice and abundant righteousness he will not violate.
24 Therefore men fear him;
    he does not regard any who are wise in their own conceit.”

~Job 37:22-24

Verse 24 says – “he does not regard any who are wise in their own conceit.”

May we not be conceited – but rather allow our storms to bring us humbly to the throne of Jesus to seek guidance and help in our days of trouble.

Our God is mighty – He can be trusted!  

He sees and knows all the details of your private storms.  He will take care of you. He loves you so.

Walk with the King,


**Chime In**

What storm are you in today?  How has God taken care of you in the midst of your storm?

For Further Reading
The GMG Leadership Team is Blogging Through the Bible Too! You can visit their blogs here:

Becoming a Godly Wife – Bridget
Misty Leask – Misty
Rosilind Jukic – Rosilind
Worshipful Living – Mandy

What’s Next After Job?

We will begin the Book of Mark on March 7th – it’s perfect to prepare our hearts for Easter!   Invite your friends and join us!

Order your journal NOW
to get it in time for the start of our study!

Available on Amazon



Good Morning Girls – The Book of Mark Journal
(for ages 10-110)

Good Morning Guys – The Book of Acts Journal
(for your sons)
affiliate links

27 Responses

  • The timing of this could not be better. 29 days ago my 67 year old mother was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, and she has been in the hospital since, had 2 chemo treatments & is facing a bone marrow transplant. She’s lost her hair, and her sense of taste. She’s Bern pretty positive and trusting the Lord, but has really been down the last couple days. I’m going to read this to her as a reminder

    • Darlene,

      I’m so very sorry for what your mother-in-law is facing. How scary and heart breaking. She is so blessed to have a daughter-in-law who loves her so much. Saying a prayer for you both now.

      Lots of Love,

    • Darlene,

      I’m new to this blog and just read about your mother in law. I will also pray and maybe my comment here will be an answer to your prayers.

      There is a man by the name of George Malkmus, a pastor who had colon cancer. When at age 42, he himself was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, Pastor George was devastated. He had seen the results of conventional medicine, and after 20 years as a pastor, had sat at the bedside of hundreds of sick people and offered up personal and collective prayers for divine intervention. These poor people were told “It must be God’s will.” No matter how devout and dedicated, they rarely responded to medical treatment. Pastor George’s conclusion, after years of research and experience: “WE DO NOT HAVE TO BE SICK!!! Disease and sickness are self inflicted. His cancer included. God didn’t have anything to do with it. Almost every physical problem, other than accidents, is caused by improper diet and lifestyle. All we have to do to be well is eat and live according to the way God intended!” Pastor George says the reason he’s cured of his colon cancer and still thriving 23 years later is because he refused conventional “health care” and learned “God’s Way to Ultimate Health,” the title of his book and basis for “The Hallelujah Diet.” TV audiences around the world took him to heart. More than a thousand orders a day request his books, audios, videos, and health-promoting products.

      I would strongly encourage you and everyone who has or knows someone with cancer or any disease to google the hallelujah diet or google “you don’t have to be sick.”

  • This really touched my heart. I weathered a big storm this past year as I went through a divorce. But I felt God by my side the entire time. Now another storm erupted. A good friend of mine hurt me and let me down in a very big way. I know God is still with me, but boy, does it ever hurt.

    • Jodi,

      Thank you for sharing this and for sharing how you have felt God by your side. My heart breaks for the betrayal you have suffered. I’m so very sorry.

      Lots of Love,

  • My storm is small compared to others but I hold on the the Word of Hpd that he’s withe no matter how big or small the storm may seem. I’m struggling with my husband. For a few years now I’ve been wanting date night to be a priority to him. But I’m pushed aside for other things that have become first priority in his life. Feeling alone and not validated as a Christian for years I’m struggling.

    • Oh JP my heart hurts with you for the pain you feel being pushed aside. God loves you so very much and He does not want this for you. Keep drawing close to the Lord and fill your emotional cup with the love of Jesus. He sees you and you matter to Him and He will take care of you. Stay strong in the Lord.

      Lots of Love,

  • I needed this reminder today. I discovered this website less than a week ago and it has already been such a blessing that I am excited to share it by starting an accountability group for my close friends and family. Please pray for me so that I will find a way to make time for prayer and God’s word not only for myself but also to share with others. Thank you for this post; my greatest desire is to walk with the King.

    • S. Winsett,

      This is so fun to hear! Way to go starting a group!!! I am praying for you and your group now!!!

      May God bless the reading of His Word and your time discussing it.
      Lots of Love,

  • What timing God has…..His wisdom is encompasing! To look back 6 months, I lost a job; we sold our house before it went on the market and no place to move to…. (God provided)…and no idea of the storms ahead… but knowing God would never leave my side even though my Christian husband would try numerous times to leave our relationship through separation. Each time through prayer and faithfulness, God has reigned him in, saying this is not my plan for you. It’s happened over and over each month….this week my job (contract) ended earlier than expected placing more financial burden on us. Last night someone pulled out in front of my husband and his truck is totaled…. (you see, God knows our hearts better than we do… and I know my husbands financial success depended on him separating and not feeling so guilty for his decision). God has been my Rock on which I stand. His Word is true, His promises He is faithful to… He hears and answers my prayers as I am faithful to Him. It’s storms I never thought I would walk through (and the storms aren’t over)… but I have One who walks beside me, who never leaves me, who has my best interest on His mind… who requires that I am kind and honoring to my husband in spite of his lack of love for me; who tells me to leave the judging to God, and to know that God is a God of forgiveness and restoration! Thank you for your writings today. So Encouraging within the storm!

  • My storm is not as severe as those listed for sure but yet I get discouraged. I feel like I am the only one that has health issues that no one understands. I suffer severe IBS and I never know if I will feel well the rest of a day let alone days ahead. People get so upset when I can’t follow through with things but at times I am stuck. Then we have one child who is 27 years old and refuses to get a job or go to college and my husband fully supports him and pays all his bills and rent. We have differing opinions on this too which causes a lot of stress in our home. I have enjoyed the book of Job so much. Looking forward to Mark.

    • P.S. We have two other children who are working so hard for everything and supporting themselves which is hard for me to watch.

  • What a great word. The book of Job was so comforting to me 4 years ago when my husband died unexpectedly. My pastor had just started preaching through it and every week, it felt like he was speaking right to me. The Word is so relevant and always a balm for hurting hearts. Always a reminder too that God is faithful.

  • It has been 1 yr since my husband admitted to being unfaithful. It has been the storm of a lifetime for us, but as I type this he is sleeping soundly by my side. On My darkest days I was held by the hand of God alone & the hours/days on my knees will always remain a precious time in my life as my God never left or forsake me, even when my husband tried to. Marriage is hard but God’s plan for marriage is greater. I KNOW now without a shadow of a doubt that regardless of my worldly circumstance I can Always trust my God to be faithful to me. Thank you Lord God for being my God in the joys and storms of life. please Father continue to restore and redeem our family for your glory!!

  • My father passed away a week ago. He was the most grounded, generous, honest person I’ll ever know. My husband is not supportive of me- in fact, he’s quite the opposite. He was close to my father and I know he is suffering also, but he is making life much harder for me. His drinking has been excessive and he has not been a good role model for our young children. I’m feeling very much like a single parent. In losing my dad I feel like I lost the only person to truly love me unconditionally. I’m going through a very rough patch and the person who should support me the most is making things much harder. I have pleaded with God through prayer to help my husband have a change of heart. I also recently read a post about about praying FOR your husband, rather than ABOUT him. There is no need to tattle on him- God knows his faults better than anyone. But I am so full of anger and so hurt it makes it hard not to complain when I am talking to the Lord. I know I am being tested by God, but I’m really not sure what he expects of me. Your post reminded me that I’m not alone- God is right there beside me. But I am feeling hopeless and depressed despite my prayers. Reading along in Job has been good for me- I keep reminding myself I still haven’t weathered as much as Job! Although I follow your blog regularly, I’m not the sort of person who normally posts comments. But today I felt the need to get it off my chest.

  • My eardrum tore like paper a few days ago in the early break of dawn. This happened after a weeks’ struggle with flu like symptoms and earache. In the midst of the pain I cringed onto my supportive husband’s hand with tear filled eyes wondering why when I love Jesus so much he would allow such pain..I begged Jesus to help me! At the same time remembering what Job suffered, also questioning the existence of God and His love for us. Finding Him humbled through this painful experience remembering Isaiah 53:5 ” through his wounds we are healed” that he gave us His only begotten Son as redeemer for our sins. I trust Jesus is there with us in our suffering.

  • I am so thankful that I was able to read your post. I am currently in a storm with regards to my health. Doctors are unable to diagnose what I have, but it is looking more like postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. This syndrome is not curable, and it is very disabling. I have had to stop working, and I have two small children that I have to take care of. Some days are worse than others. Through all of it, I am reminded about God’s faithfulness. He has certainly delivered me in the past with other issues, and I have no doubt that he will see me through this.

  • Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. God lead me.to you page for a reason. I am in a storm my sister has pancreatic cancer and my youngest daughter is wayward and my husband and I are raising our 8 yr old granddaughter. I needed to be reminded God is right here with me even when I feel alone and confused. May God bless us all today that have peace and encouragement with the Good morning girls. Peace

    • Hi Diane,
      I am praying for you and your family. Continue to trust in the Lord, and he will shifts things around for you and your family. Stay strong for your sister and the rest of your family. Just like any other storm, this too shall pass. I love you sister and blessings to you.

  • Hello ladies, I am just now joining the blog/website. I seen a plan on my bible app and thought I would visit the website directly and boy I am so HAPPY and BLESSED that I did. WOW, I love all of you ladies, and love the fact that you are so open to share real life stories and storms with me (as well as others). Today is my first day and I read JOB 38 and was at AWE. But, once I read the devotion about the “Storm”, this hit home (as it did for everyone else). Right now, my husband and I are weathering the storm. I lost my job (in which I call my earthly job) the end of November and my husband just lost his last week. We are a family of five and when I tell you GOD has really showed up and showed out and never left our side. We still have a roof over our head, able to eat each and every day, and still able to give (this brings me to Matthews 6- DO NOT WORRY). Courtney, thank you so much for reminding me that even in the midst of this storm, this too shall pass and God will never leave or forsake us. Thank you ladies and stay encouraged through his word!!! I love you all.

  • Thank you Courteney for your wonderful ministry. I thanked God for you in my prayers this morning. After many years away from God, he brought me back to his side a few weeks ago. Then suddenly I was struck down, very ill. Out of no where. Waiting tests to find out if I have cancer. I am 33, at home with my two year old. But what peace I’ve found. I am studying mark with you. I truly believe the Lord brought me back just in time to help me through this storm. He also directed me to good morning girls. Praise be to God for all our blessings, and this ministry. It has helped so so much x

    • Incidentally, it was reading mark that converted me as a teenager. Such a blessing to study this Gospel again.

  • I am currently going through a job loss and wonder why me and where is God. I want to hold on but it’s hard

  • I understand about a lot of people comments. I’m a cancer survivor also. I been through 2 knee surgery a back injury and having a lot of shoulder pain. I have no job due to my surgery I’m fighting for my social security disability. I have Lil to no income. I have no one to help me. I feel so angry cause I’m feeling alone in this storm.

  • very encouraged am going through a storm myself.I got a job transfer far from home.I have to spend a lot of money to commute dairy and I also have little children but God has been good to me though I sometimes feel depressed and desperate I know God will enable me get a transfer near home one day