Good Morning Girls Resources {2 Kings 16-20}

We are past the halfway point with just 2 weeks left in the book of 2 Kings.  If you are still going strong – good job!  This is not an easy book to keep up with!

If you are new here –  jump in anytime.  Just follow along using the free Bible Study tools below and be sure to check back here this Friday for a wrap-up of our reading.

If you are looking to connect with a community of women who share daily about their quiet times – join us over on Facebook and on instagram.  The sharing has been great!  If you are looking for guidance in the color coding – visit me on Instagram. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do this and not all of our Bibles will look alike.

Here’s what this past week’s looked like:


This Week’s Bible Reading Plan:

(Facebook Leaders:  You can use this as your Facebook Header this week. Just right click and “save as” or screen shot it.)


This week’s Reflection & Discussion Questions

(Leaders: Copy and paste these into your groups.  If you do not have a group, use these for a personal time of reflection.)

Chapter 16

 Ahaz had a good father named Jotham and was in the lineage of David, but he did not follow in their footsteps.  Instead he rejected his godly heritage and did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord. It’s interesting to note that Judah had a mix of good and bad kings while Israel had just one type – ungodly kings.  Sadly, Ahaz followed after Israel rather than the good men in his family.

Ahaz had many good role models, yet he chose to not follow after them.  It’s important for us to pay attention to who we are following in life.  Who is your role model? Why do you follow them?  Is this someone who does what is right in the eyes of the Lord?

Chapter 17

Israel fell to the Assyrians because they had sinned against the Lord and committed idolatry.  They had stubborn hearts that refused to listen and turn from their evil ways and so the Lord afflicted them.  The priests during this time were corrupt and worldly and so Israel feared the Lord but also served their own gods. Their children and their children’s children did likewise.

The people of Israel loved the world and stubbornly clung to their idols, while also attempting to fear God.  Their children followed in their footsteps. We are role models to our children and our children’s children.  Is there anything that you love that is worldly, that you need to let go of?   Do you have an idol in your life or something that competes for your love over God?  It’s time to tear that idol down. Name it and pray and ask the Lord to give you the strength to overcome this worldly desire.

Chapter 18

Hezekiah was a good and wise king who loved the Lord and protected his people.  He removed the idols in Judah, including Moses’ bronze serpent. He did not give way to fear when he was threatened or when his people were promised a peaceful and plentiful life by their enemies.  Instead he was wise, and he advised his people to remain silent.  He trusted in God.

Hezekiah destroyed Moses’s bronze serpent. That serpent was a reminder of how God took care of his people in the wilderness, but even good things can become bad things, when we turn them into an idol.  Yesterday, we wrote down some of the idols in our lives that come from the world’s influence.  Today I want you to consider, is there something good in your life that has become an idol?  Have you found your identity in something other than God, for example being a wife, mom, your career, a talent or the work you do at church?   These are all good things, but they must not compete with God and your worship of Him.  Write a prayer below handing over anything good that competes with your affection for God, asking him to help you keep him first in your life.

Chapter 19

When Hezekiah received a letter from the king of Assyria, he immediately took that letter to the house of the Lord, spread it out before the Lord and prayed.  While the king of Assyria was strong, Hezekiah knew that the God of Israel, who sits enthroned above the cherubim, who is the maker of the heavens and the earth – is stronger. And so, he prayed, and the Lord answered his prayers by sending an angel to strike down 185,000 Assyrians in the night!

Look at how Hezekiah addressed God in his prayer.  When you pray, do you take the time to imagine God as he is, enthroned by cherubim, as the maker of heaven and earth?  How does taking your eyes off of how big your problem is and focusing on how big your God is, change your prayers?  If you have a concern today, take it to the throne of God now in prayer, addressing God as Hezekiah did.

Chapter 20

When Hezekiah learned that he would die soon, he cried out to the Lord.  God heard his prayer and gave him an extra 15 years of life. God even gave him a sign to reassure him.  God blessed Hezekiah with wealth, victory, honor and a prolonged life but Hezekiah did not grow godlier in his old age. Instead, he became prideful and self-centered and did not end as well as he finished.

We have no control over how many days our life will be.  But what we do know is that God is always near to us and he hears our prayers.  Had Hezekiah not prayed, he would have died.  Prayer matters. Also, ending well matters.  Examine your life. Are there any areas where you used to be strong and have grown weaker?  Is there anything you have not asked of God, that you should take to him in prayer?

To print the 25 Discussion Questions for 2 Kings – Click Here.

This Week’s Verses of the Day:

(Leaders: You can use these images in your groups by using right click and “save as” or screen shot them.)







Click HERE to print the Verses of the Day for 2 Kings 16-20.

Here’s the Printable Bible Bookmark for the Book of 2 Kings.


Here’s another explanation of the SOAK Bible Study Method and Bible Coloring Chart if you need more guidance:

Here is the SOAK method I refer to in the video:

And the Bible Coloring  Bookmark:
Click HERE to Print the full page Coloring Chart
or here for the Bookmark Coloring Chart

Here are the highlighters, pens and pencils I refer to in the video:

Highlighters – Bible Hi-Gliders

Fine Line Non-bleeding Pens – Multi-Colored Gel Pens 

Colored Pencils – Crayola Twistables and Crayola Colored Pencils

I use the ESV Inductive Study Bible and the ESV Journaling Bible as my personal study Bible.

Don’t Miss the Daily Check-Ins on Facebook and Instagram!

Join us EVERY weekday morning ANYTIME after 7:00amEST on Facebook
to discuss the day’s reading assignment.

Join the WomenLivingWell community by following me on  Instagram .
Share your insights using the hashtag #WomenLivingWell. 

Have a wonderful week in God’s Word – I’ll see you back here on the blog this Friday as we go deeper into God’s Word together! Remember, some of the chapters are quite long, so be sure to leave at least 20 minutes for your reading each day. I am in prayer for you all! (Don’t forget to visit me Monday through Friday over on Facebook  and Instagram )

Keep walking with the King,


If you’d like to purchase the companion journal to 2 Kings

it’s still Available on Amazon.

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