Your Thoughts Have Consequences: Here’s How to Change Your Mind

Did you know that neuroscientists estimate that we think 60,000 thoughts a day!!!  That’s a lot of thoughts flowing through our mind all day long and here’s the kicker…God holds us responsible for those 60,000 thoughts.

Our thoughts have consequences.

Everything we say and do and all of the choices we make are first birthed in the mind.

Our body recognizes when we are being inundated with wrong thoughts.  When we are stressed and worried or bitter and angry – often that leads to a headache, stomachache, neck ache or not being able to sleep.  Sometimes it can even lead to hair loss, hives and all sorts of other physical ailments and all of this starts in the mind.

Toxic thoughts must be stopped.  God wants to help us overcome them and because no thoughts are permanent – it is possible to change your thinking!

So join me on this video below, as we turn to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 and we look at the battle that takes place in your mind.


{If you are reading this in an email or feed –click here to view the video}

One additional thought that is important to remember…

The Enemy cannot build your thoughts –  all he can do is lie to you.

And that’s just what the enemy does!   Satan seeks to murder you and do you know HOW he murders you? He doesn’t come at night into your house with a gun or knife.  Look at what Jesus says in John 8:44:

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Jesus says –The devil was a murderer from the beginning.  He killed Adam and Eve.  How did he do it?

With a lie.

He was able to kill them with a lie!  And Jesus says, there is no truth in him . When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Lies are thoughts.

The people we spend time with, the books we read, the music we listen to, the social media we scroll through and everything else we see and hear are building our thoughts.  We must guard our minds from the lies of the enemy because…

Your thoughts have consequences.

We were made for relationship with God –to bring his truth into our minds.  So stay in God’s word everyday.

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

This is how we live well.

Keep walking with the King,




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17 Responses

  • Amen. I’ve had a situation that I have had to make sure that ,the person and the devil, don’t have the power over me!! So needed this, confirmation!

  • One of your best, Courtney. Thank you for sharing your thoughts through your pain. I continually pray for your complete joy.

  • Thank you, Courtney for your biblical wisdom. I am consistently fighting against thoughts that I know are from the enemy and not from God. Lately, the enemy has been sweeping through my family and trying its hardest to divide and destroy. Your right that it begins in our minds and Satan trys to tell us lies through our minds. We need to be in God’s word daily and in prayer to battle the lies of Satan. It is only through God’s Divine Power that anyone can defeat his lies. I feel like your words were exactly what I needed to hear today. As, it confirmed what I have been praying for and asking God to deliver me and my family from.

  • Outstanding teaching today, truth spoken! This is so timely, with how the world pulls for our attention. Thank you!! God bless you!

  • Courtney, we are reminded once again we need to be more into what God wants us to be and think. Remembering this when we are struggling with what someone has said or done. Praying we find peace within ourselves with God. Have a Blessed day and weekend.

  • So, so true Courtney. I know that I tend to obsess over things that aren’t even going to happen or that are long over. I like how you said that I should let God’s thoughts be my thoughts and the only way to do that is to study His word. A lot of what we go through is based on negative thinking. We forget that as Christians, God is in our hearts, minds and souls and when we call on Him, we can fixate on His truth and not on what we make up in our minds. Thanks for this Courtney. God bless. ????????

  • Thank you so much Courtney. You’re absolutely right, no one else can change our thoughts. We need to do that ourselves studying the Word and praying. But it’s also helpful when someone (you!) helps us along the way. Just this week I asked the Lord how to change my thoughts, how to not let go of His hand that is holding me, because I’m too busy with other things. I prayed to the Lord to change me and help me think differently. And then you came along with this short but powerful message. So thank you! God is amazing!!

  • Great teaching Courtney! I think we forget we don’t have to do this on our own, but we have the Holy Spirit living and active in us to help us accomplish what God asks!
    Thank you for this reminder and for your faithful teaching!

  • Thx!! Exactly what I’ve been teaching my daughter & pray the video will penetrate her heart???????? as ur delivery/content should keep her attn.

    (P.S. U r always giving to us, so maybe the following will refresh u: James MacDonald credits The Saving Life of Christ by Mjr. Ian Thomas as the book that kept him from leaving the ministry. Dr. Adrian Rogers also stated that is was the most important [earthly] book to him. Keep walking with the King, Courtney????)

  • Courtney, don’t ever doubt that God is working through your ministry here! You have no idea how the words you spoke in this post, and more specifically, the video, were exactly, and I do mean exactly, what I have been needing to hear! The wrong thinking, anger, and bitterness that I have been holding onto for years has literally been making me sick. It’s way too much to go into, but I have had to stop working, I have migraines, depression, anxiety, you name it. But, over the past couple of days God has made himself very clear, it’s time for me to let go. Through this week’s bible study, your post, a book I stumbled upon by Andy Stanley entitled -Enemies Of the Heart, and another book by Lysa Terkeurst entitled – Uninvited, I think I am finally starting to see the way through the pain. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for your faithfulness, for your openness, and your honesty.

  • Thank you for obeying God in teaching His word! You are truly gifted and have impacted me! This teaching was especially timely! Thank you and God bless you!

  • Honestly, this may have been the very best video you have ever shared. I am watching my child struggle with severe anxiety and OCD and I am so convicted by this video and this study that I am going to share it with her. Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Thank you so much for this very timely teaching!
    I was praying through a situation where someone had lied about me and was trying to think through how to handle this very delicate situation when I found your article/video. It gave me the right perspective! Thanks for sharing your own life and struggle as well as that really showed how our minds can wander. I really appreciate your ministry Courtney and look forward to what God is going to speak through you! God bless you!

  • Thank you for your words and sharing your experience. I am going through the same experience in my life. I feel all those emotions and thoughts. You are an inspiration to keep walking with the King and to keep my thoughts in check.

  • Hello, this is great article! It help me to understand a lot. People often struggle with bad thoughts, I believe that God helps us drive these thoughts away! I also notice that if I have bad thoughts, then I feel weak! I am really getting into pain or I feel tired. Thats why I often keep silent and ask God to protect me from bad thoughts that can harm me! Courtney, I also pray for you often, you are doing a very good job! I hope you will continue helping people!!