Are You Tired? Let God Carry You

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he,
I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
~Isaiah 46:4

Are you tired from carrying too heavy of a load?

Sometimes heavy loads are put on us that we cannot escape – like health issues, financial issues, a sick friend or relative that needs help or a busy season at work.

But other times we are carrying too heavy of a load out of our own choice. We choose to strive after the things of this world and exhaust ourselves doing it and then we wonder — where is God?

Our God is faithful – from birth to old age he will carry you if you let him. Join me on today’s video as we talk about how to relax and rest in God as we take a look at Isaiah 44-46.

(If you are reading this in an email or feed – click here to watch the video)

What are you carrying that you need to put down?

Name it right now.

Surrender it to God.

Say to God these words, “Thy will be done” rather than “my will be done.”

Relax in your father’s love and keep walking with the King,


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3 Responses

  • Thank you for this blessing. I struggle with anxiety so I quickly get laden down with issues in my life (some real, some are imagined or blown out of proportion in my mind!) Today in your video I clearly heard God calling me to trust him and rest in him. It is a reminder I need to hear often.

  • Thank you Courtney. This message is indeed helpful. Making your Career an idol and you soon find yourself “carrying”your idol.

    I also want thank you for the beautiful daily verse photos.

    You are a blessing. Praying blessings over you and your family.


  • I love your studies, blog posts and videos Courtney! Please keep up the amazing work you are doing!