What Does It Mean to Pray in the Name of Jesus? (Resting In His Presence Week 4)

Welcome back to the 4th and final week of the Making Your Home a Haven Bible Study titled Resting in His Presence. Let’s finish strong!

Join me for Week 4’s video as we discuss this week’s new challenge and answer the questions – What Does It Mean to Pray in the Name of Jesus?  —then pull out your journals and begin!

{If you are reading this in an email or feed – click here to view the video}

Week 4 – Jesus’ Name is…
Son of God
The Vine

The Way, The Truth and The Life
The Word

As you study the next five names of Jesus this week may you find that…

  • You can rest because He is the great Shepherd.
  • You can rest because He is the Son of God.
  • You can rest because he is the Vine.
  • You can rest because he is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
  • You can rest because he is the Word.

Jesus died on the cross and rose again for the forgiveness of our sins. Through our faith in Jesus, we have a personal relationship with Him. 

Our God is personal. 

Our God is present with us.

May we never forget that!

Week 4 Challenge

Seek out a place of solitude to get alone with God.  Stop your work, turn off your phone, the television, music and computer.  Be still.  Practice the presence of God. Go outside or find a place in your home, where you can be alone and simply rest and be at peace.  Practice the presence of God.

Rest is a need – not a want.  Rest is not optional or something we wait to do when we are retired.  Rest is a blessing from the Lord, and it requires humility to admit we need it. I’ll be running a bubble bath and probably taking a much-needed nap this week.  Soul care is self-care. So, enjoy it!

{Share your pictures on Instagram by using the hashtags: #MakingYourHomeAHaven and #WomenLivingWell}

Here is this week’s Bible Reading Plan

This week’s Reflection & Discussion Questions

(Leaders: Copy and paste these into your groups.  If you do not have a group, use these for a personal time of reflection.)

Day 1 – Jesus’ Name is Shepherd

A good shepherd leads his sheep to find nourishment and rest. His rod and staff protect and rescue them from danger. In Bible times, the shepherd would lay across the door of the sheep pen to protect the sheep from predators, literally laying his life down for his sheep. Many people today battle a crippling feeling of helplessness and loneliness. Jesus is our good Shepherd. He will never leave you. He cares for every need you have. He is protecting you from the enemy’s attack. Are you trying to do life on your own right now? In what area of your life are you struggling to trust Jesus as your Shepherd?

We can rest in Jesus because he is our Shepherd.

Day 2Jesus’ Name is the Son of God

Do you struggle with understanding and accepting God’s unfailing love? The Son of God came as the visual reprentation of God’s love. He said, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” God loved us so much that he did what no other god in any other religion has ever done. He sent his son in human form, limited his diety, lived among mankind, and then offered himself as a sacrifice for their sin. He loves us so much! How does this truth change how you view Jesus’ love for you today?

We can rest in Jesus because he is the Son of God.

Day 3 Jesus’ Name is the Vine

Without a vine, branches have no source of nourishment. No fruit will grow and they will die. Jesus is our vine. He is our source of life and spiritual nourishment. Without him we cannot bear fruit in our lives. How connected are you to Jesus the vine? Are you receiving daily nourishment from him? Is your life bearing fruit? What can you start doing right now to abide in him more consistently?

We can rest in Jesus because he is the vine.

Day 4The Way, the Truth and The Life

Many today are wondering what is the right path. They ask themselves, “What is truth?”. They question the meaning of life. The answer to all of these is found in Jesus. He is the way, he is the truth and he is the life. He is the answer for every question and need of mankind. How has Jesus put to rest these questions in your heart? Share your testimony with someone today.

We can rest in Jesus because he is the way, the truth and the life.

Day 5Jesus’ Name is the Word

Have you ever felt you needed a word from God; a direct word to speak to your present situation?  The Bible says that Jesus is the very Word of God. He came as the physical representation of the power and wisdom of God. When we feel uncertain and confused, the Word brings clarity and direction. That’s why James said that if we lack wisdom, all we need to do is ask and God will give it to us. We simply need ears to hear what the Word is saying. How well have you been listening to Word lately?

We can rest in Jesus because he is the word.

This Week’s Verses of the Day:

(Leaders: You can use these images in your groups by using right click and “save as” or screen shot them.)

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Printable Bible Bookmark

Signature GMG SOAK Bible Study Method

Don’t Miss the Daily Check-Ins on Facebook and Instagram!

Join us EVERY weekday morning ANYTIME after 7:00amEST on Facebook
to discuss the day’s reading assignment.

Share pictures of your candles, flowers, playlists and favorite places to rest on Instagram by using the hashtags: #MakingYourHomeAHaven and #WomenLivingWell.

***Unlike my other Bible Studies, this series will only have MONDAY blog posts.  For daily encouragement during this challenge follow me out on –> Instagram and facebook .  I’ll be there every day cheering you on!

Keep on going! Light your candle, give thanks to the Lord, then open God’s Word and drink deeply from the living well.

Keep walking with the King and rest with the King,

Peace, Be Still

I know this time of the year can be very busy for women,
this 31 Day Christmas Prayer Journal is perfect
for slowing down during this season!

If you want to keep Resting in Him
through the month of December –
then this Prayer journal is for you!

You can find it on Amazon HERE!
Or get the printable version at half price on Etsy HERE!

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