

I’m over at GoodMorningGirls.org today talking about our study in Colossians and heaven!  I thought I’d share it here today too!!!  Oh I can’t wait to get to heaven!!! 

(If you are reading this in a feed or email – click here to see the video)


Martin Luther once challenged one of his students by saying, “I’ll get you a new horse and carriage if you can pray the Lord’s Prayer and concentrate on every phrase without losing your train of thought.” The young man thought, “no problem.” After he had prayed the prayer he however confessed to Luther, “all I could think about was the horse and carriage.” As much as he tried to concentrate on the Lord’s Prayer, his mind was drawn elsewhere.
(source: sermoncentral.com)


Do you feel like it’s hard just to sit down and focus on God’s word or talk to God in prayer? Are you distracted by the busyness of this world and your to-do list? Purpose to fix your mind on things above by simply reading verses about heaven this week.

Here is an excellent resource filled with articles and videos on heaven – just click here —>>>

Randy Alcorn’s blog posts and videos on Heaven  

Chime In: How do you stay focused during your prayer time? What helps you keep your mind fixed on things above during your daily life? 

Walk with the King,



**We are midway through a Bible study in the book of Colossians over at GoodMorningGirls.org  You are welcome to join us mid-stream or if you’d like – hold tight because in just a few weeks we will be beginning an advent study to prepare our hearts for Christmas.  I’ll be sure to share all the details here when we are about to start! I hope you will join us!

Categories: Heaven, Videos

8 Responses

  • That was amazing goes Along w a series my pastor as mean preaching abt not being materialistic that all we have real isn’t our we our just stewards over it and we should not caught up in holding onto them but realizing they r blessing and passing the blessingon to other who have less we should b worried abt our static in heaven not here on earth

  • Courtney, bless you today. I am so stresses out now because of changes in the workplace. Thanks for reminding me that all this is temporary and that I need to focus on the longterm. I commit to looking up and being at rest.


  • One thing I have really tried to do while praying is to picture Father in Heaven as I’m talking to Him. I know he truly hears us and I can feel Him close by as I pour my heart out to Him.

  • I spend the most time in prayer while I hand wash my dishes. I think b/c my hands are busy doing a mindless task I can focus so much better on my praying. I have the most focused prayers when I’m not trying to sit perfectly still.

  • I love this, Courtney! All throughout the Bible, we see the importance of perspective. And I think it all comes down to this verse and others like it. I love Philippians where Paul talks about perspective. So many things in this life suddenly get so small if we really do focus on things above and NOT on earthly things! Thanks for sharing!

  • Courtney, this is what I needed to hear this morning. It goes along with what the Lord has been emphasising (sp?) in my heart recently. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, and I appreciate your kind-heartedness when you share the gospel. You have a real gift!!