The Women Living Well Book Club – Chapter 1

Welcome to the Women Living Well book club!

Today’s reading assignment was the Introduction and Chapter 1.

The book opens and closes pointing to the fact that we have to INTENTIONALLY shut out the clamor of this world so we can hear the voice of God.

My daughter was sick this past week – throwing up! Blak!  I knew she was sick the minute she lost her appetite.

And I wonder – Have you lost your appetite for God’s word?  Is your soul sick?  Has another voice crowded out the voice of God in your life?

The key to being women who live well – is to keep coming back to the living waters over and over and over and over again.  Never stop drinking from the living well!

Discussion: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 begins with John Piper’s quote below.  This quote comes from his book titled: When I Don’t Desire God (available for free on pdf here).

The first Biblical character found in my book might be considered a strange one – he’s not typically the center of a children’s Sunday School lesson or pastor’s Sunday morning sermon.  It’s Enoch, whose name means “devoted” or “dedicated”.  This guy FASCINATES me!

Genesis 5:24 tells us “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.”  Hebrews 11:5 tells us, before he was taken he was commended as having pleased God.

So how in the world did he walk with God so well, that God decided to pluck him from earth rather than waiting until he died?

John MacArthur says “the term walk expresses the idea of moment by moment fellowship with the Lord.”

Scripture says Noah walked with God and Abraham walked with God. And I want it to be said of me “Courtney walked with God.”

I want that!

So how do we get that?

Let’s Discuss:

Below this video are our discussion questions for the comment section – please share your answers and thoughts there.  Here’s a 5 minute video of my answers!

(if you cannot see the video – click here!)

1.)  On a scale of 1-10 (10 = great; 1 = stinky) , how is your walk with God right now?

2.) What would you say is your greatest hindrance to carving out time to meet with God in your busy day?

3.)  Grab your Bible and read (or google) Hebrews 11:5-6.  What does verse 6 state that we must do and believe if we want to be like Enoch?

4.) What is one intentional thing you can do this week to begin creating space and solitude to earnestly seek after God?

Father, help me to carve out calm in my day so I can hear from You clearly.  I want to be like Enoch, walking closely with You, my King. Amen.

I want to hear from you – what are your thoughts? Share them in the comment section below.

For Discussion on the Forum:  Do you have questions or thoughts you want to share from Chapter 1 — head on over to the forum and write them under the “Chapter 1” thread (this thread is at the very bottom of the forum).  

115 Responses

  • My walk with God has only been at a 6. I know that I should be at a 10 and devote my time to him, but I always found myself too busy to schedule a quiet time so that I could meet with God. Now, I have devoted myself to waking up in the morning and devoting my mornings to meeting with God. I no longer allow myself to miss out on my quiet time because God should have always been a priority. I must believe that he exists and that he will reward me for seeking him like he rewarded Enoch.

  • You are asking when we are on a break from Good Morning Girls! Not fair! LOL! When GMG is in session, I do GREAT! Every day with God and the follow up throughout the day as different girls chime in our on FB group. But now, meh… just a 6. I pick up my bible to keep on with my chronological read through that I started 4 years ago {in proverbs! haha} but it isn’t purposeful quiet time with God like when GMG is active. And I’ve been missing a lot of church bcs of sick kids or bad weather. Def need to improve.
    As for the distractions of the internet you mentioned, I FULLY agree! That’s why I loved your book so much! Loving this 2nd read thru too! I have recently limited myself to reading the FB TIMELINE only on Fridays and changed my cover so people know I now have “Facebook Fridays” for that accountability. (I tried limiting myself thru the day but that didn’t work.) I just need to disconnect completely. I still get email notifications when people tag me and I check my groups but that is it. It’s hard to break the habits of wasting time but this is really working for me so far!
    One intentional thing I can do this week is get up at a set time and start my day with God. I have been sleeping in bcs the kids are getting up later as they age and I’m getting lazier in the mornings.
    Thanks for the kick in the pants!
    So excited about this book club!!

    • I love your idea of having “Facebook Fridays.” I struggle with Facebook taking up too much of my time. I find myself going to Facebook when I should be cleaning the house, running errands, spending time in God’s Word, or doing any number of things on my “To Do” list each day. I tried limiting myself to certain times per day, but I think that is too much. I see one person’s post, and then I scroll down and see another, then another, then another. Before I know it, I have spent an hour on Facebook. It is the same with Pinterest. I will log on there to quickly check a pin that somebody left for me, and then I start feeling hunger pains and realize I just spent the last three hours pinning things to my boards. Thank you so much for the suggestion, Mary. I am going to give “Facebook Fridays” a try.

    • Same here! I get on wanting to read the bible online and study but then I may get bored(which I know I should be with God’s word!) and want to do something else thinking I’ll just do a little Facebook or another site and then ends up an hr or more. But if you stick to just the hour a day I think that is good and then don’t do any more for that day. That’s what I do and I actually ask the kids do they want to get on so that’s my excuse to get off and do something else. But do need to carve a time out for God ans stick to it and then I can do something else.

  • My personal walk with God is a 4. I am like you, Courtney. I talk to Him during the day but I feel he gets the “urgent” needs most often and not a “dependent” side of me. I know that it is just laziness and being too busy with my own desires. I can relate to John Piper in his book, “When I don’t Desire God”. Enoch knew that God exists and He had a relationship of Faith with God. I just need to set a time each day to actually hide the Word in my heart so I KNOW him and I have the FAITH that will please Him and be diligent.
    Thanks for this study!!!!
    By Grace Alone,

  • I love Hebrews 11:6 which promises that God rewards those who diligently seek Him. Our time alone with Him is never wasted time! When I mentor young woman, the one thing I encourage them to do above everything else is to spend time in God’s Word and prayer everyday for we are transformed by the renewing of our mind through God’s Word. His Word is what changes us! We can’t do it by ourselves.

  • Hi Courtney,

    I am so excited about this study and level of interactive-ness involved.

    I would rate my walk a 1 -stinky. I don’t pray everyday, I don’t meditate on His word, I don’t go to church on Sundays, I don’t have my quiet time…I’m failing in every area. I want to change all of these areas and please God. I’m not sure how to go about this as I’m not sure I’ve ever been above a 4 on the scale since I got saved as I haven’t had much training in the Bible or in spiritual disciplines.

    I would say my greatest hindrance would be t.v. and internet. I work a full-time job in a high stress environment and want to “zone out” after working all day. Sometimes I feel like if one more person says one more thing to me I will scream and run out the door. I should remember that instead of needing to “zone out”, I need to focus my gaze on the Lord and drink of His refreshing living water and be replenished.

    Enoch had faith and believed, I will be praying tonight for faith like Enoch’s. What an amazing faith he had!!

    This week, I will not turn on the t.v. until I have prayed, read from my Bible and spent time with God.

    • I love your honesty here and your heart to grow and be challenged and stretched! I am praying that God gives you (and me) the strength to keep him first tomorrow! You are not alone!!! If you need direction in where to begin – I recommend the book of I John or John 🙂
      Lots of Love,

    • Thank you for this. My number is a 1 as well. It’s 10pm and I haven’t even completed this day in the study :-/ I have read over this page and plan on pcking up tomorrow. As for what you touched on regarding your knowledge of the bible I can relate. I grew up going to church but just went through the motion as digging deep into God wasn’t ever the focus in my home. Now that I have a family I try to bring God into our everyday life. By joining this study (my first ever bible study) I hope I can learn how to share my faith better and with more confidence. Kudos to you for taking action as well. God has a plan for all of us and you never know maybe he will lead you to a lower stressed job 🙂

      I’ll be checking out John 1 as well!

  • Oh my my! I have to start off telling you that your book was amazing and spoke to every inch of my heart. Each 4 points of the book…. Amazing. I’ve been convicted in these for a while and am so happy I now have accountability for these areas of my life. So… Thank you.

    1. 6

    2. My greatest hindrances right now is time. With homeschooling and working from home, along with the many activities and comings and goings in our weeks, making the time to dig in The Word proves difficult. But I will be honest and say that my laziness is the thing that holds me back most. I need to wake up earlier than the kiddos so I can start my day off well.

    3. To be rewarded when we seek Him just shows the grace, mercy and love our heavenly Father has for us. I pray daily for affection for His Word.

    4. I’m going to wake up early this week so I can start my day drinking the living water. I’m going to do memory verses with the kiddos… And I LOVE the laminated verse in the shower idea! And I’ll make it my phone & computer screensaver too!


  • I would say Im probably a 6-7 at the moment in my walk with god. Every morning i try wake up an hour before my kids & sit outside with a tea (im in australia & its summer here) & read the bible. I pray all through the day. I attend church every week , but i feel i need more “quiet time” with god. I have taken away the internet (besides your blog) for the month of January to clear my mind & refocus. I do find it hard after the kids are awake(i have 4 kids under 5)as they are home due to summer vacation, so id like to really try to work on finding more quiet time for God. Im going to include my kids this week for memory verses & the laminated verse cards! great idea! 🙂

    • Hey Melinda
      Sorry to side track. I’m in Australia too and would love to link up if you are doing the upcoming Good morning Girls study

      • Hi Susan,

        Yes im going to try do the GMG girls study. How do we “link up??” sorry im not as computer literate as i thought,….lol

        • Hi there
          I’m in Australia too and would also love to link up, especially doing the GMG study.


          • Hi Melinda and Liezl
            I’ve checked with GMG, there is not a group registered for Australia, but there are some people from Aust enrolled. There is an international group. I haven’t checked, but we may be able to set up a group, but would need a willing leader, size limits are 8.
            This is kind of a highjacking of Courtney’s blog, so it might be easier to discuss via email.
            My email is

          • Update! I received notification overnight that their is an Australian facebook group that has just been set up if you are interested in joining. Check out the GMG website.

  • Hi Sooooo excited about this book club!!!! I would say I’m just scraping at a 5 at the moment. I’m a new Christian and am doing everything I can to find time with Jesus. I’m a mum of 3 and I work full time, but I’m found it difficult to engage with the bible. I haven’t full understood what I’ve been reading, but I’m improving. My biggest hindrance is finding time for just me and the internet of course. Its too easy to sneak over to f/b and answer messages (blushes!) This week I’m going to diarise some me time alone in my room with my bible, but I’m going to diarise it with my family and even make a little “do not disturb” sign for my door. Love the suggestions about how to memorise verses with the children. Can see this being a family activity every breakfast and bed time : )

  • I think my alone time with God is an 8. During the work week I am faithful in my quiet time. I am usually doing 2 online Bible studies at once (overachiever!!), but I enjoy it and have a desire to know God and depend on Him more. On the weekends, cleaning and sporting events my son has distract me and I am not as faithful. I go to church on Sunday and usually a Wednesday night class at church. Not out of obligation, but a desire to walk with Him.

  • Courtney,
    Nice job on the video this morning.
    1. Since it’s the beginning of the new year, I’d say a 7. If you would have asked me in December, well that number would not have been so high! Love the new year and fresh starts!
    2. My biggest hindrance is myself. I have plenty of time in my day to carve out a quite time with God, but many times fail to do so just because of laziness and selfishness.
    3. We must have faith to please God. We must believe He exists.
    4. Get up early. As a way to battle my selfishness and laziness, I set my alarm for 5:45 and get up two hours before I really need too. That way I purposely make time to spend with God. I read scripture, read from a spiritual growth book and then do my prayer journal. And I have to say that it make all the difference.
    Hope you have an amazing day!

  • 1. I’m kinda with you on this one; overall, about a 7-8. Our family goes to church on Sunday, I read a devotional to my kids every day during school, I am constantly saying prayers for patience, guidance, strength, etc. (hey, I homeschool 5 boys!), but personal quiet time I would have to rate at about a 4-5 if I am being completely honest. I just haven’t been good about taking that time consistently.
    2. My biggest hindrance is time. Besides homeschooling my boys, who are close in age (grades 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8), I am finishing up a double degree myself and my husband has been working tremendously long hours lately. Factor in various sports that my sons are involved in and I need about 4 more hours in a day!
    3. I want to diligently seek God like Enoch. I often wonder what it was about him in particular that caused God to take him before death. As you pointed out, Abraham and Noah were also known for walking with God,meet they still had to taste death. What was it about Enoch’s walk with God that was so special? I want a special walk with God!
    4. One intentional thing that I can do this week is go to bed earlier so I can get up before my kids in order to have my own personal quiet time to start my day. I tend to stay up way too late doing my own thing at night because by the time my kids are in bed after a long day, it feels like that is the only time I have for myself. But then I am always more tired than I would have to be because I never get enough sleep.

  • 1) Walk with God TODAY: 6-7. I have been staying in His word through several studies. I do need to work on praying without ceasing and memorizing Scripture. But as far as “practicing His presence in my life,” as you call it, I feel that I’m doing ok. I desperately want what I do to reflect Him and His presence in my life!
    2) A major hindrance for me is mixed priorities and selfishness!
    3) Hebrews 11:6 tells us that we please God with our faith. We must believe He exists. He rewards those who earnestly seek Him!
    4) Something I can intentionally do this week: Less internet time (it is such a time waster for me!), waking up earlier to get with God before the day starts. Memorize Scripture (I loved your idea of memorizing in the shower!). I did a Beth Moore study on the book of James not too long ago, and there was a challenge (that I accepted but didn’t complete) to memorize the whole book of James. She laminated chapters and kept them in the car to memorize during down times. I really think I’d better start doing things like that to stick with my goal!!

  • Hi Courtney (and ladies)!

    It is SUCH an encouragement to read through everyone’s answers and hear that I am not alone in my struggles to walk closely with God. Like so many have said, one of my biggest hindrances is simply going to bed at a decent hour so that I can wake before me little ones and spend a quiet, early morning hour alone with God. I would say my walk with God has been hovering around a 5, at best. I feel like I’ve been opening the lines of communication more and talking to God throughout the day, praying for strength, wisdom and the needs of loved ones, but I have not been consistent in digging into His word. Also, my family has not regularly attended church in what feels like forever. We left our church of five years this past Fall, and we are currently working through a calling placed on our hearts to return to a former church we attended. I’m *trying* to be faithful in following my husband’s lead in this area. I know it will only help our walks with the Lord to be back in fellowship with other believers each week.

    I’m also relieved to see that I am not the only one who has a love/hate relationship with the internet! FB has been a huge stumbling block for me due to the time I spend on it, as well as my struggles with comparison. (We only ever post the good stuff, right?!?) That being said, I temporarily deactivated my account before Christmas and the break has been amazing. I have moments of wanting to sign on and catch back up on all that I am “missing,” but my desire is to first bring my walk with God to at least an 8 and clean out the clutter of my heart. Until that happens, FB is only a place that will bring me farther away from Him.

    My prayer this week is to have faith like Enoch, truly having faith in the God who I go to for all things. So often I give myself more credit for being able to do things than I give Him, but apart from Him we can do nothing. That must be my mantra this week! 😉

  • I must admit that I am on the lower end of the scale as far as a devotional time and prayer time with God goes. I am striving to make it a habit this year–sounds rather perfunctory, but I know that once I start delving back into the Word, it will become my desire and no longer just a “habit”. I have no excuse for not following this spiritual discipline–I have been waking up at 3 or 4 every morning for the last multiple months! So time is not an issue…one issue may be “focus,” due to lack of sleep, but not time…I also blog, have an online business, etc. so I spend time on the web, reading blogs, and allowing too much of time to be consumed by those things. I have always been active in my church; however, my zeal has waned somewhat over the last year or so…still attending and participating in mulitple areas but sometimes my heart is not in it.

    I am hoping that by participating in this study, as well as using some other devotional blogs/books, that I can get on track to where I should be in my devotional life. The past year has been very trying with some major life “battles” and I know I need a closer walk with God in order to not only navigate the waters, but come out stronger on the other end–whenever that may be.

  • My thoughts get in the way. I’ll sit and start to pray and whammo… all of a sardine I find I’m planning work things instead of talking to God! So… I guess I’m about a 4.
    I also write my prayers out or I can’t keep my head together – oddly enough I was encouraged to do that by one of the characters in The Help (by Kathryn Stockett).
    I find that it takes about 10 minutes for my kettle to boil, and about the same amount of time for me to wake up, so I clean the kitchen before sitting with God, or I’ll end up sleeping at His feet, and not worshiping there. I try to speak to Him often during the day about my mundane, so that I’m constantly aware of Him, but I hardly ever give Him time to get a word in sideways (I talk to much…. even in my head). Years ago I was reading the word and watching Joyce Meyer, and I had decided to wake up every day at 5 to spend time with God. Day 2 I overslept. The guilt was awful. He clearly spoke to me, from the corner of the ceiling, and said, “What you put in is what you get out.”
    I will never forget that!

    • i feel like you’re my clone!! lol i have the same issues when i start to pray, i start out good, then, i’m always going off on tangents! God’s probably saying to me, ‘boy! just get on with it!!’ i am constantly catching myself and ‘apologizing’ for rambling. hey, He’s the one who made girls to talk a lot!! lol

      i also am just talking to him throughout the day about whatever’s on my mind. it’s my way of feeling connected to Him and having a relationship with Him. i always felt to bad when I would hear pastors or other very prayerful people say prayers. they always seemed to eloquent and then mine were just ramblings. i felt silly trying to put in big words or say something “really important”. my husband would always tell me i don’t have to ‘pray’ like that to have a relationship with God. he created me how I am, so embrace that and persue my relationship in what’s comfortable for me, that way i’d actually do it! he doesn’t need eloquent words, He just wants any words.

  • 1. My current walk with God was pretty dry for a while. I would say a 5-6, my husband works a lot and if he was working on Sunday I would use that as an excuse to not get myself and the kids to church. We have been having trouble finding a church home that we can feel excited about to go to and been attending one near us out of convenience since we use their day school program. Our kids went through a rough spell of sickness and we have 4 so always seemed someone was sick during the weekend so couldn’t go to church, my days just felt so long. I read the part of your book about devoting quiet time, I have heard to do this in a weekly bible study I have attended for 5 yrs now called BSF, bible study fellowship but never made an effort and did my lesson based on my convenience. After reading your comments about quiet time I felt God put a sparkle in my heart that I do need to make changes to what I desire most, sleep and coffee usually but my desire needs to first be to walk with God.

    2. My biggest hinderance would be tiredness for sure, mentioned I do have 4 kids, 8-3rd grader, 5-kindergarten, 4-in a preschool and has PDD-NOS so lots of therapy right now and a 1yr old who stays home with me and started walking at thanksgiving and is now running 🙂 So I definitely value my sleep and feel I need a certain amount to function with 4 kids and a husband who is a Dr and has a busy work schedule, but honestly if I do get chances to sleep in, I don’t feel better. My cup is not feeling too full.

    3. Hebrews 11:6 says we must have faith and come to him, so it’s like we get what we put into our walk with him, if I don’t devote quiet time and get up before my kids or at least attempt too, they sometimes seem to know when I wake earlier 🙂 then I won’t receive from Him.

    4. One thing I can do is sit 3 alarms if I need to to get up a couple hrs before my kids need to get up for school. Devote an area of my home to quiet time and start SOAPing verses, know you get so much more out of verses than just reading them and stick the verses on my to do list I’m focusing on, thought that was a great tip from your book, I definitely look at that list more than the bible daily!

  • 1. Like another lady I find myself doing great when GMG has a session going. But I skipped the advent one and read Ann Voskamp’s advent devo and since it wrapped up, I have totally been lazy, so I would have to say I feel like I’m at a 4. My desire is there but most days my laziness gets in the way, which leads to feelings of frustration and hearing and buying into the lies from the evil one that say I’m too far gone so why keep trying.
    2. Laziness and busyness. The busyness that keeps me up way too late and the laziness and tiredness that keeps me in bed every morning.
    3. We must have faith. We must believe He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.
    4. Prioritize my to do list and make going to bed at a decent hour a priority so getting up before my family is easier. Also, on the days it doesn’t happen first thing in the morning, don’t allow myself internet time or me time until I have my God time.

  • I would say a 6 for me. I feel close to God when I am in prayer. Something about prayer just makes me feel connected to Him. I love being in God’s word but when I really just talk to Him acknowledging him in my daily activities that is when I feel His presence.
    Being intentional is what I lack in my walk. Before I know it the day has gotten away from me and I was not intentional about putting God down in my date book. 🙂
    Faith is key in walking with God you can’t run ahead you have to trust him in each step.
    I am going to make God my #1 priority in my day. Seek Him first whether in prayer or scripture.

  • 1.) On a scale of 1-10 (10 = great; 1 = stinky) , how is your walk with God right now? 2, I am in His Word on a daily basis and do pray (though it’s mostly a quick prayer to start the day and then prayer with my son before bed. Not a lot of one on one prayer with the Lord), I have missed more than a month of church and feeling very discouraged about that.
    2.) What would you say is your greatest hindrance to carving out time to meet with God in your busy day? tv, internet, iphone
    3.) Grab your Bible and read (or google) Hebrews 11:5-6. What does verse 6 state that we must do and believe if we want to be like Enoch? please God, believe
    4.) What is one intentional thing you can do this week to begin creating space and solitude to earnestly seek after God? leave the tv off for more of the day, when I want to pray I will grab my preschooler and let him sit next to me while I do instead of not doing it. Go to church.

  • I would have to say that my walk has definitely gotten stronger lately which is just what I needed. I have been more in His word and reading more biblical books. I would give myself a 7. I am hoping to have it grow more as well and to be challenged. This has been something I have struggled with for a while but am finally in a good season of life.
    I would also say that the internet is a big hindrance for me. I am learning to put my phone down, as that is my source and walk away. I want to stay up to date on my friends and church lives as well as inspire those around me. It is hard to just say no!

  • boy, i’m really bad with scales!! 🙂 but here are my answers:
    1: i would say maybe a 5. i am really bad with a long quiet/meditation time. i have about 20 minutes after my daughter gets on the bus and my 3 year old son starts asking for breakfast, so i have been using that time to do a devotional, read some of matthew (the book i happen to be reading through currently), doing my word study, or starting to look into this (i usually have to stop after my initial reading, get us breakfast and finish while i’m eating breakfast). i am participating in the gmg study, so am looking forward to using that time for that as well. for what i don’t fit into that time, i finish after breakfast when my son is happily watching nick. 🙂 i’m not a ‘get down on my knees’ and pray kind of person, but i do ‘talk’ to God throughout my day about whatever is on my mind at that moment. i have also started putting into your practice your idea of praying for my kids when i make their beds and my husband when i make ours. i am working up to praying for my husband everytime i feel or see my ring. not quite into the habit of remembering to do that yet!! 🙂 i pray for my daughter every morning before she leaves for school and we do a devotional with her at night, whoever is putting her to bed. so while i don’t have time where i sit and meditate on His word, which i confess i am just really bad at, i do feel i get some time throughout the day with God.

    2. my hinderances are just not knowing “how” to do it! i’m terrible and sitting and focusing on one thing. my mind is always going to a million different places! just the busyness of life also gets in the way–chores around the house and not completing ignorning my 3 year old, not that he’d let me! my own laziness gets in the way as well. starting with the time between the bus and breakfast was a big change for me and i’m glad i made a point of concentrating that time. before i did, i would get to my devotional, or whatever, when i could ‘get to it’. baby steps! 🙂

    3. we must have faith and come to God and believe He exists. it is impossible to please God without faith, and if we don’t please God, we are not like Enoch.

    4. i am (hopefully!) going to use my time washing dishes or folding laundry or showering, etc, to talk to God more. find things to pray for specificially for the ones i love and stop using that time to just stare blankly at the wall wondering if i’ll ever be done doing dishes or folding laundry!! 🙂

  • 1. I am going to say I fall at about a 5 or a 6 on my walk with God right now. I have been more faithful as of late but still not getting to dig in as deeply as I would like to right now.
    2. My greatest hindrance is busyness, busyness, busyness! Like most women, I try to balance work, homemaking, time with my husband and children, too.
    3. Have Faith! And please God! How I pray that I do please God with my life and my walk with Him.
    4. Make sure that I have spent time with God before I pick up any other thing to read. It is so tempting to pick up other books and magazines that are good wonderful Christian teachings but should never substitute for my time with God in HIS word.

  • Last year my word was intentional and by November I felt defeated but God spoke to my spirit and reminded me that everyday is a new day.So as of November 13,2013 I have rarely gone a day without spending time inthe Word, devotionals, and praying. So personally for me I’d say a 7 because I dont do quiet time on the weekends. My greatest hinderence would have to be the noise that no one else hears aka as satan attacking my mind. ? #3 we must walk with God and believe and diligently seek Him. One thing I can do this week is to log off all social media from dinner time until after my quiet time each morning.

  • 1.) 5…I do have time most days with reading my Bible, praying & studying the word. I go to church most Sundays. I know I still have a ways to go & do intend to do more.
    2.) Internet & tv. I need to make sure I turn everything else off & spend my time with the Lord.
    3.) Have faith and believe. God will reward those who seek him!
    4.) I can turn off the tv & internet, grab my Bible & notebook/pens and spend my time with him. Give Him my full attention. Instead of give a little to many different things, I need to give more attention to less. Stop trying to do everything at once. Go back to basics & simplify!

  • Hey Courtney thanks for being honest. I have to stay my walk is a 5. 7 kids and a husband takes most of my time. Hebrews 6: I must believe God exists and I need to sincerely seek Him. I need to find time intentionally and seek God.

  • 1.) I am at around a 6. I just graduated from my master’s degree and have not found a job yet, so I have ample time to be in God’s word. It has been a great experience, but I am still at a 6 because I believe I haven’t had enough time studying God’s word to fully understand and be immersed in it. I feel like that comes with time and more study.

    2.) The distractions of technology are the biggest hindrance to my walk with God. I have such a weakness for the internet and TV that I try to convince myself to just watch these things throughout the day and not pray and think about the Word.

    3.) We must PLEASE God! Enoch used God as his ultimate source of everything in his life.

    4.) Every morning, participating in this book study and Bible time in order to learn more about God’s word and start my day off with a moment of solitude.

  • 1.) On a scale of 1-10 (10 = great; 1 = stinky) , how is your walk with God right now? I’d say it’s somewhere in between but closer to great. So, I guess right now, it would be 7. I need to spend more time in His Word to have a great walk.
    2.) What would you say is your greatest hindrance to carving out time to meet with God in your busy day? Energy. I struggle with energy anyway and I’m not a morning person, so my time is at the end of the day when I have very little energy.
    3.) Grab your Bible and read (or google) Hebrews 11:5-6. What does verse 6 state that we must do and believe if we want to be like Enoch? We must have faith, and I’d say we must practice that faith as well.
    4.) What is one intentional thing you can do this week to begin creating space and solitude to earnestly seek after God? I would like to have more time at the end of the day, so I will work on getting daily things done in a timely fashion so I can have the energy I need to have that time alone right before I close my eyes at the end of the day.

  • 1- I would say a 5…..I am definitely not giving God the time He so deserves! He is my Creator, Friend, Comforter, Savior, and yet He seems to be the one I neglect the most. I do want to get back to giving Him time for Us!!
    2–I would say the selfishness of trying to do EVERYTHING else….husband, kids, internet, home, church responsibilities, friends, ect.
    3–We must have faith in order to please God by believing in Him, drawing near to him as we seek Him!
    4–I am going to have my quiet time with the Lord before turning on the computer or doing my housework, ect. I will intentionally do my time with God after my kids and husband are off to school and work. Just me and God!!!

  • 1. I would say that I’m a 5 or 6. I do a daily devotional but I squeeze it into my day sometimes instead of really focusing on it.
    2. I would say the internet because I have began witnessing on fb. I also have small children who need my attention.
    3.We must have faith and believe in that faith.
    4. Truly have a quite time not just a few minutes of prayer or reading my Bible.

  • 1.) 10, baby!
    I just started building my relationship with God – the past month I have devoted time every single day to read, meditate, pray and journal. This is the first time in my life that I have ever devoted time to Him. I did not grow up in a religious environment so I was never exposed to it. I was and still am completely fine with that – I loved my childhood!
    I married a Jewish man and became very fascinated with the religion and started to study and learn. Not to be confused with building my relationship with Him – this was strictly facts that I was studying.
    The past year I felt that I was missing something in my life. There was no one to hold me accountable, no one to turn to if I felt alone… I needed more than what my husband was providing for me. I started looking at my relationship with Him and knew that was the piece I was missing.
    I also have a 5 year old son and we have now started studying the Bible together, learning Hebrew, praying and reading His word. It has felt amazing!
    I thank God everyday for allowing me to speak with Him, to learn from Him and that He has allowed me to see His light.

    2.) Feeling like I should be doing something else. And since I am still so very new at it, I tend to research a lot. I feel that since I do not know much about the Bible that if I read a passage in the middle it is doing more of a disservice since I am reading it out of the context of that particular book. I am reading the entire bible right now which has been amazing!

    3.) We must BELIEVE whole-heartily! Believe in the faith we have, believe in the miracles He surrounds us with, believe that He is walking with us every single second of the day!

    4.) Stop analyzing and just let it be! Read the words, hear the voices, talk to Him, TRUST HIM! Make the most of my devotional time and praying more often!

  • Well, I hit a 4 on the scale. I need to have the discipline to wake early 5am! to get my Word and quiet time in. I can fit it in throughout the day. BUT…I see that NOT scheduling the time is a definite no no for me! the Internet, children’s activities and busyness are also a distraction from His Word. In order to be like Enoch: we must Believe He exists, SEEK HIM, and have Faith! This week I will wake at 5am. Dig in the Word and have soft praise and worship music to quiet myself before the day begins! Amen!

  • 1.) On a scale of 1-10 (10 = great; 1 = stinky) , how is your walk with God right now? It’s a struggle but I refuse to let anything get the best of me and am staying the coourse. I think I am a between a 5-6 on the scale.

    2.) What would you say is your greatest hindrance to carving out time to meet with God in your busy day? Myself, not being disciplined enough and obedient. I know I have to do it but find myself delving into other activities instead of spending quiet time with Him. I wake early but my choice recently is to turn on the TV to listen to the news, get the kids off to school, participate on an early morning conference calls, chat with my girlfriend, in the middle of doing that I might Thank Him for waking me up then keep going but spending a few minutes in reverence with Him has not been priority.

    3.) Grab your Bible and read (or google) Hebrews 11:5-6. What does verse 6 state that we must do and believe if we want to be like Enoch? We must have Faith and Seek Him.

    4.) What is one intentional thing you can do this week to begin creating space and solitude to earnestly seek after God? Condition my thoughts to reflect on Him first and read His Word every morning. I used to read a Psalm 3x a day they always gave me peace and brought me closer to Him. In addition, joining this book club, rather study session is a big step for me.

  • 1. I would give myself a 4 as well because I do pray but it is usually while driving and I oftentimes throughout my day stop to “get the mind of God” and pray about things and for people, situations and circumstances. I see certainly areas of improvement.

    2. The greatest hinderances is taking the time, television, the internet and other mindless things.

    3. The action I am going to take this week is to schedule time to spend with God. The time frames are after I drop my husband off at the train station in the early early morning and after I get home from work when I change out of my work clothes.

  • I would say I’m at a 7 right now( never so good when We’re poorly is it?)
    Internet, (FB has gone,)staying up too late, tiredness, need much discipline on this!
    We need faith in God and to walk with God diligently.
    “Let’s get down to the nitty gritty”as my Dad used to say!

    my walk has been and still continues to be a process,anyone with a young family knows it can be very difficult. Everyone’s situation can make time more difficult there are those who are in full time jobs for example. I’m at home, so my Husband is greatful when I’ve gone through with the kids. I think are we at least once a week having a real heart to heart with God? heart felt prayer by ourselves. I usually know when im in desperate need for this – I feel a hungering and thirsting for prayer and His word,and i’ll tell the kids too Mom needs to go up to Prayer mountain! ( they’ll watch Tv, play or draw or something.) I’ll pour my heart out to him telling Him how much I need Him that I’m a sinner repenting to Him of my failings,distractions of my prone to wanderings. We’re a poor bunch we have nothing good of ourselves to bring to Him; yet He has given us a most wonderful good gift; eternal life through His son!It is all by Grace alone thru faith in Him.I do talk to God in prayer most days with the kids then i have them say a little prayer too. and we listen to an online bible study together which we have done for a few years, or GMG bible study. I find it’s better that way for me than just reading off of the pages myself as it can become dry and I’m not always understanding everything exactly. It’s more alive like that. God knows our true heart our genuineness if we really love Him. Put it this way one could spend several hrs praying and not have any prayers answered if our heart attitude is not right. But then a truly devoted believer could spend 10 mins in fervent prayer every day and have their prayers answered and i’ll be honest this has been my experience.

    I really want to walk like Enoch and please God, I have a Wonderful Savior!!

  • Thank you Courtney for encouraging us on our walks with God!

    As another fellow reader commented, now that GMG is not in session, I’m not doing a 100% with my walk with God; but since I started doing the studies last year, it has improved greatly! I recommend to anyone who’s struggling to get in the Word, to start the Bible studies with GMG! I would have to say I’m a 6/7…

    My greatest hindrance would have to be the Internet; I know I have to work on that!

    I love this verse on The Message version:
    By an act of faith, Enoch skipped death completely. “They looked all over and couldn’t find him because God had taken him.” We know on the basis of reliable testimony that before he was taken “he pleased God.” It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him.
    Enoch pleased God… I want to please God, I want people around me to see in me that God exists and that He cares enough to respond to me.

    My aim is to go to the Bible first everytime I sit down in front of my computer and work harder at memorising Scripture.

  • Hi!! I am new to your website and new to your bookclub. Just scanned through the first page, and I already know God must have lead me here. This is what I need. I will probably spend the whole day here reading!!!


    16 months ago, our family moved to a town 45 minutes away. I was so concerned that my children, boy, 9, and girl, 6, continue in their spiritual training, especially as the would move from a private Christian school to the public school, so we immeidately joined a nearby Awana club. The club only had one teacher for 4-6 years olds with 22 students!!! I wanted to be sure these children (especially my own daughter) were learning God’s Word so I jumped right in! I was certainly capable… afterall, I have an ECE degree and I do love those little kids…. but I’m not sure I was called. It also was more fun to plan lessons and crafts and be in that teacher role than it was to do “the daily household grind”.

    This past fall, I began my teaching ministry to the next class off 5 year olds. I was already struggling with some skin conditions and a carbuncle on my upper thigh making it near impossible to walk on some days. Come October, I caught the Whooping Cough that has increased in number throughout Ohio. I didn’t have the breath or volume to lead a group of excited children. I HAVE BEEN SICK SINCE OCT. 19.

    God has shown me through this tough time what a blessing and a service and HELP the monotonous household chores and work in the home IS. I could see that when I wasn’t able to do it. God has put a passion in me to get my priorities straight. I need to focus on HIM (not service for the sake of service), and He’s taught me (which might sound weird to some) that I need to put ME next… NOT FOR ME… BUT FOR MY FAMILY. I cannot give them what I do not have.

    My word the 2014 is FUEL. I am going to FUEL myself correctly (including spiritually). SO THAT I may bless my family.

    I am thankful for Courtney & the blog & study so that I may get up with God & fellowship with Him & others without leaving my robe. ; ). I had tried for YEARS to get up before my son to no avail as he has ears like a cat. He would literally wake up SECONDS after my eyelids fluttered open. A lot of mornings he would wake at 6:19 on the dot. How? Beats me. But, I decided, since quiet time was impossible at that point that I’d just get as much sleep as possible and let him wake me. But now, he’s 10. He’ll get up with me, but he knows how to be quiet (mostly) now. So, it’s time for me to try again! I need to get my rating of a 2 to much higher! I plan to get to bed sooner so I can get up sooner!

    Thanks for all you do!


  • 1. I would give myself a 5 right now with my walk with God. I read my Bible every morning but I am only able to get a chapter in and my prayer life is lacking.
    2. My biggest obstacle would be my kids. I have four children and my youngest is 8 weeks old. If they get up during my quiet time, my quiet time is over!
    3. We must have faith to please God and we must draw near to Him and he rewards those who seek Him!
    4. I am going to get up every morning at 5:15. This way I will have at least 30 minutes with God before my older children wake. I would also like to have a few verses around the house to keep me focused on God during my day.

  • Hi Courtney

    Im excited to do this book club because this is my very first online study ever! I am a stay at home mom and I have three kids. Well our daughter is 20 and married our boys are 12 &10. I am a 39 year old at home mom who is busy with two active boys and a very busy working hubby who is also in college. However I have plenty of me time everyday from 9 till 2:30 everyday. You would think I’d be spending major quality time with Lord (but do I? ) Unfortunately the answer is NO.

    My answer to question #1 is about a 4. Why? Well because yes I am in prayer on a regular bases
    and since I’m on my FB so much I read all my little biblical quotes from all of the christian sites I’ve liked but I never just sit with my bible and read and really meditate of Gods word. I have never been good at memorizing scripture. I do take a woman’s bible study every Thursday where I live so if asked “yes” the Lord is a part of my life everyday I just need to focus on the bible time more along with alone time with God.

    Question #2 I feel that my Lack of taking the time to just read the bible is hindering my growth as a christian women. Also I am addicted to Fb, instagram and pintrest. All of our family and close friends live in other states including our daughter so I find myself on social media A LOT! I feel connected to everyone this way. I know this is a problem so I’m trying to work on it because it also takes away from quality time with my boys. My husband works all the time 7 days a week and at night plus he’s back in school so I guess this helps me from feeling alone.

    Question #3 the verse says that we must believe there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.
    I love the Lord and I may not daily do what I need to but everyday I do acknowledge my God and thank him for his ever loving presence in my life and the life of my family.

    Question#4 I believe that I need to just take every morning after my kids go to school and my husband goes to bed and just spend time with the Lord. Open my bible and just dig in. Put away my phone turn the news off and just spend some good time with God.

    I’ve been reading your book for about two weeks now and I’m excited to dig into the study questions. Thank you for taking the time to share Gods word.

    Sincerely, Patti B.

  • 1.) On a scale of 1-10 (10 = great; 1 = stinky) , how is your walk with God right now?

    I would say that I am about a 5. I really rely too much on other people or situations to put me in contact with God. By that, I mean I feel strongest when I am listening to Christian radio, reading books such as yours, in church. But when I step away from those scenarios I have a hard time getting myself in that frame of mind, and I have a really hard time carving away that intentional everyday time with God and the Bible. I want to, but I just can’t seem to get into a routine.

    2.) What would you say is your greatest hindrance to carving out time to meet with God in your busy day?

    Just that it is not a routine I have been used to for my whole life. After work, house chores, and spending time with my family, I just want to go to bed. If I start a Bible reading plan, I only stick with it for a few days until something derails me and I forget and give up on it. I know it takes a few weeks for new routines to stick and I should try again.

    3.) Grab your Bible and read (or google) Hebrews 11:5-6. What does verse 6 state that we must do and believe if we want to be like Enoch?

    We must have faith and believe that God is who He says He is.

    4.) What is one intentional thing you can do this week to begin creating space and solitude to earnestly seek after God?

    Maybe I should set an alarm in my phone to remind me to do my devotional and spend some time with God. That way I cannot forget.

  • 1.) The number 3 comes to mind. But that’s why I’m doing this study. 🙂 Although I’ve heard it many many times, it’s finally sinking in that I have to “take up my cross” daily. Not each Sunday or one or two days a week.
    2.) Greatest hindrance: My own lack of time management. My ADD brain. I’m not sure if I have it, but it would explain a lot. 😉
    3.) We must have faith, believing that he exists and rewards those that do.
    4.) Get my lazy self up in the morning before it’s absolutely necessary and posting Hebrews 11: 5-6 on the fridge. Not only do I need to see it, but so does my family. And here’s the best part – they will ask “why?” 🙂

  • I would say that my walk has been a 6. I am working hard to make it a 10! I am so excited about this book club. I read your book in October and it has really helped me to see where I need to work harder and you have given me some wonderful ideas. I am so thankful. My biggest distraction is facebook. I find myself checking in on my phone throughout the day when I could be praying or meditating on the word. I would much rather be digging in to the word! Today I decided to delete facebook from my phone as a way to cut back. I think that’s a good start :). I need to simply have faith, obey and be ready to serve. This week I will start my day and end my day in the word. And whenever I have time I will pray and meditate throughout the day.

  • 1) I’d give my walk with God a 3. I don’t attend church because although I was raised Roman Catholic, I don’t believe in their doctrine any more. I’d truly like to go to a non-denominational church but sadly there are none in my area that wouldn’t require a 30 min drive and that’s too far. I don’t read my bible daily as I should, I’d say about 2-3 days a week. I’d like to bring my 9, almost 10yr old son to know Him too. My husband wasn’t raised in a Christian home and I can see how it’s affected his adult life. I also work full time as an RN. It’s a very demanding job both physically and mentally. I work nightshift. I do bring my Bible to work and you’ll find it out open at the nurses station. I do try to read it here and there during downtime at work. Also, my husband is laid off from his job. He’s collecting unemployment but that’s only temporary. At 50, who knows when or if he’ll find another job.

    2)My biggest hindrance is the internet. Not Facebook so much because I spend a few minutes there but then go off mindlessly surfing. I’ve been spending time reading a great blog on simplicity. It’s a Mormon homemaker’s blog. She lives in Vegas, home schools her 7 children and cooks all her food from scratch and lives on a very meager income.

    3) Have Faith and believe that God is who He says He is.

    4)Be intentional about getting quiet time with God.

  • 1. I would out myself at a two right now but I’m starting this study and gig girls starts up soon! 2) my greatest hindrance is letting myself get in the way. Having four littles in the house makes it hard to ever find a quiet moment. 3) we must draw near to God and have faith to believe. 4)I want to set up my weekly bible verse in my kitchen and laminate my prayer list do I can pray in the shower!

  • 1 – I would have to say my walk with God is about a 6 but I would love to see it at 10!
    2 – My greatest hindrance is games on my phone. I spend way too much time on my phone playing games when I know that I could be doing something better. I get so addicted to them!
    3 – We must have faith and believe He is God.
    4 – I would like to start memorizing scripture and getting up early to do my quiet time. Make this the first thing everyday!

    I am so excited about doing this book study!

  • 1.) On a scale from 1-10, my walk with God is about a 6. I look forward to digging deeper and learning new ways to walk with the King! I am new to all of this…I just recently felt the change in my heart and know that I have a personal relationship with Christ. I was baptized in November, and have been attending church regularly for seven months now. I am thirsting and searching for any and all information I can get about the bible, and how I should be living my life like Jesus did for us.

    2.) My biggest hinderance is TIME—having 2 little ones at home after a full day at work is busy, busy, busy!

    3.) The bible says we must EARNESTLY SEEK Him. I know the importance of this, and search for His guidance every day.

    4.) Joining this book club has helped me to fulfill this question. Getting closer to God and reading His word will help draw me closer to him. Something else I plan on doing is after the kids go to bed, I will find time to be alone with Him more purposefully.

  • I am reading through your book for the first time and it has already been a blessing to me. Thank you so much for being obedient and using the gifts God gave you to minister to women you may never have the opportunity to meet in the here and now.

    I really struggled answering question number one. I want to be genuine, but I tend to beat myself up and not give myself much credit for the things I am doing right. If I had to answer this question 13 days ago, I would have to give a different answer because I was in such a dry place. The New Year, a fresh beginning has been so good for me. I have been in God’s Word more in the past couple of weeks than I have in a long time. So today, right this minute, I would give myself a 4. I have made some positive changes, but I have a long way to go before I move up that scale.

    The internet is indeed quite a hindrance, but I think more than anything for me right now is that I am staying up too late and sleep in until the very last minute to start my day. Now, more often than not the internet or TV has something to do with my visits with the stroke of midnight, but there are other culprits as well.

    We must have faith!

    My intentional change this week is going to be to go to bed and go to sleep much earlier so I can get up before my children and spend some time with Jesus.

  • 1.) 2 – I have not been to church in a long time, not seeking time in his word daily, not praying as often as I should, not speaking of all of this with my son.

    2.) Myself – lack of discipline, me wanting to sleep in.

    3.) We must have faith and believe God exists and will reward us for honestly seeking him out.

    4.) I set my alarm for 30 minutes earlier in the mornings as well as set a reminder at night at 9:30pm to remind me to complete my quiet time.

  • 1.) 2 – I have not been to church in a long time, not seeking time in his word daily, not praying as often as I should, not speaking of all of this with my son.

    2.) Myself – lack of discipline, me wanting to sleep in.

    3.) We must have faith and believe God exists and will reward us for honestly seeking him out.

    4.) I set my alarm for 30 minutes earlier in the mornings as well as set a reminder at night at 9:30pm to remind me to complete my quiet time.

  • Ok – here goes!
    1) I would have to rate my quiet time at a 4 right now. Unfortunately between GMG studies I am not that great about being consistent. (I LOVE GMG! Leading a FB group for their studies has been a HUGE blessing to me and has kept me accountable.) In the other areas I am doing pretty well, I do go to church & am very active there, I pray many times throughout my day, I read His Word – I definitely need to do better at memorizing scripture though.
    2) My greatest hindrance is my busy schedule. Between raising 4 kids & organizing their schedules, working full time & volunteering at church/ministries, I find myself trying to fit my quiet time in there somewhere among all the craziness. I know that what I need to do is to make my quiet time my 1st priority & then schedule the rest of my day around Him. So whats stopping me? That’s what I need to work on this week! 🙂
    3) We must have FAITH! We must believe that He exists and that He rewards those that earnestly seek Him. (Lord, I DO believe in you & it is my goal EVERY day to SEEK You!)
    4) I am going to work this week on giving God the first part of my day. I am committing to rising earlier and reading His Word & then meditating on it throughout the day!

  • My walk with God is at a 3. I have committed to reading my Bible and praying daily, however I am feeling so very disconnected from God. I struggle with focusing on the words I read, and say. I moved a few months ago and although we joined the local church in November I have yet to get plugged in. Praying I can find Godly women who can pray with me and for my relationship with God, and that I soon will feel connected with Him again.

  • Courtney, I love that you’re doing this book club! Thank you. It helps me stay connected w/women of faith which is something my life is lacking currently. I’d say I’m a 3 on the scale. I am aware of God throughout the day but tend to go to him only when I need help getting through a frustrating or exhausting moment w/my kids (4 yr old daughter & 5 mos old son). II haven’t been to church since my sons birth and have found that I haven’t really been present even when I was attending prior to my son’s birth because I’m keeping after our 4 yr old daughter. I read a few christian-based blogs that keep me in his word (WLW, GMG -can’t wait for the study next week! and I Take Joy) but I find that I am not REALLY connecting with Him and his Word the way I should be and/or allowing it the time I should.

    My greatest hindrance is time…finding the time in my day to spend quiet time w/God seems like an impossible dream right now. My 5 mos old is up every 2 hrs overnight so I haven’t slept longer than 3 hrs at a time for over 4 mos and it’s really taking it’s toll on me in every area of my life. When I do have quiet time, I find that all I have the energy to do is crawl into bed and sleep for the two hrs my son is currently allowing. I justify my situation and tell myself that God understands, but does he really or am I just making myself feel better? HELP :\

    Hebrews 11:5-6. Hoping my guess is correct! We must please God and to do so, we “MUST believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”

    One intentional thing I am committing to do this week to begin creating space and solitude to earnestly seek after God is to PRAY ON IT! In those fleeting moments before I conk out in bed, I will pray for God to fill me with an intentional heart and show me where to begin creating space and solitude in my days so that I may earnestly seek after him.

    God Bless!

  • Honestly, I feel like I’m a 1, stinky. I always seem to go in waves of really being intentional and disciplined with quiet time (a 7-8 feeling close to God) and stinky or not getting it in (where I am now and distant). I struggle with getting a set routine down for waking up as my 1 year old still has a night or two of waking through the night which makes it hard for me to get up. I find if I don’t do it in the morning life takes over and everything becomes a distraction. I do pray daily multiple times during the day however, I feel like it is all one sided and it is me doing the talking. I try to just be quiet but don’t feel like I can hear God. So it frustrates me more which doesn’t help my quiet times. I want to get closer to God but am struggling to do so. I am hoping this study will help get me off this roller coaster and back to a steady disciplined walk. My goal this week is to get to bed at a good hour and set my alarm to start to establish a routine for my quiet time.

    • Hi Kiersten – I totally know how you feel. But, it does get easier. My children are older now….much older, but when they are young it is so hard to find the time to study and really get in deep to Gods word. Remember, God knows our hearts and He sees the desire you have right now to know Him more. He will bless you based on what is going on in your heart. When my kids were younger I tried to find little moments here and there thru out the day to seek God. It may just be a couple of minutes and thats ok! I will be thinking of you and praying for you.

  • Honestly I would say a 5/6 for my scale. With this book and group I know it will increase. I know my biggest distraction is technology without a doubt. I have started to ration out my internet time. Faith, we must have faith. What I plan on being intent about this week is making a plan/schedule so that I can incorporate my time with the Lord. I always feel so much better when I do. Be blessed.

  • 1.)  On a scale of 1-10 (10 = great; 1 = stinky) , how is your walk with God right now? I would say I am at a 7 right now. I have two young boys (8 months, 3years) so I have a hard time finding lots of quiet time. I can grab some time a couple Times throughout the day to sit and study the word.

    2.) What would you say is your greatest hindrance to carving out time to meet with God in your busy day? TV and internet are my biggest hindrance for carving out time.

    3.)  Grab your Bible and read (or google) Hebrews 11:5-6.  What does verse 6 state that we must do and believe if we want to be like Enoch? We need to walk with the Lord. We believe in the Lord and trust him as we walk with Christ.

    4.) What is one intentional thing you can do this week to begin creating space and solitude to earnestly seek after God? I love the idea about laminated memory verses! My bath time is my only “quiet time”. I will definitely start doing that. Bible minded is a app for memorizing verses as well. I’ve been using that!

  • 1) I would say my number is a 9! God has really been good about showing me how to organize my daily life to be purposeful in spending time with HIM. HE gives SO much to me it’s shameful not to ask HIM for help in making sure I don’t neglect my relationship with HIM. HE has also shown me a few things I needed to remove from my life to make more time for HIM. I am grateful!
    2) My biggest distraction would be exhaustion. There are some days where I am dragging myself around the house and I just can’t focus and get with it.
    3) Without faith…without walking out your faith…it is impossible to please God. We all have to ask ourselves, how does God want us to please HIM?
    4) Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. I have trouble with this. I am a night owl, always have been.

  • Quick P.S. I did some more digging into Enoch as he is one of many in the Bible that I love reading about. There are different derivatives of Enoch according to different concordances and grammatical structure. These meaning of these derivatives include…imprint, pierce into, trained servant, instruct, make wise, initiated and Hanukkah (dedication). Since names mean something this can give us a better look into Enoch’s character and walk with God. It’s interesting to note that Enoch was the 7th generation from Adam. The number 7 in Hebrew means spiritual perfection, complete and full.

  • Hi ladies….so happy to be here with you all. Courtney, thank you so much for getting us all together!
    1. My walk with God is an 8 or maybe even a 9. I have grown so much over the last 2 years and finding GMG on Pinterest played a big part in that.

    2. The computer and my hobby (sewing) are big hinderences in my life. I have learned to read and study the bible while I am having breakfast or it may not happen!

    3. Have faith and believe and live like I believe! What is so amazing is that God gives us faith…He takes care of everything doesn’t He?!

    4. I need to intentionally study my bible first thing in the morning while I am having breakfast and if for some reason that is not doable on any given day I need to read before going to sleep. Whats important is to do it everyday!

  • 1. Right now, I would rate my walk with God at a 3. I struggle to read my Bible daily and when I do I feel like I walk about “informed” rather than “connected”. Prayer time is also a weakness. I pray consistently for the salvation of my two young sons, but that’s about it. I would love improve in both areas and to draw much closer to God.
    2. I think my greatest hindrance is my own selfishness- prioritizing other things above the Lord (sleep, media, etc.)
    3. If we want to be like Enoch we must have faith, believe that God exists and sincerely seek Him.
    4. I would like to be more intentional about praying, so I would like to try journaling out my prayers to help me to focus. Even if it’s just a small prayer, I would like to write out one each day. I would love to get to the point where it’s natural to pour my heart out to God.

    • Amanda, I was/am thinking the same thing and saw a great prayer journal idea on Facebook. It’s a double entry journal, which appeals to my accounting brain 🙂 One side were the handwritten prayers from this woman and then a line drawn down the middle of the page. On the right side of the page were her notes on how/when those prayers on the left had been answered. It’s a great way to connect, I think, pour out our hearts AND in times of discouragement, go back to literally see how God answers us.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I would have to be honest and say it’s about a 4. I pray, I listen, but I don’t ACTIVELY pray and listen and I don’t make enough time in my schedule to focus on His word so that I can act in His will. My greatest hindrance to carving out time for God in my schedule is knowing that He loves me anyway and taking that for granted. Yes He knows all of the things that I have do during a day and how tired I am at night. He keeps me going throughout the day and His mercy endures forever, but that doesn’t mean that I should take for granted that I need time in prayer and worship to Him b/c I need to talk to him more than just in passing. In Hebrews 11:5-6, we have to have faith that God is a rewarder and we must be diligent in seeking Him (which is where I fall short). One thing I can do this week to intentionally make space and solitude is to turn get up when my alarm goes off at 6AM and take that quiet time before 6:30 to praise and worship Him and read His word and meditate on that. That’s when I don’t have my tv on, I’m not checking my cell phone and the kids are in their own get-ready routines, so that would be great time, but I have been lazy and hitting the snooze button. So instead, I can get my rear in gear and start my day off alone with the One who woke me to see it.

  • 1) I would honestly say that right now my walk is about a 3. I feel like I try to squeeze God into a few minutes here and there instead of really taking the time to seek Him wholeheartedly.
    2) My greatest hindrance is also my own selfishness. I am so tired after working and taking care of my family and I tend to go to bed, read, watch tv or get on social media instead of seeking God.
    3) To be like Enoch we must have faith, believe that God exists and sincerely seek Him.
    4) I would really like to try getting up earlier since that is the only time I can really have to be alone and it’s quiet.

  • So far I am in love with your book!

    1. I feel that I am a 4 in my walk with God. I have always believed but I have never really dove into the word of God like I am now. I’m excited! I do get up each morning and read for at least 30 minutes. This helps me to focus my day. I pray each day though that this continues. It’s so easy to fall back into the old me. I do pray and I listen and I’m trying really hard to practice it everyday.

    2. My greatest hindrance in craving out time in my day has to be my own mind. My mind constantly wonders and thinks of the next thing to do. I work from home 3-4 days a week so I am thinking of starting my work day once I get my kids off to school. It takes a lot of focus for me to dive into my study for the day without thinking of the next thing on my list. I have recently removed a lot of items off of my families to do list and that has really helped in freeing my mind and being able to focus on important things.

    3. Verse 6 states that we must believe that God will reward and we must earnestly seek him. I do struggle with this. I’m constantly having to are mind myself of this.

    4. I’ve thought of two things I can do intentionally to create space… Don’t follow society and the busy schedule “it” says we need to follow and also to think through each request or invitation thoroughly before answering yes or no. I have a tendency to say yes and then I get stressed out so easily.

  • 1-I would say I’m about a 6, as I am focusing on reading my Bible, thoughtfully praying and trying to stay positive and walk in faith. BUT I work (from home) on the weekends and there is always a reason for us not to go to church-but I crave being surrounded by & fellowshipping with other believers.
    2-Pinterest and busywork out are my 2 biggest hinderances. I have two kids, 3 & 8 mos, so the only quiet time I have is when they are in bed. By that time, I either want to zone out and stare at a screen or I’m trying to play catch and get a bunch of “stuff” done.
    3. Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God and He rewards those who earnestly seek him-I sooo needed this verse today.
    4. One intentional thing I am going to do is rest in Him-just sit back with a cup of tea and seek Him through His Word. I’m going to browse the Bible instead of the Internet!

  • Kind of opposite of Courtney, I am great with a quiet time and spending time in God’s word, but I want to improve practicing the presence of God more. My theme for the year is stewardship, and one aspect of that is not hitting snooze so that I have a more relaxed morning for time with God and getting in depth with books in addition to Scripture. Application of Scripture is a big area of focus for me.

  • 1. I read the questions this morning and pondered them while I read my chapter for the day. Every time I thought about it my number went down. So, I consider myself at a 6 with my time with God. I do have at least one bible study going on at all times, but my prayer life could be better and I could be digging deeper. But I don’t think I would ever consider my walk with God to be a 10, I could always use improving.
    2. I have to say my kids. ( I know this sounds really bad) I am the mother of three kids under the age of 6. They need me to help them and be their mother. Not to mention I am at their school three times a day. Once to drop two of the three kids off at school, then to pick up the 4 year old and then to pick up the 6 year old. It cuts my day to pieces. I love being their mother, so please don’t take this the wrong way. They are one of the best things that has happened to me. (the first being my hubby!)
    3. Have faith. Believe that God is God. Diligently seek Him. (don’t you just love that last one!!! I sure do)
    4. I plan to wake up before the kids do. This will be a tough one for me. I love sleeping in, no matter what time I go to sleep the night before. But it would be the only time to have perfect quietness. The world will be partly asleep and my kids will be asleep, my hubby will be at work so I won’t have to worry about disturbing him with lights and the rustling of my books. I plan to start tomorrow morning by waking up at 5 am. Hopefully and prayerfully I will follow through.

    • So I guess, instead of saying my kids, because it is not really my kids. It would be my time. Between doing what I have to do for my family and taking care of the house, I am just out of time. I need to better prioritize my time!!!

  • I am an empty nester now and quiet time is something I have made a habit of and I know the value and difference it has made in my life and my walk with the Lord. But I remember the struggle it was to be consistent when I was a young mother and had to work it in when I could and sometimes it didn’t happen at all. I remember the frustration of never getting through my Bible in a year until a friend of mine declared that it had taken two years but she finally made it all the way through, and then I was motivated to keep going and not worry if I finished in a year, but committed to finishing it however long it took and that is when it finally became a consistent habit. I remember dreading books like Revelation and the major prophets because they were so difficult to understand but each time I read them I understand a little bit more and that is exciting to me.

    The one thing that helped me the most with my prayer time was breaking up who I pray for on different days of the week. I don’t cover every family member and every missionary and every friend and so on each day. I have special days for different groups and that way I spend more time in pray for specific people. That’s just been my thing that has worked for me. A former preacher’s wife shared that was how she prayed and once I tried it I was hooked. And I always have a day of the week that I don’t pray for anyone or anything, I just sit with the Lord in quiet communion, and it is like having my spiritual battery recharged. It is my favorite day of prayer.

    For me, I don’t engage in much social media. It so easily robs me of time because it draws you in and before you know it you have spent more time than you thought you would reading others facebook pages and twitter feeds. It is so hard to find the balance that I just stay away from it most of the time.

    I think we all have to find what works best for us, and then we have to work hard to stay with it. The best part is that when we draw near to God – we have the guarantee that He is near and that He wants this close relationship with us!

  • I want to start by saying that I am so excited about this study and just love Courtney’s transparency and “realness”.
    1. I would rate my walk with God as a 5. I am making strides to do better but feel there is still much improvement to be made.
    2. My biggest hindrance is poor time management. I struggle with the discipline to get up early or with being sidetracked with distractions.
    3. Hebrews 11:5&6 says we must without faith it is impossible to please God and we must believe he exists and that he will reward those who earnestly seek him. I admit I often struggle with feeling unworthy or Gods rewards. I’m working on seeing the worth in myself that God sees.
    4. I will purposely create time to study and be alone early in the morning or after the kids go to bed at night so I can make getting alone with God my top priority.

  • I would have to say I am at a five. For me the biggest hindrances are not always making it the priority it should be/busy being a single mom. When I focus more intently on my walk with God, everything seems to be better…so I need to adjust my focus. God says we need FAITH/to believe in him and earnestly seek him to have a life like Enoch. For me I am going to intentionally focus on my bible studies/read the word daily/pray daily and incorporate my children in the teachings, so we can all walk together. Thank you for this chance to worship together and I look forward to walking with you.

  • 1. I would say this would be about a 7 for me. I think this number changes as we go through the seasons of life. I know for me, this is significantly higher than it was even 6 months ago. My goal is to continually strive for that 10 and to maintain it once I reach it!
    2. My greatest hinderance right now is sleep, lol. I absolutely NEED to get up 30 minutes earlier each day so that I can truly start my day feeling refreshed however, with a baby that may or may not decide to sleep through the night, that is much easier said than done.
    3. FAITH.
    4. One thing I am going to do this week is make myself get out of bed 30 miutes earlier. I know tht when I do, the feeling I will have starting my day in His presence will far outweigh those 30 extra minutes of sleep.

  • I first want to say to some of u don’t b so hard on ur self God understand that there r season in our life when we have little that don’t sleep for long periods of time . I don’t remember where it using the bible but I do believe some where in the New Testament it talks abt
    How ur not going to have all the free time u once did when ur were to devote to bring in the word because ur ministry know is devote that time to ur husband and children being a wife and mom . Know has for my walk I would say 6-7 I’m trying but it’s not where I d like it to b when I was single I would spend reading and dissecting the word I loved it but since become a wife and mom I struggle to have the time I want to do that we do go church and I work nursery I do my daily reading tho I don’t feel I’m
    Get anythg from it I pray daily and try to journal I pray w my son and work on memory verses w him we don’t do anythg as family hubby just not Rdy yet he does go church What gets in my way being wife and mom what can I do to work this not really sure hmm :/

  • I was tempted not to answer, not to leave my responses. Then I realized that was because then I would have to think about them, and that was exactly what I needed to do! I would probably rate my walk at a 4 right now. I do pray, and try to focus my mind on God when I start chasing the negative rabbit trails…. but since I am not getting into the Word regularly that is a difficult task. The Word really needs to be priority 1 for me. I think that my biggest obstacle is my own laziness. I don’t want to have to “think hard”, to put in the work to read God’s Word, to apply it to my life, to have a real relationship – I want those things, but I am being too lazy to get them. I would rather go out and take a walk, or read, or nap, or any of a hundred things that come up. I am not really a very busy person like many of you ladies, I just choose not to have the time 🙁 I do hope that I can begin to draw near to God, and have faith like Enoch’s because I believe He exists and know that His rewards will be great.
    As far as something intentional…. I used to have a giant bathroom mirror that I could write verses on with my Sharpie, but now we have remodeled and have 2 small mirrors. I really would like to put some verses up there since it is such a great place to see them regularly, but I will have to see if they fit. other than that, I think that I will require myself to have 10 minutes of devotional time in the Bible (not just a book of devotions) before I can read or check my studies online.

  • 1) I would say I am currently a 3 or 4, I am a church goer (haven’t always been) but between the Sundays, not a lot of my time is spent in The Word. I pray and I read a Bible story each night with my 2 year old…but other than church on Sunday, not any alone time is spent.
    2) I have 2 hindrances (and they are related) Media and laziness. After getting home from work, feeding my family, wrestling a toddler to bed, cleaning up, packing lunches for the following day…I crash on the sofa turn on the TV and grab for my iPhone. I will fall asleep right there many nights.
    3) Enoch had faith and his faith pleased God. “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him”
    4) I will intentionally set aside at least half an hour of my evening to “unplug” and be in The Word with God.

  • 1. I will say that my walk with God is 3. I go church every sunday and I also attend the mid-week service most times. Then during GMG sections I tried to participate but I am yet not totally committed to keeping to a particular time with God.
    2. My hindrances are laziness and procrastination.
    3.Vs 6 said that we must have faith and also believe that God exist and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
    4. I will intentionally force myself out of bed every morning to talk with my God and read his word.

  • 1. I’m about a 4-5. I’ve been praying, attending church regularly but lacking in finding quiet time to sit down and read/study scripture. I have just recently started doing the SOAP process while studying which is helping me out a lot! I’m also keeping a prayer journal now.
    2. My hindrance is laziness and not utilizing my time wisely while doing chores. I could listen to audio versions of the bible while doing dishes, cleaning or even while on my treadmill.
    3. Enoch had faith!!!
    4. I need to intentionally start reading the bible while in bed instead of watching tv or staying on the ipad.

  • My walk with God right now I would say is about a 5. I pray daily, and try to get in some kind of reading a couple times a week-whether it’s just a bible verse on FB or actually reading out of the bible. We don’t go to church often enough because there really isn’t a church here we all like. My walk with God is lower right now because we have been so busy with life that it seems by the time I slow down I am tired and just want to sleep. We are just finishing building a house, we are partially moved in waiting for the finish work to be done. Believe me-there have been LOTS of prayers over all of this production.
    Verse 6 states that we must have Faith!! Faith that God is always there for us and we must seek Him out.
    I need to let everything sit for at least 5-10 minutes every day and just concentrate on my relationship with God. I need to realize that in this small amount of time I can relax and let everything else around me just fade away. I need to read more of God’s word rather go on the internet or worry about things around me.

  • 1. I like how you separated your over all walk with God vs. your personal quiet time. I tend to be a perfectionist and if I’m not doing well in my quiet time, then I’d rate my overall walk with God very low. In reality, my family has been consistently going to church and I serve in children’s ministry, my prayer life is pretty typical of a homeschooling mother of 3 (with 2 kids going through puberty…Please help me Lord!), and I’ve been reading some godly Christian authors lately. My overall walk with God then would be a 6 . In my personal quiet time, I haven’t been spending time studying His word (since GMG Advent ended), so I would give myself a 2 or 3.
    2. My greatest hindrance to my quiet time would be laziness/SAD. This time of year is so dark in Alaska and I always struggle in Jan & Feb. Also social media, and homeschooling my kids.
    3. Have faith and believe that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.
    4. Get up early for my quiet time…no matter how I feel. 🙂

  • 1. 5 or 6. I do go to Church on Sunday morning and Wednesday nights. I do try to memorize scripture with the kids during home schooling. I also listen to the radio when the preachers come on for sermons while cooking and cleaning the kitchen. However I’m not getting up early to spend time with God in His word. I pray all day for God to help me calm down and not lose my temper and such. However I sometimes forget to pray before bed. I’m usually asleep when my head hits the pillow.

    2. The main thing hindering me would be not being able to get up early to spend time with God. I have 3 kids all under 7 and I am currently pregnant and sick. I’m having a hard time getting up when I need to and going to bed when I need to as well. I used to have a habit of getting up early and it was great, but now I just can’t seem to get there. I definitely can’t spend time alone with God during the day while the kids are up and running around and at night I spend time with my husband.

    3. We must have faith, please God and seek God

    4. I should get to bed earlier so I can get up earlier. I could memorize more scripture by doing post it notes on the bathroom mirror, like you suggested. I should pray before getting into bed.

  • 1. My walk with God right now would be a 7. Constantly running to Him at this time in my life.
    2. My blocker is laziness, I’ll admit it. I’ll run to Him, cry out to Him but when it comes to digging into His word or waiting to hear from Him I find myself on my phone or internet, so laziness and patience.
    3. Have faith, seek Him out!
    4. I need to put my phone away! I do get up at 5 every morning so I just need to leave my phone in my room and all my scripture items laid out next to the coffee machine

  • Through 2013 I desired to have a better walk with Christ. I struggled with staying disciplined with my quiet times because I had a very difficult pregnancy the first half of the year and then struggled with finding balance with everything in life with being a new mom. So for 2013 I would say I was about a 3 or 4. I am determined to change that in 2014. I have several goals that I am pursuing to make this happen. I am reading through the bible this year along with a teenage girl I mentor. I will be keeping a journal focused on the word Submission. I will be reading Women Living Well and being involved in the book club. And I am doing the Good Morning Girls bible studies throughout the year starting with “Intentionally Focused.” Through all of these I am sure I will have a much better devotional life this year than I did last year.

    My biggest hindrance to carving out time is not having a schedule. Having a newborn has made for a very unpredictable life but now that my daughter is nearing her first birthday I am seeing her naturally entering a schedule that I can work with to make time with God.

    We are to have faith in God. We need to believe who He is and diligently seek Him. We must be devoted as Courtney explains in her book. Enoch’s name means devoted. Enoch lived his life completely focused on God. I’m sure everything he did, said, and thought was always focused on pleasing and glorifying God. That is how I want to live my life so that my daughter and anyone else I am around sees this and sees Christ ultimately.

    My plan is to wake up early in the morning tomorrow (5am) and do my devotions before my daughter wakes up at 7am (her usual time). I have dreaded making this change because it is so early but sacrifice is what I need to do to make this happen. If I sacrifice my hour or two of sleep, Christ will give me the strength to get through the rest of the day. I will be forced to lean on Him and that is what He asks us to do.

  • 1.) 0.5-1

    2.) Lack of desire to do so. I could, say, read a Bible while I am waiting to pick my daughter up from school. Or, on nice days like today, walk the block a couple of times or read my novel.

    4.) See question two. Again, eh.

    • There are nights, when I’m lying in bed awake (which is almost every night for at least an hour) that I still might pray. However, I have found out that I might as well be praying to the tree outside the window for all the good it seems to do.

      • Existing on Empty,
        I have been where you are and my heart goes out to you. Other than prayer is there anything I can do for you? May God overwhelm you with His comforting Spirit and give you a thirst for HIS Word that will keep you coming back for more and more of HIM…the Living Water! I am praying for you dear sister!

        • Thank you. Do you have a magic wand or magic pixie dust to take me back to a year ago before I screwed everything up? Seriously, though, I’m not sure. Thank you. That’s the most supportive words I’ve gotten in a very, very long time. (Months, and I don’t just mean two or three.)

          • You know, none of us are perfect. We may screw things up from time to time, however it’s not so big that God can’t handle it or use it for HIS own divine purposes. What we see as something that is unreconcilable actually isn’t when we take it before our Heavenly Father, repent and lay it at HIS feet. HE forgives and we allow HIM to direct our path in all we do. Take it one day and one step at a time.

  • I would say my walk with God right now is at 7. I had struggles in 2013 and was slipping in and out of restlessness. I cant say for sure whether I was in the brink of depression, but it does feel like it. Then, I decided that I had enough moping around and I should get back to the Source. Ever since then, I have been doing my Quiet Time daily and even started an online ministry. I started small but I can already see God’s hands doing miraculous wonders through my website and facebook page.

    My greatest hindrance to carving out time to meet with God is my toddler. I find it challenging to juggle the demands of being a full-time mum and waking up early enough to do my QT. My daughter has skewed sleeping patterns and believe me when I say we tried so many times to adjust it. But her sleeping hours just goes back to being very late (after midnight) and that means we all wake up in the afternoon. By the time, half of the day is already gone! I am also homeschooling my girl so it is very demanding.

    To be like Enoch, one must have FAITH and BELIEVE that God rewards those who earnestly seeks Him.

    Instead of fighting with the demands of motherhood and running against time, I can use the opportunity to read my Bible and model seeking God to my daughter. That way, I can read do my Quiet Time and get her to respect that her mama also needs time to be with God.

  • 1.) On a scale of 1-10 (10 = great; 1 = stinky) , how is your walk with God right now?
    I would say about a 6 … definitely needs some improvement and some more devoted time to HIM.

    2.) What would you say is your greatest hindrance to carving out time to meet with God in your busy day?
    Being busy, and being distracted by other things like the computer.

    3.) Grab your Bible and read (or google) Hebrews 11:5-6. What does verse 6 state that we must do and believe if we want to be like Enoch?
    Have faith and earnestly seek after God.

    4.) What is one intentional thing you can do this week to begin creating space and solitude to earnestly seek after God?
    Get up a few minutes earlier so I can have quiet time before my family is up. I’m working on this! Also, not allow myself to go on the computer for the day until I have done my quiet time.

  • I’m at a level 1. I grew up going to church every week and my mom is still a devoted christian, but as soon as I got into my late teens (im 23) I got lost in my own desires and god fell into the sidelines. I’m now married and have a 3 yr old boy and I am commiting this year to growing in my relationship with god and just commiting my life and home to him.

    I’ve been very unorganized with my time and I get very distracted with television and social media. I need to stop that.

    The change I’m making this week is to wake up 1 hour earlier then my son so I can sit with a cup of tea and have my undistracted and focused quiet time. Although I grew up going to church I only have very very basic knowledge of the bible and therefor I really need to have that undistracted quiet time that will allow me to truly study and meditate on gods word using the SOAP method 🙂

  • 1. I would say about a 4 but quickly moving up. I was stuck in bed for four months and couldn’t attend church or anything so that really was hard on me spritually. We are attending church again and I feel the fire slowly being fanned back into flame.

    2. The greatest hinderance for me is laziness/exhaustion and the internet.

    3. Enoch was taken because he pleased God. We need faith to please God. (As a side note Enoch is one of my favorite Bible characters as well and we have a son named that.)

    4. This week I need to work on getting up earlier. Even if I don’t get my quiet time done in the morning if I can at least get my shower and get dressed before the kids get up I seem to be much more productive and able to get things like having a quiet time done.

  • 1. I love how you kinda placed this in two categories. As far as Walking and Living the Principles- I would say I am at about 7-8….. but like you, when it comes to reading, I am at about a 6-7. I can’t wait to get my GMG accountability going next week again!

    2. My hindrance. Internet too! As I am working to build my blog (oh how I want to be a SAHM!!! Maybe God will grant this request!) I am finding it takes a lot of time on the computer! I am learning I have to PRIORITIZE! Plus, like you- I just enjoy it! 🙂 My second hindrance would probably be tiredness. I haven’t been sleeping really well- so I am not getting into it like I should!

    3. Pleased God! 🙂 Oh, how I want to please God!

    4) Getting to bed earlier! Also- being intentional on where I am reading. Sometimes, I tend to go to passages I know are “feel goods” when I am not given a plan of action. I am going to be intentional about WHERE I read in scripture!


  • My walk with God is a 1-2 right now. Not proud of that number but that’s where I’m at currently. It’s been a very difficult year and though I’ve never felt God’s presence greater than I have in the midst of this storm, it’s been hard to stay faithful to a quiet time and daily walk.

    My greatest hindrance has been my lack of self-control. I have a busy life; work full-time, homeschool full-time, outside obligations, etc, but these are all excuses. There isn’t a single reason that I can’t have a closer walk with God except that I haven’t chosen to make it a priority. I haven’t committed to it and I haven’t asked God to give me a desire for that commitment.

    We must draw near and believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.

    I used to get up in the morning and have quiet time before everyone else got up. I’d have a cup of coffee, turn on soft instrumental worship music and spend time with God. I yearn for that time again. I will fight the urge to stay in bed (something has consumed me for several months now) and get up and get in the Word.

  • I kind of feel like I have missed the boat and this bible study isn’t maybe for me? I am 42, my kids are grown and gone. I wasn’t raised in a Christian household and I wasn’t the christian mother I wanted to be. My husband is definitely not in the same place as far as me with his relationship with God (does he even have one). He goes to church with me but that is about it. He calls me a prude cause I don’t want to participate in or watch certain shows and movies he does because they are not something a christian should be watching. I am suppossed to be submissive to that? I just feel lost.

  • Ok, so I’m getting started a little late, but I’m going to try to get caught up! My walk with God is probably around a 4 or 5 right now. Definitely not where I want it to be, but better than it was 2 years ago! My husband and I went through 4 years of trying to conceive with only one success which ended in a miscarriage. I’m not saying this to excuse my slip away from God, but just to explain that after that time and what it did to my marriage, I didn’t really have the desire to spend time with the One who I always thought wanted good for me (I later learned that MY good isn’t necessarily HIS good) Since then, my marriage and my relationship with God have both been restored to a place beyond where they even were prior to that time in my life. And, it’s all because God is faithful! I’d say my greatest hindrance is TV/movies. What can I say besides I get sucked in! It’s uninetentional, but it happens nonetheless. As far as what we must do to walk like Enoch – we must believe that God is who He says He is. That He DOES truly have our best interest at heart even if we can’t see it. And, that He will reward me if I will seek His presence. Finally, this week I am going to spend at least 30 minutes each morning working on my Intentionally Focused bible study for the day.

  • I’m playing catch-up here because just after I signed up my puter died. I have a new one now and am glad to find you still here. 😉

    I’d have to say I’m pretty low, kinda spent. I’d say a 3. I not only haven’t spent any time with the Lord – no quiet time, no real prayer time, no reading, no going to church, …. but I’ve been mad at Him. I don’t think I’ve ever given Him the cold shoulder like I am doing now. Things have turned around but I’m afraid if I get back to spending time with Him, things may get bad again.

    OTOH, I’m thankful, so thankful for the turn around and I do want to thank Him and praise Him for that.

  • Good Morning: I just started this so I am playing catch up I found this through doing the Good Morning Girls Intentionally Focused bible study (which I am loving) and decided to download your book on my Nook and here I am. I am struggling right now with myself as a person, wife and mother and hope with the bible study and book club and also just finding more quiet time with God I can enrich my life and become better in all three of my areas of self, wife and mother.

    1) On a scale from 1 – 10 I am going to be brutally honest and say I am about a 3/4. I do not sit quietly most of the time I allow my girls to watch tv in the same room I am doing my bible study or have something going on in the background and do not just sit in quiet and read my passages for the day. I also find myself only coming to God when things are not the way I want them to be and not really worrying about Him when my day seems to be going smoothly.

    2) My biggest hindrance is laziness on my part and right now I am very unorganized in my life so I feel guilty when I am sitting quietly and doing bible study because there are so many more things I need to be getting accomplished in the day that I am not getting done while I sit here. The internet is also I big one I sit down for what I think is a few minutes to read emails, look at facebook and pinterest and then before you know it I have been doing that for almost 2 hours.

    3) We have to believe there is a God and have faith that he awards those who seek HIM.

    4) Take a breath and just do it ( like Nike says). Take the time give my self permission to seek God in all his glory and know that He will be there with me throughout the rest of my hectic day.

    Love on Him as he does to me every minute of every day. I watched your clip from the Rachel Ray show and just wanted to say thiank you for telling us in your book the things edited out. It all looked so seamless how they edit out things that you say and it is scarey. We watch shows like this thinking we are really seeing the real person and yet with those edits we saw most of you but there were things that were left out that also made you who you are today. Thanks again for sharing. I am truly enjoying my time in this book already.

  • I read your book a few months ago & life was busy when this study started so I’m staring today! I’d say my walk & quiet time is great right now so I’d say 8 but always more to learn. My son goes to Christian school so we memorize scriptures together each week. I write in on the Chalkboard in our Kitchen & mirror in Bathroom. Both rooms everyone is in & can read it thruout the week. Also great for guests in our home to read & ask about! For me my struggle is going to bed early so I can wake up refreshed. Most day I soak in the Hot tub to relax before bed. The hardest is when ever we have guests in our home. My husband is still a late night guy and doesn’t require as much sleep as I do. I always feel rude checking out early but I know that is what I need to get my quiet time in the mornings before the kids get up & the day begins.

  • Wow, Courtney! I just finished the book and loved it! And I’m thinking about doing an online Summer Book Club. But, I have to say….I thought I was the only person on the planet that laminated scripture and put them up in the bathroom. What a joy to hear that you’ve done the same thing! 🙂

  • 1. Maybe I am a little harsh on myself, but I would honestly give myself a 5 for my walk. I just recently got married. I am not working, and we do not have children yet. You would think I would have loads of time to get things done, but I find myself getting so distracted by social media, friends, the television, books, etc. I honestly feel that I got more done when I worked full-time (before the company I worked for shut down and I was laid off). I need to be more diligent about my daily Bible reading/quiet time with God, fellowshipping, and Scripture memorization. I have all this free time. I need to use it wisely. The only thing that has managed to stay consistent is the fact that I do attend Church every Sunday. (Please do not think I am trying to gloat about all my free time. That is not my intention. I am just struggling to find the motivation and discipline to get everything done that I need to.)
    2. I would say my biggest hinderances are distractions (social media, television, and several other things that I listed above) and the lack of discipline to stick to my schedule. I need to find an accountability partner to help me stay on task with my schedule and daily quiet time.
    3. I’ll keep it hush hush since Courtney did. 🙂 These are two great verses though. Check them out.
    4. I plan to get up early each day this week to read God’s Word. When that alarm goes off, I don’t care how tired I am, I will peel myself out of bed and read God’s Word. I also plan to memorize one piece of Scripture this week.

  • Courtney,
    I have just started reading your book, thanks to a dear friend. I am loving it so far! On a scale from 1 to 10 I have to say I am a 4 or 5. I need to admit I am lazy, spend to much time on Facebook and I homeschool my son so a lot of my focus is on him. Even as I write this I can hear how I am using that as an excuse and I need to stop. My greatest hindrance is being lazy and Facebook, I will stop being on FB so much and devote more time to God in the mornings and evenings. Heb. 6 is telling us if we believe God exists he will reward us for our believe, that is so wonderful! The one intentional thing I am going to start doing (well more then one) I will spend time with God in the morning before my son is awake, I will take some time off FB to spend with him during the day and I will spend time with him in the evening when my son is asleep. Thank you for this book and this club it is helping me so much already!!

  • Hi , I would honesty have to say I’m just a 1 or 2. I’ve been saved for 43 years, married for 34. My marriage hit a major bump about 2 1/2 years ago. I almost lost my husband. I’ve been praying for certian things in this whole matter. God has answered some, but not the big problem. I can honestly say I’ve been mad at God a time or two. So I’m trying to come back to God, still praying for guidance in this area. I want my walk with God to grow again.