5 Steps To Building New Habits

Welcome back to Week 2 of the 31-Day Habit Tracking Challenge! If you are new here – jump on in and join us!

Week 2’s Challenge Is: 

Identify Your Obstacles and Create Solutions

Now that you have completed week 1, you may be able to see that there are obstacles in your way, to creating your new habits.

What were your obstacles this past week?

Identify them.

Now – let’s create a solution.

When my kids were little they liked to build forts with blankets and chairs but inevitably one corner of the blanket would get tugged on…and the entire fort would come tumbling down.  The structure was weak.

When it comes to building a house – the framework is vital to the strength of the structure.  A solid frame will mean a solid house, for decades to come.

Let’s apply the same concept to our new habits.

If we build our habits like my kid’s forts – without a framework, then when we run into an obstacle, we will fail.  But if we build a strong framework – our new habits will be a part of our lives for decades to come.

Here’s 5 Steps to Building a Strong Framework for New Habits

1.)  Put it ON your calendar.

Things that are on our calendars and scheduled into our days, usually get done.

Setting a daily time to complete your goal, for up to 60 days, can be effective in creating new habits.  Much like setting a budget to meet financial goals or creating a workout program to reach physical goals, having a plan is the first step in creating a framework that is strong.

2.) Write out your goal and put it where you can see it daily.

Put your goal on your smartphone, your refrigerator, beside your bed or in your bathroom. God taught the Israelites to keep his commands physically before them (Deuteronomy 6:6-9).  This kept them focused.  In the same way, keep your goals physically present to build a strong framework.

3.) Cut out unnecessary or unhealthy things in your life.

When you schedule in your habit – you may realize that something needs to be taken out.  Usually we need to get rid of our junk food and replace it with healthy food or maybe we need to sit less and move more, to reach 10,000 steps a day.  Maybe we need to sleep less and wake earlier or vice versa – sleep more!

We all have areas in our life where we may be a little excessive. Maybe we have too much clutter or we say “yes” to too many people or we buy too much or we eat too much.

Cut it out.

Be ruthless.

It’s the only way to build a strong framework.

4.) Find a friend to do it with.

Did you find a friend yet?  If you haven’t – pray and ask God to provide someone.  Be humble and don’t isolate yourself.

The longer you try to achieve a goal, the harder it can get. There are days when we just don’t feel like doing the hard thing or hurdles get into the way and we want to give up. Having a friend to keep you accountable or to discuss your hurdles with, is an important step in creating a strong framework.

I have a friend, who I vox with weekly, who keeps me on track with one of my goals.  (Voxer is an app where you can talk to friends privately but it records your message so they can listen anytime.)  I also have a Good Morning Girls group that holds me accountable for my morning quiet times.  I need the accountability.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
~Proverbs 27:17

5.) Fire the inner critic in your head, that judges you harshly, when you mess up!

Your inner critic might say – you’re so weak – what is wrong with you?   Why can’t you stop overeating or overspending or talking so much or why are you so shy or messy or disorganized?

If you inner dialogue is negative you will sabotage yourself.

You NEED to give yourself grace and truth so you have the strength to fight another day.

The enemy does not rest – he wants to lie to us about ourselves. Do not believe him.

If this is an obstacle for you – here’s a video addressing this issue (from one of my previous Bible Studies).

(I made a mistake at 5:13 – I meant to say God is a God of second chances)

Over 50% of human behavior is habit driven.  As we strive to develop good habits…bad habits reveal themselves as obstacles.  Identify your obstacles and create solutions to your own roadblocks, so you can reach your goals.

You have not developed new habits yet, which means you must practice self-control, self-discipline and be self-motivated.

Stay committed and put in the hard work.

Have a great new week – you can do this!

**Check In Time!**

On a scale of 1-7, (7 being best and you accomplished your goal all 7 days) how did this week go?

Did you face any obstacles – what were they?

Keep going – stay the course! You got this!

Walk with the King,


If you do not have a WLW 3-Month Habit Tracker yet – they are available on Amazon.

All three have the same interior.  Here’s a peak inside:

Behind the spiritual trackers, you will find a set of Habit Trackers broken down into 3 separate months.

Behind the 3 months of Habit Trackers, you will find 90-lined pages for journaling, along with an inspirational verse per day. 🙂


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26 Responses

  • This past week, I would give myself a 3. I moved forward on all my goals but was far from where I’d like to end up. But, small improvement is better then no improvement. Hopefully I will continue to move forward.

  • I am still having a difficult time identifying my top 3, or wording them into a goal and then putting some action steps to them. Maybe not being so indecisive needs to be one. All or nothing and perfectionistic thinking or fear of failure are big mental obstacles for me. Also battling distractions, staying focused. One of my habits is being fully present and engaged in the moment or task before me instead of multi-tasking with my brain. I would give me a 3 right now.

    • Thank you for sharing your struggles Rhonda. Perfectionism is a huge block for many and in an imperfect world, it will leave you frustrated. It is great that you know that is your obstacle. Instead of being all or nothing – let yourself take small steps and make reachable simple goals. For example, rather than trying to lose 15 pounds in 3 months, try to lose 3 pounds this month and 3 pounds the next month and 3 the next. It may take more months to reach your goal but it’s doable so you’ll get there. It’s the same with finances. Rather than trying to pay off a huge debt quickly, map it out and make small payments consistently, until you are there. Even baby steps are forward movement.

      So focus on small steps and you’ll get there! Don’t give up!
      Courtney 🙂

  • I am at a 2. I know what I need/want to do but am struggling to put it into place… more exercise, specifically walking 3 times a week. I don’t have a friend I can do it with. There is no one in the area or if they are, are busy with their families (I don’t have one as it is just me and my husband.)

    • Hi Stephanie! Thank you for sharing.

      It’s okay to not have a friend to walk with – I don’t have one either. My friend that keeps me accountable for my health does her workout on her schedule and then I do mine on my schedule and once a week we check in and ask how each other is doing and encourage each other.

      But before I had her, just making a plan and putting it on the calendar and charting my progress all helped to motivate me and keep me going. Finding a podcast or creating a playlist that you enjoy will make it easier to show up too. If walking is not working – then try a few other things like joining a local aerobics class.

      There are lots of great aerobics youtubes out there – Popsugar Fitness is one that my daughter and I like. They have tons of videos! Here’s a link to them: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBINFWq52ShSgUFEoynfSwg

      Hope that helps! 🙂

  • I’m going for a 4 – met my goals for 2 and still struggling with 1 – For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37

  • I’d say a 3…maybe even a 2. I have family in town staying at my house the first week so that made it a little difficult and then once I missed 1 day it was easy to miss more.
    Visibility is definitely an obstacle, I am going to schedule my work out times and quiet times.

  • I set up my top 3, and got them done 4 0f 7 days, despite my daughter’s car being hit by a dump truck on the first day (she is unhurt, Thank You Lord!) and breaking my dentures on the fourth day and refusing to leave the house the rest of the week…LOL! Satan will not distract me, maybe add more bumps in the road but this to shall pass. Have a great week everyone!!!

  • I did great on meeting my goal of getting in the gym 5 days. I did horrible at quiet time with God. It was a busy week. Seemed like it was go go go. All I could muster out was a few things and felt guilty when I didn’t spend time in Hos word nor prayer. Why is it we put God in the back bunner so easily and forgetful. Ugh! I hate when this happens!!! I also did horrible at sticking to 800 calories a day and eating things I can’t have. Lord forgive me, this is not how I want to be.

  • I loved The video! So thankful you listened to your self (And God) and posted it! Also, I love the idea of putting things on a calendar. It’s embarrassing that some days I can forget to be intentionally grateful. How can I not be just being grateful all day long?! But I allow life to get in the way. Reminders now in my calendar. Thanks Courtney for helping us along.

  • I ended up with four focus points and overall I am doing well. I’d give myself a 6. However I know myself… I always start out good and go downhill from there, so I’m planning on being super focused this week.

  • I would say a 4. Two out of my 3 goals I was able to meet rather consistently and I actually surprised myself. Today is a new day and I can begin again. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Phil 4:13. Keep up the good work girls. We can do this!

  • I would give myself an 8 on my 3 focus areas, but I also tend to start strong then wind down. My greatest obstacles were lack of motivation and lack of discipline. I’m going to work on postings around my house that will be encouraging and inspirational. Also need to schedule time for more social interaction person to person.

  • I would say a 3, although it did turn out that more areas were used than had been planned.For instance, my daily quiet time was not on the top 3 as it is a habit already. So simply logging it was great.

  • Hello. I give myself a 8. Eating habits were horrible but plan on doing better. I did take time to focus more and read

  • I will give myself a 4. Got some disappointing news and backslid a little. I also will start out strong and end up right back where I was. Thank you all for reminding me that I’m not the only one out here that feels like that. It make it easier to forgive myself and keep moving forward.

  • I would give myself a 4. I have really been keeping up with my bible reading and praying daily. However, I wanted to really cut down on my social media habit and that has not happen. I am tryong though and I will eventually make it. Here is to a better next week. Have blessed rest of your week everyone!! ❤

  • Well….I guess I give myself a 2. I didn’t keep up the way I wanted to at all. I don’t have any friends to be here and in person to hold me accountable and I get distracted easily by my stressful situations. And not when my anxiety attacks hit, I find it hard to settle down and feel healthy enough to concentrate. I am better than I was a year ago but nowhere near where I feel I should be!

  • I would give myself a 3 – made progress but not everyday and allowing distractions /obstacles to get in the way. Will keep moving forwards!

  • I would give myself a 3, started off strong and then let life circumstances derail me. But it’s a new day with new mercies. ❤️????

  • I don’t think I even made it onto the scale. The main issue is identifying what I want/need to work on, or actually deciding what to work on first. So I had a failure to launch. I need a do over this week. I know what my obstacles are: indecisiveness, lack of time/energy, and lack of focus. I feel in order to accomplish my goals, I need to wake up an hour earlier, before my family wakes up, and also so I have time to fit it all in to my morning routine. Waking up that early is no easy task, so I need to truly commit to that first (maybe that’s my first goal…), and then the other things will fall into place.

  • I’m only a 1 out of three on my habits. Have been struggling keeping track and filling out my habit tracker. Week two is take two for me.

  • I have three areas to work on. So far I’ve done well on all three, not perfect or as well as could have done. But, I’m happy that I’m moving forward. I’m setting new goals or carrying on to the next steps for this week. Praying for everyone else’s success too.