God Uses Our Weaknesses

Today we have a guest – my dear friend Ruth Schwenk from TheBetterMom.com.  She writes:

There are plenty of opportunities for a mom to feel weak.

-When we haven’t managed to hop into the shower—and it’s time to make dinner.

-When we arrive late for Bible study . . . with no shoes for the toddler.

-When we see on Facebook another mom’s cupcakes for her child’s birthday party.

-When we end the day by counting how many balls we dropped.

For the longest time, I resisted my weakness. After all, who is proud of not having everything figured out? But God actually has a purpose for our weakness. It’s like a door that allows God to enter and begin a work in us we would never have experienced if we faked being strong.

As it turns out, admitting our weakness is the first step to relying on God and not ourselves.

Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me But he said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness ”

In the New Testament we see that the apostle Paul, in a season of intense hardship and weakness, pleaded with God to take “it” away.

Nobody is entirely certain what Paul’s “it” was, but whatever it was, Paul was feeling weak.

We all have an “it.”

More often than not, God transforms us in our weakness instead of taking our weakness away. He transforms us by using our weakness to teach us to rely on Him and not on our own strength or wisdom. He doesn’t wait for us to become strong, secure, confident, or healthy. God does His greatest work in and through our weakness.

God responded to Paul’s pleading with the promise that His grace and His life-giving power were enough. So, if you feel weak today, you are exactly where God wants you! Whatever you are facing, remember that God loves to reveal His power through weakness. His power is made perfect in those of us who don’t feel as if we can do it all on our own.

Father, instead of taking away my weakness, transform me. Use my weakness to teach me to rely on You, resting in Your strength and wisdom. Your grace is enough for me today. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In what ways might God use your weakness to bring about growth as a mom?
How is embracing your weakness not the same as being indifferent?

 Trusted author Ruth Schwenk of Pressing Pause and The Better Mom blog will help you learn to give yourself grace as you grow in wisdom with The Better Mom Devotional. As a busy mom of four kids, Ruth understands the stress of raising a family and trying to do it all perfectly, but she has uncovered a secret: becoming a better mom starts not with what you are doing but with who God is inviting you to become.

With 100 devotions, The Better Mom Devotional offers you a calm way to start your day, deepening your faith on this lifelong journey towards becoming more like Jesus. If you are ready to discover what God wants to do in you, you can grab your copy of The Better Mom Devotional today at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, ChristianBook.com or anywhere books are sold.

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Categories: Books

3 Responses

  • Thanks for this, just what I needed. I’m recovering from pneumonia and feeling weak about needing help from my wonderful mother in law. She is a blessing from God, dropped everything to help us with the children.

  • Thank you for today’s post on weaknesses. Our youngest daughter is in a weak spot in her life and it is comforting to know God will use her weakness to bring her and our young grandson to him. It is also a good reminder to me and her father that we are weak also. God is using our weakness to
    remind us that we are not the all powerful ones He is.
    It is also a great comfort to hear God saying: I got this one.
    Bless you.