Peace On Earth December Challenge – Come Link Up!

The first Christmas Carol was sung by the angels:

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14

It was with the birth of Jesus that peace between God and man arrived. He came to die, to offer us forgiveness of our sins, and through our repentance we find peace with God. Yet it is hard to have a peace of mind during this insanely busy time for women. When we lack peace of mind, we lack peace in our homes. In our exhaustion, we become irritable and emotional. God can give us the strength to handle our challenging to-do list with grace and beauty but we need time alone resting, talking and just being with Jesus. He is our source of peace.

Jesus said “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28

I do not want to wake up on December 26th to find an empty feeling of guilt and exhaustion because I was so busy with the details of Christmas that I never sat down alone to just adore my precious Savior during the celebration of his birth!

So let me introduce you to the “Peace On Earth” December Challenge. Each week I will give you one practical tip and one spiritual tip that will bring you peace here on earth during this hectic holiday season.

Here’s a few more details:

Here’s the topic schedule for those who want to link up each week:

Today: Write at the top of your December calendar page – I Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” This will be a reminder every time you look at your calendar and feel anxious about all you have to get done – to pray. God cares for you. Release your worries to him and rest in him.

Also, go buy an extra large candle and light a candle everyday in your home in the month of December. I will be starting mine in the morning! But you can start yours at dinner time. I will be placing mine in the kitchen – the main hub of my home. Each time the candle catches your eye, say a prayer for peace in your home.

December 6th: As the warmth of Christmas has now begun to enter your home with the influx of decorations, cookie baking and friends, take out your calendar and SCHEDULE a night where you will take a warm refreshing bubble bath. I’ll give you more details on what to include with this bubble bath. But until then, one main thing will be your Bible. Read the story of the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1, 2 and Luke 1,2.

December 13th: At this point, you’re just 2 weeks from Christmas and there is still so much to get done. You need EXTRA rest! Pull out your calendar and SCHEDULE a night where you will go to bed very very early. Take your Bible with you to bed and read for 5 minutes. Read in Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, Jeremiah 23:5, and Isaiah 53. These are prophecies that were fulfilled by the birth and life of Jesus. Get extra blankets for a warm nights rest, pray God gives you deep rest and that no one wakes you. Then turn out the lights and sleep.

December 20th: Christmas is just 5 days away and so much of our time is often spent helping the children to remember the “Reason for the Season”. Now it’s our turn. Once the kids are in bed get yourself a HOT drink (again we are warming the body as we warm the soul.) Get ALONE and turn out the lights by your Christmas tree, a lit fire, or a candle and just be alone with God. Pray, talk to him, I encourage you to sing Christmas carols or songs praising him, and just rest with Jesus.

December 27th: Christmas is over! And the New Year is before us. Instead of going inward like we have with the bath, bed, and fireplace, I’m going to challenge you to get out of your house. If you live in the north, you’ll need to bundle up. If you have a safe neighborhood to walk in – go for a walk. If you do not, sit on your porch. The goal is to get out to the open sky and alone with God in nature. Take your Bible and get alone with God for 10 minutes. Read Matthew 27 and 28 about Jesus’ death and resurrection. Commit 2011 to living for Jesus.

As you can see, not one of these challenges costs a penny. So often we seek peace by trying to buy more or accomplish more in the short time we have. We push the limits of our body by staying up late, and going and going and going. Rather than doing more, let’s STOP. Just simply stop, rest and get alone with God. I think we will be surprised to find how life changing this time alone with our mighty God can be.

I need your accountability as I do this challenge. I am deeply grateful for anyone who is willing to join me on this December journey.

Jesus said in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled.”

If you would like to join me and you are a blogger – just copy and paste this Peace on Earth Badge on your blog with this link attached:

and then link up below! If you are not a blogger, leave a comment in the comment section to let me know that you would like to join the challenge.
Walk with the King!

I am linking up to: (In)Courage, Motivation Monday, Hip Homeschool Hop, Finer Things Friday, Raising Homemakers, Making My H0me Sing Monday , Holiday Haven and Works For Me Wednesday. Please check out these blogs for more great homemaking ideas.


  1. Courtney, I've never done this before so I hope I did it right. I love your idea and feel it goes perfect with the devotion that we are sharing. We want to keep our focus on HIM! Thanks for getting that message out to others!!
    Because of His Love,
    Mrs. Joseph Wood

  2. Sure! I'm in. However I've gotta be honest. I'm not going to do the bubble bath. I really don't find them relaxing, call me crazy! But I'll welcome an alternative challenge for that week.

  3. Ah, lovely! Courtney, you nailed it. We soooo need to find moments for pause, to choose the better thing. I just bought 4 new Yankee candles a few days ago. I'm excited to light one this week for the challenge.

  4. Courtney,
    This could not come at a better time for me (and my family). Will definately join you in this. Again, thank you for your faithfulness to the ministry!

  5. I"m going to do this. I'll be traveling so it will be much harder but I'm going to put it in my work calendar so its the first thing I see each morning!

    Thanks Courtney.

  6. I just told my husband yesterday that I was feeling so overwhelmed with December. Thanks for this wonderful reminder. I'll definitely be joining you. May we all know the Prince of Peace better than ever before. Courtney, you are a blessing!

    In His love,

  7. I will be doing this challenge. I missed out on the fall challenge, but I am looking forward to this challenge as Christmas approaches.

    Keren Williams

  8. I've come to realize that when I'm stressed out the husband and kids feed off of my emotional response and the whole house stresses out. I'd love to be a part of this challenge to bring peace to our home. I'm in!

  9. I have tears welling up in my eyes. I woke up so anxious and horrible this morning. This verse (1 Peter) is exactly what my savior wanted me to know today. Thank you! To God be the glory!

  10. I would love to join the Peach on Earth December Challenge. Every year I allow my self to get caught up in the craziness of making sure that everything is PERFECT…and many years have found myself the day after Christmas exhausted and feeling like I have left the Lord and the TRUE meaning of this holiday behind…looking forward to it. Thanks for the great idea

  11. Thank you for this challenge! I will be joining in and look forward to keeping this December a little more peaceful and focused.

  12. I absolutely love this challenge and plan to participate! Thank you for helping us to take a moment during such a busy time and focus on the heart of the holiday season.

  13. Thank you for this, I SO need it as my husband is leaving for 3 weeks. I am thankful for his job and that he will be home for Christmas but it leaves me alone with 2 little ones during the busy Christmas season. So thank you, I will be joining in. Also, off subject but I wanted to say your hair looks cute in your video!

  14. Just put the verse up,and lit a big candle I had not used in a long time. When I told my son (almost 2) about the candle in the kitchen he went to the table and started singing happy birthday.. I think this is the kind of peace you are reminding us of!!Thank you!!

  15. I am very excited to be doing this challenge with you. I think rest and utter devotion to God should be our focus during the end of one year and beginning of another. That peace and tranquility will spread throughout our houses just as easily as chaos and frenzy did in the past.

  16. Awesome! LOVE this.

    I'll be taking part, but right now I'm working on setting up my .com (YEAH!!!) (sorry, just a little excited lol), so I won't be linking up quite yet. Once I get the blog set up, I'll definitely link!!

  17. You know, that first song was totally spot-on. If we are giving glory to God first, there WILL be peace on earth! As long as I am praising the Lord and seeking to glorify Him, I will have no trouble showing His love, peace and mercy to others.

    I need to get one of those fake candles that operate on a battery, because I don't trust myself to leave the house without blowing out the candle first, lol!

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  18. im in! love how this is making my december looking. 🙂 i've made the decision already to have a peaceful holiday season. thanks for the added help :)-liz y.

  19. I will be joining you for the Challenge! We have decided to focus more on the birth of Jesus this Christmas than all of the commercial Christmas things! So this challenge will be great!

  20. I will be joining too.I didn't do very well with Thanksgiving, by Friday I was tired and crabby.I don't want that to happen at Christmas. Thank-you for doing this.

  21. I don't do well with the Holiday Season (past family issues) so this is just what I need.

    I do have a question, though…my apartment complex forbids candles (it's in my lease) and, while I love them, I don't want to risk someone coming in to check something and see it. What would you suggest as an alternative?

  22. Welcome everyone!!! Thank you so sincerely much for joining me!! You are so blessing my heart – I just hope this is the merriest Christmas ever for you!!!

    Kasondra – I bought a battery operated candle at Target just 2 weeks ago in their candle section! So that's what I recommend!

    We can do this girlies!!! I'm praying for peace for all of you!!!

  23. Courtney, I'm really gonna try to do this. I so want to be peace-filled and not let the world's ways push out a Christ-centered Christmas. About the candle, I have allergy issues, does anyone hsve any kind of candle that isn't "smoky" and too strong? I really want to do it but hesitate with the allergy thing. Thanks for any ideas! ~Jenny

  24. I love your blog and your challenges. Just wanted to share that, as I was watching this challenge video, my 2 year old son came over to the computer, pointed to you and said "pretty!" Actually, he said "piddy" but I knew what he meant!

  25. I just found your blog and love what I see. I am looking foward to following you.

    Thank you for this post. I have been on a 'mission' to make this Christmas season more about Christ and helping others than about self. I am trying to teach my kids this as well. I will be joining your challenge!

    Sweet Blessings~

  26. I wanted to share this with you as I thought you would love to use it with your children this season. Also, I would welcome it if you cared to share it with your readers, but thats entirely up to you. God bless and I cannot wait to start the challenge for December!

    Nativity Advent Calendar

  27. I think this is great 🙂 I will DEFINITELY be doing this as I can't make it to my church's bible study. Thank you

  28. I would love to join in. I really enjoy your blog, I just found it a couple of weeks ago and love your insight and tips. Thank you and may God Bless you and your family this Christmas and the coming year.

  29. Hi Courtney….. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. It was such an Honor and Blessing to have you stop by and even leave a comment. I am glad you felt that I captured what you said at the Relevant Conference so well…. The Lord really spoke through you to me and I was blessed to be able to receive. I have enjoyed your blog many times and I plan on joining your December Challenge. Thanks again for stopping by.

    Anne @

  30. Thank you, Courtney, for such an amazing challenge. I have already found myself more relaxed this Christmas season. My Good Morning Girls Group just did our outreach challenge and will be getting you pictures and our story soon. I almost forgot to light my candle today so I'm going to do that now. Merry Christmas!

  31. i'm feeling stressed with the end of this year… more than usual but i have so much to be thankful for!!!i'm joining in all the way from Atibaia, Sao Paulo, Brazil!!! my Christmas wont be the same as yours weather-wise but i will adapt as i see fit =)
    thank you so much!!! in Christ, Denise

  32. can't wait to do this challenge, it's a quiet year for us this year so I can't wait to focus on what REALLY matters!!!!

  33. I love your challenges and will be joining in… just not sure I will actually blog about it!! I lit a candle today, LOVE pine scented candles in December! 🙂

  34. Hey Courtney
    I'm apart of the challenge but I can't put the button on my blog unless it's in html code or at least that's the only way I know how.

  35. Courtney, You have blessed my heart with this blog. I am honored to post your Dec. challenge on my blog. I am a little late and will catch up to the second week tomorrow. Thanks for all of your encouragement. You will never know how much I needed this -this very week. Thank you.

  36. I am so happy I found your challenge. I have been so overwhelmed with actually "nothing" that I have completely stressed myself out to the max. Watching your video and listen to your challenge has lifted me up and opened my eyes. Thank you so much!

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