WLW Wednesday Link-Up Party

2011 is half way over!!! Can you believe it!?!


I’ve decided to join the Women Living Well Wednesday Link-up Party by sharing my 5 favorite posts every week from all the blog hopping I do!


1.  To kick us off – I chose Myra’s 4th of July Trifle – the photo is featured above – isn’t it gorgeous!?!


2.  Here’s the recipe for the yearly Dirt Cake I make for the 4th of July picnic we’ll be having at our house on Sunday.


3.  On Saturday nights my husband and I have been having a date night in our home after the kids are in bed.  We attach our ipad to the television, snuggle in close and watch Mark Driscoll’s series on Marriage titled: Peasant Princess. So far we are loving it and I recommend it!


4.  And this link – the one that made me cry…What It Means To Have a Sister by Ann Voskamp.  I truly am blessed to have 2 sisters who laugh with me and cry with me, who have carried my babies on their hip so I could enjoy a moment of peace, who tell me when my hairs just not quite right lol! and who pray for me when things in my world just aren’t quite right.  And while this post touched me because of the deep love I have for my own 2 sisters it brought pain as I think that my own daughter may never experience this bond…she’s missing out…and I just emptied my bins of baby girl clothes TODAY and drove them away…I wanted to cry as they emptied but held it back…this post opened the flood gates…so my hope feels weak, my heart heavy and tears came easy as I read Ann’s tender words.  I wrestle – do I continue to dream that those extra two chairs at our dinner table will one day be filled…or let it go and be content…sorry to go melancholy here for a second…this hit a soft spot today.

5.  Sally Clarkson is giving away 3 copies of her newly released book Educating the Whole Hearted Child!  I can’t wait to get my copy – it’s in the mail!  I’ll be sure to tell you all about it after I am done reading it.  But until then – enter to win your own copy here!



Now it’s your turn!  It’s Women Living Well’s Wednesday Link-Up Party!!!


Join the fun, do a little blog hopping and don’t forget if you join below -please add the Women Living Well Wednesdays button to your post so your readers can find us here! (posts can include the topics of marriage, parenting, homemaking, finances, recipes, organization and more!)


Walk with the King!


  1. I love the picture of that desert!! My mom made that for our holiday a few years back and it looked exactly like that. MAkes me happy!

  2. Hey Courtney – I grabbed your button but it showed up an ugly red X =( sorry, I used your logo button instead (worked great). Thanks for bringing all these great posts together every week !!

  3. That was fun!

    I added one from each of my blogs. How Safe is Home Birth, True Woman Make-Over Challenge, Make your own “Smartfood” Popcorn, and Make your own Moon Sand.

  4. Precious Cortney,

    I am so sorry to read of your sadness over getting rid of the baby girl clothes. I can imagine what a difficult place you are in, wanting more children and not knowing whether the Lord will choose to bless again. I have four beloved sisters, meself, and I, likewise, recently looked at my bins of baby girl clothes and wondered if my one 7-yo daughter will ever have a sister. For me, that’s not because of secondary infertility (not exactly sure if that’s your struggle?), but because she has soon-to-be four brothers. I have 3 boys now, and am expecting the 4th in September. We had never found out the sex of the baby before, but after praying for a sister last time and getting her third brother, we felt she had better know in advance whether or not to keep her hopes up this time around. I am thankful she had time to accept that a sister was not to be yet again, and that she should keep praying for the future. It stung a little when she said, “I think I’m getting too old to play with a baby sister…” (implied, “…if I ever do get one.”) , but it gives us opportunity to remind her of God’s sovereign plan, and that everything He does is best and always done in love, and no *good* thing does He withhold from those who love Him. I pray that if your heart’s desire is for more children around the table, that the Lord will see fit to fulfill that desire and grow your family to His glory! And may we both patiently pray and trust alongside our daughters that if a sister is a gift of grace God desires to grant them, that they may wait on His perfect timing. Much love to you, Sweet Sister in Christ!

    1. OH Sara – 4 boys! Wow! That’s awesome! But I hear your heart for your daughter and my heart goes out to her. I’m not alone…that’s what your comment reminds me and I thank you for that.

      As far as the reason why we do not have more children it’s very complicated…from a health issue to a medication issue to a life issue to my husband wanting to protect me from the health issue – to an adoption that fell through 6 weeks in…it just seems that God is closing the doors at every turn and I’m not doing a very good job of accepting that. Someday I’ll write on this when I can put my heart into words…for now it’s just a struggle that I don’t see clearly in and I don’t know how this will end.

  5. Courtney~ I feel the same way about my sister..besides my husband, she is my best friend!!!!! I want my daughter to experience the same friendship..its heavy on my heart too!

  6. Just found your blog and I can’t wait to check out the Peasant Princess series! As for the heavy heart, I have three boys and although I couldn’t love them more, I will always long and mourn for the daughter I dreamed of for so long and did not receive. I have a sister and grew up with several close female cousins, so I know and cherish the sister bond, but my heart’s desire was to experience the mother-daughter bond…someday perhaps I will know why God did not grant me my heart’s desire. Maybe not until I get to heaven though!

    1. Oh AprilMay – this comforted me. I didn’t even think of how those who long for the mother-daughter bond must feel. Thank you for sharing this. It reminds me that all of us have areas that we need comforted in and to pursue contentment and satisfaction in God’s will for us. Thank you for this sweet note – you helped my heart!

  7. AprilMay I feel exactly as you feel. I have 3 boys and love them dearly however I didn´t have the girl I also longed for. I wanted that bond too. My heart sometimes aches at the thought of it! I can´t have more children because of medical issues. So my little girl, the one I had a name for since I was 14 years old, will remain only in my sweet dreams. 🙁
    Courtney, I understand your feeling and my heart goes to you. But all along the post I kept thinking of my own sister. She is unsaved and we don´t share anything in our lives. She doesn´t have children, doesn´t care for kids, is not married and doesn´t care for it either. There can be months before hearing about her and not exactly in a phone call! She is a woman with a big, important job with lots of money to spend on shoes when we actually struggle with necesities… sooo many things that put us apart and therfore we don´t have that bond. So, what I ´m trying to say is that having a sister for your little girl doesn´t necesarily means that they will get along and have that bond that you have with your sisters. Maybe her bond with her brother is the one that will put her in the right path for her ministry. Only God knows, not me, certainly! I´m only trying to share my heart with you also. Letting you know that we are not alone. We are all together longing for things or relationships we may never have because then our ministry will never be fulfilled! Blessings!

  8. Wow I love a good party!! hehe Can’t wait to join in!

    I love your blog! This is my first visit, I think, it’s a least my first visit on a Wednesday!! I blog hop around so much sometimes I loose track of where I’ve been! But honestly I think I would have remembered being here …. So lovely. love, love, love it here…

  9. Courtney, I pray that God will comfort your heart and replace your joy. I have two sisters myself and know the bonds well. I have only daughters, four to be precise. God works in mysterious ways.. I didn’t have the last one until the 3rd was 10 years old. I truly thought it was going to be a boy.. I couldn’t understand God’s way AT ALL! From the time I had my first daughter I had wanted a boy.. who knows why God didn’t give one to me , maybe he knows my nerves couldn’t stand it 😉

    The Lord sees all and knows all.. if He chooses to He can still bless your womb further.. in His timing, not ours. I wanted to have all my children before I was 30. I didn’t plan them but thought God had granted my wish when I had the third at 29. Lo and behold.. along comes #4.. when I’m on the brink of 40! Not what I would have chosen, but I was open to His will and, though I was a bit resentful in the beginning at this HUGE change of life right when I felt my youngest was old enough for me to have some ‘me time’, I have released that and find contentment in my life.. as He wants it.

    God bless you Courtney and may His will be accomplished in your and through you.. you are a blessing to so many.. I know that He holds you in the palm of His hand and you can trust that whatever He decrees for you is what is best for you.

    Whew! What a long comment I’ve written.. sorry for filling up your space 😉

    Love & Blessings!

  10. Hi Courtney!

    Ironically, the post I listed had something to do with the Peasant Princess too!

    I also wanted to say that I can understand at least some of what you’re experiencing. I, too, wanted more children. Like you, I have my boy and my girl and it’s hard to put/give those girl dresses away. I was diagnosed with endometriosis in my 20s and I was told I might never get pregnant, but God had other plans. My first pregnancy and delivery nearly took both mine and my son’s life. My second pregnancy wasn’t easy, but it was less eventful than the first. But shortly after my second pregnancy, my marriage fell apart; by the time we worked all that out, my endometriosis had become very aggressive and I spent days at a time doubled-over on the couch. My doctor told me I had to have a hysterectomy. After the surgery, he told me it was a very good thing that they did it, because not only was the endo attacking my uterus and ovary, it had traveled to my abdominal area; which would have led to even more complications had I waited any longer. For that I am grateful. However, there are days where I wish things were different. But God’s ways are not my ways; and Father knows best!

    Thanks for sharing this!

  11. Courtney,

    That trifle looks delicious. I will have to keep both recipes featured and will be using them soon. This is my first visit to your lovely blog but I will be returning. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful link party!

    Happy 4th.


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