The Money Saving Mom’s Budget ~ 5 Book Giveaway

I am excited to share with you my first book review of 2012 and it’s written by a blogger that I admire – not just for her amazing blog but for her real life integrity and character as a Godly woman.  This is Crystal and me at the Relevant Blogging Conference where we were speakers together the last 2 years.  With over 150,000 Facebook Followers and over 85,000 Twitter followers, Crystal has become one of the leading bloggers for helping moms save money and her book Money $aving Mom’s Budget was just released TODAY!!

As I read Crystal’s book I felt like I was walking down memory lane.  Much of her book, I have either seen role-modeled by my mother growing up and my sisters, or I have fully lived and practiced.  For the first 3 years of our marriage, my husband was a student at the Ohio State University and I worked as a receptionist, Administrative Assistant and then a Pager Sales Rep. (Yes – I’m so old that I sold pagers for a living – this was before the cell phone craze! lol!) 

For the first year of our marriage, I made just above minimum wage and that meant no eating out and finding every deal we could for groceries and clothes.  After he graduated from college, we moved home and at that time he began working with a very good paying job.  We decided that I would stay home…and that’s when I really learned how to work the drugstore rebates, how to organize a coupon box, how to menu plan around the ads and run from store to store for all of the deals.  I also fell in LOVE with Aldi and I’ve never stopped this love affair!  It’s close to my home and has great prices without needing coupons! 

If you are in a position where you need to pay off college loans, credit card debt, have low savings – or no savings, would like to pay for your house in full, or have some extra spending money for vacations and luxuries – then this book is for you!

Crystal gives step by step instructions on how to set goals and make a budget.  For the first 10 years of our marriage, my husband and I followed a budget that together we set and followed strictly.  I turned in every receipt to him (he does the finances) – marking which category it fell into on the reciept and my husband entered it into Quicken software on the computer.  I would go into Quicken and see where I was overspending or where I had extra money to dip into.  This worked really well for us.

Crystal explains how to work a cash-only system – which I watched my mom do when I was a child.  When we needed money for an item – she’d dip into her money box, flip to the category and pull out the cash.  When the money was gone from the category for the month – so was the spending.  I love how she role modeled self-control to us girls.

This book fully explains how to work coupons – and I mean work coupons for a huge savings!  It’s incredible how effective coupons can be once you put energy into learning the system.   Again, my mom role modeled this in our home – sometimes when I was bored – she’d put me to work clipping coupons or pulling out the expired ones and sorting them.  I thought it was fun as a kid (so put your kids to work on this!)!  Now, one way my mom shows she is thinking of me, is by handing me coupons on a monthly basis!  She always hands me coupons for my favorite Christian book store (she knows my love for books), my favorite clothing stores and just this week  – she showed up with a coupon book for Dairy Queen since we live so close to one – and a coupon to Shutterfly!  My family DOES coupons :)!

Crystal also explains how to never pay retail.  This is another biggie of mine that I have shared here on Women Living Well! I have a video where I show my consignment shop finds – I LOVE my local consignment shops and purchase items for myself and the kids there regularly.  I also have posted multiple posts on how I like to do clothes swaps with my friends!  It’s another fun way to get new clothes – free (in the picture of me above, the grey shirt under the sweater, I got free at the clothes swap)!  And as for my husband’s clothes…all of his casual clothes we purchase from our brother-in-law who has an amazing sense of style – used!  We are shameless with our deals – and we love hitting the jackpot at garage sales, as well as putting one on yearly at my sister’s house!

I highly recommend Crystal’s book – it’s not a get rich quick manual but rather she shows you how to work hard and smart – and change your life!

All of the proceeds from this book are being donated to Compassion International – which is just another reason to purchase this book if you know you are in a place financially where you need to make changes.

Crystal has generously given me 5 copies of The Money Saving Mom’s Budget to give away!  Simply leave a comment below and I will randomly choose 5 winners on Saturday, January 14th.

For bonus entries:

Share the link to this post on Facebook and/or Twitter and then leave an extra comment letting me know that you did this. 

 Walk with the King!



    1. I hope I win I have my hand in there air jumping like an excited third grader who know wants to be chosen so bad lol.

    1. Hi. I couldnt find the place to post my comment so I just randomly replied. I hope I still have a chance to win:)
      Thanx for the offer, the book looks amazing from what I’ve heard, and not just on this site!!
      Have a blessed day.

  1. I am so excited about this book!! This looks amazing. I have really been struggling with how to implement a budget and actually sticking to it, but with the new year has come a renewed determination to get our finances on track so that we can do the most for others with the resources God has blessed us with. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway! 🙂

  2. Would so love this book! I left my job to be home with my family again. I am loving being able to take care of them without feeling so stressed. This book would help us to pinch a few more pennies and pay stuff off! Hoping I get a copy.

  3. Would absolutely LOVE a copy of this book!!! My husband and I just moved from Tx to CO to follow Gods call to help with the childrens ministries in a small church. We have 2 teenage boys and also a 10 yr old boy too!!!! I could use ALL the money saving tips I can get!!!!! Sooo excited to discover this book!!!!

  4. If any bargain hunters live in the Newark, Ohio area, visit the Clothes Closet “free store” at Second Church of Christ. The local paper has the times. We have clothes, many used and some new, for anyone who needs or wants them.

  5. I would love to win a copy of this book as our goal this year is to become debt free (except for the house)…although I believe in miracles. Love your blog!!!

  6. Oh how I would love to learn more about what this book teaches. I have done really well this past year and working to get out of debt, but would LOVE to learn more about couponing and saving. I LOVE consignment and actually have a small business earning a percentage by consigning for others in our yearly/seasonal sales – My dream is to open a children’s consignment shop in our area – I wish I was brave enough to just go for it. 🙂 Thanks for the oppurtunity to win such a great book! I LOVE this blog and love your support through your blog for everyday life loving Jesus!

  7. I have a friend who is the writer for and she is always posting ways on how to be frugal and save money. This book sounds wonderful! I’ll have to put it on my wishlist for purchasing, but right now “extra” purchases are off-limits due to needing to pay down the debt!

  8. I have read Money Saving for awhile now and I would love to hear Crystal’s advice for saving money. Thanks!

  9. This is definitely an area I need help in. I dont know how to use coupons effectively. Or stay on budget for that matter. I’d love to read this book.

  10. I’d love to win this book. I read money saving blogs all the time, but a book is a great place to take notes and use my highlighter. 🙂

  11. I would LOVE to win this book! I have recently started cutting WAY back and couponing, trying to pay off a few things so that I can stay home and have a baby! This would be awesome!

  12. I would love to win a copy of this book. Budgeting has been so hard for us since I am a SAHM and we rely a lot upon the tips my husband makes at his job. Tips vary from day to day so it’s hard to know exactly how much we’ll have total for a month. Times are hard right now so we are already trying to figure out ways to cut costs and make the most of what we have.

  13. I love any resources that will help a family save money! Doesn’t everyone? I try to save with coupons but would love to learn how to better use them. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  14. I would love to win this! My hubby and I are finally ‘seeing the light’ when it comes to finances and our issues in that arena, but it’d be awesome to have any advice we can get.

  15. Always looking for ways to be a better steward of all God entrusts us with!! Would be so grateful for her book!

  16. I bought it on Barnes and Novle as a Nook book! Can’t wait to read it later! No need to enter me in the giveaway!

  17. I love your blog….I am getting so much help from it. I am excited to learn more. My husband and I have been working on getting out of debt and we would like any help we can get. I will have to check this book out!

  18. My husband and I always talk about doing all these things! I do shop at a used children’s clothing store for my 2 sons. But getting the rest of it going always seems so overwhelming! Looking forward to see suggestions of how to implement this into our daily routines!

  19. Would love to win this book – but if not I will have to buy it! Crystal has been an inspiration to my family to save and give generously.

  20. I would love this……as a first time SAHM and homeschooler all in one year, this would be such a great benefit!

  21. Id love to win a copy of this book! Im a full time student and will graduate this May with my BA and would love to know how to pay off my student loans. I live on a budget now, given Im a single mother and I homeschool my two children. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  22. Would LOVE to win a copy of this book. I checked out the table of contents and it looks for helpful and useful. I am not too gifted in this area. 🙂

  23. I’ve been doing this since we got married four years ago – if we hadn’t, we wouldn’t have survived! My sister-in-law taught me how to after they lived six years at theological college. It works wonders!

  24. Wow! I live in Australia and am a wife and mother of four children. Hubby’s about to study for 12 months and so am I and I would love a copy to know how to cut costs and still provide lovingly for my family! Bless you.

  25. Being a modest single income family with four children, I would love to read this book. Thank you, Courtney and Crystal, for the chance to win such a helpful prize.

  26. I recently became a stay – at- home mom and could definately use the help from this book to take a liad of mu hubby financially… Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  27. Hi 🙂 Thought I’d throw my name in the hat to win a book, also tweeted the news! If you need it my twitter username is gutsiswhatineed

  28. I’d love to win this book. Although I already save tons of money by thrift store shopping for just about everything we need and cooking meals from scratch, I’d love to know more about couponing. I’d love to save even more money for our family. Thanks for this giveaway….and your blog which is a huge blessing to my heart.:)

  29. This would be a great book for me as we have struggled for years with finances and I always want to do a formal budget but never sure where to start.

  30. I think Brandi Watson should win a copy. She just built a chicken coop and made the cutest homemade sign for it! A stay-at-home mom with four adorable children. This would be such a sweet reward for her. 🙂 She left the second and third comment. I found your blog via her link on Facebook.

  31. I just put this book on my wish list! Would LOVE a copy… really trying to budget seriously this year. Last year was bad for us, so trying to jump back on the wagon!

  32. Oh I would really love to win a copy of this book! I have been eyeing it and thinking I would order it. My husband and I are trying to save up money this year to start looking for a new house and land and I know this would be such a great resource as we begin our year.

  33. Not sure how you will pick out of the MANY posts, but I would love a chance at this and know many more moms I can pass it on to when I am done. 🙂

    Thanks for the chance.

  34. I would love to have this book. We have had financial struggles lately, and Thank would help us to get back on track….

  35. Looks like a great tool for a strong start to the New Year! I’m a single mom working on getting out of debt and saving to build a strong future for my daughter and I. Blessings!

  36. As a mama of two littles doing this on my own, I would love the encouragement that it sounds like this book would offer. It’s in me to be frugal and look for deals (I’ve never bought diapers without a coupon) but even with the coupon bug I struggle to keep on budget and often thinks that wants are needs…especially those red tagged wants! I’d love to dive into this book and take on this challenge.

    Ps: I shared on Facebook for my fellow-ette frugal mamas! 🙂

  37. I love how bloggers support each other! Give-aways are always fun! We’re currently trying to pay off debt so we can move into a new place with room for baby #2. When #1 was born, we decided I would stay home, and then my husband lost his job = DEBT! He’s working 2 jobs right now trying to make up for lost time and get us back on track. I love his heart for our family, and his support of me being home. God bless every home as they read through this book and strive to be good stewards of their financial blessings!

  38. these are great ideas! this year my husband and i are committing to a budget and saving up to fulfill our dreams of travel and adventure. i would love to see if this book would help :O)
    oh! and i did do a link on facebook. :O)

  39. I have 4 small children and work full time. I think this book is just what I need to make it all work. I LOVE to save money. Thank you

  40. This book would be great! W are both 42, our 21 y/o son is living on his own, I homeschool our 12 y/o son, our only debt is our mortgage and we hope to pay that off in 4 years. I work hard to be frugal, but never turn down good advice!

  41. I would love to read this! Just found out that
    my seven year old needs 2,000.00 worth of dental work – referred to as “phase one”. I surely need to figure out a way to get my family a budget and in savings mode!

  42. What a great giveaway! Crystal’s blog was the first one I ever started reading. I was in a desperate search to learn how to use coupons and save lots of money when my husband stepped out on faith to begin a new business. I received lots of help from her site, plus I discovered a love for blogs 🙂

  43. With my husband still in residency and two young children this would be a great book for me to help stretch our dollar a little further. I have also shared this with my friends on facebook.

  44. I would love to win this book. I follow the blog. I am a full time working mom of 4 and would love to cut our budget so I can stay at home with our kids.

  45. I shared on twitter! I am so thankful for Crystal (and you!), and her heart and wisdom. I remember when I first heard she was giving all her proceeds to Compassion, I was both encouraged and convicted. So thankful for women like you both, living boldly for Him in the cyber world!

  46. I would love to have this book then share it with my sister-in-laws who are budgeting too! I have already shared this site with them and several friends…

  47. I definetly could use a book like this! Would love to win a copy and be able to get my household on a budget and start saving money! Thanks for a great opportunity!

  48. This sounds like something I really need. I have a habit of overspending and give up and get tired of coupon clipping for only a little bit of savings. I definitely need a kickstart for this new year 🙂

  49. With four children we could use all the extra money we can save. I have been a stay at home homeschooling mom for over 13 years. The thing I would love to have extra cash for is vacations. We very rarely take them because hotels are so expensive! Thank you for this opportunity!

  50. I would love to win this book for my daughter. She’s getting married in July and then her hubby will be returning to school for one more year. Definitely will need to learn to budget!

  51. rofl, Courtney – I worked part-time at a pager store too, and used to carry one around pre-cell phone. (though the store that I worked at was in a shady neighborhood….*shudder*).
    I’ve been seeing reviews for this book for a little while now – it looks fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway!

  52. Hi
    Just found your blog. Can’t wait to follow.
    I am a mom of five, searching for ways to save for my family.
    No role model here, so I need guidance!
    Our youngest is special needs, so all I want is to be go e with him.

    This book would be a true treasure in my hands.
    Thank you.

  53. This sounds like an amazing book for any mom! I know I could always use a little extra guidance in saving money, shopping smarter, and a little self-control when it comes to our finances. I would love to win a copy. Great review Courtney! Thank you for sharing!

  54. The 14th is my birthday I hope I win this it would be a great Birthday gift! If not I’ll have to buy one it sounds amazing.

  55. I could so use this book right now! With hubby just starting back to work after being out of a job for 9 months and us struggling to catch up, it would be such a blessing to have a tool to help get us back on track.

  56. I’m so lost in finances and saving. I thought I was doing the best I can but looking at others know I can do so much better!

  57. Since being monetarily forced to leave our “restaurant-going” lifestyle behind – we dove head first into saving money – and that’s what we share a little about everyday in some way on our blog – so would so LOVE a copy of this book to read myself and share our experiences with others!

  58. It is nice to know that there is authenticity in this book and blog. I appreciate people who are real and who have walked their talk.

  59. I am so happy that I found your website. You have really inspired me and I look forward to learning more each and every day. I would love to win one of The Money Saving Mom’s Budget books!! I am always looking for new ways to save and would love to have the opportunity to learn from this new book. Love in Christ!

  60. I would very interested in winning this book, my husband and I are working toward me being a stay at home mom and right now I am a full time Project Coordinator. I would love to learn more about how to save if I am blessed with the opportunity to stay home. God Bless.

  61. I would love a copy of this book! Finances are a struggle for me so new and improved ideas to implement are always welcome!

  62. Starting my life trying to be a stay at home mom, homeschooling mom, and Pastor’s Wife is very challenging. But this book would help me tremendously.

  63. Oh, I would really like to win this book! I follow her blog and yours, too! Both of you are an inspiration to me! Thanks for sharing!!

  64. Love the idea of this book! I do a bit of this, but need to really incorporate a system of it so that it becomes part of our lives. My family would benefit greatly from this book!! Thank you!

  65. Wow! Once again you put something in my life that I NEED! I am a new homeschooling mom who is looking for ways to save so that I can continue to stay home w/ the kids. We are going from two incomes to one, which is scary, and I’m still not sure how we’re going to do it! 🙂 I would love to win this book! Thank you!

  66. Thanks so much for the things you post about on here! You are such an encouragement to me! I would loooooove to win this book to further help me in my journey to becoming a better help to my husband in how I care for our family in the way of buying things. I am loving The Ministry of Motherhood, BTW.

  67. Thank you some much for the information about this book. I have been trying to slowly make these types of changes in our lives over the last several years since I became a stay at home mom. It would be great to have a guide to go to for ideas.

  68. I would love to have this book since I’m getting married in a few months. It would be a great to start out our life together more financially sound.

  69. Wow there is already a ton of comments lol ! I shouldn’t be surprised. I am eagerly praying to win this one it has been a tough year and I am struggling hard with making the budget we switched to cash only this year due to lay off and I have been trying to figure out a system and how to coupon and things! Now with our third on the way it has become even more important! So I will excitedly await this one lol!

  70. Hi Courtney: I would love to be able to read this book and then share with my children and husband what I have learned. Since I am in the process of teaching my children about saving, spending and giving with their allowance, this would fit in so well with my teaching and being a great role model for them. Thanks for the opportunity!

  71. I would love to read this book – I’ve been hearing so much about it and could always use some help with saving money. After reading it, I would love to pass this on to my daughter who is getting married this summer, so she could learn some money saving tips as well!

  72. I think this book would help me keep to the budget my husband and I have worked to set up. I always have a hard time keeping to the grocery budget, so the ideas in this book could be realy helpful. 🙂 Thanks for your blog.

  73. Oh how I would love to win a copy! I’ve been a reader of Money Saving Mom for quite a while and she is one of my favorites. I first learned about your blog after a post she wrote about Relevant. Finding your blog has been such a blessing to me and my marriage (I’m a newlywed!). It has also given me the encouragement I have needed to speak kindly to others when they confront me about my husband and my decision for me to stay at home BEFORE having children.

  74. Thanks for sharing about this new book!!! I can not wait to see a copy and dive into getting my finances in order:))))

  75. I would love to win a copy. we just redid our budget and are working a semi cash system. Normally I would just purchase the book, but its not in this months budget =)

  76. My husband and I are young and trying to plan for the future. This books sounds like it would be very helpful to us!

  77. Great ideas on handling finances in a very practical way. I am glad that the Lord is using her in such a great ministry. I am always looking for other ways to better care for the gifts from the Lord. As a full-time missionary who is not yet fully supported, I often rejoice to see how the Lord somehow keeps putting food on our table. He is good!

  78. I would love to win a copy of this book! I follow both of you and get so much encouragement from your blogs! Keep up the good work… and to God be the glory!

  79. This year I am focusing on ways I can help my husband be successful in every area of his life. I know learning how to use coupons and save on groceries would have a huge impact on this goal and focus for 2012. Thank you for being a Godly role model and sharing!! Carey V

  80. I would love to win a copy of this book, I have been a follower of Money Saving Mom and Women Living Well for some time. (they both lift me up) I was introduced to both by my wonderful daughter. I passed on some frugal living standards to her growing up, but believe me my daughter has taught me so much. I love your site and am so impressed how you put God first in all of your articles and stories. I read MSM’s blog yesterday and was so tickled and humbled when I seen that she is donating the proceeds of this book to Compassion International. Amazing women you two……Thank you for all that you do! I will be sharing with my friends on FB for sure!

  81. ANY money savings tips are always welcome information in my home. Trying to continue to be a stay at home mom, but life’s expenses are catching up with us!!

  82. Oh how I need this book. This is something I have on my heart to do better with this year. Finances. I am praying for God’s favor for you to pick me. I am not on facebook or twitter but join by email.
    God Bless KathyMills

  83. This looks like something I would use and share with others! Thanks for your blog! New to your website, and live in Texas…love how we are still connected though!
    Keep up the good work!
    Jenna Morris

  84. Would LOVE to win this book!!! We completely wiped out our savings when we began the adoption process… we are really looking for proven ways to cut back!!! 🙂

  85. Oh It would be an awesome blessing to win a copy of this book!! I would love it. We are struggling and it would really help me a lot!!

  86. I would really love to win one of these books! My husband and I have been looking at ways to do a budget, we have four children and he lost his job a few months ago, he has gotten a new job but with trying to catch up its been difficult, a budget would really help us!

  87. What a blessing and thank you to my friend Jenna for sharing. I would love a copy my 3 words for 2012 are ” Take Back Control” in my life, my home and my finances. This would help that goal tremendously.

  88. what a great give away! The Lord is challenging me and my husband in this area of our life together and would love this resource! Thanks for the opportunity!

  89. We could REALLY use some guidance. Thanks for your faithfulness in blogging. Thanks for the give-away too!

  90. Oh I would love this book. I was doing so great with coupons, and then after the birth of our fourth baby last summer, I sort of fell off the wagon.

  91. I PRAY I GET THIS BOOK!!! My finances and budgetting IS HORRIBLE, Im 23 with 2 children and just found out the Hospital tried to garnish my bank for 10,000 i owe them, but THE GLORY BE TO GOD, because THERE WERE NO FUNDS IN THE BANK OF ACCOUNT. If that would have happened I could have been evicted. IM KEEPING THE FAITH, but even if i dont get it for free, I BELIEVE IT WILL BE WORTH THE MONEY TO BUY! THANK YOU BOTH FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO, YOU HELP INSPIRE ME TO KNOW THAT I CAN DO IT, BUT IN DUE SEASON ALL OF THIS SHALL PASS.

  92. Hi! I would like the chance to win this book also! Budget is definitely a source of conflict at our house. Would love to change that!

  93. Thank you for offering this giveaway! Since I don’t have a Facebook or Twitter, this is my only entry 🙂

    Thank you!

  94. It would be a blessing to me and my family to be able to use this book to save money in our daily living.

  95. This book seems like a great resource! I’d love to win it and check it out and hopefully will be recommending it to all my friends!

  96. I am a Single Mommy with 5 Blessings~ I would Love to have a copy of this book, as I have always struggled with the whole “Budget”, and I do Seek to be a Good Steward with all that God Brings into My Life~ Blessings to you all for this wonderful Inspiration~

  97. Thank you for such a great opportunity to read, study and pass on. My husband and I are retired and always looking for the best ways to watch our budget and live better!! Many thanks for all writing such a book. Look forward to a great read!

  98. This book would be great for when we return to the states. We are in Europe, but would love to be ready for the day when I return later on this year. This would also be wonderful for soldiers and their families! Thanks so much for sharing this.

  99. I think I speak for all when I say THANK YOU Crystal(and women living well)for this opportunit!!!.In a society like today I am all about making every dollar stretch.Would love to see what advice this book contains;)

  100. Hi! I’ve recently come across your blog and I really enjoy it. I’m renewing my walk with God this year, as well as many other things and I appreciate finding blogging women who share the same lifestyle goals, and values I do.
    I have two little children and life has never really called for a budget before kids, but boy it sure does now! L.O.L. I guess you never really realize how expensive life can be until you’re in a position where you need to save.
    When I was pregnant with my first child two years ago, our well went dry (no water) and we had to have water brought in by a pumper truck (to be able to flush toilets and wash dishes) until we could have a new well dug. Unfortunately that blew through all the money we had set aside for me being a stay at home mom.
    My husband has allowed me to be a stay at home mom, but we are having to really cut back on a lot of things. Our gracious God has always provided when we were in need and we’ve made it through some pretty tough times.
    I think this book would help me to learn to stretch what little we do have and maybe alleviate a little stress on my husbands end.
    Thank you again for your blogging, keep up the good work!
    God Bless,

  101. This sounds like a great book! I hope I win, because I would love to give this book to my daughter, who just got married and is attending school.

  102. Sounds like a great book much needed by this mommy! I’m famous for leaving my coupons laying around, forgetting them, then kicking myself when they expire. I think wow I could’ve saved money! Shared this on my face book!

  103. I would love to win a copy of this book. I have really gotten off track with my spending since the birth of my third daughter last year, and I would love some encouragement to help me get back on track. My husband works hard to provide for our family, and I want to do my part to help with our finances.

  104. this sounds wonderful … having spent the last 2 months budgeting approximately $5 a day for food for 4 of us (and pretty much succeeding without too many ‘I’m hungries’!!) this would be great for some extra tips.

  105. I am all about saving money. Especailly since my parents moved in with my husband and I. We are just entering our second year of marriage. Trusting God!

  106. Thanks so much for this opportunity! I would love the chance to win this book ~ first to read myself and then to share with my daughter!

  107. I would love to win this book for my niece, she is a wife , new mom, veteran , and the best niece an aunt could ask for!

  108. I would love to receive a copy of this book. My husband and I are both over 50 and coming to realize that he will have to work until he can no longer physically do so. Last month, an illness cut him out of a paycheck right before Christmas and we couldn’t pay utilities. We lived on ramen noodles and soup from ALDI! We live paycheck to paycheck and obviously found that one paycheck put a big dent in our welfare. Would love some ideas on how to make what we do have stretch. I am a disabled homemaker, so I’m unable to contribute to the financial part. Thank you

  109. I would love to win this book because I NEED it! LOL. I need more ways to save money so I can continue to be a stay-at-home mom. It seems each year gets harder and harder.

  110. I would love to win this book! I have three young girls and my little one has many medical issues and special needs. I would love to find ways to pay off our medical debt and remain a stay-at-home mom. Thank you for all that you do–I love your blog!!!!!

  111. I really, really want to WIN!!! I have read Crystal’s blog for years, but we are working on Dave Ramsey’s Baby Step 2 right now, so the money just isn’t there to go buy it right now! Thanks!!!

  112. I am always looking for ways to budget better and stretch my husband’s hard earned dollars. This book sounds like a great resource.

  113. I’ve benefited so much from Crystal’s blog- hope to win her book to add to my growing knowledge base of money-saving techniques!

  114. Thanks for providing the chance to win this book! We are really in need of some serious help in the budgeting department!

  115. I would love to win this book. We have lost 40% of our income in the past couple of years and will probably lose another 1/3 of what we are now getting. I need to keep working on making the most of my resources and keeping only what we need as we downsize. Thanks for the tips!

  116. I just love that the proceeds go to Compassion. Unfortunately, we are not in a place to be able to buy “extras”, even if those extras are budget helpers. I would love to win this book, but if not, it will certainly be added to my wishlist!

  117. who doesnt need help in this area? I think I might mention the contest to my HUSBAND and he will probably leave a comment to improve my chances lol.

  118. I am 40 years old and just getting started on budgeting. My family and I have a lot to learn and are eager to get started. Thank you!

  119. Wow…..We ALL want to save some money!! So many things we women have in common…Thanks for sharing your blog with me!

  120. I would really love to win a copy of this book. I could really use it. I have never won anything before online so I hope I get blessed and win this time!! 🙂

  121. With the possibility of returning to work because our expenses are too high. I would love a chance to read this book and glean any information that she and God has for me.

    Thanks for the give away.

  122. Just discovered your blog, excited to explore it! Would love to win the Budgeting book, thank you for the giveaway.

  123. I would love to win this book, I am all about saving money and with 3 kids learning how to save on items would help me out alot. I am a stay at hme home so I am always looking online trying to find the better prices. Thanks for the opportunity to win this free book!! 🙂

  124. I would love to win a copy of Crystal’s book! It has been on my wish list since I heard about it a few months ago on her website. I love how Crystal and her husband were such wonderful stewards of their money and were able to purchase their new home without getting a mortgage!

    Thanks for sharing Courtney how important it was for you to see the principles of being frugal and a good steward from your mother. I hope that when my children are grown and moved out they will start out using God’s way of spending money rather than the way that the world tells them to spend their money.

  125. Wow! What a huge turnout in the comments! Looks like lots of followers. I like reading the Christian things you put on here. It is a little pick me up when I get your latest blog in my email 🙂 Thanks for all you do!

  126. This would be a great book to add to my collection! I have Crystal’s ‘Make Ahead Breakfasts’ – or I HAD it until I lost everything on my hard drive recently. Loved that one!

  127. I’m following Money Saving Mom on Facebook and would love to have her book as a resource. She is truly a great inspiration to me.

  128. I’m so glad for a chance to win the book. It looks incredible. Thank you for taking the time to write it to help us all. 🙂

  129. I would LOVE to win a copy of this book. I’ve followed Crystal’s blog for many years now, back when she was first engaged – then married – then starting Covenant Wedding Source. I am a huge “fan” of hers (if that’s an appropriate word to use?) and would love to read this book.

  130. I would love to win a copy of this book! I believe it would be a great blessing to me and my family.

  131. I am a newer stay-at-home mom. This book sounds like it would be a great read as my husband and I adjust to living on one income. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  132. I would love to win this book. Even if I don’t, I plan on purchasing this. With losing my full time-job, I need tips on how to better plan our monthly budget and expenses.

  133. I’d love to win one…we’re trying to be more financially fit this year, so I’m sure I could learn a thing or two from this book!

  134. Have heard a lot about this book & would love to win it….so that I will use it! I’ve been following her blog & yours too…strange how God works eh? Not at all 🙂

  135. This would be amazing as our income has been cut more than half what we were making before!
    Thanks for offering!

  136. I loved reading how your mom was so organized and disciplined. I would love a copy of this book to get started myself.

  137. My goals this year are to get our finances in order and better meal planning. Thanks for the opportunity to win this fabulous book!

  138. Crystal is an inspiration to us all and I highly commend her for following her dreams, while helping out individuals live a more satisfying and simpler life!!!

  139. Thanks for sharing about this book. While I would LOVE to win it, I’ll be sure to check into it if I don’t. I’m fairly new to the budgeting concept & can use all the help I can get.

  140. Just found your blog today and I would love to win this book! I have 3 teenage daughters who would love to read it also. Thanks for the opportunity!

  141. I would love to get this book. I am a stay-at-home Mom to 3 & have just returned to college. Learning to budget, coupon, etc. would tremendously help us stay on track towards our future plans. I shared this on FB as well. I know a lot of my friends could benefit from this too. Thanks for sharing!!!!

  142. Thanks for sharing this! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for winning a copy, but may very well purchase it otherwise!

    Our church is putting on a couponing/money saving workshop this weekend. I’m excited to see what’s going on there, too!

  143. I would LOVE a copy of the book! We currently have NO BUDGET, and I think it’s about high time we start managing our money and being good stewards with Gods gifts. Thank you for the chance.

  144. I would love to get a copy of this book!! I love saving any way I can, and this would just add to it! Thanks

  145. I have followed Crystal’s blog for awhile and I would love to get my hands on and share it once I’m done with others. She has great practical advice!

  146. This sounds like a great book! Can’t wait to read it. Also, love your blog (not just saying that to win), you post some great stuff.

  147. Wow, this sounds like a great book! We use the envelope system and try and stay to our budget, but sometimes it gets away. Would love to win this book

  148. hi ive been going to moneysaving mom for well over 8mth and i love her site along w/ your, it has inspired me so much to ;do more and to be more and i would love to get a copy of the book, I have told so many people about her site and the women living well especially ones that are married and we gain strength and hope when going to this blogs, I would really like to get a copy of the book thank you

  149. I shared on Facebook-!/permalink.php?story_fbid=127392294047267&id=100002433695748

  150. we would love to win! 🙂 we are really trying to get our finances in order and i love all of the frugal ideas these blogging moms have!

  151. I’d love to win. I’ve long been a reader over at MSM and it’s been wonderful to hear about Crystal’s journey through writing this book.

  152. Found your site through Crystal’s. I’m looking forward to exploring and enjoying your site. I would love to win this book. My goal this year is to be a better steward with my money.

  153. As a Pastor’s wife I am always wanting to help moms understand that we can do what the Lord has called us to do- be a keeper at home- we just need to budget and be what the Bible says “a prudent wife” …. this book will make a great resource to read and tell others of.

  154. As a new stay-at-home mama, I need to read this book. Being frugal is very important to me so teach me, please.

  155. Oh, how I could use this book!! This is the ONE thing that my husband and I have issues over!! He is great with money. Me, not so much! Although, I am doing better by using coupons and trying to budget. Thank you for this opportunity!

  156. I have been following MoneySavingMom for 2 years now. I absolutely love her site and I’m sure I would love her book as well. Thank you for this opportunity!

  157. Thankful for the opportunity to own this book. I follow Crystal’s blog and really appreciate all she does to help others while still maintaining her own family life in such a dignified manner. A few years back, I took a different position within my company when a family member got sick with cancer so that I could be home and not travel. It was a 50% paycut but it was the right decision for my family. Six months later my husband left and I had to do some very fast adjusting, especially financially. Still learning and pulling myself out of this pit. I welcome all the advice and tips I can find.

  158. It would be a pleasure to own one of these books, its a new year for my family and I and anything to help save some money and get through it would be great

  159. I love Crystal’s blog (as I do yours as well). I have been following her blog for at least 3 1/2 years. What inspiration. Was so thrilled she wrote a book – thank you for the opportunity to save even more money by having the chance to win one!

  160. I would love to read this book! I follow and it has already helped our family, and my attitude about living frugally, immensely!

  161. I have been familiar with Crystal’s website for some time, but it’s nice to know that all of her advice can be easily accessed in one place. I would like a copy of her book to know exactly how to improve my financial situation and get rid of credit card debt as well as save money. That and being able to have money still left in the bank at the end of the month!

  162. Thanks for the chance to win this book! I would love to buy it if we could, that’s so awesome that all proceeds to go Compassion!

  163. I would love the opportunity to win a copy of this book! I have been following both yours and Crystal’s blogs for a long time and look forward to reading them every day. Thanks 🙂

  164. I’d love to win a copy! I have been reading Crystal’s blogs for years and am looking forward to her book. Thanks!

  165. I shared this giveaway via the “share” link on your Facebook page. I also tweeted about it on Twitter providing a link to the giveaway post and tagged you in the tweet as well. Thanks 🙂

  166. I would love to win a copy of this book! We are currently working on reducing our spending and getting rid of debt! Thanks for the opportunity.

  167. I would love the opportunity to win this book to learn about saving!! Thanks so much for offering this to us!! What a blessing! I will also share this on my facebook 🙂

  168. Thank you for your ministry. It has really encouraged me through some difficult times. May the Lord bless you!

  169. I love reading money saving mom on facebook and when I have a talk on couponing at our October MOPS meeting she was a great reference to share. Plus, now I have high speed internet so I can actually view some of the videos!

  170. I would love to win a copy of this book. We struggle with budgeting and this book would be a blessing. Thanks for the chance!

  171. Sounds like an amazing book – thanks so much for sharing it with us. WIth so much out there, it’s so great to have a reccommendation from a trusted source – and from like minded women who live it, not just talk it. We appreciate all that you do and share with us. Thanks!

  172. Your website has been inspiring and informative. Thanks for a great giveaway. Hope I win. Would love to read this book. I need all the help I can get.

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