My Meeting with Kylie Bisutti, Former Victoria Secret Model

Tuesday Morning Kylie Bisutti, former Victoria Secret Model, was in New York City on Fox and Friends doing this. 

And Tuesday evening she was in Ohio at a Starbucks, doing this!!!

Kylie graciously gave of her time, to share her story with me and my 2 friends – Diana and Clare (Peak 313).

We chatted for nearly 2 hours and I wish I could share every last detail with you – but it was not an interview (although my rapid fire questions may have felt like it was to her lol!!! This girl is fascinating!). It was truly just a casual meeting of sisters in Christ exchanging God stories!

Kylie has a new website at where she has shared both her testimony and heart. She writes there:

“I Quit Being A Victoria’s Secret Model To Become a Proverbs 31 Wife

I started my modeling career at the very young age of 14. It was always my dream to become a super model and to be a Victoria’s Secret model was my ultimate goal in life. I felt like I was born to walk the runway and at the age of 19 I achieved that goal. I walked in my first Victoria’s Secret runway show…

I selfishly desired the attention that I was getting and I gave in to worldly ways… UNTIL I had a very gracious and convicting AWAKENING! The Lord knocked me off my feet and showed me where to find true happiness and self worth. How to be truly beautiful (which has NOTHING to do with external beauty) and most importantly how to truly live a life for Him and His glory and not my own. As I studied the word more, I desired to be more Christ like in the way that I was living. I wanted to be a better example to young women. I wanted to be the wife that God made me to be and the one my husband deserved. (we were recently married before the whole Victoria’s Secret thing happened) I wanted to be honoring to the Lord in all things. So, I stopped modeling lingerie, and skimpy bathing suits. I told myself I would never be on a men’s magazine again, and I decided to be more modest in the way that I dressed.” ~Source Link

 OH ya – I like this girl!  She has my heart! 

And I have to wonder…is there something that God has been convicting you of? Maybe there is something you are doing that you love BUT you know God is not pleased with.  Maybe it feels like the sacrifice would be too high to quit.  Kylie had reached the epitome of modeling but when God convicted her, she obeyed her convictions, took a leap of faith and sacrificed it all.  She did not know what God would have around the next corner for her but she trusted and went forward.  And she testifies to the peace she has on the other side.

Her story inspires me to remember that all the world offers is empty and that we serve a worthy Savior!  He is worthy of sacrificing all!

To follow Kylie visit her blog at or follower her on Twitter @VSKylie.

Walk with the King,


Clare just put up a more detailed post about our meeting with Kylie here:



  1. I have to be honest, I saw an interview with her on Good Morning America and I’m really not impressed. It is great that she wants to share her testimony but as photos and video are shown as she talks, I don’t really see how that shares anything except putting herself out there again, dressed the same way. Even photos of her and her husband – she is not dressed modestly. Really, really not a fan of hers at all. But that is just my opinion. She is still modeling – I understand she isn’t modeling the skimpy stuff but I’m not sure how the focus has really changed.

    1. Jackie


      I love John 8:7 where Jesus says “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

      At the foot of the cross we are all on level ground – we are all sinners in need of the blood of Jesus to cover us. Jesus’ grace is enough and that should be enough for us as well.

      I commend Kylie for her bravery and courage to not only quit her job but to then go on television interviews saying – “I want to honor God with my life”.

      We are all on our journey towards growth and maturity. Let’s support our sister in Christ in love.

      1. I agree with Courtney. Just like everyone we all grow, we grow at different pace spiritually and maybe haven’t quite gotten that conviction to change the way she dresses but she will get there gradually.
        We can’t look at pictures and judge a person. We need to know their motives, their intent, and hers is God, she is seeking and growing in the Lord.

    2. I must agree somewhat with Jackie. If you go to her website, it’s far from being modest – with seductive pictures and immodest apparel. I’m glad she is taking a stand and being modest, perhaps in a way that seems more modest than wearing lingerie for everyone. I also agree with Jackie in that her interviews continue to go back and show her in her old images. I have seen other models, like Kathy Ireland, make a stand and go a completely different direction. I’m glad she has had a change of heart – it sounds more like she has recently become a Christian, but that’s really only something between her and the Lord. I hope she continues in her walk with Christ to grow more and more concerned about modest apparel. I’m sure her heart and motives are pure and I hope that she can get discipled by an older women who can give her great wisdom, along with her pursuit for God’s will.

    3. Oh wow. Forgive me, but I am taken aback by your comment.

      She may not be dressing in tops that button to her chin, but it’s definitely an improvement and it’s obvious she is trying and she is maturing. It takes time. 🙂 We will always be growing and God will always be stretching us.

    4. I see both sides of this discussion, however when I think about walking a mile in Kylie’s shoes (Probably some really expensive pumps), how would you make this turn around? What would it cost? Your photos and videos are everywhere with strangers owning the rights to them…you will never be able to fully leave the past. You could not run fast enough to escape the thousands of critics.

      Walking away from hundreds of thousands of dollars of income with people on both sides judging your decision has to be very, very hard.

      A mile in her shoes may give us all some new appreciation for grace.

      1. Well said. I can’t imagine having that type of life choices follow me for the rest of my life, and publicly. She needs more prayer and support than most others for the journey she has chosen WITH Jesus! Our spiritual journey and convictions will still always remain between us and God, why do we always STILL always find it easiest to judge people in the midst of their journeys? Because our heart is hearing a conviction we are still fighting to follow, and seeing others claim to walk our walk and see them not living in out our conviction brings out the brat in us…..the brat that verbally stomps her feet claiming she’s not being ‘good’ enough….if she can do that, why can’t I?
        When do we realize that each of our walks of faith WILL LOOK DIFFERENT?
        Honestly I find some of her cloths offensive, but I wonder, do I offend others in mine?

  2. I just watched her interview on Fox — A-mazing!! I just told my 9-year old daughter her (brief) story/testimony and nearly burst into tears! It really touches me when people follow God’s calling and take huge leaps of faith!

    My daughter does her ballet lessons at our local mall (in the basement). But the coffee shop I often go to is right across from Victoria’s Secret. My children have been trained to look at the coffee shop the entire time they are walking, and if they happen to get a glimpse of the 10 feet poster models, they declare rather loudly “Ewwww! Yucky!!!”

    Anyways, that’s the reason I shared her story with my daughter. She was so happy to hear about someone taking a stand for what’s right. Bravo!

  3. I was so hoping you would post about your meeting :)! She is an extraordinary woman!! I love how Christians are rising up within the public eye (Time Tebow, Kylie, Rick Sandtorm-just to name a few) who are not ashamed of Christ. They speak boldly and live a life of integrity based on their convictions. Gets me so excited!!! This is the kind of “super model” I want my little girl to grow up to be like. 🙂

  4. To God be the glory that she took a big step and decided to make a change for God. We are all at different stages in life and at different stages in our walk with the Lord. What an amazing example she can set for little ones, and teenagers that look up to her. While watching her interview on Fox I was trying to keep in mind that she may not have control over what pictures are shown about her. Thank you Courtney for sharing this! Have a wonderful evening.

  5. Wow, this is fantastic. Thank you. I so LOVE her testimony and it’s really encouraging to see young women demonstrating some modesty, even in their careers. When I have a chance, I’m going to read some more!!! I’m glad that you had some great “sisters in Christ” time 🙂 🙂 Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

  6. I have not seen the interviews but have only read an article on the internet when I first heard the story. I came to the Lord while still a competitive bodybuilder, having paraded on stage in a thong myself I can wholeheartedly say that our God is a transforming God. We live in perilous times, for sure but remember God calls out sinners strategically (His ways are not our ways) for His own glory! I have experienced the spotlight on a tiny scale and people can be cruel and unkind forgetting that the skin is covering a person with feelings. When will we finally get that we are to love like Him. Whenever someone turns to Jesus and away from sin AS HE REVEALS it to them, God IS glorified. None of us has it all down, none of us is perfect. May God be glorified in Kylie as she grows in the grace and knowledge of Him who gave Himself for her and bought her at great cost! I am grateful for her and she is shining for Him, imperfectly- because He is Perfect. Only Him.

  7. This was so so SO encouraging!
    I read about Kylie just a few days ago and was hoping to hear more of her story…

    I look back on where I was in my walk with God 15 years ago, then 10, then 5…and even now…
    And I see how He was and is slowly pulling me closer to Him–
    Looking for my response to His conviction and the work of the Holy Spirit… as a process.
    I’m so thankful for His grace and patience with me.
    It’s all….

    Her willing response to take this HUGE step away from something-dreamed-for
    and towards Him is beautiful to me.

    “Nothing stands still….
    Life is but a series of moments,
    each containing a choice.
    Each choice is either to obey the present impulse of the Spirit or to disobey.
    Each choice is either to act in love or in selfishness,
    in faith or in unbelief.”
    ~Andree Seu

  8. Courtney, you said it – Grace…. We need to show and receive God’s amazing grace. She – as we all are – is a work in progress. May the Lord continue to guide and strengthen Kylie.

  9. Accept him whose faith is weak without passing judgement on disputable matters…see Romans 14. And yet, I think it is those who judge whose faith is weak. Her faith is growing, and strong, to take a stand in the first place. Seeking to honour God is never a bad thing, even if it doesn’t suit our personal standards.

    1. SARAH: What a beautiful comment! Having worked with teen girls in a youth group setting for the past 12 years, I see firsthand how “church people’s” grace and acceptance of a person who is surrendering to Christ can make all the difference in one’s life! While youth pastoring, my husband and I saw many kids walk through the doors of church looking undesirable. Our church body, particularly a group of mature, older men and women, saw no problem surrounding these young people with love, encouragement, and support. (They were thrilled to see non-Christians walking into our church!) As a result, many youth began to come to the Sunday services as well and even became involved in serving alongside the adults in ministries.

      Certainly, we still had a work of discipling and (at times) addressing dsicipline issues with kids, but when those kids graduated, it was breathtaking to look back at the two to three years they had attended regularly and see how their actions, clothing choices, and attitudes had changed…and in most cases, it was due to CHRIST working in them to convict and change them.

      When people try to change people, it leads to legalism. When JESUS through the Holy Spirit changes someone, it leads to maturity of the heart. We encourage people to unashamedly follow Jesus and believe his Word, wholeheartedly. We leave the judging to God.

      1. Oh how I love your post Katie! I am seeing so much of this tearing people (especially kids) down. I don’t understand how Christians have gotten this far from Grace and Love. Thank you for your post and keep loving these kids. I Love that your church is embracing them as well. That is so inspiring.

  10. I think the negative comments above are more a reflection of their hearts not being in the right place.
    This girl has taken a stand. Is she “perfect” yet? Absolutely not and neither are we. But, we, as growing Christians, should be taking little steps daily, to clean up our worldliness and move closer to that prize.

    She is obviously walking with God and doing her best to obey and she will get to where HE wants her, in due time.

    In the meantime, if she can’t even please her fellow sisters in Christ, what good is it all doing?

    Cheer her on and watch her grow.

    When you first gave your life to Christ, did you stop every bad habit right away? No! Growth in Christ takes time, as HE chips away at the old and replaces it with himself.

    She’s on the right path and for the stand she has taken and the voice she is using, I commend her.

  11. We are all a work in progress. I remember making decisions about not watching certain things and still chose to watch others. There are things I watched two years ago that I wouldn’t watch now. But yet I still find God is constantly refining and desiring to purify this area in my life. If it’s not what I’m watching it’s the TIME invested doing it He is after. I say all that to say, I have no doubt that as Kylie continues to her journey with the Lord like we all are she will grow and mature and become the woman she herself says she longs to be–A Proverbs 31 Wife—which we all know is a process 🙂
    I read this today after reading this blog and thought it was so appropriate…

    “Repairs are happening all around me. God is working in the lives of those I love; He is working in mine too. My prayer is to get to the place where I don’t even see the dents. Instead, I want eyes and a heart that rejoice with the smallest improvement, that praise potential and acknowledge effort. As I seek to live out Jesus’ request to love others, a critical spirit needs to die, and a loving one needs to take its place.”

  12. Oh thank you so much for this follow up comment.

    This is the 1st time I’ve ever turned on comment moderation on Women Living Well…it took me some time to find it…lol! Your comment was in a mix of others with a similiar tone that did not make it through today.

    I have been criticized many times by readers and since I am the one writing it makes sense that we have a discussion. But Kylie was my guest…she did not ask to be featured here – I chose to put the pictures up and talk about her. So I was not comfortable letting everyone air their “opinions” about her here.

    I know that I have disappointed some of my readers today…but as Ann Voskamp says “I’ve been appointed to disappoint so I can point to Jesus.” People disappoint – it’s a fact of life – but Jesus – oh sweet Jesus – he never disappoints us!!!

    Feel free to take shots at me…but not at Kylie. She is a woman on a journey in her walk with the King and I loved Kylie’s tweet today – she wrote:

    “I am not where I need to be yet, but thank God I am not where I used to be! I’m thankful He is always working in me to make me more like Him.”

    All’s Grace,

    1. Hi Courtney… I’m last to read this but better late than never! I just wanted to say that I agree with you about showing love and grace to those on the journey. We’re all at different stages and God is continuously perfecting us. That aspect of our human nature to always compare ourselves and judge others is one that we constantly have to battle. Thank God for people like you who encourage us to stretch ourselves a little more.

      God bless!

  13. Hi Cassandra – let me just say first – I just love you and your blog – you always challenge me and I like that in you!

    I did promote Kylie’s story and call her an inspiration (you mentioned in your comment over 5 times the word role model – I never used that term? but let’s just say I did…wouldn’t you agree she’s a role model of someone who sacrificed fame and fortune to follow hard after God? That was the purpose of my writing this post.)

    And I wonder…Would one of her model friends come here and read the comments – that I blocked – and think – “those Christian women would never love me. They would only judge me.” – that breaks my heart. Would they not find Jesus here because we did not extend the grace that they would need to be able to come here with guards down…

    I must say that I stand by what I originally wrote in the article above:

    “Her story inspires me to remember that all the world offers is empty and that we serve a worthy Savior! He is worthy of sacrificing all!”

    That’s my conclusion – that was my purpose of sharing her links and story – so people could follow and read her story as it unfolds…God’s not finished any of us yet!


    1. I would call Kylie a role model, not because I agree with everything she says or does (I don’t know anything about her other than the stand she has taken), but because she HAS modeled a choice to follow God’s leading.

      When I read the Bible, I often find biblical men and women who have been called “righteous” by God, and when I read about their lives, I wonder what God saw. (Lot, Sarah being called submissive in the New Testament when in the OT, it appears she was nagging Abraham and rushed into trying to fulfill the prophecy her own way!) Yet, God put them in His Word as examples and “role models of faith” although they certainly didn’t have it all together or live an outwardly mature life (even Abraham lied, Jacob was deceptive, etc..) all the time.

      That makes me think of the verse that “man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart”! Even biblical people were flawed, but God places value on their faith and how they choose to trust Him. I have no doubt, that God considers Kylie as a role model–she believed His Word and chose to act on it. What better example could a person give?

  14. I am so inspired by her. She is TRULY SO AMAZINGLY beautiful on the outside. Really, I think she is the prettiest of all the Victoria’s Secret models! I watched the video interview online that she did on GMA and her pics are stunning. My point with saying this, is that she could absolutely continue on her that type of modeling and become VERY famous, even getting roles as a pretty girl in movies just on her good looks, even if she were not a trained actress.

    Then there is the issue of money-if she stayed on as a lingerie model, she would have no problem securing multi-million dollar contracts.

    She is truly following the Lord’s call on her life by pursuing a career that is honoring to him. I think she is just amazing and you can really see her inner beauty shining through. I think the Lord chose her for this – I do see her as a role model for some girls & boys. Many Christians do pursue careers in entertainment or modeling fields. She can be someone they can look at and say, wow look at how successful someone can be while following the Lord!

    As someone only married a couple years, I can say that I definitely feel the same way as she does- I don’t want other men to see things that only my husband should!

    I also like what she said about how she doesn’t judge the other models for their choice to continue w/lingerie. Love is always the best. And, what is in someone’s heart is more important than what someone chooses as an occupation. Many of those other models are probably really sweet girls who are innocent and did not choose modeling to be provocative but because they like fashion, have talent, etc. Perhaps she can be a good role model for them too!

  15. I only read a few of the previous comments and didn’t really want to read any more. I saw, praise God for the progress made and that she has decided to leave her life and career in the hands of God. What modesty is to one, may not be the same to another. Each of us is a work in progress. All we can do is pray for ourselves and each other to truly have a heart after God and His heart for the lost.

  16. I don’t always read blog posts the day they are published. just not enough time 🙂 but it is exciting that you got to meet this girl.
    It is amazing what the Lord can do with a willing heart. and it sounds as though her HEART is discovering modesty… which is where it ALL begins!
    praise the Lord there is no cookie-cutter or “mold” we have to fit in order to be “modest”…
    I enjoy your blog though I rarely comment. and I appreciate your tone of love and grace toward all comments!

  17. Our journey with God is always the right step even if we are the only ones doing it. Kylie took a huge step to be in the public lights and speak of God and her faith. I can be at Target or at a local setting and don’t always take a stand for God when I’m challenged—but He is still molding me, as He is each of us. As sisters in Christ we need to embrace and be willing to support each other in our walk (Titus 2 women) represent Christ through His love, grace, and be praying for this young woman and her husband. Courtney thank you for your blogs and supporting this young women.

  18. I came across your blog a few months ago and have been following quietly since then but this post grabbed my attention.

    “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: ” Luke 6:37

    This girl is inspirational because she is out there telling the world her beliefs. She is giving up a lot that most people, even years old Christian, wouldn’t be willing to give up. Her money, he fame, her attention, etc. Instead of sitting back and letting society make her feel as an outcast she is speaking up and telling everyone she’s giving it up because of God. It’s an inspiration and wonderful to see someone growing so much. I still can’t give up things myself that I know I should be giving up. It is in God’s grace and HE is the one that convicts us, gives us strength and moves us. Even HE as the almighty knows that not everyone can change everything at once so he works his way through you.

    How many of us are willing to transform our life as she has and give up something so big?

    Think you already have? How often do you pick up junk food? How often do you yell? How often do you speed while driving? How often do you buy something just because you “want” it or convince yourself you need it? How often do you put off God because the day was just so busy you have no energy and just want to sleep?

    “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. ” Matthew 7:5

  19. Courtney,

    I follow your blog and enjoy everything you post. I must admit, when I was reading the comments and got to the one that you responded with “And I wonder…Would one of her model friends come here and read the comments – that I blocked – and think – “those Christian women would never love me. They would only judge me.” – that breaks my heart. Would they not find Jesus here because we did not extend the grace that they would need to be able to come here with guards down.” I cried – we are to love the sinner and hate the sin – Not judging any comments or persons. But what if one of her model friends read these comments………………….. what if these comments kept them from coming to Jesus. WOW – be careful who you judge and what you say. I would only hope that “by the Grace of God” I would have the courage to walk away from fame and fortune. Good job Kylie – I think you are Beautiful and wonderful example for all. Just me thinking out loud.

  20. Thank you for sharing Kylie’s story. While she may have room to grow, I can definitely say that I DO TOO!!! I applaud her for taking this stand, especially in the face of such cruel attacks. I pray the Lord will help her and shield her from the attacks of those claiming to be Christians, and that these words will not be used to hinder her continued growth and walk with Christ.

    I have grown up in Christian circles. I know full well the “grace” that can come from those who are supposed to be showing God’s love to others. Too many times, I have heard the whispers about a visitor, heard the gasps as someone walked through the church’s doors.
    I have had to pray hard and long to overcome the wounds inflicted on me and on those that I love from many who were more concerned about the outward appearance, rather than the heart. I thank the Lord for His forgiveness of my bitterness and can now pray for those hard-hearted persons with understanding and with love. How sad to know that they are so lacking in the joy that comes from truly ministering to those in need! When we become so entranced in our “standards” that we can no longer have mercy on the lost, or in this case, those who are so young in their walk with God, we have become lost ourselves and lose so many of the blessings that come from doing God’s work of reaching the hurting and lost for HIM!!
    Thank you for your grace in responding to these comments and in sharing your heart on this subject.

  21. I’m a little late in reading this, but I wanted to say that I find it incredibly encouraging when someone steps away from notice in order to be faithful to God. As a girl with curves and womanly ways, it has been noted that men tend to turn and look. It never bothered my husband, because it wasn’t intentional on my part and he thought, “Well she is beautiful.” But it began to bother me, and so I’ve begun to try and at least cover up any assets a bit better. I can’t help my looks and the way I tend to put off a womanly vibe, but I can avoid drawing attention to things men are distracted by.

    I think for her to have even just said that she wouldn’t wear lingerie or skimpy bathing suits is a huge sacrifice for her career. I also think that it should be noted that not everyone has the same idea of modesty, that we are all convicted differently. Perhaps God convicts us differently because we are all walking different paths. I think, for example, when it comes to swimsuits, that even in one pieces some men will stare. You have to worry about your heart and your purpose and realize that you can’t always worry about another person. Bravo to her for taking steps towards God and away from worldliness.

  22. This whole post and conversation has actually made my day! So many women will judge, and I’m thankful for you, Courtney, and for the others that pointed out so much truth about judging and having grace. I recently have been very convicted about dressing modestly. And it’s a struggle because I’ve worked hard to lose my baby weight, and I finally look the way I’ve always wanted to look, and although it is wrong and vain, sometimes I want to show it. Thankfully, God has really convicted me to make steps toward changing, not just changing my clothes but changing my heart about it. This summer I’ve committed to myself to only wear one pieces and that my dresses will come down to my knees or my shorts will come down past the middle of my thigh. And I’ve decided to wear shirts under my low cut tanks and dresses. This may not seem modest to some women, but to me it is a big change. And I’m a work in progress. And truthfully, all the clothing in the world can’t cover a wicked and mean heart. Jesus made it clear to the pharisees that we can’t just clean the outside of the cup, that it is more important for us to clean the inside of the cup, and then the outside will be clean. But works of the heart are different than a work of the flesh, oftentimes works of the heart take longer. This did for me. I’ve been a believer for years, but the Lord is really opening my eyes to this now. And that’s okay. I’m thankful for all the ones that have been gracious towards me on this journey, I still have a long way to go. 🙂 Thank you for this post!

  23. Thank you for sharing this! I remember seeing an interview with Kylie … last year, maybe? … and being impacted by the story. I love the comments above encouraging grace! It concerned me that some people may be hyper-critical of Kylie as soon as I heard her testimony. I see people writing about “seductive” photographs on her website, which, honestly, I don’t see, but so much about sexuality and modesty is subjective and personal. We also change our minds about those things as we mature and grow in our walk with God. It’s important for Kylie to know that she *is* perfect in His eyes, whether others think so or not!

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