When It Feels Like Your World Is Falling Apart

Job lost everything: his livelihood, his children, and his health. Through his story you learn how you should respond when your world is falling apart. #Biblestudy #Job #WomensBibleStudy #GoodMorningGirls

As we open our Bibles to the book of Job and read chapters one through five, the stage is set for the next 37 chapters ahead on our journey.  Job is an upright, blameless man and then God allows trouble – from the hands of the enemy – to enter his life and suddenly Job’s world begins to unravel and fall apart.

Join me on this video, as I talk about how to navigate our trials when it feels like your world is falling apart and you can’t seem to find the answers to “why.”

(If you are reading this in an email or feed – click here to see the video)

Job’s response is incredible. In chapter one, immediately following his loss – he worships God.  In chapter 2, his wife tells him to curse God and die and he refuses.  In chapter 3, he goes low…very very low.  He does not curse God but rather he curses the day he was born and he repeatedly asks God why.

And then his friends arrive.  First, they simply sit with him for 7 days in silence {beautiful}…but then they open their mouths.  Uh Oh!  Here we go!  They suggest that perhaps he has sinned (4:7,8), they seem insensitive to his suffering (4:5,6), and they recommend he seeks God (5:8) – as if he has not done this.

Do you have a friend going through something difficult right now?

I know that it’s hard to find the right words during this time to encourage them.  Just being there is enough.  I know that when I am going through something serious – I need to just talk it out.  I’m an external processor and I’m thankful for a mother and sisters who listen and listen and listen.

Recently as I went through a hard time, I had one friend who set an alarm on her phone to pray for me daily – then she would text me after she prayed to let me know I was prayed for. Such a blessing! I have another friend who sends me images with a verse or quote on it to encourage me.  No extra words are needed.  Just the thought alone means so much.

I don’t know who it is in your life who needs encouragement today – but don’t delay. Send a text, send a card, invite your friend out for coffee and just listen, go sit with her in the hospital and just be there. Show up.  Not with advice…but love.

This world is broken.  Satan our enemy seeks to strip us of our confidence in God and our joy.  Fight back friends!  Don’t let the enemy lie to you.  Stand on the sure promises of God.  He loves you and he will never leave you nor forsake you (Deut.31:6).

Keep walking with the King,


**Chime In**

What is one thing you learned during your study in the book of Job this week?

For Further Reading
The GMG Leadership Team is Blogging Through the Bible Too! You can visit their blogs here:

Becoming a Godly Wife – Bridget
Misty Leask – Misty
Rosilind Jukic – Rosilind
Worshipful Living – Mandy

The Friday Link-Up has been discontinued. If you are blogging through the Bible with us – please leave your link in the comment section so readers can find your blog and visit you!


  1. I’ve learned to never doubt God. Have faith and trust him in the good and the bad, just like Job. Job never turned his back on God. Our Lord will always take care of us, He has a perfect plan already in place.

  2. My husband’s sister and nephew were in a terrible accident on Dec 27th. Very horrific and she was in a coma. But as I’ve been praying for her all these days that God would work a miracle, I’ve had peace. She and most of the family do not believe in God. We’ve prayed that God would wake her in such a way that even the doctors would be in awe. She woke yesterday and today she knew family and although she can’t speak yet she’s nodding her head with appropriate answers. God is a good God and I’m so thankful for the reminder as I read Job. Thank you Courtney for leading us to study God’s word and apply it directly to our lives.

    1. Carolyn, giving thanks for the progress your sister in law is making and continuing in prayer for you and your family. Truly, the LORD is good!

  3. Courtney going to ask you a very special request I don’t know how possible it will be is there anyway that you can videotape YouTube- these lessons? I would like to listen to them before you go to sleep and help it, I d I would with my anxiety I have been having these past couple days .

    1. Hi Holly! I have the Bible App by You Version and bible.com. If you don’t have it, I highly recommend it! It gives you a verse of the day, offers thousands of devotion plans, has more translations than I can count, AND many of them are audible!! My favorite is NIV to listen to. The reader’s voice is so soothing. I usually listen and read at the same time when I am doing this Bible study, and it helps me stay focused. BUT, I have also plugged in my headphones and listend to it as I fall asleep. I was feeling particularly anxious a few weeks ago and listened to the Psalms as I feel asleep – you can even set a timer within the app.
      I hope that is helpful for you. Prayers for your peace of mind.

  4. As we begin this journey with Job, I am reminded of my inadequacy in myself for truly helping others. In allowing the Word and the Spirit to to do Their transforming work, then I am enabled to be healing in the lives of others. There has been helpful and constructive conviction as I’ve reflected on my responses to those in crisis. Thanks, Courtney, for ALL YOU DO!

  5. Thank you ,Courtney. Especially for the video! What you shared was SO GOOD! Today on my blog I share some thoughts on Job chapter 1. One article in Norwegian and one in English.

  6. Thank you Courtney for the this beautiful topic. Its actually touching my life as if you knew what i needed right now. I am actually going through a difficult challenge in all aspects of my life and i do not understand why…. I need God’s intervention right now and also understand his will with all this am going through. I am confused…

  7. I have seen the reality of this upright man(righteous) who finally caves after illness. I relate to this because although I did not lose kids and pray everyday and Thank God for them(continue praying they stay alive and well, I had to give over guardianship of my youngest). The illness is horrid and although I do not want to die sometimes I feel like I am. The illness is not widely accepted but very real(mycotoxicosis) and very painful. I really think its crappy for his friend to just tell hijm that he definitely did something wrong.

    1. I pray that God will relieve the pain you are experiencing. I also pray that your youngest child understands the love and anguish it took to five over guardianship to someone else. I had to become guardian of my niece. I don’t know what you are going through, but I pray for your courage, comfort, and peace as you wait on the Lord. As far as Job’s friends, I think sometimes people in an effort to understand why “bad things happen to good people”, speak out of ignorance or lack of understanding. Their intention is not to hurt or harm but the damage is done nonetheless. We have to forgive and pray that they grow in wisdom and mercy.

  8. Thank you for the encouraging words, Courtney. My health has changed my life in every aspect and it can be really hard. There is no cure, at least from the doctors. But one thing I am sure of, God is with me. He’s always been with me. So instead of feeling sorry for myself, which of course I do from time to time, I feel sorry for those who don’t know Him. I am so blessed to know that all I have to do is go to Him and I feel peace. That’s something the devil can’t take away – God’s presence. I may not “feel” His presence – it’s more of a knowing. I just know. Like Job, I will not stop believing in, relying on, and living with God in my life. Ladies, He’s got our backs!

    1. That is really beautiful. I like how you said that even if you don’t feel His presence you have peace in just knowing that He is there. Lovely.

    2. Meg, you are such an inspiration!! Thank you for sharing your deep faith! I am saying a prayer for you this morning. May God’s grace and peace continue to carry you through each day my sister in Christ!

  9. Job got down and worshipped God after getting terrible news back to back to back. This spoke so much volume to me because many times when going through a test, it’s sometimes easy to worry or fear. After losing everything, I probably would have gone into a panic! But then I see Job, after everything was lost, he sought God and worshipped him anyhow. He said may the name of the Lord, be praised! Wow! This blessed me so much! Job was definitely a book of the bible I wanted to study this year and I’m so happy to be a part of this journey. Thank you for all that you do, Courtney! 🙂

  10. Good Morning Courtney,

    I have a question to ask you. Why did you pick the scripture in Job Chapter 1 verse 1:21 as the scripture of the day? Are you saying that God said this?

    1. Catherine –

      Job said this after he lost his children and wealth. My prayer is that we would be able say the same in the midst of our trials.

      Much Love,

  11. beautifully spoken – thank you for sharing this encouraging video. That Psalm verse spoke to me many years ago – and I always reflect on it – BE STILL; also to REST in him. Too often we are too anxious in our troubles and most of the time that causes us to have more. Be still, rest and wait upon the Lord – hard at times, but so worth it in the end! God Bless.

  12. Thank you for this. My faith has been shaken these last couple of days. I had a priest yesterday be very rude to me. He actually made me cry… Alot. My faith has been really shaken as I went to him for help and he was so rude and judgemental. He never said anything when I was crying and just continued being rude. I believe god is love and welcomes everyone. Whoever they are. God loves all of us and wants our lives to be joyful. God brings hope. I just feel incredibly shaken as this is someone who represents god beliefs and if that what God represents maybe I’m best off not believing. Although in my heart I don’t feel like this. I just feel incredibly hurt, fragile and shaken that someone who preaches the gospel could be so horrible. I would never make anyone feel like that..ever.

    1. Helen, I am so sorry for the painful experience you had. Remember that a priest is still only a man and that human beings will always let us down. Please know Jesus is our true high priest and He died on the cross so that we may have access directly to God, Christ made a way for all of us to have a one on one relationship with the true and living God and we can call on Him 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Please read Hebrews 4:14-16 I think you will find great comfort in those verses – praying for you!

  13. My mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer on Monday. How appropriate to begin a study in Job. She is a strong woman, and I am very close to her. I know this study was not an accident, and I am sure God is going to deal with us both through this. I am so grateful for His Word and the opportunity to share. Have a blessed day!

    1. Annette,

      When I came across this study I thought yes Job. I need to do this. I know the story but have never read and studied it like I should. God amazes me with his timing. I do believe everything happens for a reason. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer back in September 2015. She has been through two surgeries, currently undergoing chemotherapy and still has to do radiation. It is tough seeing my mother in pain-physically and emotionally. She has been through so much in her life that I did question why her. My mother like my grandmother have a strong faith in God. Mama continues to praise God regardless. Through this journey God has been speaking to me. I pray for strength for both of you. I pray you continue to seek God’s guidance and his will for your lives. Continue to praise God in all things.

      With love and prayer,

  14. So much encouragement here, thank you. I love your point about the spiritual battle – so much going on that Job wasn’t aware of. And to think how his story would be written and used to help countless generations. I’m sure he had absolutely no clue that his struggle was part of a much bigger story. Trusting God’s bigger story in my life today, believing that He will indeed use it all for good.

    1. “I’m sure he had absolutely no clue that his struggle was part of a much bigger story. Trusting God’s bigger story in my life today, believing that He will indeed use it all for good.” Amen, Katie!! What a great insight! Holding on to this truth! God bless you!

  15. Walking through suffering with someone can be a hard thing. It seems to bring out all my mess. I find I can be like Eliphaz and assume the worst of people rather than asking God how we should respond I tend to respond from pride. And Yet…… When I am in my own hard I get so easily offended when people do the same to my by assuming the worst about me.
    I am so glad that God handles us with Grace.
    Blogging through the Bible with you at. http://www.thelaundrypile.com/2016/01/are-you-a-bad-friend/

    Have a great day.

  16. I have a technical question. I get your email and start reading it and then am directed to “click here” to continue reading this post. And when I “click here” I start reading the same thing again and then the finished post. Am I dreaming that this is relatively new? Why doesn’t it all just show up in my email to begin with? I know this is probably petty, just wondering. By the way, I’m enjoying reading Job and using your journal. Thanks for all you and the GMG team do.

  17. I am the listener among my few friends and family. I’ve always found it awkward to talk about whatever struggles I am going through with anyone. To me, it feels as though whoever I am talking to…doesn’t matter who it is…it’s like they don’t know how to process me having troubles or struggles or hard times. They even seem disinterested in what I’m saying…or maybe it just seems that way to me. It really hurts a lot because I am always there for any of them, to listen, to give advice if that’s what they want or to just sit and be silent with them, pray for them, but I feel like I have no one to talk to, so I just don’t. I talk to God a lot…sometimes, it’s more grumbling, whining, and asking the “why’s” more than anything else. I am so good at telling others to praise Him even in the midst of their storms, but when it’s my turn, I’m not so good at doing that. I pray that the study on Job will help me do just that.
    Thank you for all that you do!! I often wonder if you have any idea how many women you have impacted with your online Bible studies. I had looked for one for several years, without great success, before coming across yours by what would seem as an accident, but I know it was pure devine intervention. May God bless you always.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear this about your friends Avalea. We need friends to help us carry our burdens and I am praying this for you tonight. Stay strong as you wait on God to bring you that special listener and I’m so glad you are here!!!

      Lots of Love,

  18. This study came at just the right time. I have been a stay at home mother for 2 years while my husband has worked. We never really were able to afford for me to stay home, but God has always provided. My husband just lost his job and now we have no income whatsoever. I pray for faith as strong as Job’s during this scary time

  19. I have learned that whatever my struggles are, God is in charge. I only need to put my trust in Him. I’m so thankful for such a loving and faithful God!
    Kristen 🙂

  20. I have never read much in Job, and I’m glad I started with this plan. We lost our home and everything but the clothes on our back in a tornado seven months ago. The fact that we even survived was truly a miracle. There have been so many times where I felt defeated, but I can honestly say that God has been with us every step of the way…and He has truly blessed us, even in such a terrible time. Thanks for all of the encouragement on your blog and your book…I’ve reread it several times and always learn something new!

    1. Oh my Katy,

      I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how devastating that must have been! Thank you for sharing this – your strength is an inspiration.

      Much Love,

  21. yes. i am so excited to start the book of Job! in just reading the 1st five chapters, i feel as if i am gaining a deeper insight of who God is to me and how i see him now verses how i viewed him in the past. i love that Job sets a wonderful example of remaining faithful to God and acknowledges that God is sovereign and Lord of all. and thank you Courtney for the video. It really blessed me this morning. May God continue to bless you always.

  22. Thank you for sharing! Our God is so awesome and His way of divine connections are not just seasonal but in and on purpose. Trusting in God and being in a state of rest,and knowing that He is God,it’s my words for today. When I say I’m at such peace right now in this moment is such a great way to be. May God continue to bless you and I’m glad to be apart of this study.

  23. Thank you so much for sharing the video today Courtney. For some reason I feel very discouraged today and so much going around in my mind with difficult issues I am facing to others seem so stupid. I feel like nothing is right in my life but I do know God loves me and He knows the answers and is walking with me through these times.

  24. This study has been very interesting and honestly I have found myself struggling with some foundational issues.. Not sure why I have got stuck with this, and I would appreciate some insight…
    First of all it bothers me that God was the one who pointed Job to Satan; “Have you considered my servant Job..?”.. I don’t understand why God even talked to the enemy… I am wondering how Satan was even able to stand in His precence – and then have a conversation… And then on chapter 2 when they all meet again (God, angels and Satan) God once again says “Have you considered my servant Job?…” and after Satan’s first attacks God says to him: “..though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason..”.
    I have hard time seeing God in this light, like being influenced by Satan.. Isn’t He the Almighty, above everything?
    I may try to understand and find explantation to the whole set, and may simply need to accept the fact that there is not answer for everything… but if anyone has any insight to help me get through these questions I would really appreciate that!
    I have read Job couple times before but never have studied so deeply. It certainly is not easy to understand, and may eventually open up more as time goes on. When also dealing with some issues in my personal life I feel that this is really good time to study this book. I just want to get over those questions I have to be able to continue with more open mind.
    Thank you for any input!

    1. I am by no means an expert or even an amateur in this field but I have always been led to believe that Job is a Jewish parable. Hoping that this helps and that I’m not talking rubbish! X

      1. That is an interesting to know! If it is so, it will give a totally new light to the book of Job. I may check out some respected commentaries to see what they say about this. Thank you for your reply.

        1. I don’t hold to the book of Job being a parable. I feel that it is history. I believe this is consistent with most Bible believing scholars both historically and contemporary.

          I did post a lengthy reply on Courtney’s introductory post to Job about grappling with and accepting what we see happening in Job.

          I also think Courtney’s video on this post is very profound and helpful.

          Lastly, Katie Westenberg has some thoughtful comments above in this thread that this is a part of a larger story for a larger purpose, a purpose beyone Job’s life.

          1. You are correct – it is not a parable – it is a true story and it is considered one of the books of wisdom literature in the Bible.

            Thank you TBG for all of your input! I appreciate your help in the comment section! It is a blessing.

            Lots of Love,

  25. Job was one of the books in the bible I was least looking forward to reading. However after losing my only son aged 19 to septaecaemia in October, I felt God was leading me to this particular book. Courtney, I am so grateful that I will be walking through it with you and the rest of this community because I need all the help, prayer and encouragement I can get in this most horrendous, heartbreaking time.

      1. I am so sorry. That is such a recent heartbreak. I can imagine that your world must be falling apart right now.

        This study is really challenging so many of us as we grapple with lost, pain and suffering in our lives and the lives of our loved ones.

        I hope that you will find peace as you go through this book and get a closer look at God and that He will give you hope, faith, and trust in the midst of such a painful time.

        I am literally weeping with you. In Christ.

  26. God reminded me of so many lessons this week that I learned in the midst of the greatest storm my husband and I ever went through. When our son was born stillborn at 40 weeks gestation without anything previously having shown up as wrong, people came forward with all sorts of “wise” statements and advice. I can’t think of a single one of them that had actually walked in our shoes though. I learned so many things about how to be there for someone who is going through the trial of their life. The study opened some of those wounds back up, which wasn’t a bad thing, it made me go back and consider the gravity of the lessons God taught me. During our loss we also learned to praise God in the storm, and it was good to have that reminder this week.

    This is my first GMG study and I am already enjoying it so much. Thanks so much for all that is done to organize and take care of all this.

  27. It’s so easy to let the enemy have our attention. This week has reminded me that I must magnify God, not the problems (enemy)! Yes there will be problems, yes there will be grief, but if we give our attention to those things they only get bigger. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to “give all your worries and cares to God, for he care about you.” We have to give all our cares, worries, anxieties to God and lean on Him for our safety, peace, grace, and rest! Have a blessed weekend everyone!

  28. Dear Courtney, I have been following this group, for about a year or so. I read along parts, of the
    book of Numbers. I know the book, of Exodus through parts of, the book of Numbers. I really Love
    these old testament readings. I have learned so much, from these readings, including Deuteronomy & the book of Joshua.

  29. Yesterday morning (while on vacation with my husband) I got a call from my boss that I was being laid off in 2 weeks. I have had worked with thus company 10 years and turned it into a career. It crushed me. I cried and prayed and cried even more. We even ended our vacation a day early so I could just be home. I was in no condition to explore and be carefree on vacation. My whole world has been flipped from the perfect job that allowed me to work remote from my husbands store was gone. I started calling my group of ladies and just asking them to pray. I’ve prayed that God will show me His way for me. I’m still experiencing time of anger and simply being scared at the unknown. This was a wonderful reminder that God is in control and will use this to build my a faith to be even stronger. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Sheena,

      As I read what you wrote my thought was this: God allows things to happen in our lives at times that we don’t understand. However, it is in those times that we must remain steadfast, hold on to God, and seek him even more. It is during this time that God is lining everything up, putting all the pieces into place and at the right time God will reveal your blessing to you. Keep seeking God’s will. I am praying for peace and the ability to hold steadfast awaiting God’s blessing for you. As Courtney reminded us “Be still and know that I am God”.


      1. Jennifer,
        Thanks so much for you encouraging words. I’m so thankful to be surrounded by amazing support from my family and friends. Just this morning I have seen the perfect, most comforting words through blogs, FB, calls and texts. He’s got this all figured out for me!

  30. I’ve studied these passages so many times in and out of college and I today was the first time I put that wisdom into practice. I texted all of my dear friends whom I love and don’t say it to them enough. Thanks for the challenge of putting this into action and not waiting around for a situation to arise.

  31. I have been loving this study!! Thank you for this message Courtney 🙂
    I honestly didn’t take away any negative comments from Eliphaz?? I really adore the friends in my life who remind me of Gods truth….wasn’t that what he was doing? Did I completely miss something there? Again, I’ve been an “encourager by default” and am learning that it’s not always neccessary to speak and it’s good to be a listening ear…also to ask God for HIS words to encourage and when to speak (if at all). But I really liked chapter 4 and 5 a lot!!! Haha which verse is pointing to Job on doing something wrong? My headliner says “the innocent will prosper”….which to me indicates that Job was a blameless and righteous man who also had to endure suffering. We know no one is exempt from trouble “man is born from it” (Ch.5) I saw Eliphaz reminding Job that we all suffer and yet the truths of God still trump it all “he wounds but binds”, “delivers us of troubles”…Ch.5 is full of wonderful promises! I would love an Eliphaz in my life. We should desire friends who rebuke and pick us up with biblical truth! And honestly, Job was an upright man but he also felt the need to wake every dawn to sacrifice for his children who were party animals?? so the guy did have some worries and issues (we all do!) I know not every godly parent will produce godly children- we are all sinners. But how does a “blameless man” have unruly children? I know many respectable parents who are solid believers and yet have children who have turned from their faith…so I’m not discrediting Job’s “blamelessness” but th guy wasn’t perfect??
    My views on this book are pretty different apparently? Let me know if these thoughts are wacky! (like I said, I appreciate friends who tell me like it is)

    1. Hi Colleen,

      I appreciate your thoughts on this. I think as we read on we will see Job’s responses and how they pushed him into despair. In today’s reading in Job 6 – we see in the first 3 verses how he felt his friends did not feel the heaviness of his suffering or as we see in verses 4-7, the bitterness of his suffering. While we want friends to speak truth to us – we also need our friends to have compassion and not just sit where we sit but feel what we feel. Rebuke in the midst of heavy suffering can lead to hopelessness rather than courage. We want to be encouragers, givers of hope and love while also truth telling. It’s not an easy balance but it’s important if we want to be a good godly counselor to our friends.

      I agree with you that Job was not a perfect man. He will continue to struggle through out this book and eventually wrangle with God almighty but in the end blessings are coming because of his faithfulness.

      Thanks again for sharing!

      1. Thanks Courtney! I didn’t like my feelings/interpretation of these chapters and after I placed this comment, I went over the chapters again, with my mom (she’s my spiritual mentor :)) and she helped me see some of the verses in a very different way…especially 1:1-5 about his children, I read it as if they did sin and she pointed out to me that it never said that but it did show that Job was a father who kept his kids in line by “sending” for them and that their drinking was on a “certain day” not like a repetitive behavior or that they were “drunk”….he wasn’t perfect, but I did misinterpret those verses and it bothered me! So glad my mom helped shed some light on that for me 🙂 Now I feel the need to apologize to Job for misreading that haha
        Thank you for your words- it’s very true, the balance between compassion and truth. It just may be that this is an area I can work on in my life!

        I most certainly don’t believe God allows suffering as a form of punishment. It is always for our good- no matter how hard it is to believe in the midst of great pain… Not that the situation/circumstance is good but the transformation in us that it will bring is what’s good. And going through a difficult time relying on HIS strength is what I call “victorious transformation”. We get the victory over the struggle IF we are walking through it by His strength and allowing him to change, heal, mend, fix…

        Excited for more chapters ?

  32. Struggle and trials will come. Though none of us can be ready for the blows of a trial, we can prepared through the thorough study of Scripture that results in right theology. Job understood the goodness of God to be more than circumstantial. He trusted in God because of who God is.

  33. Thank you Courtney for this post. I am in the midst of a very difficult trial and I needed these words of encouragement today. God Bless you for sharing your love for The Lord and His word.
    Your Sister in Christ,
    Angela C

  34. thank you so much. Prayers to all here who expressed need. This comes to me at a time where my heart is open and in need of healing. today I will make a special effort to reach out to someone who might need encouraging. I think we need to remember, that sometimes that very person, might be ourselves. So I also celebrate and encourage myself to keep following this path God is leading me on and continue to learn and be humble.

  35. I Loved the video as I Love All of your videos! I thought about you throughout my day today and each and every time, I Blessed You and Your Children and Keith and I asked God to Bless each of you as well. I just want you to know that Prayers and Blessings are continuously coming your way!! I’m always inspired by your posts and your videos. Thank You!! Blessings, Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!!!!!!

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