5 Lessons from the Life of Joshua

As we study the Book of Joshua we discover 5 life-changing lessons from the life of Joshua that we can apply to our lives today. As we study the Book of Joshua we discover 5 life-changing lessons from the life of Joshua that we can apply to our lives today.As we study the Book of Joshua we discover 5 life-changing lessons from the life of Joshua that we can apply to our lives today. #Biblestudy #Joshua #WomensBibleStudy #GoodMorningGirls

Today we complete the book of Joshua and say farewell to Joshua.  This mighty warrior of God has completed his life purpose and brought glory to God.  Now it’s time to reflect on his life.

Here’s 5 Lessons From the Life of Joshua

1. God took 60 years to prepare Joshua for his leadership.

Joshua spent 20 years in Egypt, 40 years in the wilderness and then 50 in the Promised Land.  God used the first 60 years of Joshua’s life – as a slave for the Egyptians and an assistant to Moses – to prepare him to lead God’s people into the Promised Land.

Are you waiting on God?  If you are in a season of waiting or an “in between” season, keep hanging on. God is refining us and preparing us for what He has next.  He wants us to surrender all of our lives to him and trust that in His good timing, He will use our story, our struggles, and our talents for His glory.

Be patient. Your story is not finished yet.

2.  Joshua was a man of courage.

Joshua was told four times in chapter 1 to be courageous.  Perhaps he was afraid more times than the passage tells us. But he did not shrink back in fear!  He overcame every obstacle the enemy put into his path and he courageously took a hold of the Promised Land.

Joshua fixed his eyes on the promises of God rather than fearing the obstacles of the enemy.

Is there something in your life that feels risky?  We are all in a spiritual battle of some sort.  It takes courage to stand up to sin in this world.  It takes courage to speak the truth in love. It takes courage to forgive and take risks in relationships.  It takes courage to trust God with our finances and our children and our futures.

God honors courage.  Stand on God’s promises today rather than fearing the obstacles of the enemy.

3.  Joshua did not quit.

Joshua was a reliable warrior for God.  He understood his purpose and his calling.  Rather than focusing on what his eyes could physically see – he focused on the words of God and faithfully obeyed every command.  God uses those who faithfully obey him.

Are you a reliable warrior for God?  Your purpose and calling is to glorify God right where you are.  Do not focus on what your eyes see.  Everything we see is temporary and physical.  There is an eternal and spiritual world that we cannot see but is more real than this physical world.  Trust the words of the Lord.  Faithfully obey his every command.

4. Joshua did not fight his battles alone.

Joshua was not a lone ranger.  He did not march around the city of Jericho alone and none of Joshua’s battles were won all alone.  He was a courageous leader who enlisted the respect of his troops and had thousands of men who were faithfully fighting alongside him. The people did as he commanded because of his character.

Are you are lone ranger?  We need the family of God and the family of God needs us.

5.The secret to Joshua’s success was his devotion to the Word of God.

Joshua 1:6-9 tells us:

“Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 

Joshua knew his God intimately.  He knew the words of God and he did not turn to the left or the right, away from them.  He meditated on them day and night and that was the secret to his success.

Friends, the most important thing in life is our walk with God.  It’s not about checking off boxes but rather, it’s about a real genuine, authentic relationship that is alive and intimate.  It’s about a relationship where you deeply love God and are not ashamed of Him.  It is essential that we know God’s Word, believe God’s Word and obey God’s Word, in order to please Him.

And that is what we are all about here at Good Morning Girls!

If you made it to the end of this book – Congratulations – I am so proud of you!



Don’t stop reading and meditating on God’s Word!

I hope you will join us on Monday, October 17th as we begin our next study in the book of Judges.  This book of the Bible immediately follows the book of Joshua. Joshua has now died and the new leaders of Israel are called Judges.  This is a dark time in the history of Israel as they fell into a cycle of doing what was right in their own eyes rather than doing what was right in the eyes of the Lord.  As a result, they were constantly in trouble and calling out to God for help.

Come read this action packed book of the Bible
with us starting Monday, October 17th.

The Judges Journal is available NOW exclusively on Amazon.


More details and resources for this study will be posted here next Monday.

Walk with the King,


** Chime In**

What did you learn from our study in the Book of Joshua?


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  1. I’m in a season in ministry where most days I feel like quitting. Many of the obstacles seem too great to overcome. Joshua has shown me that perseverance and a daily dependence on God can overcome any battle I am facing. This study also helped provide some perspective in that compared to the Israelites and their journey, my ‘battles’ are mere blips in the day. Thank you for the encouragement and another great study!

    1. Thank you Denise for sharing! I have felt like quitting ministry I just recently began, due to issues with my health. I know God wants me to rely on His strength to endure and serve in this ministry…He is faithful and will give us what we need to serve Him!! <3

  2. I was surprised by how much I learned from this book of the Bible! One of the biggest lessons came from chapter 17 (where Joshua encouraged Ephraim and Manasseh). God laid it on my heart that I don’t encourage others as much as I should, especially my husband (who is a pastor, and who needs a lot of encouragement to continue to do God’s work). As soon as I finished SOAKing the chapter, I sent my husband a message (who was at work) and gave him some much-needed encouragement, which he greatly appreciated.

    I can’t wait to dive into Judges…I love how God speaks to us through His Word! Though Judges might be a tough read at times, I’m ready to learn and grow!

    Thank you for the great studies! I’ve been reading through the Bible with you since the beginning of this series and have grown so much closer to God! Many thanks to Mandy, Rosilind, Bridget, and Misty who provide such great reflection questions! They have added so much to the study!

    I hope everyone has a great break…see you all on the 17th! 😀

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this Aurdra! I love how you immediately followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and sent a message to your husband! That is awesome!

      So glad you are joining us for the book of Judges again.
      Lots of Love,

  3. Hi Courtney,

    I want to thank you for your ministry because it has been such a blessing in my life! I love reading the Scriptures and learning from it and your method of one chapter a day is brilliant! I have read entire books by just reading one chapter a day. I find your method so effective in my life because I don’t feel pressured to read the Bible in 40 days or read 20 pages a day which has proven impossible for me. One chapter a day has been super effective and I have learned a lot which is the most important thing for me to learn the word of God not just read it for the sake of reading it.

    On a different note, how do I join a group for the next study?

    Walking with the King,

    1. Hi Delmy,

      I’m so glad that the one chapter a day works for you! It’s the perfect size for me too!

      Regarding finding a group – we regroup 3 times a year – summer, fall and in the new year. So groups do not reopen until January. I’m so sorry.

      Maybe you could start a group in your church or with your friends. If not, please join us out on the our facebook page – every morning there are wonderful discussions happening there: http://www.facebook.com/goodmorninggirlswlw

      Lots of Love,

    1. Hi Kathy,

      We regroup 3 times a year – summer, fall and in the new year. So groups do not reopen until January. I’m so sorry.

      Maybe you could start a group in your church or with your friends. If not, please join us out on our facebook page – every morning there are wonderful discussions happening there: http://www.facebook.com/goodmorninggirlswlw

      Lots of Love,

  4. This study of Joshua came at the exact right time in my life. Although God did something that He doesn’t usually do. I always follow right along in the studies day by day but that didn’t happen with Joshua. God used it in a huge way to speak me and because of that He kept me “stuck” in Chapter 7. What I thought He was showing me for my life was verse 5 but He showed me instead it was verse 11. I was sinning in a way I didn’t recognize. Once I recognized what He was showing me and asked for forgiveness then He let me move on! In the journal I keep for this study I started that chapter on 9/16 and didn’t finish until 9/26. He was patient with me until I got it. He is a good God! I’m excited for the new study!

  5. Obedience to the revealed will of God speaks to whether we really believe as Joshua did. “Trust and Obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to Trust and Obey…”

  6. This study also helped provide some perspective in that compared to the Israelites and their journey, my ‘battles’ are mere blips in the day. Thank you for the encouragement and another great study!

  7. this post is exactly what I needed to hear. Seasons of “waiting” can be difficult! Thank you for the reminder to keep my eyes fixed on the Promises of GOD because the things seen are only temporary! Praise GOD!

  8. I came across this website while doing research on Joshua. All these good traits that were developed in Joshua were for leading an army that killed a lot of people. How does that fix in with Jesus’ command to love your enemy and Paul’s admonishment to show kindness to those who persecute you?

  9. I learnt to trust and obey God to overcome the challenges I encounter in most of my life and stop trusting on my own understanding.

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