My Children’s Devotional and Spiritual Growth Books

My kids and I had a lot of fun making this video together. We only did one dry run through and then we hit the record button – so there are little mess ups along the way but I hope it blesses you anyhow.

Here’s my kids sharing about their devotional and spiritual growth books:

(If you receiving this post via email – click here to view this video)

My children are ages 9 and 7 (and they both are about to celebrate their birthdays).  Alexis received her Adventure Bible on her 7th birthday along with this new bike.  She was a happy girl!

The quiet time books (spiral bound) can be found at the Word of Life Online Store.  Also,  my son gave the wrong reference to his memory verse – the correct one is Proverbs 16:7. 🙂

**Chime In: What are some of your favorite books and resources for quiet times and spiritual growth with your children?

Walk with the King,


  1. Courtney I love how cute your daughter is in this video: She smiles just like you do, bright big and beautiful. My boys and I really love Grapevine Studies. And I’ve been going through the Gotta Have God Devotions for boys with them. And anything with Buck Denver is a hit around here. Some mornings I let them watch the daily show on Jelly Telly. I love how excited they are to learn about Jesus.

  2. That vid was too cute, I loved it 🙂 thank you for sharing. Have a blessed and joy filled weekend. Tara (The Proverbs 31 Sanctuary)

  3. Hi Courtney, this is my second attempt at messaging you today, I just knocked a cup of warm tea all over my table, books and phone, and as I set my I pad aside, as one would do to clear the mess and save my things, I returned to find i’d lost the first message, so here we go again, and hopefully i’ll get it completed this time.
    My children are all grown up now, my son 26, and my two daughters 22 and 21. After watching your video it brought back fond memories of my children at similar ages, and now they’re all grown up it is they who share their literature with their dad and I ….. its a wonderful feeling.
    I was introduced to Good morning girls, just over a year ago by a dear sister through Firefighters for Christ, California Chapter, and I felt compelled today to encourage you and the whole team in the work you are doing. The study’s and the messages shared have really blessed me and helped me deal with a broken heart caused by the continual unfounded accusations and judgemental attitude of an estranged wider non christian family , and have strengthened me more than I can express. As I hand them and every situation to God, I’m almost always left shattered both physically and emotionally and Gods word and the love of my dear sisters in Christ get me through it time and time again. I have many christian and non christian friends, some who are young women with young children, so I feel really privalaged to be able to share your link with them. Keep up the good work, I’m in no doubt that bringing up your family and all the work that you and the team put into this ministry is no easy task, and I just wanted to say well done You are very much loved and appreciated by me and you, your family and the rest of the team are on my prayer list. Your sister in Christ all the way over here in Northern Ireland. K

  4. Our recent favorites have been The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 1 and Stick Figuring thru the Bible by Grapevine. My boys are 5, 6 & 8 and right now they are all three enjoying The Action Bible Devotional. I’m going to check out the Quiet Time books. Thanks!

  5. That is so sweet! They are just adorable! You are doing an awesome job with them, I wish I had it to do over with mine (they are 15, 18, & 27) What an inspiration you are to other moms!

  6. Courtney- such a SWEET video!! Your children are precious! 🙂
    Question for you: could you tell me where I can get the quite time books that your children showed in this video? The ones that say “Power Up!! Have you had your quiet time?”
    Would love to find those for my 5 and 8 yr old.
    Thank so much!

  7. Your kids are so cute! 🙂 thank you for posting this. I have a little girl who is turning two today. (Eeek!) My church provides bible studies for everyone every three months so that’s what I read with her but I know that as they get older they need something more interesting and fitting to their life and interests. I’m a teacher for the teens and I’ve been trying to get them excited about God. It’s a struggle, but I have faith that something will stick with them. Plus, it’s practice for when my little one is a teen!

  8. Your children are so sweet! It looks like you are doing a great job at getting them excited about learning. Love those spiral bound books! I will definitely be keeping them in mind.

  9. I have a 2&4 year old girl and we love the Little Blessings Preschool Devotional Bible. Short little story with one Bible verse and a two sentence prayer. Plus just talking throughout the day is so powerful.

  10. That’s is a great video. Your kids are so cute and eager to share their favorite books. Love it! My kids are still very little (3&1) but this gives me some great ideas for the future. Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Honey For A Child’s Heart, by Gladys Hunt, has been a God send for me.

    I always heard about the value of reading “good books” but never knew which ones were the best.

    The first half of the book talks about the rich benefits of reading, the 2nd half gives a huge book list of the best books to read, divided by ages.

    Leading Little Ones To God by Marion Schoolland has also been a great resource for teaching Biblical truths to our sons.

  12. Such sweet children you have, Courtney!! You and your husband are doing a wonderful job raising them.
    God bless, Kathy in Illinois

  13. My girls are 5 and 7. We just started the Grapevine Bible Study, which we really like. Both girls are also in AWANA (Cubbies & Sparks), so they learn a lot of verses. We use Adventure Bible, Jesus Storybook Bible, Jesus Calling Storybook Bible, and a few others.

  14. Thanks for sharing, Courtney. These are great ideas. My 9 year old son wants to read Tim Tebow’s book, but I haven’t read it yet and wasn’t sure of the content. I’m glad to see there are boys his age reading it and will probably let him do the same. Thank you.

  15. Ahh these are great. My favorite devotion for my kids are the “Gotta Have God” series. One of them is 2-5 that we are using right now and its SOOO cute and nice. Every day theres either a craft of food or a little game to play or ideas to get them thinking. I love it !

  16. I think that is an awesome video! Thanks for sharing it. I wish I had done that kind of thing when my kids were small. You are building God’s kingdom in those two young ones God has entrusted to your care!! You GO girl!! God bless you!

  17. Your children are beautiful inside and out!!! (And so are you, Courtney!) My little ones (2,4,and 7) eagerly gathered around the screen to listen to what your kids had to say and they LOVED it! Really awesome, thank you!

  18. Thank you for sharing! Your kids did a great job with the video 🙂 I have been looking for a big girl bible and devotional for my daughter who will turn 8 this year. She has both Princess devotionals from Sheila Walsh and loves them. I have a younger son, who also has the boy devotionals from Sheila Walsh and he really enjoys those too! The Adventure Bible looks fun and it sounds like your children really enjoy them 😉

  19. What sweet kids, I loved the video! 🙂

    Now what is on my heart…

    You may not “love” hearing it but I am the kind of person who does not let a friend walk around with smeared makeup, toilet paper on her heel or her slip showing. 🙂 We aren’t loving others if we see them heading for a ditch and do not at least warn them. What you do is your decision, but I pray you’ll consider what I say….

    When I saw the Narnia series, my heart was grieved. Please google “C.S. Lewis Witchcraft”. The time spent researching the issue is time well spent. Many Christians are unaware that the Narnia series is actually required reading for neophyte witches.

    I also would encourage you to investigate the NIV bible. This is a good place to start —

    You may not know that there is only one verse in the entire Bible that tells us we need to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ before we are baptized. That verse is Acts 8:37 and it has been omitted from the NIV.

    Colossians 1:14 says “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” But “through his blood” has been removed from the NIV. Can we be saved without the shed blood of Jesus Christ? There are many other omissions and the they are staggering.

    I hope I have not offended you and pray the Lord will press upon your heart to search these things out.

    Your sister in Christ,

    1. Lisa – I disagree with you but thank you for sharing your heart out of concern and love for me. I appreciate the tender approach you took as you shared your thoughts.
      Lots of Love,

  20. What a sweet video! I love how your kids know the word!! 🙂 I was just wondering if you could share with us how you manage to do such a wonderful job homeschooling your kids and still find time for your blog? I am thinking about homeschooling but wondering if I’ll still have time for work, etc. 🙂 Please share how you do it! Blessings and love, Lauren,

    1. Hi Lauren,

      I get asked this question A LOT! 😉 There’s a couple answers – 1.) my life is VERYfull – there’s not a lot of free time these days. But it’s full doing things I love. 2.) I believe this is the good work God created in advance for me to do (Ephesians 2:10) – so I believe God gives me the strength and words to accomplish the tasks he has given me – he is enabling me – to God be the glory. 3.) I wrote a blog post about this here – about my failings:

      Hope that helps 🙂

      1. Thanks Courtney! I read your blog all the time, so I was hoping you had a blog post about this that I might have missed! 🙂 Yay – can’t wait to read it. I made sure to get all my work done tonight so that I could relax before bed by reading your blog. Thanks for your example and blessings! Lauren,

  21. Hi Courtney!
    Thank you for this post. Cute video! I have been looking for something to help my kids’ with establishing a quiet time. I have a 4th grader, 2nd grader, and preschooler, and am wondering if the quiet time books would be good to start mid-school year since they appear to go by grade? I am also wondering if it would be better to buy 5th grade, and 3rd grade if I start now since it will go into the next school year? Since I can’t find anywhere online that gives me a peek inside the books, I thought you might be able to give me your opinion? Thank you!

  22. Courtney, Thank you for all the time you spend showing us glimpses into your life and things that your family enjoy! It’s always nice to see what other people are into. I have a very silly question. I was wondering where you got your daughter and your headbands. They are beautiful and my daughter took one look and swooned 🙂

    1. Sherry 🙂 Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. I think we got that headband at Target in the girls section. We also buy their headbands in the beauty section and at Claire’s and Icing – two earring stores in the mall with a wall of headbands.

      Hope that helps 🙂

  23. I bought my 8 year old son an NIV Adventure Bible for Christmas, his first one. I showed him this video last night and he thought it was cool that your kids have the same bible that he does, although his is packaged bit differently. He then wanted to read from it and asked me for an index card so he could write down an “important’ passage he wanted to remember(I write down passages and leave them in my bible) On the way downstairs this morning, he carried his bible along with his stuffed dog..warmed my heart it did to see him carry it. Now to get him interested into attending church, several of his friends go to different churches in our town so I’m hoping that will pique his interest.

  24. Enjoy this pos enjoy this post…. what kind of things for quiet time for a kndergartener. Thanks for all you do to inspire is moms.

  25. I commend you for guiding your beautiful children to “walk with the King.” The video was absolutely adorable and inspiring. Praise God!!

  26. I love this!! I am in the UK, and sadly unable to get the ‘Quiet time’ for my children!!! 🙁 Still, I loved the video, thank you so much for sharing!! 🙂

  27. I stumbled upon your website. This post was very helpful. Thank you for the time you spend encouraging other moms, dads and families. Your love for the Lord is very evident. May God continue to bless you and use you for the purposes which he has for you!

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