Blogging Through the Bible


Blogging through the Bible


Last week I shared my plan to begin blogging through the Bible – one chapter a day – 7 chapters a week – 31 chapters a month – 365 chapters a year until we have completed 1,189 chapters –the entire Bible.

This will take a few years to complete and I am sure I will need a break here and there during these next few years that will slow us down. But I am committed to working our way through the Old Testament and the New Testament until we have completed it all.

We will not start on page one of the Bible and read straight through. That is a very hard way to the read the Bible.  Instead I will mix in a reading in the Old Testament – then a reading in the New Testament. Then a reading in the Old Testament then a reading in the New Testament.

Some books are short and we will fly through them – so we may do a few New Testament books in a row, other books are very long and they will take 2 months to complete.

Some seasons of life are busy and you will not be able to join us, no worries. All of these posts will be archived for you to go back and complete at your own convenience.

The Schedule:

Sundays – I will post a monthly reading plan at the beginning of every month.  I will also post a weekly reading plan every Sunday morning so you can begin your reading for the week.

Wednesdays – I will write a mid-week devotional that correlates with the reading plan for the week.  I am hoping for discussion in the comments where you share what you are learning as well.

Fridays – I will post a 1-3 minute video about that week’s reading, to wrap-up the week.

So you may be asking:

Are you still going to do your typical September Marriage Series and Making Your Home a Haven Series?

I’m so glad you asked! 😉

Mondays are reserved here at Women Living Well for my typical writing on marriage and family.  I have a Marriage Series planned for September and we will do our annual “Making Your Home a Haven Series” in October.

Will you still be posting recipes?

Yes, on Thursdays!

How do I enroll for the monthly Bible Reading?

There will be no enrollment.

On the first Sunday of each month, I will ask those who are committed to that months’ reading plan to comment in the comment section. This is a month by month commitment. I hope this frees you to join a women’s study in your church or elsewhere on-line for a session and then when it ends – maybe join us here during your breaks.  Or if you have no other studies – join me on this journey every single month.

Do you have a schedule of what is to come so we can plan?

Yes – this is the tentative schedule for the next 7 months (subject to change):

September – Esther, I & II Peter, I, II, III John, Jude and Psalm 1 & 2

October – Galatians, Genesis (ch.1-25)

November – Genesis (ch.26-50) Psalms 3–7

December – Matthew, Psalms 8-11

January – Proverbs

February – Exodus (ch.1-28)

March – Exodus (ch.29-40), unsure

This past summer I began this reading plan pictured below.  The title of it is humorous: “Read through the Bible Program for Shirkers and Slackers”.  I like this plan because it does not have dates or time frames on it.  This helps someone like me who feels a tinge of guilt when I don’t successfully check off the boxes in just ONE year.

reading plan - CJ

I dug through my drawer looking for one of my completed reading plans and the only one I could find was my husband’s.  You will see below that his reading plan was setup to be completed in one year, but according to the dates he recorded, it took him 2 years to complete.

Bible reading plan 2Bible Reading Plan - 1

I plan to create a special reading plan with all the books of the Bible and chapter numbers listed for all of us to use.  It will not have months, dates or time frames.  My hope is that we do not feel condemnation when we miss a day…or week…or month but that we would get up and keep on going.

Please remember that checked off boxes do not earn the favor of Jesus. We are already declared righteous because of his sacrifice on the cross. This is an endeavor to know God more richly, to grow in righteousness, walk with the King daily and to be women living well.

Printable reading plans will be posted here within the next 2 weeks. 😉

What about Good Morning Girls Accountability Groups?


All of the details explaining Good Morning Girls and how to find a group or form one >>>> is here!

Within the next 2 weeks, I will also be posting extra Bible study methods including an explanation of the signature GMG method of Bible Study called the S.O.A.P. method.

I look forward to Blogging Through the Bible with you, starting Sunday, August 31st.

Walk with the King,


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  1. I am very excited about blogging through the Bible with you!! I have gained SO much encouragement from you and can’t wait to get started on this new Bible reading schedule you’ll offer. Thank you in advance for your dedication to this ministry and women who want to grow closer to Christ!
    Cooking Up Faith

  2. This is going to be AWESOME!! I cannot express just how pumped up I am about all this! I am looking forward to this journey through the Bible. I pray each and every one of us ladies will come to know our Lord on a deeper, more personal, intimate level like we have never known before.

  3. Really looking forward to beginning this journey. I’ve tried several Bible reading plans in the past but have yet to be able to completely read through it. A chapter a day is definitely possible. Thanks again Courtney!!

  4. Very excited to start this! Can’t wait to have the chart to check off as we go through. For some reason, I just love those. 🙂 I feel it is so important to read the entire bible at least once in your life and I am so grateful to you to encourage others to do so. The bible deepens our faith and our relationship with God. Love you and your blog, Courtney! 🙂

  5. Courtney, I am excited to join you on this journey. I am currently reading your book and have to let you know how much you inspire me to draw closer to our Lord and Savior as well as becoming a better wife and mother. You set a great example for Christian women and I know that the Lord is smiling down on you. Thank you for sharing the love of Christ with each of us. I pray that the Lord will pour out His blessings on you!

  6. Looking forward to digging deeper in God’s Word through this study! Loving the SOAP method of learning and have been challenged in my walk while using this method. God Bless you as you continue to follow God’s direction in this ministry of leading women into a deeper relationship with Him.

  7. I’m looking forward to this journey! I have tried various plans of reading through the Bible and get stuck and never return.

  8. I am so looking forward to getting started. Will the comments only be on the blog or will you be posting on your Facebook page as well? Praying for you!

  9. Courtney,

    I cannot tell you how EXCITED I am about this journey through the Bible!!! Squeal!!! I haven’t been this excited about a Bible study in..well..a long time. I love Bible study, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve been looking to go deeper in my studies and level of commitment. It’s so exciting to be at the beginning on what I believe will be a life changing journey for so many women! 🙂

    And I’m SUPER excited about the Marriage series and Making your Home a Haven series!

    Lots of Love,

  10. Excited and ready to start! This is something I’ve had on my heart to do for a long time. I look forward to the longer portions. This is going to be excellent. My ladies are already anxious to start!

  11. I’ll be joining from Sydney, Australia when there’s a break in our church bible study. Love your poise and Gods work through you Courtney. Rejoicing in Christ! Xx

    1. And I’ll be joining from Adelaide, South Australia! So looking forward to this. Blessings to you, Courtney.

      1. I will be joining from Queensland, Australia. So excited. Courtney, I appreciate your dedication to those looking for more indepth mentoring.

    2. And I’ll be joining from Darwin, Australia 🙂 Looking forward to this plan Courtney!! Thanks for taking on the initiative and calling from God to do this!! God bless x

    3. And I’ll be joining from Canberra, Australia! Are you other Aussies part of a GMG accountability group?
      Sounds like there might be a few of us “Down Under”.

      1. Hi Jodie. I’m not part of a group, but maybe we could form an Aus/NZ one? I might mention it in the comments when the session starts.

        1. Hi Jacqueline,
          Sounds like a great idea. I was in a GMG group last year and found it really encouraging but the time difference was tricky. Would be a great idea to have an Australia/NZ group.

    4. And I will be joining from rural Victoria in Australia! Excited to be part of something so big and so encouraging. Thanks Courtney for your hard work and commitment!

      1. I’m from South West Victoria, Australia 🙂 Will be doing my best, but I’m not great at being online so much… LOL

  12. Courtney I am super excited about joining you! I always look forward to your Marriage series and Making your Home a Haven, my candle burns year round

  13. I’m looking forward to participating! I discovered your ministry in 2010 when I got married and immediately thought, “Oh no! How do I do this?!” Thank you for sharing your wisdom with others. God has used your ministry in many ways in my young marriage and has been a great blessing!

    1. Aww Melissa, that is how I found Courtney too! I had gotten married – and I married a widow – so I became an instant mom as well!!! 🙂 Her ministry here is so encouraging! So glad you will be joining us!

  14. I’m with you, Courtney! Your website has been my homepage on my internet browser for a few months now as an attempt to stay off social media more and seek wisdom first. The Christian school that I am an elementary music teacher at is also studying Esther so I’m excited to start with this book that God has placed before me several times this month! 🙂 I’m praying for you. Thankful for your ministry to us.

  15. So excited to do this!!! I’ve been looking at reading through the bible plans on YouVersion but have hesitated to commit to one. This is something I think I can do!

    Thank you this and all that you do!

    God Bless!!

  16. So excited about getting started reading through the Bible with you…you have been a blesssing in my life.

  17. As far as questions go – I would love to hear your ideas on how to do to SOAP method while reading through bigger chunks of the Bible at a time. I.e. I’d assume you’re not going to write out a chapter a day. 😉 Would you just pick a couple of verses that stand out to you to write out?

      1. Courtney will be sharing some great tips on how to study the Bible this week – and how to make this SOAP plan work. There is no WRONG way to do it – journaling your quiet times helps give landmark and purpose to your time in the Word!

    1. Not sure how Courtney will address this, but I would probably read the chapter through first, and then SOAP the verses that specifically speak to me that day or in that moment. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in this, in your beginning prayer, and follow his lead … Hope that idea helps – or at least prompts an idea that will work for you … I’d love to know what Courtney suggests for this too though!

  18. I’m so EXCITED!!!!!!! This I feel is a fresh start for many new things for each of us. Amen. God bless you Courtney and all you other lovely sisters. This is great Blogging Thriu a The Bible. Love and prayers, Anita

  19. Hi Courtney,

    I’m in for the read through the Bible study and I will be leading a GMG group through as well. We are excited to join you in this journey. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to God

    Many blessings xx

  20. I have gained so much inspiration from you over the past year, and look forward to joining in as you move forward!

  21. I can’t wait!! My husband and I just redid our morning schedule so we could fit in individual bible times. I will definitely be joining you on the 31st!

  22. I am so looking forward to this- it’s exactly the kind of Bible study I’ve been looking for! Can’t wait to follow along and learn more!

    Blessings to you, Courtney!

  23. I am sorry what has happen to you and your husband. Prayers your way. Yes I will try and join you on Sept. 1st, I as yet do not know were I will be than. I did something dumb, and may have to pay a price for it. Can you pray for me me the next four weeks? Thank you so much. Blessing, love prayers.

  24. Thank you Courtney! I know you have so much “extra” stuff on your plate now. But I really admire – how on top of things – you are. I look forward to doing the bible study along with you. Thank you for your hard work… and thank you for not having us “enroll” in anything. 😉

  25. I can’t wait! I have been having a disconnect with God lately and after praying He showed me that I need to slow things down. I have been doing a lot of quantity and not quality. I commented on this before but He put it on my heart last week to do one chapter a day and I just thought it wasn’t enough. Then you posted this and my heart jumped for joy. I know it was God! Thank you so much for doing this! Now I can take my time, devour each chapter and when I have more time check out commentaries on it, write out some scripture from that chapter, and go on a rabbit trail with the scriptures that are on the sides of the verses.

    I’m also thankful that both you and your husband have shared that you either haven’t finished a year long reading plan or it took you longer. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we aren’t failures! lol

  26. I am so excited to begin the study with you and even more so that you will continue your marriage series and making your home a haven! That is my favorite!

      1. You are BOTH a blesssing, Courtney. Thank you to you and Janelle from the bottom of my heart. You know, I remember the story you once shared about the older woman in church who suggested that your outfit perhaps was not modest enough. There were some comments about whether her words were warrented, appropriate, well intentioned, etc. (my own comment included). But your response to those comments was perhaps the greater lesson for those of us who were watching and learning from you. You humbled yourself to her words, *twice*, -when she initially shared them with you, and again when we questioned. You taught us that you are a humble person, and that we must be willing to truly “hear” the heart of a fellow sister in Christ. Your character came through in sharing that you humbly considered her words, and you lived up to that character when those comments were posted and you responded with grace and consistent humility. THAT is why I love you, Courtney. Thank you for continuing to be transparent, and genuine, and for encouraging others with wisdom well beyond your years.

        1. I couldn’t agree more! Love both of you Janelle and Courtney. You both are such a light to many, and it is a blessing seeing God work through you both.

          I will keep praying for both of you, your families and your ministries.


    1. YAY! Love the cookies…the BIRTHDAY cookies and we (me {mine is the 22nd and yours and Court’s is the 26th–no I’m not a psycho, I just have a really good memory and since ours are 4 days apart, it makes it easy to remember} ) have birthdays coming up!!! I LOVE my birthday..not because I’m prideful but because it’s the ONE day that’s mine. I don’t share it with anyone else. And since I’m a cancer survivor, it’s ALL that more important to me so I celebrate it for my cousins who lost their battles with cancer in 2008 and 2012.

      Gonna hit up your blog ,Janelle, for things to cook this week while I’m between jobs 😀

    2. You and Janelle are my favorite bloggers!! I cannot wait to continue to receive all of your posts and I am really excited to read through the bible with you as well 🙂 Blessings <3

    1. Me too, Mandy! I went to bed last night saying to myself “I feel like I’ve come home”. This fits hand-in-glove with where I am at in my spiritual walk right now and where I’ve wanted to take my girls.

      1. Yes Rosilind, I feel that way too. 🙂 I always felt like I needed a little “more” – and would often read more just to get a better context on the scripture. I feel like we are going to be going to really be able to have a great resource here as well of CONTEXT of scripture!

  27. This is exactly what I need. Wanted to find something that would keep me motivated to read the Bible
    Thanks Shaunna

  28. Yay, I’m so glad you have chosen to move on, and make sure Satan doesn’t win in this situation! I will be joining you reading through the Bible, as well. I admire you, Courtney!!! God is GOOD!!!

  29. I love your contagious excitement for the transforming Word of God! I love your passion! It is encouraging and inspiring. You are truly being prayed for by me! Can’t wait to begin this journey!

  30. I love this idea! I am so excited to start this. I normally read a lot in the Bible, but the prospect of doing it with a group sounds really good. The exchange of ideas will be really interesting. Can’t wait!

  31. What a great idea! I LOVE the SOAP method and it really helps it sink in with me! I’m also curious as to how you will use the SOAP method when reading a chapter at a time. Will you include a chapter to read and a select verse(s) to SOAP?

  32. Courtney, you have been such a wonderful blessing to my life. I began following you back when you made a video series on homeschooling. That same day I watched all of your videos. And later found your blog. I have really enjoyed reading it. You have helped me to become a better wife, mother and Christ follower. Before finding your blog, I was a Christian but I didn’t have a growing relationship with God. Because of you and your ministry, I have a wonderful relationship with God, a strong marriage, and I am now comfortable talking to others about God and His love for them. I now crave reading my bible and talking with God. Thank you, thank you for your sharing your love of God with us. I’ve read your book and it’s AMAZING . I feel like we are great friends. Sending hugs and prayers your way. You are such a great role model for all women.

  33. I just found the Good Morning Girls website a few weeks ago. I have been trying to get involved in a Bible study for a while now and finally figured that an online study would be perfect. I came back today to sign up and I am impressed with your grace and look forward to starting your new Bible study at the end of August!

  34. This sounds wonderful. I have had a desire to go through books of the Bible from start to finish. I am very excited! Thank you for your ministry to build the body info Christ!

  35. I’m totally in! Excited to get started! I too have tried several times to read the bible through but have failed to complete it. Praying that actually having feed back from others on the readings will keep me committed!

  36. So happy to have the chance to do this with you!! And that it’s a complete bible study, as there were times in the past that I fully wanted to participate, but did not have the funds to purchase the study book. So glad it’s basic bible goodness. That’s all we need, and truly to dedicate even a life time of study and still would be just skimming the surface of all the richness and grace it contains!

    Thank you, Courtney!!

  37. Courtney- I am so excited to begin this journey. Reading through the Bible has been on my heart for awhile now and this is just what I needed to encourage me to do so. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your ministry here at Women Living Well. I know blogging isn’t always easy, but please know that you have certainly encouraged me to walk with the king and I am so grateful! Blessings to you!

  38. I am new to all of this … How do I get plugged into a GMG group and how is that different from the Blogging with comments?

    1. Thank you for asking PD.

      My next blog post will explain how a GMG group works, how to start one and how to find a group here if you would like to connect with another GMG reader.

      Courtney 🙂

  39. I a so looking forward to Blogging Through the Bible!
    August 31 will be our 40th wedding anniversary, as a result we
    will be media free for a week. Have great first week, will join you Sept 7th,

    Blessings to all,


  40. Looking forward to this study! I’m from medina, ohio and my sister in law is in Lewiston Idaho. We love doing these studies together and emailing about them! It truly helps to have a good morning girl to wake up to in regards to learning and living the living word of our Lord!

  41. Courtney, I am excited to continue to follow you here on this blog and join in on the Bible Study. I love your encouragement that if we miss a day just pick up the next day. I hope this helps me to stay more focused on my readings. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this website for all of us women. 🙂

  42. Amanda – Sorry for the delete. The question you asked here is answered in the comment section of my post dated August 15th. I invite you to read my answers there.

    Lots of Love,

    1. Hello Courtney,
      Earlier in the year I read about the difficulty you were having with fellow bloggers did not know it was related to your then group. I joined a group for the Loving God series . My first time studying with a group not knowing of the rift that existed. And that group also started a summer series in Ecclesiastes that will be finishing up this week before going on to their Esther series under a new name.
      I believe the Lord is leading me to study under the Good Morning Girls name for my bible study and am looking forward to this series and bible reading blog with a group as I am hoping this will help me in my walk with God, talking to others about the bible and my relationship with God and sharing Christ and my faith with them and my husband more to bless our home and marriage.
      Just one question, will the chapter bible reading be done on the WLW or GMG website?
      Thanks and God Bless!

      1. Hi there! It will take a few days- but has been re-routed to bring you back here, to Women Living Well. So everything will be done right here! Looking forward to reading through the Bible with you!

  43. Thank you so much for wanting to journey through the Bible and taking us along. I’m very excited to start this journey with you and I praise God for you and all you do for us. Excited about starting.
    Have a Blessed week.

  44. Courtney, im so happy to be continuing to follow you and so excited to start this! I’ve tried reading through the Bible many times and have never been able to complete it for one reason or another!! Can’t wait and thank you for all you do to encourage women!!

  45. Thank you Courtney!!!! You are doing an excellent job. I am excited to follow you on this journey. It is wonderful to see how passionate you are about reading and knowing the bible. Thank you for your leadership and guidance. I am praying for you and your ministry.:)

  46. I admire your determination to move forward and keep going on sharing Bible truths despite disappointments. I am looking forward to spending these next months reading with you and learning how to walk with the King!

  47. I want to join in your Blogging Through the Bible! 🙂 I am a little confused on how to be sure I receive your emails. Help! 😉

  48. Hi Courtney!

    This bible study is great. I look forward to it. I pray i keep up!!! 🙂 Thanks and God Bless You

  49. I have such a great and motivated spirit for this! I can’t wait to start! Thanks for starting this and the work that goes into it!

  50. I’m looking forward to trying this method, and I hope that it works for me. I’m happy there are no dates, so therefore no pressure.. 🙂

  51. I am in as well. I love the do-able plan you have laid out. Thank you for speaking life in the midst of a dark time.

  52. Courtney – I am very excited to embark on this journey through the Bible with you. I am going to try my best to follow along throughout the entire study but know that things will come up and I will have to take breaks as well – and I am learning to give myself grace on the days when plans change and my husband or children need my attention more than things need to get checked off my “to do list”. I am looking forward to reading through parts of the Bible that I have never read before – what a wonderful opportunity for God’s girls to get into His Word and read it in it’s entirety instead of just reading a few books. I am praying for you this morning as our faithful leader. I am so grateful for your hard work and dedication to helping women get into God’s Word and studying what He says about how we are supposed to live our lives. We may not always be popular, but at the end of the day, what God and our family thinks about us is much more important that what the world thinks about us.

    When I did my first GMG study (1 John I think almost 3 years ago), you covered how to use colored pencils to highlight certain words in our reading. Are you planning on using colored pencils and if so, can you cover how you would suggest that we use them during the study? Thanks!

  53. Courtney, I have been very blessed the last couple years to follow along in various studies with Good Morning Girls. I am excited to try this study with you. September is my busiest month, but I am going to try and stay current. God bless you!

  54. “Please remember that checked off boxes do not earn the favor of Jesus. We are already declared righteous because of his sacrifice on the cross. This is an endeavor to know God more richly, to grow in righteousness, walk with the King daily and to be women living well.”

    LOVE THIS!! Thanks for reminding us from the outset – it’s so easy for some of us to want to try to “earn” favor when it was freely given to us because of the work of Christ.

  55. Hi Courtney I will lead the ladies in my group- ‘Ladies in Waiting’ with you reading through the Bible. I’ve lead over 2 years worth of studies through GMG and I’m excited to join you with all of my girls. I pray that God will give you the wisdom and discernment for this long haul as well as every lady that will be studying in God’s Word. Thank you for continuing on.

  56. Can’t wait to join you and I am very excited about reading through the Bible. I also prefer one chapter so I can take time and ponder what I am reading. So excited.

  57. I attempted to do this several years ago, but was reading from the beginning straight through, as you mentioned is difficult to do. I kept it up for several months, but then quit. With a recent breast cancer diagnosis (July 1, 2014), I have been seeking an answer about how to approach this prospect again, and alas, I found you from the Women Living Well’s pin on Pinterest! An answered prayer! I am joining in with countless others in this journey, and look forward to actually accomplishing the mission. THANK YOU for being here for us!

  58. I am excited about starting this plan. I have tried doing other plans as well and have felt that guilt of not being able to finish it. Looking forward to grow in God and see what he has planned for me.

  59. Can’t wait to get started on this with all of you! Looking forward to it! I’ve never read thru the Bible before, like ever.

  60. Thank you, I am looking forward to this. I have read through the Bible before, but have found myself desiring some sort of study to follow…and along came your email! This will be my first study with this site (WLW or GMG) and I am also planning on my daughter, who is 15 joining us.

    1. My Daughter, who is 14 does the studies as well. I use an interactive journal with her-that is similar to what Courtney’s mom did with her. It is really helpful! 🙂

  61. Courtney, I am in Central Illinois and can’t wait to begin! This plan sounds like it will fit into my schedule nicely. I’ve read the bible in a year, but I feel as though I didn’t gain as much as I will with your method. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication! You have truly been a blessing to me!

  62. Thank you so much for this! I think it is a wonderful idea and it gives me the guidance and support I need to read through the bible. I am looking forward to this challenge. You are apprecitated!

  63. Courtney, Thank you for your heart in all of this. I know I don’t know all of the nitty-gritty details (nor do I need to) but it seems to me that this has all been done in the wrong way ~ I will not support, read, or follow any of the ladies from the new site. If they felt the need to start something new, they should have done just that & not high-jacked your site and stolen your material. I was working through the Loving Like Jesus series….maybe they should all go back and do a re-study =) I love your site and you have been a tremendous blessing to my life, my marriage, my walk with God, my role as Mom, and my desire to be a better Christian. Thank you for all you do and are continuing to do! I stand behind you and pray that the Lord greatly blesses you and your family. God sees the other side, He already sees the rainbow, we just have to trust Him! Praying for your strength through all of this.

  64. I’m really excited and looking forward to reading the bible with you. I will be following you and reading along from Indiana.

  65. Thank you Courtney! This is exactly the type of study I’ve been interested in doing for a very long time. Looking forward to joining you in this journey.

  66. I am so ready for this. I have never read the bible because it is so intimidating to me and hard to understand.I have been looking for something like this for a long time. Thank you for doing this!

  67. Looking forward to reading through the Bible with you, this sounds like an incredible journey! Praying for you also Courtney, that God will continue to bless your ministry as you continue to shine your light upon Him. To God be the glory in all that we do. Blessings!

  68. Hi Courtney, I just wanted to let you know that you have been on my mind SO MUCH ever since this whole “thing” happened. I know we’ve never met, and I’m not a regular commenter here, but I am praying and hoping for resolution, and healing. I hope you have been able to find peace in the midst of the storm. Hugs,

  69. I am looking forward to your upcoming posts. I pray that your ministry continues to grow, reaching and encouraging countless women. Thank you for all that you do.

  70. Hi Courtney, I love the idea of “Blogging of Through the Bible,” and the structure you have set in place. I I have tried to read through the bible several times and I seem to just can’t keep going but this sounds very doable and starting at a perfect time for me. I am excited and can’t wait to get started. Blessings!!!

  71. Grateful for new starts and new things. Looking forward to this. I have shared it with others hoping they will enjoy the journey.

  72. Courtney- sounds like a great plan and I look forward to joining you and the rest of the “girls” as we dig deeper in scripture. My question for you, I recently just finished the GMG Leadership series and wasnt planning on leading Ester (mainly because I dont feel comfortable leading a bible study group, more of a topic based (got stuck halfway through intentionally focused when the switch was made)so something along those lines. My mentor mentioned a gratitude study sometime in November leading up to thanksgiving. Will you be having things like this as well or how do I go about leading a group through you? Thanks!

  73. Can I still call my group a GMG group? I have led three past studies up to this point and will not be continuing to lead under the LGG banner. Is there somewhere you will want me to record our group if so? I can change our group name entirely if needed and would understand. My group wants to SOAP study through a book slowly, so we wouldn’t be following the Blogging Through the Bible schedule, but we want to stay together for accountability and support in the GMG tradition. I will be following along with the whole Bible reading as well and look forward to it. Thank you!

    1. Cheryl – yes you may. 🙂 Good Morning Girls has been moved here, so you may still call your group a GMG group. There wont be enrollment, except for checking in here monthly to let her know that you’re on board.

      1. Thank you, Rosilind. 🙂

        Courtney, can you please identify who is helping you to answer questions—-both here and on FB. I’m sorry, (and I mean no disrespect to any of these ladies) but since I do not know anyone personally and because of the confusion of recent days, I just like hearing straight from you or knowing who you’ve appointed to answer questions (and I can’t find that info anywhere). I’m glad you seem to have help! 🙂 You are in my prayers. Thank you for all you do!

        1. Hi Cheryl – I understand the confusion. I am sorry I confused you, I have been haunting these comments trying to help Courtney out because there has been so much work going on behind the scenes – but probably in my “eagerness” added to the workload instead. Courtney introduced us here in this post:

          Thank you for understanding and thank you so much for your desire for clarity. That is a valuable trait.

  74. I hated all of that enrollment stuff anyway! I did one Proverbs 31 study with a group and enjoyed the experience, but I’m much happier just to read comments and blogs. Excited for this to start and particularly excited about Ester. I’m ready to get started now!!

  75. I am looking foward to this blogging thru the bible! It is always exciting to study with other sisters and hear everyone’s thoughts and interpretations. I am excited to see what God will reveal to us. I do have a question about the previous GMG site. I recently moved (5x in 5 years…. not sure what God is doing) and have lost several of my reading plan book marks. I had planned to do a few of the previous studies with my daughters. Will I be able to access those previous studies some how? Any information you can provide would be most helpful, but I understand if this is something you choose not to address. Moving foward is good!

  76. I too have tried reading through the Bible but have never completely finished. Lately, I’ve had it on my heart to try again. I will be joining you on this journey and can’t wait to see how God reveals Himself through this study. You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers this weekend and I just wanted to thank you for continuing to do what God has called you to do!!

  77. I look forward to reading the Bible through again slowly. I always enjoy your blog and know that God is going to work in mighty ways as we seek to know Him through His Word.

  78. Courtney, I’ve been following your blogs since 2011 – out of all the blogs I follow – WLW is my very favorite!! You just have a way of speaking directly to my heart. I admire your ability to be so transparent with all of us & value your insight very much! My walk with God has increased tremendously because of you & I don’t know if I would know Him now the way that I do without your encouragement. Just wanted to say I (& my daughters too) appreciated you!! Looking forward to the new study!!

  79. I’ll be joining you from Michigan, and I’m thrilled to have this opportunity. Praise God for your service to the Lord!!!

  80. I am excited about doing this study. I started a group on FB that are friends of mine who want to do this with me and we encourage each other to complete this plan and share what God is showing us in His word. I truly believe that we will be blessed in doing this study. I will follow you as long as you are “walking with the King” 🙂

  81. Courtney, I’m IN! I had just been thinking that I just need to read through the Bible and was going to start doing it when we returned home from a trip (which we did just an hour ago). I read about his while we were away, and knew it was just the thing for me! Thank you!! 🙂

  82. Courtney, I am IN! I had just been thinking that I need to just read through the Bible and was planning to start when we returned home from a trip (which we just did an hour ago). While we were away, I read about this and knew I had to participate!! The Lord provides! Thank you for doing this plan!

  83. Looking forward to reading through the bible with everyone. Praying for all my sisters in Christ and I to persevere and finish strong, no matter how long it takes us!

  84. I’m new to your blog and to your website. I found your information during Lysa’s webcast the other night. I’m looking forward to blogging through the Bible with you.

  85. Looking forward to reading through the bible. Praying for all of us, sisters in Christ that we will persevere and finish strong, no mater how long it takes us!

  86. Hi Courtney!
    So thankful for Pinterest and coming across your blog! Excited to be joining in for your journey through God’s Word. Praying for you and also for the women who will be joining you. May God be glorified through this experience and may many women grow deeper in their relationship with Christ these next few years as we seek Him.

    1. Love that, Sharon! 🙂 Like I told my groups – Reading the Word isn’t a race to the finish line. It’s about allowing the Word to sink into our spirits and change us. So, whether one reads through the Bible each year, or it takes the rest of our lives to read through it once, the point is to hide His Word in our hearts and allow the Word to cleanse us and make us more like Jesus.

  87. Courtney, I so admire your heart for Jesus and the way you aim to walk with the King daily! I can’t wait for this study to start and already have at least one other friend interested. Thank you for your ministry, I follow your blog avidly because it helps me follow Him! Keep up the amazing work, and may the Lord bless you!

  88. Hi Courtney, Thank you so much for doing this series. I have been walking with the Lord for 17 years and have never taken part in a ‘read through the Bible’ plan. I am excited and thankful that you have chosen to lead us in this. May you be thoroughly blessed by our Lord for your faithfulness and dedication to Him. Big hugs, Carol from England

  89. I am so excited about joining this group! I can’t wait to start this journey with my sisters in Christ.

  90. This sounds like a great idea… I’ve been starting and restarting a ton of different read through the bible plans, but can never stay on track (I’ve only completed one… it was a while ago) so many plans just don’t have any wiggle room, or they want to you go start to finish and there are sections that I simply can’t read like that…

    I’d love some guidance on the colored pencil approach to the readings if you can do some of that as you go that would be amazing!

    Thanks for your commitment to this platform to gently guide as we all go along this journey.


  91. Courtney, I am so loving this. I will be joining you from Nigeria. I love everything about the blogging thru the bible! May we all be found worthy of Him in these last days. Walk with the King we will. Bless your heart.

  92. Hi Courtney!
    Looking forward to this study. I’ve always had trouble getting through the Bible in a year. This sounds so awesome. Thank you for everything you do. I’ve been praying for you. If anyone from Kentucky wants to start a group I’d love to join or lead. Thanks again!! God Bless!

  93. We have a small group that would love to join in this study, but I am unfamiliar with the GMG setup and how to facilitate a small group in relation to the daily readings. I would love to see a sample setup of how a week would go and maybe a sample leader’s guide? We will be meeting on Tuesday. Not sure how that would work into the schedule.

  94. Thank you. I will love to read the entire Bible. My questions is What about the translation? Im from Mexico city and I have a sister there and she will be so happy with this. I live in Oregon by the way.

  95. I am so looking forward to this! Sounds like my type of reading plan after many failed attempts 🙂 I was wondering, however, if you are planning on any scripture memory along with our studies? No big deal if you aren’t! I can certainly come up with my own 🙂 I am so thankful for some stands you have taken, and really appreciate your heart and ministry. Thank you!

  96. So excited about this! I’ve been needing some help figuring out how to read through my bible in an organized way! Thank you so much for dedicating your time!

  97. This sounds awesome! I wrote it on my calendar when start date is so that I can continue to be reminded about it & remember it 🙂 I am super excited to have someone start something that I dont feel like we have a time constraint on & other busy women are out there too! Praise be to Jesus for time to share in his word & extra moments to have time to do that!

  98. This is wonderful!!!!!! I’ve tried so many times to do the “Bible in a year” plans, but I got overwhelmed, fell behind, got discouraged, and then stopped. I feel like I need to talk through what I’m reading to process it better, but I haven’t really found anyone I can do that with. This will be perfect! Maybe I can even find a buddy 🙂

  99. I am so excited and committed in doing this. I have tried other plans and not succeed. I have felt disappointment and failure when I don’t. I am really looking forward to this! Thank you!

  100. I would love to participate! Looking forward to reading through the Bible and growing in His word along side all who are participating. Blessings!

  101. I am excited to start this journey!! I am curious though, what is the SOAP method? Thank you for your dedication in leading women to live well. 🙂

  102. I was looking for something like this and am so glad I found (thanks to Pinterest!) so that I can join you ladies in time! My struggle in the area of discipleship is finding time to get quality Bible reading. I have to steal time in the morning to run so that the rest of the day can run smoother with my hard-working husband and 18-month old who I get to stay home with. I might just carry around my hand-held NLT bible in my bag for reading when we’re in the park or at the library. I’m praying now that God gives us all organization and inspiration through this!

  103. Courtney,
    I can ‘hear’ the hurt in your posts and I am so sorry for this rift and dissension. It is not good when God’s people are fussing amongst themselves.

    I remember you when you were on the Raising Godly Tomatoes site (I’m a mod there) and you’ve always been honest and above board. Your passion for God and desire for others to have His love in their hearts has always shone through.

    I’ll stick with you. I will sign up for the Bible Study. I’ve had a terrible year so far myself, with many hurts and disappointments. My husband has abandoned my 7 children and I for drugs and another woman who will party with him. 🙁 But we will not turn away from our Saviour. My home, my family, my children and I will be God’s and we will serve the Lord with all our hearts. He has been faithful and has heard my every cry, and even when I despair and give up, He is there with His gentle presence telling me “Don’t give up daughter. I’m still on the throne. I’m still in control.” I want to be like Job, saying “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

    Keep trusting Him. He is Lord, He knows best about all things. All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord.

    Love you dear sister,

  104. Hello Courtney! I am starting a small accountability group. I have been a GMG’s Leader for the last two years and we are finishing the Ephesians study on Friday.

    I took some time to seek God and believe I am being led to join this study. Some of the ladies in my group have requested to continue with GMG/WLW with me. I think it is great, accountability really works for me.

    If anyone would like to join our group, I will be opening our group this Friday to new members . You can request to join here:

      1. Oh Rosilind! Hi, I recognized your name right away from former studies. Thank you for the direction, just very excited over here on my end and didn’t want to miss out on an accountability group, glad to hear there is an area to find one another. 🙂

  105. What a cool idea! I am really looking forward to diving in and I am going to be trying the SOAP method for the first time. Thanks Courtney and you all for this awesome community to work through the Bible together.

  106. I am looking forward to diving into the Bible and going through this journey with you all! I am going to be trying out the SOAP method for the first time and look forward to that as well 🙂

  107. I’m looking forward to this study. I believe God spoke to me to subscribe to you. I am a fairly new Christian, although I grew up believing there is a God. I have been going to a couple Bible study classes through my church, but I’ve been looking and wanting for something like this kind of study. Thank You.

  108. I look forward to this, what I like the most is there is no guilt attached to it. Thank you for the encouragement that you provide to us.

    🙂 Blessings

  109. I’m looking forward to this! I will be sharing with my friends. This will give us something more to talk about.

  110. I am so looking forward to starting this study and to be able to share with the other girls and hear their thoughts as we start reading through the Bible. This sounds very doable and I can’t wait to get started.

  111. I am looking forward to the Bible Study and becoming more knowledgeable with the Lord’s word. I am finally finished with chemo therapy and radiation. My cancer is in remission. It is now time for me to spend more time learning about my Lord and Savior.

  112. Courtney I was just getting ready to start a study on Matthew when I saw your post! I’ll wait on Matthew until December so I can study along with you and the rest of your readers that participate. I can’t wait to start on Esther on Monday. As always your devotion to God is such an inspiration! I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend with your family.

  113. Good morning! I am a pastor’s wife in a rural community and am so looking forward to studying the Word of God with you at Women Living Well. Thanks, Courtney, for being a Godly example of a woman of humility, grace, and who loves God and His Word and a true servant of the King serving women of faith.

  114. Hi! I saw this on Candace Cameron-Bure’s facebook page, and I love the idea! I will be joining the bible study! I’ve been looking for something like this for awhile now, and glad I can be a part of this!

  115. Thank You so much for allowing God to use you in this way! I have always had the desire to read the entire bible, and I have even tried doing a plan for reading the bible in one year. I didn’t make it to far. The way you have it set up, encourages me and I believe that myself, along with others, will be able to go along with you on this journey! I started the readings today but I read yesterday and today’s reading so I can stay on the course. It also personally helps me that you suggest we SOAP whatever scriptures speak to us. I am very excited about this journey and how God will speak to each of us as we seek Him and draw closer to Him. Again thank you! God bless you!

  116. I am so happy that I learned of your website from Candace Cameron-Bure’ post. I have attempted several times to pick up the bible and read and each time I begin, I fail in a couple of days. I am excited to follow your guide- it seems very do-able!!! I am in a place where I need to build a deeper relationship with God and I am hoping that thru reading, studying and the encouraging words shared on this website, I will find “my place!” Thanks 🙂

  117. Hi Courtney,
    I see your msg above that it isnt too late to join in on the daily Bible readings so could you tell me where I can find last weeks list of readings? Also, I would like to join a group on Facebook or on the forum so that I can stay accountable but I am not sure if you are still taking new people for the forum groups, so could you recommend a good one on Facebook. I also “liked” the Good Morning Girls facebook page but I didn’t see where I could leave a comment or send you a msg so thought this would be the best place to reach you.

  118. I found you yesterday. Printed the material our for me and my daughter! This is exactly what I needed for right now in my life! Thank you!! I can’t sign up to join a group on FB. How can you add me? Stacey Tharp Gulledge I am a pastor’s wife and I would love to be a part of any group you have. I am also a homeschooling mom. I wear many hats! 😉

  119. Courtney,

    I am very intrigued by the concept of Good Morning Girls. I would like to start something like this for my small group of girl friends. I attempted to follow the link to the Leadership Group and it was a dead link.

    I continued reading, and I am sorry that you had to experience the controversy earlier this year. If there is a new link to this leadership group, would you please send it my way?

    In Christ,

    Anna Kundysek

  120. Hi! I was wondering if someone could help me. I have a GMG group that started in January we started with genesis and we are not sure where to go next? Is it psalms? We want to follow what the group is doing and stick to the study guide resources just not sure where to go next. We will finish up genesis tomorrow.

    1. Hi Veronica!

      Following Genesis we took a break for Christmas and read in the book of Psalms. But I recommend that your group go straight into Exodus for continuity sake. 😉 Unless you are in need of some light hearted reading before going back into the stories of Moses.

      So glad to hear your group is going strong!!
      Lots of Love,

  121. Hurrah! I am so excited that a friend from church told me about you guys. I am brand new to your site and am still figuring it out but am reading Acts with you.

    Thank you. I am looking forward to someone to connect with in a commitment to get into the Bible more as a wife and mom.

    I really appreciate you!

  122. I see the luke journal but not the link to click on for it in your home page.
    Could you let me know how to get to the Luke online?

  123. Very excited to go through this process with my wife. times have been rather hard but with god we can achieve anything. looking forward to starting out journey with god and the bible.

  124. This is probably a nutty question, but you have the little monthly reading charts to a certain date with days left, and I don’t see them. I am wondering if you just filled the page and then skiped the dates that were on the end, or is there another reading chart for the continuing days. Norma

  125. This is probably a nutty question, but you have the little monthly reading charts to a certain date with days left, and I don’t see them. I am wondering if you just filled the page and then skiped the dates that were on the end, or is there another reading chart for the continuing days. Norma

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