Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

It’s an age-old question – Why do bad things happen to good people? Have you ever wondered why bad things happen to you? Here's the answer. | #Biblestudy #Job #WomensBibleStudy #GoodMorningGirls

It’s an age-old question – Why do bad things happen to good people?

Have you ever wondered why bad things happen to you?

Do you wonder if perhaps you did something wrong to deserve your suffering?

While some of our trials are a direct result of consequences from our wrong choices, the book of Job teaches us that not all trials come because of something we have done wrong.  As we study the life of Job, we see his suffering did not come because of his sins.

Job’s suffering came because of his unwavering faithfulness to God! (Job 1:8)

And so we wonder, why do bad things happen to good people?

As Job wades through his despair and listens to the counsel of his friends in chapters 6-10, we see that no explanation can be found.  Job feels that if he could just find out the answer to “why,” all of his trials would be more tolerable.

Sometimes we can feel the same way.  We beg God to let us in on the big picture of “why”. It seems that coping would be much easier, if we could just get some answers.  And when answers don’t come, we can fall into despair.

This is exactly what happened to Job in chapter 6. He says:

“2 Oh that my vexation were weighed,
and all my calamity laid in the balances!
3 For then it would be heavier than the sand of the sea;
therefore my words have been rash.
4 For the arrows of the Almighty are in me;
my spirit drinks their poison;
the terrors of God are arrayed against me.”

And in Job chapter 7 he cries out as he tosses and turns at night:

” 2 Like a slave who longs for the shadow,
    and like a hired hand who looks for his wages,
so I am allotted months of emptiness,
    and nights of misery are apportioned to me.
When I lie down I say, ‘When shall I arise?’
    But the night is long,
    and I am full of tossing till the dawn.”

Then his friend Bildad, tells Job to get right with God and plead for mercy.  This was not helpful!  He needed compassion not judgement from his dear friend.

In Job chapters 9 and 10, Job replies with his questions and pleas to God.  He wavers between hope and doubt and despair. He loathes his own life.  He feels innocent but wonders if God sees him differently.

Oh dear reader…have you been there?

Have you wondered why God has allowed you to suffer various trials of different kinds?

I have been there. I have wondered why God would let me take risks for his glory and go far out on a limb for him – only for other limbs in my life – to snap and break off.  There have been times where the spiritual warfare in my life is very thick.

Fear. Doubt. Worry. Anxiety. Suffering. Sleepless Nights. and…

Unanswered Prayers.

All these things can put a death grip on me and threaten to destroy my hope and joy.

But this I know.

I know that God is good.

I know I can trust in God’s goodness even when what I am facing is NOT good.

As C. S. Lewis watched his wife die of cancer, he wrote:

“But pain insists upon being attended to.
God whispers to us in our pleasures,
speaks in our conscience,
but shouts in our pains:
it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

Pain is a megaphone.

I know there are pastors on television that say God only wants to see us happy, healthy and wealthy. But you can’t look a cancer patient in the eye or a paralyzed woman who is bound in a wheel chair for life and say this.  The Bible is clear that in this world there will be suffering (John 16:33) but heaven awaits us and there – there will be no more death, crying or pain (Rev.21:4).

Pain sends a universal message.  We all hear it loud and clear.  James tells us to consider trials a joy – a friend that will test our faith and prove our endurance.  Our faith can get lazy when we are on easy street – but when the street is filled with raging rivers – we cling to Jesus. Our self-sufficiency is gone and our eyes are opened to the pain and suffering that others are facing as well.

God uses our trials to draw us to him.

God uses our trials to soften our hearts.

God uses our trials so we can comfort others with the comfort we have received from God, during our trial.

God uses our trials to put Satan to shame through our faithfulness.

May we not wake up one morning and find the reverse true of ourselves – that our megaphone of pain has caused us to run from God, develop a hard heart and be the one –put to shame– by our lack of faithfulness.

Are you in the midst of a trial, where you wonder why?

Perhaps this trial is BECAUSE of your faithfulness.

Your trial may exist so that as you worship through tears, Satan is put to shame and God is glorified and honored by your unwavering faithfulness.

May we proclaim together with Job:

“The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away;
blessed be the name of the Lord.”
~Job 1:22

Walk with the King,



To find all of the resources and blog posts that go along with our study
in the book of Job – CLICK HERE.



  1. Like you said, it´s a old question. I have seen the movie Unstoppable by Kirk Cameron where he deals with this question. And a lot of it has to do with learning about the character of God and his purpose for us. In the movie he takes you from the beginning in the garden of Eden and shows how though Adam and Eve where outcast from Eden, God still provided for them. They proably felt hopeless, sad and in despair beacuse of what they had done, but God still provided for them. That shows that He never leave us, even in our suffering. I encourage you to watch it, it´s eyeopening.
    Blessings/ Carolina

  2. Hey Courtney
    This is Reena (Singapore). Hope you remember me. We got in touch via the Book of Matthew and I emailed you.

    I was just reading this article of yours and it came in at such an apt time when I find myself in a midst of a trial. Sleepless nights, worries, concerns!! But this has opened my eyes and it is making me cling to the word and promises of God even more. I hadn’t been going to Church due to something that happened at a bible study. Through this trial, I am told by Jesus to ‘come to church’.
    I am firmly believing that God is faithful and he is with me. He will not allow any weapons against us prosper as we continue to worship him and believe in him. Thank You Courtney. Just couldn’t believe that this came at such a time when I needes it the most. What an assurance.

  3. Hello Courtney,

    I have been both encouraged and somewhat discouraged by the book of Job this week. Encouraged because I am amazed by the faith that Job had through all that suffering because he lost everything. Discouraged because I do not think I could have such faith in the face of such anguish and pain.
    I have been going through a trial for so many years now, made all the more complex as it is a marriage. I distanced myself from God because it was so hard to be in a horrible abusive marriage and try to experience God’s love at the same time. I finally figured out that distancing myself from God made it all the more difficult and I reached such depths of despair I ran back to God because that’s the only answer I had left!
    I think my trial has more to do with clinging to God through the pain and allowing Him to be God in my life and not because of faithfulness and it has been so hard! Some days its hard to even say a prayer as I keep asking God why why why? Some days it is absolutely wonderful when I can feel God’s peace and joy flowing through me, and I KNOW that despite what I am going through He is on my side and there is something bigger and greater that he wants me to learn from this experience!
    I feel I am coming full circle now. This is the first Bible study I have done with you lovely ladies and looking at what is happening in my life, I don’t think it was a coincidence that I started when the particular study was the book Job!!
    Thank you for your ministry. Be blessed

    1. Reading your note here I feel moved to tell you that you will see it through. God is good and you are right…NO weapon against you will prosper. Keep discipline with your praise and prayer. Best to you.

  4. I’m going through a crisis of faith right now. I’m worn and weary after several years of being beaten down by the church and my almost ex husband who I now know cheated for most of our 26 year marriage. I find myself back in school to get a nursing degree while trying to homeschool my 3 kids with the help of a co-op. We’re living on welfare and student loans. I ask myself why my prayers for my marriage weren’t enough. Was I not righteous enough? Why would God allow this man and these people at my former church to harm me and my kids? Why won’t He protect us? I’ve faithfully studied His word, served Him, tried to raise my kids in His word, prayed unceasingly, and He is allowing everything to get worse, not better.
    To hear people say my only hope is in heaven after I die is a pretty bitter thing to be told. I get that there will be trouble, but this is over the top. And I see so much other suffering. If a loving parent on earth will do what they can to help their child who is hurting terribly, why doesn’t our Father in heaven lift a finger to help? Why just sit there and do nothing while I’m wailing to him, at least to protect my kids from the pain?
    These things have been going on for so many years and I’m definitely not seeing lots of loving father. And many Christians are cold and callous with their hands off or blaming attitudes. It’s very disheartening.

    1. I am so sorry you have not found love and support in your Church. I hope you see that you have that here. I just finished taking time to pray for you and your children. I pray that God would heal your heart, that He would give you strength when you don’t think you can make it another day and that He would draw you close to Him and you find a sweet intimate strong relationship with Him.

    2. Hi Amy, I want to point out the positives. You are feeling like God isn’t doing anything. But you do mention loving parents here on earth whom help their children. That is God working. Everywhere and everytime someone displays the character of God, that is God working. We are His hands and feet. God is moving. We need to be the vessels. If people fail to help you, then they have failed you and God. God is good.

    3. Amy,
      I will be praying for you. As I read your post, I could feel your pain and hurt. Been there, minus the kids, but then I saw what an amazing person you must be, going back to school, teaching your kids, and seeking God in all of it.You have not been forgotten by your heavenly Father who loves you, He is with you and holding you even in the darkest night. As the words of a song say “when you cann’t see His hand, trust His heart”. God is there. Sending prayers and Hugs!

    4. Amy, sweet Amy, how your heart is hurting! Yes, reading Job at this time in your life can be a joy, as well as a painful reminder. May this study strengthen you to know, that despite your awareness of His presence right now, that Gid reigns supreme. He is with you every step of this painful life journey. He hears your screams and dries your tears. He will strengthen you and in years t9 come, you will see His goodness. I will be lifting you in prayer, Amy
      . Praise Him in the storm! You have many blessings. Can you count them one by one? Sheila

  5. This week I was struck by Job 6:14–“For the despairing man there should be kindness from his friend; so that he does not forsake the fear of the Almighty.”

    We need to be the friend that will show kindness in the struggles and push our friends back towards God when, as you said Courtney, that pain can so easily move us away from God. Coming from hard times in my life that I did fall away and I feel like I’m still struggling to find my way back, I realize how different things would have been if I could have surrounded myself with people that were kind. We need to be the kind friend and in struggles find kind friends to help us stay the course.

  6. I feel like Job. More people have cast judgment and told me how to live my life instead of showing compassion since my son was killed. Friends and family have abandoned me in my pain, but God has given me courage to speak up for myself. God has given me strength to comfort a parent new to the journey of child loss. I love the huge task bestowed on me. I know it’s not me actually doing the work I’m just the vessel God is using. It’s very difficult reading the book of Job without crying and feeling his pain and despair.

    1. Tara,
      What an incredible sorrow the loss of a child can bring to a family. My fiancé lost his 20 yo cousin last year after a random drive by shooting while away at college. My fiancé was deployed at the time and missed the funeral. His heart is so hard toward God right now, but it gives me strength to know that healing is possible! Good will come out of tragedy. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

  7. Thank you for the true and encouraging words! I have been in a place of great spiritual struggle and the pain pushed me to seek God and his Word. That is all that got me through. I never would be in the place in am now spiritually if I had not gone through the dark time. I can now encourage and help other women going through a difficult time.

  8. This is an excellent post. Thank you for your wise insight.

    An aside to dear Amy ~ while it may seem hard to believe this right now, the pain experienced in ending a marriage may also be strengthening and a time of personal growth.As deeply as it hurts, including the outside betrayal, this pain is temporary on the path to new wisdom and fulfilling experiences. This will become clearer as you continue forward. No matter what, trust in God and believe he has better plans for you. God bless you.

  9. Oh how I needed this today. I had felt God call Job out in my mind a few days ago as my husband said he no longer loved me and was only with me because of the kids. I feel so empty and neglected but I know God is enough! I know God is faithful! My faith has been growing stronger for awhile now and my husband remains Luke warm. He wants to do what he wants when he wants and I cannot stand in his way but I also know that if I keep my eyes on Christ, He is all I need. God is enough!
    Anyway thank you!

  10. This is sweet encouragement during rough times. It’s a reminder that God is much greater than the enemy. Appreciate your words. I always appreciate being reminded that trials can and must be used for God’s glory!

  11. Good morning! This post comes at just the right time. I lost my 3 year old daughter on 9/28/19 to an illness that should not have caused death. As she was dying and the doctors and nurses were performing CPR, I prayed fervently for God to return her to me. In the middle of these silent pleas I heard myself say outloud, “Thy will be done”. I immediately tried to take it back, why did I say that? Why did she die? Amazingly, the Holy Spirit came more alive than I have ever felt. I found myself comforting the nurses and doctor, even amidst my pain. I am so broken bearted, but over the past month and a half, God has so clearly spoken to me to remind me He is with me. The first verse to pop in my brain after the doctor called for CPR to stop was “Jesus wept”. Even in that exact moment God was letting me know I was not alone. Since then, I continue to despair and suffer a broken heart. However, I have hope in Jesus. And I have seen many people coming to know God through the strength He has given me. I am continually reminded that every person in this earth is a child of God, and he doesn’t want to lose even one. It has become more.important than ever to share the gospel and bring as many with me as possible to Heaven. ❤

  12. Good morning! This post popped up in my newsfeed at just the right time. I lost my 3 year old daughter on 9/28/19 to an illness that should not have caused death. As she was dying and the doctors and nurses were performing CPR, I prayed fervently for God to return her to me. In the middle of these silent pleas I heard myself say outloud, “Thy will be done”. I immediately tried to take it back, why did I say that? Why did she die? Amazingly, the Holy Spirit came more alive than I have ever felt. I found myself comforting the nurses and doctor, even amidst my pain. I am so broken bearted, but over the past month and a half, God has so clearly spoken to me to remind me He is with me. The first verse to pop in my brain after the doctor called for CPR to stop was “Jesus wept”. Even in that exact moment God was letting me know I was not alone. Since then, I continue to despair and suffer a broken heart. However, I have hope in Jesus. And I have seen many people coming to know God through the strength He has given me. I am continually reminded that every person in this earth is a child of God, and he doesn’t want to lose even one. It has become more.important than ever to share the gospel and bring as many with me as possible to Heaven. ❤

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