Live Webcast W/ Lysa Terkeurst, Giveaway & WLWW Link-Up Party

Oh friends!  I’m very excited to share that I will be participating in a Live Webcast with Lysa Terkeurst and Kelly Stamps (from for the release of Lysa’s new book – Unglued – Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions 

It will be on Thursday, August 30th at 7pm CST (that’s 8pm my time ๐Ÿ™‚ EST ) and it will be on-line for FREE at!

Lysa is the New York Times Best Selling Author of Made to Crave, a Women of Faith speaker, Extraordinary Women Conference Speaker and an author of 14 books including Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl.  She is also the mother of 5 children and a co-host of the Proverbs 31 Ministriesโ€™ radio program played on over 1200 stations!

Unglued hit the New York Times Best Seller List the first week it came out!  And I’m giving away TWO Copies of her book here today! 

But first…let me explain – this webcast is a 3 week series – and this week the first one will air – here’s more details: 

K-LOVE and Proverbs 31 Ministries presents the โ€œUngluedโ€ Womenโ€™s Conference on Thursday, August 23rd at 7pm CST to help you make everyday life decisions in the midst of raw emotions. The conference will be hosted by K-LOVE’s Amy Baumann, Amanda Carroll, Kelli Caldwell and Lauren Lee along with New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst and you can view the webcast right here online in the comfort of your own home.

 (if you cannot see this video click here to view it)

Lysa TerKeurst admits that she, like most women, has experiences where others bump into her happy and she comes emotionally unglued. We stuff, we explode, or react somewhere in between.

What do we do with these raw emotions? Is it really possible to make emotions work for us instead of against us? Yes, and in her usual inspiring and practical way, Lysa will show you how.

Be sure to tune in on August 23rd at 8pm EST at to see the 1st of 3 Live Webcasts!

To sign up for a reminder email for the webcast click here โ€ฆ see you at the 2nd one on August 30th!!!!!!

To enter to win one of TWO copies of Unglued leave a comment on this post!

For bonus entries, tweet, facebook or pin this post and then leave extra comments to let me know what you did!

This giveaway ends on Saturday, August 25th at 9pm! 


And NOW…


It’s Living Well Wednesday – Link-up time!!!

If you have never taken the time to check out these other bloggers – you are missing out! The ladies that link-up below are amazing writers and creators and I just know that one of them is going to encourage you today! So you’re invited to come on in!

Join the fun, do a little blog hopping and don’t forget if you link-up below -please add the Women Living Well Wednesdays button to your post so your readers can find us here! (Posts can include the topics of marriage, parenting, homemaking, homeschooling, finances, recipes, organization and more!)

To find the code go to the sidebar – or right click and “save as” the button and then upload it into your post! ๐Ÿ™‚

Walk with the King,


  1. I just picked up Lysa’s book Made to Crave at our local library and am excited to read it after you spoke so highly of her. I would love to read Unglued as well! I’ll definitely tune in to the webcast ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I would love a copy of this book, then I would be able to buy even more to pass out to my bible study group. I can’t wait to read it. I have heard wonderful things about it. Thank you for your giveaway.

  3. Can’t wait to watch the webcast. Sounds like a lot of fun. I read the first chapter for free of Lysa’s book and just loved it. Can’t wait to win or buy a copy! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I have been listening to KLOVE and have been interested in reading this book. Thank you for the opportunity to win!!

  5. I have never read Lisa’s book and would love to read this one. She has good advice on Proverbs 31 site. I love that she uses her own experiences to help others. This makes her much more relatable. Would love to win a copy of this book. Be blessed:)

  6. I’d love to win a copy of this book. I enjoy her emails every morning her Proverbs 31 Ministries. They are awesome.

  7. This book sounds like exactly what I need to handle some of my anger issues and draw me and my children closer to the Father.

  8. I believe I’m past “Unglued.” Sounds like a must read. I’ve tweeted and shared via Facebook. Thanks for the opportunity.

  9. I’d love to win a copy of this book – I took her 5 day challenge and gained so much in those 5 small emails. If I don’t win, I am definitely picking up a copy ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. I love Lysa, would love the chance to win her book. I already signed up for the Bible Study. Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Yes, please enter my name to the drawing! I am almost done with Made to Crave and it is a great book! Very inspirational and honest. I am sure this book will hit home with me and my family as well! Thanks for the opportunity!

  12. I would looooove to win a copy! I am often “unglued”! I need other solutions rather than always trying to use duct tape! Lol ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I could really use some help with my emotions as a homeschool mom of 3 littles and a husband who travels a lot! Lol this is the first book I’ve seen that addresses this ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. This sounds like a fabulous book and perfect me and my unglued moments. I would love a copy! Thanks for entering me!

  15. We were just talking about this book at our Bible study tonight! If I don’t win I’ll still go out and buy one, but either way, I’d love a copy to read!

  16. Less than a few weeks back, I had some very difficult circumstances occur that were very overwhelming. I was emotional and pouring my heart out to the Lord in prayer on a long drive home one evening. As I was driving, I heard about Unglued on KLOVE! I have had this book on my heart ever since and was hoping to read it soon. I would just love to read this book and be entered in the contest! Thank you for this opportunity! Blessings!

  17. I <3 Lysa & Proverbs31 Ministries! I have read several of Lysa's books and her testimony is one thing that helped me begin to leave my past in my past and accept God's healing and peace. I would love to win this new book. Thank you for the giveaway and the link up too!

  18. Count me in! I am currently very “unglued” and need to be making some major decisions, so this book coming out is VERY TIMELY!

  19. I’ve read a couple of snippets from Unglued and it’s awesome. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a copy.

  20. cant wait for this confrence and hope that I win this book, I had one fo these type of melt downs this weekend , it so awsome how god come into my life always at the right time

  21. Hello, this is my first time here, and I have to say that blog looks amazing. I really enjoyed this post. Plus, my post is now a part of your link up party. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks.

  22. I would love to win a copy of this book. I’ve been married for less than a year, and due to some unexpected issues (a potential job loss and a cancer diagnosis, both for my husband) in the last 5 months, I’m finding myself to have to “fight” harder to not become unglued.

  23. I would love the chance to win this book. I am just about to embark on homeschooling my two young girls (ages 9 and 7 1/2). I have a 1 year old son, as well. Some days I feel unglued, myself. I constantly have to remind myself that it is not about me and it is not in my hands. All I can do is my best and be the best mom, wife, and woman I can be. It is nice, however, to have a written reminder of the bigger purpose. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the opportunity!

  24. Oh my, who hasn’t come unglued when life gets overwhelming. I pray God’s blessings on Lisa and her newest work. May He use it to encourage and empower women to live in the fullness of Him every day.

  25. Can’t wait to read this book and watch the webcasts!!! I loved her Made to Crave devotional, so I am really looking forward to reading this book as well!

  26. This book would SO be for me. I struggle every day to control my emotions in a healthy way, but it seems like I’m always wearing them on my sleeve! Looking forward to reading this book.

  27. Thank you for your encouragement to live a Godly life with each post! Please enter my name in the book drawing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. It is far to easy to allow ugly emotions get the best of me.
    I am so very curious how to stop becoming Unglued — I am curious about this book.
    The webcast sounds exciting – I hope family life is cooperating so I will be able to tune in.
    Thanks for offering up a chance to win this book.

  29. I would love a copy of the Unglued book. I would give the 2nd copy to a dear friend. I love Lysa Terkeurst.

  30. I NEED this book…my husband, my kids, my family NEED me to have this book. I would love to win this. Thank you for the opportunity.

  31. Aaaaand . . . I tweeted it, too! By the way — my pleasure on the tweet love with yesterday’s post. It was a great post. I also shared it on FB and not only received (on your behalf) tons of positive comments, but have been able to minister to a sweet friend who’s struggling with that very situation. Thank *you*! ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Wow! I can come unglued often. I am looking forward to reading this book! I will pray for you Courtney as you prepare for your part of the simulcast. God Bless you! Lisa/Canal Fulton, OH

  33. I am facilitating an on-line study of Lysa’s book “Unglued” on facebook starting September 17, 2012. I have been reading the book and preparing assignments for each week of the study. God named my ministry “Many Strands of One Accord On-line Bible Studies” and I have facilitated 2 book studies through that group…”The Power of a Woman’s Words” by Sharon Jaynes and “Trusting God” by Sharon Jaynes, Mary Southerland and Gwen Smith. I would love to win one of these books and use it as a give-a-way for my on-line study. Several ladies have wanted to join, but could not afford the book, for various reasons. If anyone is interested in joining the study, just click on the link for more information.

  34. I would love to win this book really sounds like something that would be so helpful to me at this time. This may be the only way I can read this book due to finances, so it would be great to read it and pass it on to others who may have the same needs as I do.

  35. I love Lisa’s books! I am reading Made To Crave now and it is SO convicting!! I would love to read unglued next. Pick me, pick me! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am a huge women living well fan! Thank you for all you do! You’re a great example of a godly wan in 2012.


  36. I have been having this very “Unglued” issue right now. Not how I want my children to remember me. Would love to have this book!

  37. My friend and I were talking about doing Unglued Bible study just yesterday. This would be a wonderful way to get the book! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for the chance to win one!

  38. I would Love to read this book! Our pastor’s wife recommended it last week at a womens event and I have not purchased it yet ๐Ÿ˜‰ Sign me up to win!

  39. I’d love to win the book to pass it on to my sister after I read it. She is going through a real
    tough time in her life right now. Thanks for the hours you spend blogging and encouraging
    us along!

  40. Oh I can’t wait to read this..sure hope I win but if not I still want to get a copy. Thanks courtney! Yay for the live cool!!

  41. My small group is going to start the Unglued Bible study in a couple of weeks so I’m in the market to get a copy of Unglued. Winning it would be extra special!

  42. I would like to think I have moved beyond needing this book! But I still become unglued at times. Sigh….I would love a copy of this book. ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Well I would love to have a copy of the the Book Unglued. That is what my life is right now. I thought the Lord was wanting to use me to testify and maybe do some speaking but with the latest circumstances I am not sure where he is leading me.
    I am looking forward to the webcast.
    God Bless Girls, its going to be good.

  44. Lysa’s books are great resources to grow our marriages in Christ. Her teachings are great for the soul and every aspect of life. Would love to win.

  45. I’m planning on picking up the book tomorrow but winning a copy would be even better! I’m very interested to read it and determine my reaction type and figure out how to do it better!!

  46. Unglued sounds like a wonderful study! Wish I had this 20 years ago! Ha. I can still use this book and hopefully can help train my daughter. See you Thursday!

  47. I am heading to the beach in a few weeks and need a good book to read. I would love to read the book and do the Bible study with a few ladies.

  48. Good morning, everyone! I would love to win a copy of ‘Unglued’, we are going to be studying it in my women’s Bible study this year and I am so excited!

  49. I would love to win a copy of this book. As I’ve gotten older, I feel like I come ‘unglued’ a little easier. I used to be so good at controlling my emotions and rationalizing thoughts and feelings. Maybe it’s a hormone thing– or maybe it’s just a life thing (i.e, kids, marriage, hardships)? But any guidance from a woman’s christian p.o.v. is so wanted and welcomed.

  50. I’ve read the first chapter and plan to read the 2nd chapter (thanks Lysa) so planning to read
    the rest ……and pass it on……very good!

  51. I’ve been hearing this webcast advertised this week on KLove and am interested in listening – my issue is that it broadcasts when our family will be on the go with my oldest having soccer practice. Will it be available post airing online? The Book Unglued sounds great and like one that would benefit from reading along with many other women – of course its the implementation of the suggestions that is the most difficult part!
    Have a faithfilled day!

  52. Would love to win this book! A friend of mine told me about it and I can’t wait to read it and see the simulcast!

  53. I am excited to get my hands on this book. I just signed up for Melissa Taylor’s book study and I need the book!

  54. I’d love to win a copy of UNGLUED. God has been convicting me strongly regarding my reactions to situations.

  55. I have been hearing about this book everywhere. And lately I have been feeling more and more like I need to read it!! Thanks for this opportunity!

  56. Would LOVE to win a copy of this book…my husband’s always telling me I need to learn to handle my emotions better. :/ I’m really looking forward to the webcast, as well! I’ve been hearing about it on K-LOVE!

  57. I’m so thankful for your blog Courtney… you inspire me to be a better wife and mother. Your blog has also led me to many other wonderful blogs, including Lysa TerKeurst’s! I would love to read her book!

  58. I just finished a group study of Made To Crave and we all thought it was fabulous. We were thinking of doing this one next so it would be great to win a copy. This is definitely an area I struggle with.

  59. I tried leaving a commen earlier, but my computer was being wonky ๐Ÿ˜› I’ve been wanton to read this book!!! So exciting!!

  60. I’ve been dying to buy this book! As a new christian, I read her book Who Holds The Key to Your Heart and it radically changed my life and thought process. Every complaint about life, I saw as a blessing from God. I no longer looked at my husband’s dirty socks as a nuisance, rather a blessing that at least I had a husband to love and take care of. Thank you for the giveaway!! Anything Lysa Terkhurst writes will be a blessing and I can’t wait to read this one.

  61. Now that you are hanging out with Lysa…maybe now if she ever calls your name at a conference she will really mean YOU..haha ๐Ÿ˜‰

  62. I am very excited to read this book. I haven’t read any of her books, but she definitely sounds like a great author with Godly insight.

  63. I would really enjoy winning a copy of this book! It seems like such a wonderful book that’s just full of knowledge, and with a toddler (and a baby on the way) I think I could use some advice about staying calm and breathing through the difficult moments!

  64. Would LOVE to win a copy! ๐Ÿ™‚ Ever since I stumbled upon your site I have been engrossed! lol Love getting my daily fix and being inspired to walk with the King daily! Thank you for all you do!

  65. I’ve never read any of Lysa’s books but I have read her blog and it is so encouraging. Please enter me.

  66. How exciting! This time you are the “real Courtney”! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I want this book so much! I’m waiting though since I’ve been buying hs’ing curriculum this month!

  67. I just read the first 2 chapters in PDF form (FREE) and after the second page, I began to cry. The words on the page were describing my life. I really want to read the rest of this book! I believe it God’s answer to my pleading with Him to help me with being UNglued!

  68. I shared on Facebook. Hope it brings someone new to your blog cause I’m so thankful to read your posts.

  69. I am loooong overdue for some adult/women-based reading! And like someone else commented, this looks like a great book for a women’s bible study group.

  70. I have been to two different Lifeways in different cities to get this book and they were sold out both times! I would LOVE to be entered to win a book. Thanks!!

  71. What a great opportunity. Thank you! I work in our children’s ministry on Thursday nights so I’ll miss the webcast but I hope they have “reruns” on KLOVE as I’d love to hear it.

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  73. How Awesome I’ve been looking forward to that talk all week and am counting it down, I really needed because I have a tendency to become unglued or everything and very dumb things. ALL. THE. TIME. Its my biggest weaknes but I am really working on it. I heard about it last week while listening to Scott and Kelly and I can’t wait and not more excitement to hear you speak too!

  74. How Awesome I’ve been looking forward to that talk all week and am counting it down, I really needed because I have a tendency to become unglued or everything and very dumb things. ALL. THE. TIME. Its my biggest weaknes but I am really working on it. I heard about it last week while listening to Scott and Kelly and I can’t wait and now more excitement to hear you speak too!

  75. I have been wanting to get this, but to say money is tight would be an understatement. Thanks for the chance to win. I look forward to all the webcasts!

  76. I am soooo interested in this book! As a pre-menopausal mom of a preteen and a teenager, being unglued is my middle name! Would love win a copy!

  77. I love the title of this book because it sounds just how my life feels it has been doing the last few weeks. I would love to win a copy of this book. Lisa is a awesome writer and a great inspiration to all women. I loved her book and workbook What Happens When Women Say Yes to God. It’s a absolute must read.

  78. I tend to stuff all my feelings and every now and then I blow my stack! Then I feel badly; actually, either way I feel badly. I think I could benefit much from this book!! God bless you both for your wonderful ministries!!

  79. I plan to buy this book and participate in the Proverbs 31 online Bible study on it. However, I have a freind who is really going through some hard times and I’d like to win a copy and give it to her…so she can join me in the study! That would be awesome!

  80. I was totally unglued last week, but am slowly feeling like I am pulling back together as God does His good work and our family waits for her next cardiologist appointment.

  81. I feel very unglued! It’s amazing at how little the irritation could be that has the potential of “unglueing” me. I know it is not how God wants to me to feel or react. I would love to read this book!

  82. Hi!! I would love to win a copy of the book Unglued! I think I come unglued too many times in one day with my family! Thanks for all you do!

  83. I would love a chance to win this book. With three young kids this sounds like a book I need to read! ๐Ÿ™‚

  84. Likes of “good” stuff today!! I’m looking forward to the Live Webcast and it would be awesome to win Lysa’s new book, “Unglued”. Thanks for this opportunity.

  85. I heard about the book and webcast on klove and it spoke to me! You’ve showed up at the right time, during the biggest emotional storm of my life. I’m looking forward to listening to the webcast! Please enter me to win the books giveaway. Thank you

  86. Would love to win the book as unglued is becoming a very regular part of my days lately. Will the webcast be archived? Will be out house hunting this evening and not sure I’ll be able to listen at 8:00?

  87. I am EXCITED to watch tonight and would love to WIN the book, since I will be buying it otherwise SOON. I love her as an author and have told friends about this. PLUS — I have heard Klove when I go through NJ and glad you now have a Phila. station.

  88. Started reading the sample I downloaded on my nook yesterday! Only got through the first chapter and I knew THIS was the book I’ve been needing in my life. Hope I win it and I’ve already decided that both my sisters need this book for Christmas this year.

  89. I read the first chapter of Unglued & it was like Lysa was reading my mind. It is so comforting to know that others struggle with the very same things I struggle with. What a blessing this book will be to so many! I would love to win a copy!

  90. I would love to win a copy of Unglued! I really need to read this book, as I tend to come unglued a lot! Thank you!

  91. I’ve heard Lysa speak before and I’ve read and LOVED three of her books. Can’t wait to read this one, and to listen to the webcasts! Thanks for the info, or else I totally would have missed the webcasts.

  92. I’m new to this wonderful resource and I thank God for women who have a heart for other women. Thank you for all you do.

  93. I would love to read this book! My husband and I both work full time and we have a two year old little boy…I feel like I could easily come unglued with everything there is to do!!

  94. I would love to win this book. I believe it would be very good. thanks for chance to win

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  95. Maybe this book would help me in my pitiful relationship endeavors. I don’t know what to do anymore..Explode or not show any emotions.?? God, help me!

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