There is No Rejection, No Condemnation and No Separation for those in Christ

In Romans we see one very important truth for all Christians. There is no rejection, no condemnation, and no separation for those in Christ. #Biblestudy #Romans #WomensBibleStudy #GoodMorningGirls

We all know the sting of rejection, some of us more than others.ย  If you have faced rejection by someone who should have loved you – like a father or mother, a spouse or best friend or by one of your own children – then you know how deeply painful it is to be rejected, condemned and separated from someone you love.

In Romans 8, we find good news for the rejected.

Many theologians consider Romans 8 the most important chapter and crown jewel of the Bible.ย  It’s theological depth delivers comfort and it’s most frequent mention of the Holy Spirit (over 20 times in just this one chapter) makes it a favorite.

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.2ย For the law ofย the Spirit of lifeย has set youย free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:1,2)

Romans 8 summarizes all that we have studied so far in Romans chapters one through seven.ย  There is one resounding message – there is no rejection, no condemnation, and no separation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Not one of us who are in Christ Jesus will be condemned to hell!ย  (Pause – do a happy dance – okay back to the text.)

38ย For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,ย 39ย nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38,39)

There is no condemnation for believers – right now and forever!

There is no separation from God’s love – right now and forever!

We will always wrestle with sin (Romans 7) but we do not have to do good works to avoid punishment.ย We are freed from the law to walk in the Spirit.ย  Now we follow and obey God because we love him.

We may trip up, make mistakes, go astray and struggle a thousand times but there is still no condemnation for us.ย 

Positionally in Christ we are forgiven but that does not mean God removes all of our struggles and problems. Instead, when we trip up –there is no condemnation.ย  When we make mistakes – there is no condemnation.ย  When we go astray – there is no condemnation and when we struggle day after day with our flesh, there is still no condemnation.

There is no rejection for those who are in Christ Jesus!

Now you may ask, what about 2 Corinthians 5:10 where it says:

10ย Forย we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,ย so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

One day we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ but believers will not be judged for our sins.ย  Isn’t that freeing to know!ย  We have already been justified and declared righteous through Jesus’s blood on the cross.

Instead, we will receive rewards!

Friends, that’s grace at its best!

37ย No, in all these things we are more thanย conquerors throughย him who loved us.38ย For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,ย 39ย nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The word “conqueror” in this passage reminds us, we are a war. We are fighting a spiritual battleย  And so while others may look at you and see your weaknesses or your failings, God looks at you and says, you are a conqueror through Jesus!

Actually – he says you are “MORE” than a conqueror through Him !

That is grace upon grace upon grace. God has poured his love out onto us!ย  And he reassures us in verses 38 and 39, that absolutely NOTHING can separate us from the love of God.

So much in our lives can be lost or stripped away. There may be someone in your life who has rejected you and no longer loves you but God’s love is permanent, unchanging and forever.

Through Christ, there is no rejection.

Through Christ, there is no condemnation.

Through Christ, there is no separation.

Let your soul enter deeply into these truths and find rest and joy there.

You are loved with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3)

Walk with the King,


  1. Thank you for the post today. My father and I are not speaking yet we love each other. I have felt rejected by him. Today we buried his mother (my grandmother) and we didnโ€™t speak. I am praying for healing and for the Lordโ€™s guidance on this situation.

    1. Heather, Rejection is : A feeling due to a wrong response to another person’s actions ( someone rejecting me does not make me rejected.) – seeing life from a selfish view point ( what do they think about me ? )- walking by sight and not by faith. 1.) Recognize rejection as a wrong response and repent .(Ask God for His perspective and total healing.) 2.) Forgive others – rejection usually rooted in one’s perception of father’s or mother’s behavior ( may or may not be fact.) I hope this helps you,forgive self – releases oneself from one’s expectations. Remove “shoulds.” Get God’s view point of you. I pray Malachi 4:6 over this situation .” He will restore the hearts the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers,so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.”

  2. Thank you Courtney!! What a great reminder, I was recently feeling that pain of rejection in a way and these words were just what I needed to hear. God Bless you ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I have been married for the past 18 years and my mother-in-law has not yet accepted me. It’s painful facing that kind of rejection, but I have purposed to continue loving her.

    1. Dear Jay,

      I’m so sorry for what you are going through with your mother-in-law. You are honoring God by continuing to love her. Keep on going – Jesus Loves you!!

      Lots of Love,

  4. I so needed this today! I am going through an ugly divorce from my cheating and abusive husband, and my church is condemning and rejecting me because they have judged my divorce to not be biblical. How sweet these reassurances that God will not condemn are to me today! Thank you!

    1. I am SO sorry to hear what you are going through. I know it must be excruciating to not have the support of your church family. That just breaks my heart for you. I’m so very sorry. I encourage you to find a community of believers who will love you. A good place to look is here:

      I’m saying a prayer for you now.
      Lots of Love,

  5. I too have moved to another country to be with the family of my husband – and things have gotten so wierd – and now 4 siblings and my mother in law are not speaking to me. I feel so awkward – my whole life I’ve never had problems with anyone – I am a very likable, outgoing people person yet these past 4 months have been hard for me. Dealing with this type of rejection – and living in a whole new country on top of it all. Today as I read this devo I am praying for peace in this area for not just me, but for all of the women who are dealing with any type of rejection today. Let’s keep fighting the good fight! We are more than conquerors!! AMen!!

    1. Wow Michelle! I’m so sorry. I’m so glad God’s Word spoke to you today and I pray God gives you the strength to push through this hard season of life. Better days are ahead – keep going.

      Lots of Love,

  6. I made sone horrible choices when my daughter was young, now in her adult life she has chosen to cut me out. The feelings of condemnation and rejection can really scream at me in her silence. Thank you for speaking truth to my heart today. This has blessed me. Thank you.

  7. I am struggling. I have to talk to someone and open my heart. But I donโ€™t know who and how. I canโ€™t seem to be believing with my whole heart. I believe in God almighty but I canโ€™t seem to believe in Jesus with the same passion. I donโ€™t know why. And Iโ€™m always in a panic of whatโ€™s going to happen. I try and console others but cannot console myself.
    I read the Bible today and I believe but Iโ€™m struggling to pick up myself and start my day.

    1. Dear Sona,

      Do you have a church you are attending? If you do not – I encourage you to find one near you and join. Having real life fellowship with other women can help you as you seek out someone to talk to. If you do have a church – I encourage you to call your church and ask if there is a woman there you can meet with or meet with your pastor.

      Much Love,

  8. Courtney,
    I am a day behind on this study journal. Now I know why! I needed this chapter tonight more than ever. My oldest daughter has moved away about 2 years ago with work and about 6 months ago out of the blue she stopped speaking to me. I have reached out to her over and over again. I have never felt such heartache as my child not speaking to me. Tonight she came to town and visited my parents and not a word to me. I miss her horribly and I pray for her everyday. In the last 5 years I have adopted my grandson (not her child) and he fills my heart with joy but I have this piece of my heart missing, missing Kirsten. I keep in the word of God daily and He is the only way I have kept so strong! God loves me, He knows my story and He will never reject me! Thank you for these studies and know how much they mean to me. Tonight I needed this one. God Bless

    1. Dear Paige,

      I am so sorry for what you are facing with your daughter. I know this must be painful for you but you are doing the right thing. Keep praying for her and growing in your walk with the Lord. He will strengthen you. I am praying now for your reconciliation with her.

      Lots of Love,

  9. Keep reading your Bible sweet friend! God will speak to you through the Bible.

    Not saying you have but sometimes those of us who have been into the โ€˜new ageโ€™ have a hard time believing in or loving Jesus or even justvreading the NT. For example practicing โ€˜Christianโ€™ yoga, contemplative prayer, Christ Consciousness and the more well known stuff like astrology, witch craft, yoga, meditation (Budist, Hindu or other) or there can be generational practices you are not aware of. Ask God, ask Him to show you what might be stopping you from loving Jesus as your saviour.

    God in His mercy will help you, cry out to Him! Perfect Love will cast out fear! Trust what the Bible says and even if you donโ€™t โ€˜feelโ€™ a promise is for you accept it any wayour feelings according to scripture are not reliable, accept by faith. For by Grace and through faith we are saved. Christ asks us to โ€˜believeโ€™ His promises not (necessarily) feel them. Hang in there sweet sister! ????

    1. how is yoga bad ? I thought is was only exercise? which I don’t do , there is so much I and maybe others just don’t know about or understand , but just wondering

  10. Courtney..
    I love seeing the Holy Spirit use you and your own personal pains..and triumphs to keep us ladies and sisters in Christ encouraged..
    This passage is a God send.. My husband of 21 years(longer together since we were also high school sweet tarts) and I are separating due to his infidelity..its hard to know the exact path to take when it comes to reconciling ..when he is an unbeliever..even though I desire a good thing of restoration..currently in the deep throes of grief..Boy is Romans a kick in the pants…lol.

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