It’s Time to Begin! {Intro and Resources for Romans 1-5}

Join Good Morning Girls as we read through the Bible cover to cover one chapter a day. Here are the resources you need to study the book of Romans #Biblestudy #Romans #WomensBibleStudy #GoodMorningGirls

Cue the Confetti! ย Itโ€™s time toย begin!!! ย I am so excited to begin the Book of Romans with you.ย  This is going to be a wonderful study as we dig deeply into the foundations of our faith!

{If you donโ€™t have your Journal yet โ€“ get it now โ€“ itโ€™s on sale on Amazon for justย ย $8.99.}

This video below is an excellent, detailed look at what’s to come in your study this week.

ย This Week’s Bible Reading Plan:

(Facebook Leaders:ย  You can use this as your Facebook Header this week. Just right click and “save as” or screen shot it.)

This weekโ€™s Reflection & Discussion Questions

(Leaders: Copy and paste these into your groups.ย  If you do not have a group, use these for a personal time of reflection.)

Chapter 1

Describe a time when you were ashamed to admit or share your faith with someone.

How do you wish you had handled that situation differently?

Chapter 2

The kindness of God is meant to lead us to repentance.

How has Godโ€™s kindness led you to repentance? And who can you be kind to today, in hopes of leading them to repentance?

Chapter 3

There is no room for self-righteousness in the family of God. All of us are sinners and have fallen short of Godโ€™s standard but through our faith in Jesus, we are redeemed!

Write your testimony. When did you realize for the first time that you were a sinner in need of Jesus and his saving grace?

Chapter 4

Today we were reminded that Abraham remained faithful even though he had to wait to receive what was promised to him by God. His faith made him righteous.

What is it that you are waiting on and how strong is your faith today?

Chapter 5

Even in our weak sinful nature, Christ died for us!

Think back to the life that you had before Christ, how has it changed?

To print the 31 Discussion Questions for Romans โ€“ย click here.ย 

This Week’s Verses of the Day:

(Leaders: You can use these images in your groups by using right click and “save as” or screen shoting them.)

I encourage you to choose which verse youโ€™d like to memorize or meditate on. ย The printable below includes all 5 verses of the day โ€” for the entire week.ย  Print and cut them out and put them in the bathroom, kitchen, beside your bed and computer and use them for meditation throughout the week.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, butย you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.ย For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. โ€“ Joshua 1:8






Click HEREย to print the Verses of the Day for Romans 1-5.

Hereโ€™s the Printableย Bible Reading Plan Bookmarkย 
so you can check off the days as you go.

WLW Overview of the Book of Romans

Key Verse:

โ€œI am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.โ€ Romans 1:16

Date Written: About AD 57

Writer: Paul

In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul, comes to the gospelโ€™s defense. Before his salvation, Paul was a Pharisee of Pharisees – he knew the law, and he knew it well. Yet, after an encounter with Christ, he was forever changed. He went from persecuting the church to proclaiming the gospel. Like a skilled lawyer, he sent his defense of the gospel to the believers in Rome.

Paul had never met these believers but he felt kindred to them as brothers and sisters in Christ.

After an introduction, Paul presents the facts of the gospel and declares allegiance to it. His case is firm. Salvation is available to all, regardless of their identity, sin or heritage. He proclaims that we are saved by grace through faith. He explains the concept of grace and faith – that grace is unmerited favor and that faith is complete trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Other words like justification (or justify) and sanctification are used and defined. He explains that we can be free from the power of sin and free from the dominion of the law. We are free to live in Christ and like Christ – this is true freedom!

Then, Paul addresses the Jewish believer specifically that is in Rome. He explains that God has made a way for both the Jew and the Gentile.

Paul ends the book talking about living in submission to Christ, and how we can use our gifts to serve others and point them back to salvation. Paul stresses the idea of unity- especially between the Jew and the Gentile.

As we read the book of Romans, we can reexamine the commitment we have made to Christ. If you have never committed your life to Him – this book will give you a clear understanding of why you should and how to surrender your life to Him.

Hereโ€™s another explanation of the SOAK Bible Study Method and Bible Coloring Chart if you need more guidance:

Here is the SOAK method I refer to in the video:

And the Bible Coloring ย Bookmark:Bible Coloring Chart Bookmark 2Click HEREย to Print the full page Coloring Chart
orย here for the Bookmark Coloring Chart

Here are the highlighters, pens and pencils I refer to in the video:

Highlighters โ€“ย Acid Free โ€“ Bible Hi-Glider
Fine Line Non-bleeding Pens โ€“ย Micron Archival Inkย andย Multi-Colored Gel Pens
Colored Pencils โ€“ย Crayola Twistablesย and Crayola Colored Pencils
I use theย ESV Inductive Study Bibleย and theย ESV Journaling Bibleย as my personal study Bible.

Donโ€™t Miss the Daily Check-Ins on Facebook and Instagram!

Join usย EVERY weekday morning ANYTIMEย afterย 7:45amEST on Facebook
to discuss the dayโ€™s reading assignment.

Join theย #GoodMorningGirlsย communityย by following me on ย Instagramย .
Share your insights using the hashtag #GoodMorningGirls.ย 

It’s time!!!!ย  Let’s get started!

Be patient with your study this week. It is NOT easy reading.ย These chapters are kind of long and very full.ย  So make sure you set aside a full 15 minutes a day so your mind can really SOAK it in and process the passage.ย  As I prepared for this study, I found that I had to read and re-read certain chapters over and over to fully comprehend them.

I am in prayer for you all and asking God to help us understand his word clearly.

Have a wonderful week in Godโ€™s Word โ€“ Iโ€™ll see you back here on the blog this Wednesday, as we go deeper into Godโ€™s Word together!

Walk with the King,


If youโ€™d like to purchase theย Companion Journal to the Romans Bible Study,
itโ€™s available on Amazon now!

This post contains affiliate links.ย 


  1. Thank you so much! Ready to go but would like to know how to open the group to others. Everytime I try it seems it doesn’t open.

    1. Hi Debbie,

      Are you referring to a Facebook Group? Once a group is “closed” it cannot be reopened. So you will have to give out the link and let them request to join – then once they request to join, you can accept them into the group. If the group is marked as “secret” you have to add people to the group because they cannot request to join.

      Hope that helps and so glad you are joining us!
      Courtney ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Did you not do the beautiful pictures w the discussion/reflection questions on them for this study? Thank you for the time you put in for the scripture pictures. I love your studies. Thank you for the time you put in and then pour out to us.

    1. Hi Leslie,

      Good question! ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s correct. I discontinued those at the end of 2015 and we were without them for the 1 Samuel and Luke Bible Studies here. Copying and pasting the discussion question seemed to be easier for leaders. There are less images to organize and keep track of and you can download all the discussion questions for the entire study at the link above and be set for the month. Hope that helps.

      Lots of Love,
      Courtney ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I so enjoy the visible diagram and summary of Romans 1-4 that you shared with us Courtney. This was right on! I also would like to recommend with this study a book I use by Tom Wright called “Paul for Everyone Romans: Part One” – these are chapters 1-8 and then the other book is “Romans: Part Two” these are chapters 9-16. It’s very helpful. I’m so excited about studying Romans. Waiting for my study book to come but using a spiral notebook for now. There’s so much to glean just from chapter one.

  4. So excited…Iโ€™ve started a live chat discussion on Instagram on Monday mornings. If you have Instagram and would love to join your more than welcome. I am at @grace_filled_nest I donโ€™t have FB but am very active on Instagram. Iโ€™m going live in a few minutes to share with our open group.

  5. The video was an excellent overview of the first few chapters – explanation of “justification” was complete and easy to understand. Thanks for sharing! I have never shared my faith with the lady who does my massage – i guess i feel pushy and don’t want her to think that i will stop coming if she doesn’t listen. But that isn’t an ok reason – The gospel is to be SHARED with all and I have a massage scheduled tomorrow…time to speak up.

  6. Is there an online version of the Journal? I live overseas and it is hard to get things delivered once ordered, especially anything to do with spiritual matters.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Linda,

      There is not an online version – but since you are overseas – I’d be happy to email you a copy. Just send me an email and let me know the situation and I’ll send a pdf copy your way. ๐Ÿ™‚


      1. Courtney,
        Thanks so much! We do Agricultural Dev in a country that is half muslim. We share our story, share Him, in word & deed as we go through the day. I enjoy studying Paul and the book of Romans is so rich. Thanks for this study! My email is

  7. I enjoyed viewing the video of the summaries to chapters 1-4. This gave a very detailed description of what Paul was expressing to the church. I learn a great deal already from this video, so much so, I searched Youtube for any remaining summaries from chapters 5-16 and found it from the same source. I’m so excited to be a part of this study and looking forward to digging even deeper into the scriptures to see what God reveals through them. I love the SOAK method!????. This method of bible study really allows the scriptures to come alive, as the Holy Spirit unfolds the truth. We as children of God are held accountable to share the good news to the world. God will give us the grace and strength to go forth and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. He promises to be with us in spirit where ever we go. We just have to take hold of faith and be bold and share. This is an area where I am continuing to grow in daily….FAITH! It’s a powerful tool to have! God bless everyone!

  8. Hi, I know this Bible study group has already started, so I am going to do this on my own. However, for the next one, I would like to join in the group discussions. Is there anyway to do this without being on facebook? I quit facebook some years ago and really do not want to rejoin it. Is there any other social media you use for discussions?

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