The Lord is Near to the Brokenhearted

When you're brokenhearted and tried all of the things we're told to get over it, one thing we need to remember is the Lord is near to the brokenhearted. #Biblestudy #Psalms #WomensBibleStudy #GoodMorningGirls

This week the Good Morning Girls have been reading in Psalms chapters 31-35. As I prayed about what to write for our Friday wrap-up post – Psalm 34:18 – just kept leaping off of the page.  It says,

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
    and saves the crushed in spirit.

When my husband walked out the door 2 1/2 years ago, I was crushed.  My heart was broken in two and I was shocked and devastated by the betrayal.  What I did not know then, was that the pain would continue to go on and take on new forms.

The pain of watching my children struggle as a result of a broken home — is heartbreaking.

The pain of prayers being answered with a “no” or perhaps a “not yet” has also been heartbreaking as I wrestle with God over my daily struggles.  There’s no escaping this – I’m a single mom.  Some days — I feel like I am carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders and there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

I am in full agreement with God when he said in Malachi 2:16, “I hate divorce.”  I hate it too.

Some days I feel free and I don’t think about the heavy stuff at all. But other days, I am caught off guard by my broken heart.   There are times when my head hits the pillow and my mind races thinking of all of my dreams that are now shattered.  Flash backs and memories run through my mind of all the happy times and I wonder what was real and what wasn’t.  Red flags that were in my marriage that I missed, haunt me.  Time spent wishing I looked different or had a different set of strengths and weaknesses is a waste of my time…but it happens.

I have yet to find any earthly solution to my broken heart.

I cannot eat enough, work out enough, shop enough or web surf enough to make the pain go away.  I have researched how to get over a broken heart and I have watched Youtubes and read online articles and all of the advice seems to be the same…move on with your life.  Start a new hobby. Be active. Make new dreams.  Build a bridge and get over it!

Easier said than done.

I am brokenhearted.

BUT…I am not alone.

I know that God is with me – and that has made ALL the difference.

Psalm 34:18 has rang true in my life.  It says:

 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
    and saves the crushed in spirit.

I cannot explain with words what it feels like to have God near –but only that it’s very real.  When I am all alone…I do not feel alone at all.  I know God is with me and I know that He loves me.  I cannot see what God is doing but my eyes of faith see it and so I am trusting that my story is not fully written yet and that He is in full control.

And so I am waiting…and I haven’t started any new hobbies or made any new dreams or done all of the other things that people say you should do to get over a broken heart.

I’ve simply spent more time in God’s Word, more time in prayer, more time with God’s people and more time reading books by Godly writers.  And the more time I spend saturated in God’s Word, the more my pain and sorrows lift.  They do not disappear – as I said – it feels like they keep on coming in new forms…so I still have my weepy days – but – the Lord is near.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
    and saves the crushed in spirit.
(Psalm 34:18)

Pain causes us to draw near to God.

The Lord is near to those who suffer.

Are you suffering today?

I know that my pain may not be the same as yours.  Lost dreams, lost jobs, lost children, lost loved ones, betrayal, rejection, injustice, sickness, cancer and unexplainable tragedies happen — and it’s heart breaking.

And God does not tell us to stop crying and pull it together.  Instead He tenderly opens His arms and invites us to come cry on his shoulder.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
    and saves the crushed in spirit.
(Psalm 34:18)

Some of my favorite verses during this season of life have been Isaiah 43:1-3. They say:

Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
    I have called you by name, you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
    and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
    and the flame shall not consume you.
For I am the Lord your God.

At first, I loved these verses because of the words– “fear not”.  I was so fearful of what my future held that I clung to these words. I read these verses every night to help me sleep.

Once the fear subsided, the pain of rejection settled in and a new part of the verses resonated with me.  I loved the part where God says “you are mine.”  I so badly just wanted to be loved and chosen by the man I vowed my life to – the man who chose me 20 years ago on bended knee.  But knowing that God claimed me as His and He would never let me go, comforted me.  I needed to hear those words over and over that God knew my name – I was seen and loved.

So now, my favorite part of these verses are the words “through” – which is repeated three times.  Over and over he says he will bring us through – through the high waters and through the fire.

God is bringing me through and I am not alone.  He is with me and He is with you!

What season are you in today?  Are you broken hearted? Fearful? Rejected?  Or going through something really hard that feels like fire?

God is near.

Let me share just one more set of verses with you that have helped me.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 says,

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

These verses say that our troubles are achieving something – they are producing something in eternity that we cannot see.

We tend to focus on the temporary but when we focus on the unseen with eyes of faith, then and only then we can keep going and not lose heart.

If you are brokenhearted today – do not turn to the world’s ways as a bandaid to your pain.  Turn to the Lord. Fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  What we see is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.

You are not alone.  The Lord is near.

Do not give way to fear.  You are God’s and He loves you.  He will bring you through!

Walk with the King,



**Chime In**
Have you suffered a broken heart or are you hurting today?  
How has God shown himself as near to you?





  1. God bless you, Courtney. I have prayed for you and your family and asked God to bring healing into your life after your heartbreak. The Lord knows. He truly knows all about it. May God pour blessings of grace mercy hope love and faith over you and the kids. Thank you for always sharing your heart and faith with others. ❤

      1. Charlyne Cares is a daily devotional that will encourage you on the journey towards a restored marriage. Charlyne and others on the team give you insight directly from God’s Word that will show you His power over your broken family. Charlyne’s returned prodigal, Bob went Home to our Savior years ago, but you will still be encouraged by his weekly, Prodigal Perspective.

      2. God loves you Courtney, I’m certain that He is working secretly to fix and replace your loses. He doesn’t let not a single tear go to waste.

    1. Oh my goodness Courtney. Everything that you wrote is everything I feel! I am so broken and want complete healing! My husbands affair was revealed Dec. 26,2016 with a girl close to the same age of my 34 yr old daughter. We were married for 36 years and I thought if there was a perfect marriage, ours was but there’s no such thing!We went to counseling and thought he was being honest and working on our marriage but lied to me the entire 2017 year. He told me a few days before Thanksgiving that we tried to work it out, didn’t work so I’m not coming back home. Oh the pain and suffering! Some days are ok but the others are very,very painful. I’m getting tired of the pain and suffering! Last night I cried out to the Lord for strength. I told the Lord I’m not feeling your strength and I woke up this morning with strength for the day! God is good and always faithful! I read Psalm more than the other books as of now! Thank you Courtney for sharing! I believe God will carry us through!

      1. I’m so very sorry your going through this!!! Lord, be near to this sweet sister! I pray you will see redemption come from this but in the meantime know you are loved and not alone. God WILL see you to the other side!

  2. Yes! I am broken hearted over continued health problems. I am tired of being sick. I feel like my life has been robbed from me and I am so envious of people that can just go about their day without these struggles while day after day I can barely make it. And it’s not just one health issues it is several. Plus disobedient kids and a husband who claims to know the Lord but does not live like it, and no friends. I have been praying for years with no answers to my prayers and I wonder how much one person can bear.

    1. Dear Kelly,

      I’m so sorry for all that you are facing. I know how hard it is to pray day in and day out for a change and for it to not come. Keep believing. Your story is not over yet and there is always hope with Jesus! No matter how dark the days become – never forget that God is near and He loves you. I am saying a prayer for you now.

      Lots of Love,

    2. Oh Kathy! While reading your comment, I thought for a split second that I had written it. I pray the Lord lift you up in His loving arms and whisper sweet hope in your ear and to your heart. Rest in His promises…and I shall do the same. Prayers for you, dear sister in Christ.

  3. Oh how I needed this tonight. My husband walked out two weeks ago and I am brokenhearted. This verse has been playing in my head ever since. I don’t know what the future holds but thank God I know who holds it. Thank you for this article, just knowing someone knows and has been there is a huge comfort. The verses you have quoted are wonderful.

    1. Oh Jennifer,

      I am so so sorry. My stomach dropped when I read your comment. I am praying right now for you and your husband – that God would do a miracle and change his heart and restore your marriage and make it better than it’s ever been before. Our God can do it! I’m praying. Stay strong and keep trusting in God. He loves you so much!

      Lots of Love,

      1. Jennifer,
        I read this and my heart broke for you. As I started to pray for you, I noticed the date and realized that this was a few months old. My husband walked out on July 15th 2018 and I know your heartache. I don’t have my own words of encouragement for you yet but just wanted you to know that I understand your pain and I’m praying for you right now just a few months later than when you wrote this.

        1. My husband has abandoned my children and I since May 25,2019 after 21 yrs. No idea why, feel so alone because I worked together at a Church we didn’t attend. You can never get church at the church you work at if your custodians! I just rubbed the back my youngest till he fell asleep . I am so devastated because I got let go after 12 years..In Colorado they “at will employment” I was told by my husband’s good friend and I thought mine too, that he was letting me because it would be a distraction to another employee. Needless to say that was my husband. ..I have few friends but made that Lutheran Church my family and not even a call from the new pastor, no one…I have never had problem there. I have only two sisters as family in Oregon. I am so alone. I so broken hearted…My 19 yr son came beside and said” We can do this mom” He loves his Dad but hates the behavior,drinking again and drugs. I tried keep it altogether but in the end it’s ONLY IN GODS HANDS , My son works 40 a week and full time criminal justice college student. He is an amazing son , brother and one he will be a great husband , father… How can I find the strength to let my know that their Dad loves them ??? When he has done so much damage??? I try to hide my years and fears. Yet most days fail. I finally got a job. How , Why ???? Our family has been through so much . I raised his,mine and ours 7 children . I dont want a divorce but I don’t think I will ever trust him again. He knew my past wounds from my first violent marriage when I was so young, now he uses all that to hurt me leaving us so hurt, broke and lost. I pray for relief yet I suffer all night for days now. He had made feel like I am crazy…..But I am not. PLEASE SEND ME YOUR PRAYERS BECAUSE I AM BARELY HOLDING ON..IN HIS SERVICE KAREN

          1. I am sorry for the broken hearted woman out there like me I am sorry for the sloppy comment I just bursted into tears when I read these story’s. It’s so painful and I am usually the strong on but there are forces working against me , my family because when you are doing well, Satan has to work harder to kill ,steal and destroy. Any prayers, helpful scripture would be like peaceful sleep at this point . Why am I taking this so hard. .I think that the last few years were so much of a con. Thank you for your love and support . I shall for all you brokenhearted ladies& children as I hope you will pray for mine

  4. I went through the same situation 10 years ago, and have felt so many of the same feelings you expressed. While Ps. 34:18 is excellent, my favorite verse since high school has been vs. 19: “A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them ALL.” I was so grateful to already have that in my heart when my marriage fell apart. It reminded me that I would get through the situation because God is my deliverer. I just had to do my job and continue to live a righteous life, even in the midst of Satan’s work. Prayers for you as you continue on this journey….healing can be a very long road, but it does get easier.

    1. Yes yes yes Alison – I almost went on to write about verse 19 but my post was too long already. Thank you for sharing your testimony of living a righteous life in the midst of Satan’s work. It’s not easy but it’s encouraging to hear from someone who has been through this.

      Thank you!

  5. Courtenay, chin up, this too shall pass… I promise. You’ll have great days and sad days but this will all pass and in 10 years I would like you to look back on the you of today and be very proud of that Lady. Stand tall, you’ve got this.

    1. Dear Donna,

      It is hard to imagine 10 years from now…so much uncertainty lies ahead. But I needed to hear your words of assurance. Thank you so much.

      Lots of Love,

      1. Courtney,
        I do not know your pain,but my divorce was final in 1995. There was abuse.I made some big mistakes along the way as I chose my own path. But I thank Jesus for not giving up on me. I got on the path and then went off again as I tried to find the “right” man. For 14 years I did not date. I devoted myself to the Lord’s work of first caring for my 3 sons, then the church. There too I got out of order. When I finally couldn’t take it anymore I threw in the towel. A friend told me to be specific when I prayed, so I did. My prayers have been answered and I married a godly man on September 30th of last year. The Lord does answer prayer, but lest we not forget…it’s in His time. We are about to purchase a home together in a month. Tonight as I was going through my childrens old school work I found myself sobbing uncontrollably as I saw old cards and letters they wrote me with such love. I lost sight of so much in my pain as I lived as a single mother. I guess what I’m trying to say is although it looks like we will never see the light at the end of the tunnel, Jesus…our Light in shining armour is there for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, we will NEVER part. Amen! I ask for prayer as I move onto the next chapter of my life that I can be at peace with what was, is, and is to come. God bless you Courtney, your family, and friends as well.

        1. God always covers us, no matter the circumstances. I have been married, divorced and found love again. I needed to go through many other challenges to rediscover God’s purpose and plan for my life. God bless and trust that He will do for you what others cannot!

        2. Courtney,
          I just came across your post and I’m in tears. I have some heavy duty health issues, including unrelenting depression. My marriage ended when my kids were very young -15 years ago. It still hurts when I see them still grieving, even the fact that they wish they only had one home to grow up in. One commenter asked how much can one person take. I ask that a lot.

          The cool thing is though that just this morning, I was praying and crying out to God and said to him I feel like I’m on fire and nobody even notices. You referenced a hard thing as feeling like fire. This hit me in the gut (in a good way lol) cause I’ve never heard anyone put it that way before. God used your word to help me feel not alone. THEN, my eyes fell on the very next scripture you quoted, which is on post-it notes around my house and it comes to my mind whenever I start going down a dark road. It is my “not today, Satan” declaration which I say aloud (if I’m alone) and it keeps me going. Thank you for blessing months after you posted this.

  6. Your words spoke to me. Its only six months since my husband left me. Everyone says I’m being so strong, but I’m not, I’m broken inside and it’s so hard. I know God is with me and it’s because of him I can and will get through this, but I wish the pain would stop.

    1. Courtney and all the other sisters here..

      It is not by chance we are all on here sharing, holding and praying for one another..It is Gods divine hand.. leading us to one another.. so we may each carry one anthers burdens..because we have either gone through it.. or are going through it.Or someone at some point will go through it as well. We weep when others weep and we have joy when others have joy..

      I too have been in a bit of a fog.. Some days I have what I believe it all together.. and I put on a brave face, and I am able to conquer this valley.. Shoot I spent most of my married life as a military spouse..So having to be independent and run a household was nothing new.. But this is different.. its not a deployment or training exercise.. this is permanent.. My husband not only has been unfaithful, has no relationship with Christ.. wants a divorce.. so I agreed to one.. as I await the Divorce Papers.. I found myself this past week becoming a “Grass Widow”.. He left.. not just me, but he literally left the State to go back to the State where he “met” her… He left without saying Good bye or telling our 3/4 children still in the home.. I had hoped, prayed, fasted in the 7 months since we separated, hoping he would have a change of heart for me his wife, and his children.find God. but alas it is not to be so..

      Then it hits me, how hard this marriage has been from the beginning.. If I take a very hard honest look at it.. Infidelity has been a struggle.. the In Laws have not supported our marriage.. the list can go on and on.. ( The red Flags) that have been waving to and fro for a very very long time, that I hoped would just lay low.. if only X Y n Z was done.. things would be better.. I hoped.. and hoped.,.. ALOT! but in the end.. I have been hanging onto someone .. who truly did not know how to be a spouse and parent.. For that.. I have to let him go.. not just physically but emotionally as well.. I want to think.. that in all the times past when I would cry out to GOD .. out of frustration and wanting to “leave myself” and HE would say NO.. keep hoping, keep doing this and that etc etc.. Things would change.. but when the sin was exposed that was hiding in the shadows of my marriage this past January.. It was the first time.. I felt the LoRd giving me the Peace to Leave.. I had been faithful to What the LoRd had asked of me all these other times and years.. I was free to go and take my children with me.. and Just wait for God to guide my next steps.. Girls .. He has been Faithful. He has been my comforter, my provider and everything HE promises to those who love and call on HIM.. It may not always be in the way we humanly see or expect it.. but HE is there always with us.. I have spent the past 7 months praying, and raising our 3 boys(we have a adult daughter) who are seeing all this.. to remind them GOD loves them.. and this is NOT GODS will .. This is what sin does.. and what free choice can do if we dont follow Gods plan.. I have my children in counseling.. as I see the effects of what my husband has done to our oldest child.. and I have worried about our youngest two boys.. that have already endured enough drama in their life.. ( we adopted them almost 2 years ago from situations that no child or person should endure).. and here we are.. with the biggest question.. I have.. that at times fuels my anger… Is what happened to my own husband as a child with neglect and abandonment from his own mother and indirect way from his father.. was a travesty.. But HE is actively CHOOSING to do this to his own family.. boggles my ever loving mind.. Why LoRd would he choose to directly/indirectly do the same to his own.. It hurts me to no end.. and it has left many of our families close friends in shock.. ..

      So I get it girls, I really get it.. Divorce, is detestable.. no matter if the relationship was grand or terrible.. The effects of such, causes a ripple effect that doesnt just hurt the spouses(both ends) and the children.. but everything and everyone that has ever had a connection to that particular union. It does something to you.. It is having to grieve a death of a union of two people who are still living… For that.. I am grateful that God has brought us all together despite the circumstances to which brings us here.. May we each continue to forgive those to whom have directly and indirectly wronged us.. and may we then be quick to seek forgiveness to any short comings we have done to others to cause pain.. Love one another.. Continue to lift and pray for each of our respectful families during this time of heartaches.. and you know.. if this be the only deep and dark valley we experience in this life.. may we remember to always know some where someone else is going through something too and PRAISE HIM IN THIS STORM..

  7. A little word to encourage you Courtney. We doing « rest and release » bible study in French on our blog this summer. Your work is not in vain. Stick to Him !
    Thinking of you with all my heart…. all the way from Paris !
    In His love

  8. Thank you so much for this, so much encouragement! This describes exactly the feelings I’ve gone thru since my divorce. It’s a great comfort to see I’ve not been alone.

  9. Thank you for this. I am in the same situation as you, although I’ve been going through it for 4 years now. I, too, will suddenly feel the weight of it all, think of what “should” have been, look back and realize what what’s going on behind my back. Watching the pain in my kids eyes and knowing they’re hurt, too. Then I stop and start to pray. He is my only hope and He sustains me. Most people do not understand this pain and just want me to get over it. So I thank you for sharing, it helps me to feel less alone.

  10. For this early hour of my day, this was what I asked God for…something to help in what we are going through. Going THROUGH. And the Isaiah scripture you listed is the THIRD time in two days it has come before my eyes. Now I have the verse to hold to.

    We live with eternity in mind. Thank you for sharing as you walk through… be blessed with His richest blessing. The Lord is your husband Isaiah 54:5 and what a wonderful husband He is!

  11. You may not see it now but He will really bring you through it, and will even bring such a great blessing that you will be awed and amazed because this is who our God is! He is the God who loves you, and He does the impossible! I will pray for you and your kids!

  12. Your words are encouraging. I have been in pain for 5 years. My daughter just stopped talking to me. I am not sure what the punishment is about. I have begged for her to tell me. I have 3 young grandchildren that God has blessed me with. My daughter has chosen to continue her punishment upon me and them by withholding us from each other. I have been told over and over that God has a plan. I think the hardest part about the plan is understanding that God has a plan and letting his plan unfold. I feel like that child of the past all over again when mom would say wait or not. This has taught me to be patient and trust Him. My biggest obstacle is TRUST.

    God has shown himself to me through others around me. Strangers who do not know they are even making an impact by just saying hello or have a blessed day. My husband says that is God talking to me. I told him how disconnected people are from this world when just walking down the street with their noses in technical devises; and all I want to do is smile when they walk by. And sometimes I do get the chance to offer the smile and hello to them;that feels so good. My husband says, that is me being God to them. I had never thought of it that way. I was doing it to make myself feel better and just find some kind of connection to the world; but I may be an instrument of God without ever knowing it.

    I can sympathize with all broken hearts out in this world. I cannot fix it, which I would love to do. But I can continue to be an instrument of the Lord even with my broken heart. Thank you for sharing your journey Courtney. I believe you really reach the broken-hearted, and you are a great instrument of the Lord. God Bless and have a blessed day :o)

  13. So beautiful and heartfelt writing. I felt as if I was on your journey of recovery and could share your feelings at each stage. Thank you for sharing your heart. I need to follow your example and draw close to God. When I am hurt or rejected, I get very angry and resort to arguing with the person, because I’m trying to fight for myself.

    God bless you for all that you do to spread the gospel and enable women to have a greater relationship with the Lord.

  14. Courtney prayers for healing for you and your precious family! Thank you for these words this morning. I miscarried our baby on our bathroom floor on February 5th in my second trimester. My due date is approaching on August 5th and I’ve had several ladies dear to me announce their pregnancies this week. I want to share in their joy but I’m drowning in brokenheartedness. These words spoke to my soul this morning. Thank you for sharing your heart with us!

    1. April,
      I’m so sorry for your loss. May Jesus wrap you in His loving arms today and bring healing to your broken heart. Cling to the Word for there is much hope and peace to be found there. Ps. 16 says, “I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.” Your Savior is right beside you in your grief. I too lost a baby and know that heartache well. When I saw what you posted, I didn’t want the day to go by without sending you a virtual hug and reminding you that Jesus sees you and knows and loves you deeply. (Psalm 34:15-19)

    2. Oh, April, my heart aches for you! I’m also grieving the loss of my baby (different circumstances), I know all too well that pain! Praying for your broken heart now!

  15. My heart aches for you…if only because I, like many others that have commented,…intimately know this same hurt. There will be many days where I feel like I’m doing okay…and then “wham” something triggers a flood of emotions. This October, I should be celebrating my 25th wedding anniversay, and last week we celebrated my parents’ 50th! I was truly joyful for them…but it took all I had to keep myself composed and remember that the focus was on them that day and not my own brokenheart. God does hate divorce…and so do I. Hugs

  16. Psalm 34:18 was a verse that got me through losing my mom almost 3 years ago. I would see it often on twitter and in articles or said by someone at church. God kept reminding me of that verse. I pray He will do the same for so many who are going through tough times.

  17. Courtney,

    This is beautiful. Your heart really shines through. I ache for you, what you are going through, but I am so impressed with your response. I pray that God continues to lift you and draw you closer to him and I pray for your children that God would keep them sheltered under His wings. Be blessed, dear sister (in Christ).

  18. Hello Courtney,
    Thank you for your post this morning. My husband walked out on me about a year and half ago, two weeks after we lost our son in a car accident. The only thing that’s provided me comfort is turning my entire life to Father God. I know what you’re going through. There are days where I am really good, but there are other days when the enemy tries to use the same old tactic of head games and heart games to derail me from the bigger picture, which is I am a Child of the Most High God whose plan is unfolding the way He wants it to. I am in abetter place knowing that as I am walking in Christ, He’s protected from my enemies. Nothing I do now is not without the advice and guidance of Father God. Be encouraged that Father God is the God of restoration and renewal. He’s always in control and has the last word IN EVERYTHING. I REBUKE and BIND divorce and separation for you and me in the NAME OF THE LORD SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST! We will get through this season better and stronger than before! No weapons formed against us will ever prosper! Know that had this not happened to us, we would not be able to help each other and others out there facing the pain of loss. Your bible studies are a platform to help us join our lives to Father God. Keep interceding on your husbands behalf and watch Father God’s hand work. All Glory Goes to God! Have a blessed weekend!

  19. Courtney, I could have written your post. I am going through the exact same thing. My husband walked out 2 and a half years ago and we have 2 children and I can relate to all those emotions. Every morning I spend time praying and meditating just to help me get through the day ahead.

  20. My heart was shattered almost 9 months ago when my 57 yr old husband had a massive heart attack while preaching.
    He had NEVER had a chest pain before and was fine all weekend.

    We had recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and were scheduled to go on our first cruise.

    I’ve been a sahm most of our marriage and it’s proving difficult to find a job with no paid work experience(I worked my tail off at the church).

    My son & family have moved back in to pay the bill and save my house. Our daughter got married 5 months after her dad died. That was painful. We honored him the best we knew how. Her brother gave her away.

    There are days I’m not sure I can get out of bed but I do. There are days I don’t think I can breathe but I do. I cling to those verses in Isaiah 43. When I pass through he waters He is with me, and they will not overwhelm me and the fire will not consume me for He is MY God!!! (My paraphrase)

    1. Oh, Shelly, I cannot imagine the pain of seeing your husband go through that while preaching. So painful. I’m a sudden widow as well and single mom. God is so faithful and I’m praying now that he will guide you to the perfect place of employment for you and provide for you in the interim. xoxo

  21. Thank you, Courtney. <3. I am broken-hearted. A third man who said he loved me left abruptly. I met him through his family and friends who were my closest friends as I helped begin a ministry across the continent from almost everyone I knew. For some reason, they've all decided to leave me also. How do you guard ongoingly against anger and bitterness? How do you deal with people who are tired of your pain and tell you if you trusted God more, you'd cry less?… They say to "Rejoice Always"…. I have an unexplainable peace in my heart most of the time, and am visibly happy often, but I don't know how to or if God's goal for me is to "make the pain and tears go away." I wish I could and was told it was my decision, but don't know how without being hard hearted. Thank you, Courtney. God bless and strengthen you and give you hope.

    1. Abi,
      I hurt for you. I too was searching for the love (only Jesus could give) in man. When we do this we will always be disappointed. Put Him and keep Him first, He will give you your hearts desire. In His love, Linda

  22. Oh Courtney, you so beautifully put into words what many, many hearts have suffered, mine included. But it’s been over 12 years since that same door slammed on my marriage and I became a dongle Mom. I can tell you that God does hold you together in miraculous ways! Thank you for sharing!!

  23. Wow, as I read this devotional it was as if you were telling my very own story…..literally. I’m so sorry to you and for anyone that has had to endure this situation. What I know now is that God had been trying to get my attention for many years and well…HE has it now! What i have learned is NOT to take the world’s advice and do what is so “common” the “norm” if you will. I’ve learned that there were things about ME that needed to change and I am not sure they would have changed if this had not happened as I was content living the way I was living but not at all close to who I said I believed in or what I professed to believe. In all of this, I am thankful that God has showed me myself and that i have truly encountered a living, loving, concerned FATHER.

  24. I left this for my teen daughter this morning. She is suffering thru the loss of a relationship with a longterm boyfriend thru betrayel. She feels betrayed by God as well as the circumstances have caused so many people pain. No matter what I tell her, she still feels hurt. I believe your words can get thru to her. Thank you!

  25. I love the verses you chose. They are ones that are dear to my heart too when trials have come my way in times past. Sometimes it is hard to keep our focus on Him. But praying God’s Word over me and the situation has always been a comfort. It takes me out of the picture and then Truth can do his work in and through me and those around me. Thanks for your honest heart and insight.

  26. Thank you for this post. I am broken-hearted and you (and the Lord) pointed me back in the right direction. ♥️

  27. Good morning Courtney and everyond! My story of brokenness begins when my husband left home 5 yrs ago. We have 5 beautiful children ages 19-26. At that time our 2 oldest were away at college. Thru the years “ the Lord has set a table before us in the midst of our enemies. He anoints our heads with oil; our cup overflows!” In spite of all of our broken hearts, mine and my children, the Lord has prospered all of us! He’s provided, He’s healed us, He’s delivered us, He’s defended us! Hallelujah! We don’t know why, but we are clinging to Him. We may never know why. We all still love my former husband and their father very much. Even in his prodigal state… God is good! And faithful!

  28. I, too, am a single-mom and have been for two years now. My daughter’s father, whom I wasn’t married to, left us high and dry when she was only 18 months old…left for a weekend vacation with some Navy buddies in another state and texted a week later that he wasn’t coming back except to get his stuff. That was the last time either of us saw him. Immediately, I vowed off men. I figured I could have a more fulfilled life if I just concentrated on being a hard worker, an awesome author, a fantastic mother, friend, and daughter. This was all before I came to the Lord and of course he had other plans to bring me to Him. And it’s ironic because to bring me to Him, he brought another man in my life, but a man unlike any I had ever allowed into my life before. He is kind, sweet, considerate, puts me first, loves me for me, and truly wants to know me inside and out. He also is a Godly man and gently and slowly brought me into his faith. Finally, because I have accepted the Lord fully into my life, I feel that fulfilled feeling I was always chasing and never finding! I am the woman I was always meant to be! I have a sense of peace I never would have found as a single-mother without God. Now, I’m giving it everything I have and learning more every day about my best friend, Jesus. The man God brought into my life has gotten me through so much, stuck by me through good and bad as I came to terms with my past and went through some major healing, even when it hurt him at times, and we are on our way to becoming one soon. God has blessed me so much when I certainly didn’t deserve it.

  29. I have survived many traumatic experiences and my share of brokenness in all of it’s forms. The one verse that’s been a great support for me, “Jesus wept” . That tells me that it is okay to not be o.k. But at the same time we have to truly be open and honest with Him about it all. I’m married for the second time. I survived being treated like a punching bag by my exhusband. I’m a Molestation survivor from age five to age thirty one. I’m a four time Rape Survivor. I was forced to give up my children want nothing to do with me. I am able to write a novel about what I have overcome in my life. Currently,I am losing my vision and hearing from TBI. I battle chronically painful conditions that are still waiting for proper treatment.

    I can see past the pin dot of hurt that I used to focus on to see that hurt people hurt people. That anger is fear in disguise. more often than not, the problem is not always you, often they have their own battles and demons. As hard as it can be, the best place to set everything is in the loving hands of God and to leave it there.

    I share this so that you can know that you will make it and if you let God lead, you will come out on the other side of the valley of darkness much more confident than in the middle of it. much kinder, loving, gentle, compassionate, but also wiser, stronger, braver.

    I do not want this to seem mean, I have only been through it my own self. But sometimes,God allows things to happen to help you see with a clear mind and heart the things that perhaps you have been denying, reasoning or justifying and in cases covering up.

    I’m currently in Celebrate Recovery and CPT Therapy. So I am a testimony of trying to fill out a void that can only be filled by God and God alone.

    I have pretty much lost everything I built up myself, but even though I am in deep debt, God has filled me to overflowing!

  30. Thank you for sharing. My husband lost his battle with cancer last month. I miss him so much. This loss has been more difficult to me than any loss before, but I turn to God and He shows me everyday how much He loves me. He comforts me through His word, through the unexpected support of friends and in my quiet time. I am disabled and have many challenges ahead, but praise God I am not alone He is with me and will guide me.

    1. I’m so sorry, Jan. God WILL take care of you. My husband passed away suddenly several years ago and I became a widow and single mom to 7. Grief is a bear, but God is so personal and present with us through it — just as Courtney has written. Praying for you now.

  31. Hi Courtney,
    I appreciate so much how you have shared about your divorce and your journey of healing. I also did your Rest and Release Bible Study which was so encouraging. I had to leave my marriage of 20 years because of my husband’s untreated, escalating mental illness. I started counseling with our pastor’s wife 3 years before I made this decision. Through a ton of prayer, asking God to open my eyes to our situation, and support from my family, friends and pastor I decided to leave. God clearly led me every step of the way but it’s very difficult to be the one to leave a marriage. I’ve walked through impossible situations this past year which have forced me to fully rely on God’s power because I couldn’t handle it on my own. In my anxieties, fear and guilt, God has drawn near to me and cared for me so closely and carefully. Reading other women’s stories, what they felt, the verses that encouraged them, and the things they learned has helped so much. Thank you for your openness to share!
    PS I know what you mean about the advice to find a new hobby. I will say that I adopted a little dog which I think has been therapy for our whole family. 😉

  32. Courtney, Your writing ALWAYS points me to God. You amaze me and encourage me greatly. Hugs and prayers to you sweet sister.

  33. Yes hurting in a big way. My child my only child incarcerated and the loss of everything at the same time my mother who I was caring for pass away. Penniless to bury her nor rent an apartment, give my dogs away. Rented a room and joyful that when God ready he will restore and if not I’ll still praise him. All glory be to God!

  34. The Lord is right on time, never late and always knows what we need! Thank you for sharing, it is exactly what I needed in this very moment. I am going througha similar heartbreak- my story is a little different- my children are grown but have been married for 32 years, have been with my husband since I was 15years old- I am 50 yrs old now, so I have been with him the majority of my life. He suffers from bipolar, I have done all I can do and it has come to a point where I have to leave, it is just devastating to watch our lives be destroyed by this terrible illness. I have been a very faithful loving supportive mate but the illness is killing our marriage to where I have to go. Nobody knows the depths of destruction that bipolar illness can cause until you are living in it, it is devastating for the entire family. May God bless you, I know you have blessed me today for sharing your story and the beautiful scriptures that I needed to hear today!

  35. Wow this story really hits home. I am going through the same thing. After 20 years my husband left me for another female and it’s been devastating. All the signs and feelings you went and are going through are so real in my life. Thanks for sharing. And God is the only person I have turned to and praise Him for being there for me and my boys.

  36. Our 18 year old son (he was still in high school) ran away in February. He chose an unsaved, worldly girl over our family. He packed his things in secret, left a not on his bed, kissed my cheek, and walked out of our family. To say my heart was shattered doesn’t even come close. He wouldn’t respond to texts or calls from us, his brothers, our church family, our friends…no one. I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that he chose this girl…someone who is completely opposite of what he said he wanted.

    He has started spending time with us again, but doesn’t have a clue how much he hurt us. He’s come to church a few times in the last month. She has too, but she honestly has no desire. He was supposed to go on a missions trip and praise God he is going….leaving Friday of this next week. I’m praying God will wreck his heart while he’s gone. If He only gives our son a fraction of the knowledge of how much pain he’s caused our family, our church family, and himself (even though he doesn’t see it), then I fully believe he will come home. I can’t set my heart on that though. It may not be God’s timing…which I’ve really struggled with. I have to say even if. Even if he doesn’t come home, I will keep on, but my heart is weary. My soul is crushed. Please pray with us, for us.

    1. I’m praying with you that God uses that missions trip to reach him. I have a prodigal son, too, who hasn’t spoken to me in over 18 months. I just pray and trust God.

    2. What if, just what if you and your family were the very way this poor unsaved, worldly girl might come to know the Lord?
      God has a beautiful way of turning what appears to us as something bad or hurtful into the most amazing blessings.
      What if this young woman saw the love of Christ in you and felt the warm embrace of your acceptance and care for her?
      What if she gave her heart and life to Jesus because He used you in this very special “ministry ” God saw fit to put you in.
      What if this is the “missions trip” God has planned for you to take?
      What if through you and the rest of your family you all could help your son make the right choices in his life by standing with him in this dificult time in his life and in the process he will most likely hear God talking to him telling him the way to go.
      Look at it this way, you could either loose your son to this unsaved worldly girl or you could gain a girl for the kingdom of God and maybe gain a new daughter in law and one who may very well be the mother of your grandchildren one day.
      Hope you help lead her to the Lord.
      I do pray for you and the hurt you are going through!
      God bless you and yours!

  37. Thank you for this. I know betrayal and the pain is so hard. God does not give us more than we can handle. I know through it all he is holding my hand.
    I will pray for you and your family.

  38. Thank you for your wonderful words, Cortney. I could hear God speaking to me during this time in my life.

  39. Thank you Courtney. Yes, one time when I was brokenhearted, I played that song “Fear not for I have Redeemed You” over and over on the piano. There was something in it that brought me peace. I know one of the lines that I liked was “I have called you by name.” That gave me some hope. thanks for that reminder today.

  40. Thank you for posting this. My parents split up 25 years ago, when I was in college. My father left not only my mom, but me and my brother as well. I have been heartbroken over and over these last 25 years as he comes and goes from our lives. I, like you, have found so much comfort in Gods word. I also gave it all to God and forgave my dad about 12-13 years ago. I am at peace with it, but the heartbreak never fully goes away. You and your words are truly an inspiration to me. Thank you for being brave and sharing your story.

  41. Thank you so much for being so honest and authentic about having a broken heart. I cannot tell you how much it helps to see that someone else gets it. There are times when, even in our spiritual selves, we get sad and lonely and discouraged. It’s just the truth. But the real truth is that God is still right there. For me, sometimes that truth sucks because I ask the question, “Well if you’re there, why aren’t you doing something about this?” His silence seems so deafening. But as much as I want to let go of him, he never lets go of me. That’s a love like no other.

  42. Thank you so much Courtney for sharing and being so faithful throughout this Bible Study. I know that this in particular may have been hard for you and your family but always remember, God is in control. He will see us through. I have been in a somewhat similar situation dealing with health and marriage /family issues simultaneously. Believe me, I know, it’s no fun! Trusting God is the best solution. Three of my favorite scriptures in the Holy Bible are Nehemiah 8:10 (KJV) “For the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
    Psalm 46:1(KJV)”God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
    Proverbs 3:5(KJV)”Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
    Be encouraged, Be blessed and continue to walk with The King!❤

  43. Thank you so much for this post. I am struggling mightily with my broken heart. My oldest son took his own life in March of 2017 at 22. We had a wonderful family and it was a devastating shock. We have no answers other than a simple medication change for allergies, which can cause suicide ideation (we had no idea this was even a thing until afterward). To say we are broken hearted is an understatement. He was a college senior with plans of med school and no known depression. An excellent student who not only professed his belief, but did his best to live it out every day. He left two younger brothers and us, his parents. We are a close family and have been left reeling.

    I am struggling spiritually and am so angry with God. I believe in free will but also believe in His Sovereignty. Why didn’t He intervene for a young adult who loved Him so much? Why? Wasn’t his life important enough? And how will we go on with this heartache that will never go away? I had the best life and now it’s in tatters.

    As you can see, I am in the spiritual battle of my life. My mind knows the theology but my heart feels betrayed by God’s promises. I trusted Him with my family and He let this happen. God seems so far away to me. I know He’s not, but I feel so abandoned.

    I covet the prayers of this community. I normally do not open up in forums like this, but for some reason feel led to today. Blessings to you all.

  44. Thank you for sharing your heart and where you are right now.There are so many that are so many that are struggling in this area.There are some great resources to help that I’m not sure everyone is aware of to help as you are processing through this and healing ,whether you are seperated,divorced or trying to reconcile.It is called pure desire ministries and there is a portion for women called betrayal and beyond.It is biblically based and a wonderful tool to process through.I will be praying for you!

  45. My divorce was just finalized the 16th. We were married for just over 13.5 years, with 4 daughters ranging from 12.5 to 7. He decided he wanted a divorce out the blue, but he had emotionally abused me and our kids for years and years, so I’m not saying I’m not better off now…I was falling apart dealing with his behavior day to day already, sick of walking on eggshells and nothing ever being good enough. He wouldn’t get help for his issues, he turned into the complete opposite of the person he was when he filed for divorce, started doing all these crazy things that he said he’d never do, and that there was no one else. He always could see his dad was a bad guy, but won’t admit to himself he’s doing the exact same thing or worse than what his dad has done. Before the divorce was finalized it was confirmed he was seeing girl from work, who was also married and very involved with her church previously, after my ex was becoming a pastor when I met him…told me he never lied, would never cheat on me or divorce me. I trusted him wholeheartedly, all for naught. My kids are in a horrible situation. I’m 33, currently living with parents, with only a few more years of time to homeschool my girls to various degrees before they are forced to go to public school, also with me going to back to school for undergraduate nursing, so I can become an RN and hopefully provide well for my girls before they are all grown up. But I’m ok. I have hope of happiness for me..Him-he will never be happy, because he never has been. I am confident that no matter what woman he is with is going to feel the same overwhelming love that I did in the beginning and I would bet that he will destroy the next ones worse than he destroyed me after. The death of the dreams of your future are the hardest, but with me, I know the horrors of him continue to control me and make me feel bad for years are not something I want to deal with, constantly failing his expectations was horrible, so my moving on is different than others. I hope things get easier for you. I don’t know where either of our lives will be in a decade, but I have been reassured constantly that God is taking care of me and my girls, and I am not anxious or worried at all. I know He will take care of you, too.

  46. Thank you for this. July 12th I lost my husband to cardiac arrest. I’ve been married (31 years August 15th….I’m 49 years old…….and God has been so good to me….my 2 adult children and 5 grand babies!!! Life has twists and turns we aren’t prepared for….but I’m thankful he’s walking this road with me! ????????????

  47. Courtney, I’ve been going through the psalms for the past few weeks as I’m praying the word. There are so many great psalms, but Psalm 34 is powerful. I love Psalm 34:10 as well: “The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” As a widow and single mom, I get fear of the future, waves of grief and trying to wish for what was or what could be. But God is so faithful! He is so tenderly personal and when we seek him, we’re promised we lack no good thing. Praying for you now and for your two children — God can redeem even this for good in their lives.

  48. Courtney, thank you so much for this post and the hope it brings. My heart breaks for each person who commented. Please know you’re all being lifted up in prayer! I’ve been through all kinds of heartaches in my life and am currently trying to come to grips with the most excruciating pain of my life, my estrangement for unknown reasons from my 19 year old twin daughters. I miss them so much and the tears, which are flowing now, are always just below the surface of my smile. The only thing that gets me through is knowing that Jesus knows the pain of betrayal and abandonment, and He is never far from me. He gives me the strength day by day and sometimes (often) moment by moment. I know that He will redeem this and I pray daily for restoration of my relationships with them. In the interim, I’m learning a lot about God’s lovingkindness and His care for me. I pray that each of you will find this in Him also.

    Blessings to all!

  49. Thanks Courtney for sharing your experience, the good thing is that you are looking to God, you will eat good in the land and I believe you will live to testify of his goodness.This is also encouraging to unmarried single girls.We also get broken hearted by very close relatives or friends.Its comforting to know that the Lord is near us in our distress.There is hope for better things in the future, after he’s done with seeing us through.

  50. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted”. My husband and I had our hearts broken the day after Easter when our youngest daughter -13yo- announced to us that she has decided she is transgender. Then she made a suicide attempt and ended up spending time in the hospital where she received all kinds of affirmation for her “brave” decision. They called her by her chosen male name ( which is the name we had chosen if she HAD been boy – it’s just a little “dig” I know , but it hurts) and used the “correct”pronouns. Then, back in school, they did the same. My husband told the principle never to let us hear her called that in our presence.
    Almost a month later, I had a heart attack – a Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection – SCAD. My cardiologist told me that it was akin to “broken heart syndrome”. I am doing okay, though I have a lot of anxiety. According to other women who have had this kind of HA ( it happens to mostly women between the ages of 30 and 50 – often postpartum – stress and hormones play a big part) it has happened to many more than once. It has been considered rare but researches are thinking now , not so much.
    We with our daughter are now in therapy, an in home intensive therapy. Their goal is basically to help us learn to live together agreeing to disagree. When the therapists meet with me and my husband they are listening to our concerns and have been very compassionate though they cannot choose sides. They do the same with our daughter. Sometime in the near future we will have the opportunity to explain and Biblically defend the reasons for our belief against transgenderism to them and then to her . She will have the opportunity to do the same.I am praying for wisdom, please pray with me.
    Meanwhile our relationship has been better. We are striving to show her unconditional love and she has responded well. We have a closeness. However, there is always that “elephant in the room” and it ain’t pink!. That may be sound humorous but her confirmations of her choice – clothes , hair ; signing that name on her artwork ( she’s a blooming artist) – it all hurts . My emotions run from anxiety – tears – anger . I have to try to keep my composure in front of her – esp. the anger. Sometimes she seems to be looking for my reaction, “Mom, how do you like this?” My response is usually, “well, it’s modest”. There have been other times when I have to say, “Well, what do you think? You can’t expect me to say,’ it’s great, I love it ‘. ” Yesterday after Dad brought her to get her hair cut again and it ended up shorter than ever ( My husband said he regretted letting her and he had tears while he watched it get cut so short), she asked me again and I said “No, I don’t like it, though I like seeing so much of your pretty face”. I was calm, I think.
    She is at camp now, a Christian camp. We live at the camp. It’s camp meeting time for all of us. I am praying for God to get through to her – the Youth theme is dealing with not being deceived by the world. Is it too much or too soon to hope for a miracle?
    So many times since my HA when I have either been scared for my heart or my daughter , I have cried out to God to please “Hold on to my heart” , by faith I know He is. Just about every time I go to read a devotional or listen to a message , it speaks right to where I am right now. Though I am going through all the emotions that so many others here have shared , I know He is near to my broken heart.

    1. Dear Heather, I never comment on anything but felt I needed to help you. We went through the same thing with our daughter …she announced at 13 she was gay and at 14 was transgender. She changed her name legally , cut her hair and signed up for gender surgery. We were in despair but left it in Gods hands , what else is there to do? We did not get “professional” counsellors involved , they all have an agenda . She attempted suicide also and the one time we let them intervene they told us to accept that our daughter had “passed” and that we had a son. We were like , um NOPE, she’s right here !!! My husband never called her by the male name.
      And now…..for encouragement …..late last year she came down in skirt out of the blue …and over the last six months she has progressively moved away from the whole trans thing. She has now gone back to being a girl, grown out her hair and is settled with a boyfriend. We are beyond thankful to God for keeping us and answering our prayers. In her case she has Asperger’s and that was behind this issue (so common in kids with ASD cos they don’t know how to fit in ) and she has finally seen that she really was never transgender , a fact I knew from the start. God is faithful sister , lay it at His feet and keep looking up . Now we are praying for her salvation and wait in expectation ????. Our girl is so beautiful and we are blessed that this issue has gone. Our God is truly a god of miracles !!! Don’t give up hope ❤️. God bless you all x

  51. Yesterday, I met my friend Traci at the park to reveal my heartbreak with her. My family does not know, only her now. I have always relied on my faith to pull me through tragedy. I pray daily at least once per day. This time is different. I found myself not being able to keep focused on my prayer. I lost my focus in the store today becoming totally unaware of my surroundings and in the checkout line with the cashier talking to me. I chose Traci because she is geographically my closest friend of faith. She introduced me to this group. Clearly this passage spoke to me. I am broken, my 17 year old granddaughter is broken. At 4am. On Friday, 7/28 I found out she had been raped by her best friends 20 year old brother as she spent the night at her house. Something she’s done numerous times over the last 2 1/2 years. Weathering thru the forensic exam from 5:00a.m. until 1:30p.m. was awful enough, but we soon learned so many more things lie ahead. For example, she could still become pregnant after taking the morning after pill due to all the antibiotics given to prevent std’s, not to mention the next month of hiv meds to take. Then the investigation, charges to file, etc. She was a virgin, hasn’t had a boyfriend and was so broken and hysterical in a way I’ve never seen her before. It feels like I’m learning how to pray again. I don’t understand this. Is this what PTSD feels like, maybe. I know that God is there, but why can’t I feel it?

  52. My heart is breaking tonight as I sit here thinking of our foster child that we had for nearly 5 years. We got her when she was 7 weeks and dss took her out of our home April 6 and placed in another foster home with her brothers. My heart aches everytime I see little girls- most of them look just like her and sound like her. I miss her so bad. But I know Gods plans are greater than mine and I know He has something special for this little girl to do. It’s hard for me to let her go though. I just hope she always remembers us and mostly remembers what shes been taught about God. I had read this verse back when she left us Ps 37:18.and have been searching for it for a couple of days. Wrote it in a different notebook and we just moved and must have packed it. God led me to GMG tonight and right to your blog about being brokenhearted. On top of losing my baby girl, my dad passed away last month. Yes, I am brokenhearted. I miss them both so much. But I know I will see my daddy again one day. Thank you Courtney for sharing your heart. I will be mom praying for you and your family. God bless.

    1. Stephanie,
      I’m so sorry for the losses in your life. Sometimes it seems they one on top of another. I’m praying Gods peace for your heart tonight. ♥️

  53. Thank you for sharing your heart! My situation is the reverse, I was the one who left my husband. I couldn’t understand why I was so unhappy, we seemed to have it all. But we didn’t have the Lord. We didn’t build our marriage on Jesus and when the feelings of unhappiness came into my heart, I didn’t know what to do with it. Surely my happiness was the responsibility of my husband, right? Oh how wrong I was! We divorced in October, 2014 and January 21, 2015 I was saved by the Grace of God! Oh how I wish I had discovered God’s love for me before my divorce and that the missing part of my life was Jesus! I’m so ashamed of my past but I pray that my ex-husband will come to the same saving knowledge of Jesus and one day our marriage will be restored. I pray that my ex-husband comes to know the Lord and will understand that what we went through was terrible but that God can use it for His Glory! Praying for all of you with broken hearts but thank you Jesus that we have a light in our lives that can never go out!

  54. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I was shown this through a friend and it speaks to me as well. All of your going through heart break is, well, heart breaking. You never want to hear others are sharing the grief you have, but it’s always comforting to know you’re not alone.

    Thank you all for sharing your stories because I know I am not alone and instead feel oddly close to all of you without even knowing you. Sometimes we become the bravest at our weakest and only one person truly understands our weaknesses and pain and I thank Him every day for the many blessings I have through all of this pain.

    Like most of the stories on here, my husband walked out when our daughter was 6 weeks and I’m trying to pick up the pieces and figure out the path I’m supposed to be on. Times get tough, but He knew we were able to handle it and all of us will get through it because He has bigger plans. I can honestly say I have grown closer to God and I have learned so much about myself during this and that in itself is a blessing.

    The fire around us can’t burn brighter than the fire inside of us.

  55. Courtney,

    Thank you for your beautiful spirit, strength, and dignity. As you have come to terms with the sudden end of your marriage, you have provided me with strength in dealing with my own loss. I have been divorced for two years. My forty year marriage ended after I found out that my husband had been leading a double life that included adultery for over a decade. He has many other character issues and substance abuse issues as well. He remarried earlier this year – to someone other than his longstanding mistress.

    My heart still breaks, and it’s hard to understand why I’m in this situation at 63 years old, but I thank God for my faith. As you say in your blog, “He is with us.” I do have peace in knowing God is with me, and I believe He has a plan of full restitution for both of us, Courtney.

    Thank you for all you do to bring warmth, love and encouragement into my life, and the lives of all your readers.


  56. I’ve been really tired lately and I stumbled along Courtney’s study, “Rest and Release.” I knew nothing about Courtney until I watched the first video of the study. Her life experience of divorce was like her telling my story. I walked this path six years ago. In one day he packed up his things and left. Left our two girls, eventually moved out of state. Reading this blog it breaks my heart and frustrates me to the core of how evil divorce is. I absolutely hate it! But God is good! His plan and purpose prevail. He walked with me every step of the way. Has always provided. Has always been faithful. And when my mind wants to reel backwards, I remember that my ex-husband will be the one answering to God. I daily sought God’s forgiveness for my part in the “failed marriage” but I have to always remember tgat God is sovereign and His plan and purpose always prevails. Use the trials for His glory!

  57. So sorry for all your pain ladies. I pray God may heal your hearts and change your mourning into gladness. God bless you.

  58. I really needed this today. My husband walked out 4 weeks ago. I have experienced most everything you have. It is awful. Sometimes I feel like I am barely holding on. But I know the Lord is near. I would not be able to make it without him. I will pray for all of you as I hope you will also. In Christ Sheila

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