Simple Deviled Eggs

I wish I could rename this recipe to “Angelic Eggs” but no one would know what I’m talking about – so Deviled Eggs it is! I enjoy making and eating these!

Here’s a few of my tips along with my recipe.

1. Hard boil 12 eggs. I put 12 eggs in a pot and cover them completely with water. I put the lid on the pot, bring them to a boil (the lid begins to leak steam) and then I turn the heat off under the pot. Then I set a timer for 15 minutes and let them cook in the hot water.

2. As soon as the timer goes off, I drain the hot water and immediately add ice cold water to the pot. This makes the eggs easier to peel. It’s important that you peel your eggs carefully so they are presentable! As you can see in the picture on the pink plate – ont he right – one egg fought back with me and won – I used it’s yolk for the mix but threw out the white.

3. After the eggs are peeled, slice them in half. Now massage the yolk out of the white by gently squeezing the white – if it is hard boiled perfectly it will pop right out! I was quite a happy camper that ALL of mine popped out for these pictures (they must have known it was picture day!)

Deviled Eggs are a potluck and holiday tradition. But making hard-boiled eggs can be tricky sometimes. Here is my trick to make them perfect every time. #WomenLivingWell #eggs #easyholidayfoods4. After removing all the yolks add to them 1/2 cup of mayonnaise, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 2 dashes of pepper, and 1 1/2 teaspoon prepared mustard. That’s it – easy huh? 5. Then mixem’ up. And restuff the shells carefully with the mix.

Deviled Eggs are a potluck and holiday tradition. But making hard-boiled eggs can be tricky sometimes. Here is my trick to make them perfect every time. #WomenLivingWell #eggs #easyholidayfoodsDeviled Eggs are a potluck and holiday tradition. But making hard-boiled eggs can be tricky sometimes. Here is my trick to make them perfect every time. #WomenLivingWell #eggs #easyholidayfoodsSprinkle a couple dashes of Paprika across the top and voila – a beautiful dish to take for any occassion! Enjoy!

Walk with the King!



  1. I like to put all the ingredients into a big zippered baggie with the yolks and then let my kids smoosh it up. Then I snip off a corner and squeeze into the egg whites. It's very easy to fill them that way.
    I also like to add a bit of sweet relish to the yolk mixture. YUM! A good thing to do with those dyed Easter eggs.
    Thanks, Courtney,

  2. Peeling the eggs & keeping the white presentable has always been a challenge for me. Thanks for the tip!!

  3. I have also found that the older the egg (not too old, obviously) the easier it peels.

    There is actually a recipe for angel eggs that I just saw recently. It uses less mayo, which makes them more angelic and less calories. Though I must say, I'm a fan of the full mayo version myself. 🙂

  4. Hey Courtney!

    I LOVE deviled eggs. Thanks for the easy – to – follow recipe and instructions.

    Much appreciated!


  5. So fun to see your version. My great-grandmother, grandmother, mother and I now I make these. A slight different twist. We add a tad bit of pickle juice (I know it sounds strange, but gives them a bit extra zip), then we sprinkle with dried parsley and put 1 red pimento on the top of each one. Thanks for bringing back happy memories, Courtney!

  6. Yum. That was a good recipe Courtney. Thanks for the tip on making peeling easier, it worked like a charm. I made these for my kids' lunch, because sometimes I make boiled eggs for them and they eat the while but spit our the "boil" (what they call the yolks). I thought this would be a way to get them to eat the whole thing. Well it was a no go for the kids, but I (who haven't liked eggs since I was 10 and had a bad egg salad sandwich experience) tried one and thought it was delicious! Thanks for the new protein snack.

  7. My husband likes a little bit of horseradish added to the mix for a zesty zing!
    And I take my yolk mixture (with the horseradish stirred in!) and fill my (Pampered Chef) icing decorator to fill my egg whites to look pretty…not near as messy either! 🙂
    (I think someone else may have suggested this, too?)

  8. I LOVE deviled eggs, but can you believe I've never made them? My sister-in-law always makes them for family dinners. I may just have to try some, though – thanks for the tutorial!

  9. I like to add minced Bread & Butter pickles (super sweet) and a teensy bit of the juice as well to the yolks & Mayo. I only add just a dab of mustard for color. Then I sprinkle them with the Spinach & Herb seasoning from Pampered Chef. Too Yummy!! :0)

  10. Heatherj, that's a fabulous idea!

    Thanks for the recipe Courtney…I've always loved them, but never took the time to find out how to make them…

    And Kat, that sounds like a good little tidbit too!!!


  11. So interesting to hear how others make deviled eggs. I prefer to peel my eggs while they are still very warm, I find them easier to peel this way. I also add sugar and vinegar to my filling and use a disposable cake decorating bag to fill them. My problem is I never measure anything, I just keep dumping and tasting until it taste like Mom's :o)

  12. Last year I saw this cool tip for making deviled eggs. Before peeling them, just slice them in half with a sharp knife. They should pop out of the shell faster & easier that way!
    We add a touch of vinegar to the same recipe you use! Gives it a teensy bit of tang. Mmmm And sprinkle with paprika!!

  13. When I make my deviled eggs I use an even easier recipe – I mix the egg yokes with Marzetti slaw dressing and a little pepper. That is it and they are perfect every time!

  14. I love deviled eggs. I use mayo and pickle juice. I don’t use any mustard. Changes the taste to be a little more sweeter.

  15. You don’t need to toss out the whites of the “stubborn” eggs…put them in your food processor for a few seconds to chop them and add them to the mixture. It gives the filling a little texture and I usually include a white or two even if my eggs peeled without any mishaps! I learned this from eating Deviled Eggs prepared at our home town cafeteria. =)

  16. I have just recently been having a lot of trouble peeling my eggs. I’m not certain what I’m doing differently. Any suggestions??

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