Decorating for Christmas & WLWW Link-Up Party

Our Christmas Tree 🙂

I so desire to make my home warm and cozy for the family. Think for a moment about how God has surrounded us in the winter season with scenery that is just gorgeous! The fresh fallen snow and icicles display God’s glory! Think about the crackle of ice and snow below your feet as you walk – the same crackle sound you heard when you were 5 we hear at 35. There is a continuity about the remembrance of the crisp air and the smell of pine that gives me peace.

Though heaven is our eternal home, God has given us gifts of beauty here on earth – there is beauty in the fields covered with snow, in the sunset over a chilled pond, the frost in the morning on the blades of grass and smoke rising from the chimneys.

Our homes are temporary but they are an opportunity to reflect God in a small measure. Genesis 1:26 says “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.”

We have been created in the image of God and some may be very talented in this area while others are like me…(only average) but we all have the ability to create something special for our loved ones.

Edith Shaefer says “For the Christian who is consciously in communication with the Creator, surely his home should reflect something of the artistry, the beauty and order of the One whom he is representing, and in whose image he has been made!”

God has given you a home whether it’s an apartment you share, a farm house, a city home, or a home identical to all your neighbors – it is your home to reflect God’s artistry in. So express yourself this Christmas season and take joy in being made in the image of God. Surround those you love with beauty, warmth and love.


If you saw my house today – it resembles the ginger bread homes my children have built through the years. It’s not perfect – it has quite a few messy spots. But it’s cheery – there’s evidence of children and fun. And though my home does not look like it popped off of the cover of a magazine – it’s my creation. And I hope to one day look into the face of God and see him pleased with the home I have labored to build.

I like in Proverbs 15:15 where it says “the cheerful heart has a continual feast.” I would love for my home to be as joyful and as satisfying as this ginger bread house was to my children!

I cannot wait to see all of the amazing things you’ve been up to as you’ve prepared your homes for Christmas – please join me as I blog hop!

 It’s link-up time! It’s Women Living Well’s Wednesday Link-Up Party!!! Join the fun, do a little blog hopping and don’t forget if you join below -please add the Women Living Well Wednesdays button to your post so your readers can find us here! (Posts can include the topics of marriage, parenting, homemaking, finances, recipes, organization and more!)

To find the code go to the sidebar – or right click and “save as” the button and then upload it into your post! 🙂

Walk with the King!


  1. Thank you so much Courtney for your continual encouragement and inspiration on this blog. I’ve only known about this blog (and the rest of the “gang”) for a short time, but it’s helped me so much already. I look forward to reading – knowing that I will be edified. As a pastor’s wife, I need an outlet and other spiritual mentors. Thank you for being that. What a beautiful post. Brought back many winter memories and made me glad that I make such a big deal about making a comfortable home for my family.

  2. Your home is beautiful, Courtney, not only because of all your efforts at decorating but mostly because of the love, joy and peace that dwell there. Like you, I also take joy in beautifying my home, praising and thanking the Lord for ALL the beauty He surrounds us with. But most of all, the beauty of a family that is bound by His love.


  3. Such a fun post! Your tree is lovely. Mine is a mishmash of handmade ornaments and it never looks very picture perfect, but we love remembering who made what when as we decorate. I posted pics of our homes decor even though we don’t have our tree up…we’ll do that in TWO days when my oldest daughter comes home for Christmas. WOOT! 🙂

  4. Thanks so much for sharing! I have a new focus this year on my home as my ministry, and I do want my home to represent God in any way it can. So this post was the perfect read for me today! Thanks for hosting the linkup, too! God bless you and Merry Christmas!

  5. Your tree is beautifully decorated. I love that it is not overwhelmed with adornments too. I am looking to cut back on our tree’s clutter this year. Our daughter is two so that is helping me determine which ornaments make it on the tree this year (i.e., breakables are sitting it out this season). That leaves us with some pretty red balls and knit ornaments. We’ll be doing the tree this weekend and I am looking forward to it!

  6. The picture is lovely. Thanks for some very sweet thoughts today. I was uplifted by them.
    Blessings to you and keep on enjoying all the precious moments of this Christmas Season.

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