Teaching Our Children To Study Scripture

Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.”
The kitchen, it’s the place where I feed my sweet ones breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s a sacred place where our hearts join as we feast on simple pleasures of temporal food. But it’s also the place where we as a family feast on the eternal truths of God’s word. As we rise in the morning, I open my “kitchen Bible” and we read.Words fall off the pages and fill our starving souls to the brim with hearty words of hope, joy, peace and comfort. And so in the summer of 2010, we felt compelled to write. The goal: to write out the entire book of First John by the end of the summer….
To read the rest of the story visit me at The Better Mom.





Walk with the King!


  1. Hi,

    I have read your whole article. It is very interesting. I read the morning from the children’s. As you are doing is intense, so I guess you really God’s Word in their minds (and hearts). Thank you for this useful idea.

  2. Hi Courtney,

    So very interesting, just the other night, I thought, I need to be reading more Bible with my little one who is 7! I had bought her a girls Bible some months ago and have told her many times that she needs to read every day but I realized that she like most children, needed motivation. So every night now, we will sit in her bed and read a few verses and then talk about what it means. We then write the date on the side of when we read it. I believe this will not only fill her with God’s word but make for great memories of Mommy and daughter time. My older son is 13, who God has called to the ministry to be a Pastor, picks up his Bible and reads it every day on his own. He even uses post it notes and sticks them on the pages .What a blessing it is to see your child pick up the Bible and then comment to you about what they read without you asking. Oh the joy that fills my heart to know that the living Word of God is penetrating their souls and equipping them to grow up to be a generation sold out for Christ!

    Thanks for this great post.



  3. This has been on my heart a lot lately. I have a 3 year old son and would love to know what would be a good “beginning” bible to read to/with him. Any ideas? Thanks.

    1. for our son’s 4th birthday we got him the International Children’s Bible (http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/easy_find?Ntk=title&Ntt=icb&action=Search&kw=international%20childrens%20bible&event=PPCSRC&p=1018818&cm_mmc=Google-_-Bibles-_-youth%20bibles-_-international%20childrens%20bible&gclid=CNqpzouw1KsCFWgZQgod9yVfNg)

      It is written for children and is wonderful! It is the full Bible, so you are not missing a single thing!
      You might also want to do a picture Bible to go along since your son is younger (they like pictures as you know!) ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Scripture memory is a life long practice. I have verses up on my bathroom mirror and computer screen that I am currently memorizing. I now have teenagers and have done this for their whole life. We memorized scripture when they were young. Now that they are older I hope and pray that the example I set is one they will find relevant for their lives too when they are adults! Thank you for this post I so appreciated it!

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