Today We Remember…

Pause for a moment…Be silent.

Today we remember. (Taken from Matthew 27)

We remember…

the betrayal for 30 pieces of silver

the flogging

the crown of thorns

the purple robe

the sign “Hail, King of the Jews!”

the strike on Jesus’ face

the crowd shouting “Crucify Him!”

the long walk to Golgotha carrying the cross

the nails in his hands

the nails in his feet


the words “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”

the temple curtain torn in two from top to bottom

the earth trembling

the guards exclaiming “Surely he was the Son of God!”

On the cross, Jesus said “It is Finished.” (John 19:30) FINISHED – PAID IN FULL. All the bad things you have ever done are paid for in full by the blood of the lamb who gave his life for you on the cross. Do you wonder if you are lovable? Do you wonder if he really can forgive you of your sins? Does your guilt lie to you?

Psalm 103:10-12 answer these very questions: He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”
This song above has a line I just love. It says “in the arms of your mercy I find rest.” It’s in Christ’s mercy that I have found rest in this difficult world. The blog Women Living Well would not exist if it were not for the truth of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. I have found rest in Jesus Christ my Savior.
Have you found this rest? If you have placed your faith in Christ and believe that he indeed lived, died and rose again and have repented of your sins – your sins have been cast as far as the east is from the west. But, If you have not done this, I John 5:12 says you do not have eternal life. If you have never accepted the free gift that God has offered you of eternal life which only comes through faith in his Son Jesus – I bid you – do it today!
Have a fabulous weekend with your family and Happy Easter!
Walk with the King!


  1. Dear Courtney,
    I hope you have a joy filled Easter. I just found your website a few weeks ago. I thought I would “catch up” by just reading the posts of 2012. What a wonderful, encouraging writer you are! Thank you for sharing your gift to encourage others.
    I’m a wife of 24 yrs, a momma to 2 INCREDIBLE girls, 12 and 8. I wanted to share a silly somethin’ about myself. I was watching your video on Bible study tips. It really struck me how you highlight and use colored pencils in your Bible. I’ve always just taken notes in my notebooks. I have 2 study Bibles, and neither one has a mark in them. So I took out my highlighter, thought about it, and dove into the book of Proverbs. At first it felt so strange to highlight verses!!!! I took your advice and highlighted what was written in Proverbs about the tongue. You and I are very similar in that regard. “Chatty Cathys” :)! ( I get snippy or sharp when I’m annoyed and don’t always respond in love. Thank God for another day to learn and try again.)
    Most days I’m stumbling with the King!
    Thank you again for such a wonderful website.
    Peace and Strength,

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