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Did you miss last night’s *FREE* Parenting Webcast –

then you know what to do!

Head on over to WomenLivingWell.tv

you have less than 24 hours to view the webcast

(it will be available until Friday at 10pmEST)

then it will be unavailable until the new year.

Have you been joining us for the webcasts?

Give us your feedback…what have you liked – and what would you like to see more of?

And remember we still have 3 more webcasts to go – on the topics of ‘Your Health’, ‘Your Ministry’ and ‘Balancing Your Family and Ministry’.  See you next Thursday night…again :)!

Walk with the King,


Women Living Well Schedule 2


  1. Again I am thankful to God for the “glitch” that made this available at a reasonable time for those of us 10 time zones away!! 😉
    I have been blessed by each week’s message, and as a mother of 4 twenty-somethings (Where DID the time go?), all whom are serving the Lord in some fashion, I say Amen to the wisdom shared by Ruth and the rest of you on the couch in this week’s webcast. Thank you again for sharing Godly wisdom in such an accessible and non- judgmental way. I found myself nodding again and again at each comment and helpful resource. Although I did not have many of the resources mentioned at my disposal when mine were littles, I thank God for the way He guided me in my parenting. I was not perfect (YIKES! -How I blew it again and again), but HE was/is faithful, and took the seeds I clumsily planted, and made beautiful things grow! Now trying to figure out what to do in this next (empty nest, pre-Grandkids) season, and many of the truths shared today still apply-seek God, and find “children” (big or small) to pour my life into.
    Blessings on you all as you impact generations to come!
    Hugs-especially to Angela- from a fellow physical touch/closeness person-WINK!

  2. Ah-Mazing!!! That’s my feedback, lol. It has been so inspiring, encouraging, convicting, God-breathed and utterly amazing. I am so grateful to you ladies, you are wonderful, thank you for obeying God in your lives, thank you for recognizing your strengths and focusing on those, I love how you each have your own topic because your topic is the ministry God placed in your life. I love how you don’t feel the need to be a master in all the topics 🙂 I just can’t say thank you enough, but you are changing the world, even if it’s just here with me in Louisiana! Haha just kidding!
    I love you all! Thank you for your obedience!!!

  3. thank you again for the web cast sure wish I had this when I was raising my children, but it is good to pass along and also use with grands 🙂 . Love you all and look forward already to next week. Loving the book too.

  4. All of these webcasts have been so helpful and encouraging. I feel like you all are my mentors and have gleaned much from what you have shared. Last night’s was probably the most helpful so far because I struggle with parenting my 3 year old boy and managing time. I’m hoping to watch it again today before it comes down so I can take notes. She repeated a phrase over and over that I want to remember. I thought it was wonderful that Ruth’s family wrote down their mission and values and filter everything through that. It inspires me to talk with my husband about writing down our mission and values (not really sure where to begin though).

  5. This have been very helpful. Thank you so much for sharing. For those of us who weren’t able to attend the conference this has been a great way to be apart. Yet, the material is so good that I know I could benefit from just being able to watch them again. Do you think you will make them into a DVD series that could be purchased so that we could watch them over and over?

    Thank you so much for all the work that has gone into making them already!! I have been blessed by them.

  6. I’m relatively new to your website and soon-to-be full time stay at home mom. I LOVED the podcast and have directed friends to it already. It really met me where I am! Thank you!

  7. well making a home a haven has been going strong here at the Flickinger house. We didn’t get to play games but we did grill and watch a movie.

    For me I have a lot of little ones that like to help in a small kitchen. I give them each a chance to help out. If they are to young then I give them an empty bowl and some other utensils and they have fun that way. It’s baking season for me with the cooler weather. We don’t have central air. The kids are so gearing up to make pumpkin pies, chocolate crème pie and fudge, cookies, and such.

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