Book Review: So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore

Today Beth Moore’s newest book titled “So Long Insecurity: You’ve been a bad friend to us” is released in stores. I had the privilege of previewing the book. Beth says in the opening of this book that this is as close to an autobiography as she’s ever written. Her humble and open heart is spilled out on every page as she openly shares her own insecurities.
Beth defines insecurity plain and simply: “not secure”. Then she goes further in each chapter digging down into the depths of insecurity from self-doubt to perfectionism to preoccupation with self – she reveals many types of insecurities we all deal with.
She reminds us that all we have to do is be born on planet earth to be insecure. A host of troubles are common to humankind. We should be careful who we covet or who we judge as “having it all”. Nobody has everything! And most likely if you knew the woman you coveted you’d find that she bleeds and is not as different from you as you think.
We think – well if I had that house or that body or that pretty face or that fabulous man or that degree I’d be secure too. But what we are saying is money, beauty, a great man, or prestige will make us secure. That is all false!
At one point she says “women use men like mirrors” to see if they are okay. In our media saturated culture, the bar for beauty has been raised to a standard that our grandma’s did not have to deal with!
So what do we do with all these insecurities? Psalm 29:11 says “The Lord gives his people strength; the Lord grants his people security.” There is nothing secure in this world – we must cling to Jesus for our strength and security. If your insecurity is interfering with your daily life and using your giftedness for the Lord, your family and children then this is the book for you!
Walk with the King!


  1. Sounds like a great read that will encourage many. Thanks for sharing the first glimpse, Courtney! I hope "settling in week" is going well. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Wow. God has spoken to me today. I love when he does that. But this message that Beth Moore is sharing is not just for me, but likely every woman! I have realized my sin in wanting more in this world. It is a relentless and insidious sin that seeks only to choke the spirit. Today I read Luke 12:15 and now your blog post for today. Isn't our God great, that he tells us the way in which we should go! I got the message. Thank you God.

  3. I've done a couple Beth Moore studies and I must admit I'm not the best student for remembering fine details but one key point that (so very basic to many but was revolutionary to me years back) stuck from Breaking Free was a question: "DO YOU BELIEVE GOD?" Once you can answer with an affirmative "Yes!" Then we next have to identify what lies need to be removed from the walls of our hearts and mind, not just removed though but "repapered" with His Truth! I have many insecruities, but I praise HIM that He is The SOLID ROCK of Ages and when those "lies" resurface we can cling to His never changing Word! We shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set us free!! Thanks Courtney!

  4. This review is from “Dale Wilson on : So Long, Insecurity: You’ve Been a Bad Friend to Us (Kindle Edition)

    The Bible contains the ultimate message of true security for Christians–both women and men alike. Our security is rooted in the Gospel–the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Christians have security in knowing that Jesus was “the propitiation for our sins” (NASB, 1 John 2:2) meaning He has turned away the wrath of God on our behalf. Christians have security in knowing that when we sin “we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (NASB, 1 John 2:1). Christians have security in knowing Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us and that He will come again so we may be with Him (John 14:2-3). Christians have security in the promise of “a new heaven and a new earth” where God will dwell among us and “He will wipe away every tear from [our] eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain” (NASB, Revelation 21:1-4). Unfortunately, in her book So Long Insecurity Beth Moore has not addressed these true Biblical sources of Christian security but suggests looking to other sources. For that reason, and a number of others that will be addressed below, this is a book that Christians should reject.

    In her own words, Beth Moore has targeted this book for all women, not just Christians:

    This book is for any woman who courageously chooses [to overcome their insecurity] over her own strong compulsion of insecurity in a culture that makes it almost irresistible … Maybe you don’t share my belief system, but you’ve been drawn to open this cover because you share my battle (Moore, pp. xii-xiii).

    Much later in the book, she again reiterates that the book is useful for women of all faiths.

    If you do not have a personal relationship with Christ … You can still find help within these pages, and I encourage you to see it to the end (Moore, p. 241-242).

    This can get very confusing as the book often transitions from topics that address Christians only to topics for all women–often without providing clarity on which group is in view.

    Somewhat surprisingly, Moore admits that she has not yet overcome insecurity in her own life:

    But I have not won this particular battle against the stronghold of insecurity. Yet. God help me, I’m going to (Moore, p. 14).
    Despite not winning her own personal battle against insecurity, Moore apparently believes she has discovered the formulas for success and is sharing them in So Long Insecurity.

    I’ve been practicing them myself for the last several months, and I am astonished by how much progress I’m experiencing (Moore, p. 149).

    She has been using some of these practices for “months,” but how are we to know that these practices will not fail her a year or two from now when life gets more difficult?

    Improper Handling of God’s Holy Word, the Bible:

    While there are liberal sprinklings of Biblical texts throughout, this book is not based upon a study of the Bible, but rather personal, fallible experiences of sinful people:

    I discovered resources that were infinitely more valuable [than the Bible or scholarly research books on insecurity]. I turned to people as my books (Moore, p. xiv).

    Even when Moore does employ Bible verses, she repeatedly reads her own personal meanings into the texts (i.e. eisegesis) and uses them as proof texts out of their original context. One piece of evidence for the proof texting in this book is the use of eight (yes, 8!) different Bible translations. This Bible translation hopscotch is common among writers who want to find a particular wording, or even the use of a single word, to support their ideas. Rather than starting from the Scripture and drawing a conclusion, they start from their own conclusion and find a Bible verse that can be made to sound like it supports their ideas. They only have to find the right translation and rip the verse out of its context.

    In an example from chapter 4, Moore demonstrates her inability to rightly interpret God’s Word. She claims to be providing examples of insecurity from the Bible, but gets most of them horribly wrong. She is either ignorant of the meaning of the Scriptures she employs, is reading her meanings into the texts, or probably both. Here she discusses the supposed insecurities of the Apostle Paul relative to the so-called super apostles from 2 Corinthians chapters 11 and 12.

    I do not think I am in the least inferior to those “super-apostles.” I may indeed be untrained as a speaker, but I do have knowledge. 2 Corinthians 11:5-6 (NIV). Tell me that’s not insecurity. If you’re not convinced, take a look at what blurted from his pen only a chapter later: I have made a fool of myself, but you drove me to it. I ought to have been commended by you, for I am not in the least inferior to the “super-apostles,” even though I am nothing. 2 Corinthians 12:11 (NIV). Do you think just maybe he protests too much? In all probability, he fought the awful feeling that he wasn’t as good as the others who hadn’t done nearly so much (Moore, pp. 56-57).

    Moore is trying to demonstrate that Paul struggled with insecurity. However, she not only completely misses the point of Paul’s teachings, but she also borders on blasphemy by saying that the very words of the Holy Spirit that are conveyed by Paul were merely “blurted from his pen” due to his insecurity. Paul himself says he is being “foolish” (i.e. sarcastic) in this section to prove the point that he is a true apostle. He begins this section by saying “I wish that you would bear with me in a little foolishness” (NASB, 2 Corinthians 11:1) and ends it by repeating that this is all foolishness: “I have become foolish; you yourselves compelled me” (NASB, 2 Corinthians 12:11). Paul is absolutely secure in his calling as a “true apostle” (NASB, 2 Corinthian 12:12). Moore is either reading her ideas about insecurity into the text or simply does not understand the passage.

    Direct, Personal, Non-Biblical Revelation:

    In addition to mishandling the Scriptures, Moore adds to the errors by repeatedly appealing to supposed personal revelation from God. She accepts revelation that she received directly and also accepts revelation from others:

    I heard a deeper voice–not out loud, of course, but from the innermost place within me–say, Yes. Yes, indeed you are [beautiful]. The thought came out of left field. In fact, it shocked me. Listen, I’m not given to those kinds of thoughts when I’m in that kind of emotional funk. I knew the voice was not mine. It was Christ’s (Moore, p. 42)
    Then one day I was walking and talking to God, and He made it clear to me that He loved me and I was placed where He wanted me (Moore, p. 123–from a blog post submitted by one of her readers).

    One implication of her acceptance of all of this non-Biblical revelation is that the Bible is not sufficient for every good work that God calls us to accomplish. This is contradictory to the clear teaching of 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (NASB).

    Another danger of Moore’s personal revelation is revealed in the following passage:

    I’d like to replay it to you in the form of a dialogue because when it occurred, it was as if God spoke every word concretely and audibly to me. In reality, what I’ll describe was expressed in my spirit rather than in my physical hearing. After spending years in relationship with God, seeking what He’s like and how He operates in Scripture, I, like many people, can get a sense of something He’s strongly impressing upon me without “hearing” precise words. When thoughts come to me out of the blue that I’m convinced did not originate in my own mind, if they’re consistent with God’s character and sound like something He would say in Scripture, I usually assume it’s Him. Ultimately, time proves whether or not I discerned the voice correctly. If it produces substantial fruit, I know it was God and I was on target. If nothing comes of it, I probably misunderstood or accidentally ascribed it to Him. None of us are beyond confusing our own thoughts with God’s, no matter how many times we’ve been around the bend with Him (pp. 325-326).

    This long quote from Moore demonstrates the real danger of listening to these inner voices rather than relying solely on God’s revealed will in His Holy Word the Bible. If no one can be sure it is really God speaking, why should we act on those feelings, hunches, or even words? Moore is convinced the thoughts “did not originate in [her] own mind.” However, if they later prove to not be from God, who were these messages from–possibly demons? Do you see the danger? We are warned in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that “even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (NASB). So, Satan will use words that sound like something God might say. Satan even used Scripture out of context in the temptations of Jesus (Matthew 4:6). While the Holy Spirit may occasionally provide special revelation to some individuals, the Biblical record shows that it is not normative.

    Man-Centered Theology:

    The core idea of the book is that everyone has a God-given dignity, and losing our dignity has led to our insecurity. There is an element of truth to the claim that we all have a God-given dignity. However, Moore often minimizes the fallen, sinful nature of mankind which in turn leads to a focus on our worth rather than the worth of Jesus Christ.

    Moore teaches that if we reclaim our dignity and recognize our value, we will have authentic security. There is good inside of us, we just need to overcome our limitations and win the battle against the bad inside of us. We should not consider ourselves inferior. If we recognize our goodness it will give us freedom, vision, and purpose:

    Insecurity is about losing our God-given dignity. The enemy of our souls loves that. He knows that people who don’t value themselves won’t think they deserve dignity. He knows that only the person who really believes God will insist on having their dignity back (Moore, p. 148).

    God had already brought me to the conclusion that part of any woman’s healing from insecurity inevitably involves reclaiming her God-given dignity (Moore, p. 153)

    Forgive me for committing the flagrant sin of despising myself and considering myself inferior to others (Moore, p. 168).
    The Creator of heaven and earth assigned us dignity and immeasurable value, and only when we finally accept those inalienable truths will we discover authentic security (Moore, p. 238).

    It’s up to us whether or not we’re going to let the worst of us get the best of us (Moore, p. 58).

    I’m simply telling you what I believe is the gospel truth: God can bring freedom and vision to your life because of those limitations that you would never have discovered without them. You can let your limitations make you either insecure or unstoppable (Moore, p. 83).

    No! The gospel truth is not about giving you vision in your life. It is that God can free you from the bondage of sin through faith in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for your sins. The message of the Bible is not that we are merely damaged goods, but that we are dead in our sin (Ephesians 2:5).

    Moore goes on to state:

    The answer is to deal with the insecurity, believing that everything God says about us is true (Moore, p. 35).

    The idea in the above is that we are basically good and worthy. But, what does God really say about us in the Bible? “Every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (NASB, Genesis 6:5) and “the intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (NASB, Genesis 8:21). This is not just an Old Testament idea of wicked people. The New Testament states, “There is none righteous, not even one … there is none who does good, there is not even one” (NASB, Romans 3:10-12).

    So, yes we should believe that everything God says about us is true. If we are an unbeliever, it should drive us to our knees in despair and make us cry out to Jesus to forgive our sins. If we are a believer, it should drive us to our knees in thanksgiving that our sins have been paid for by Jesus on the cross.

    The Process for Restoring Your Dignity and Security:

    Chapter 9 details the foundation of Moore’s “process” for reclaiming our supposed God-given dignity.

    In the next few pages, we’re going to present a pointed request to God, asking Him to help us reclaim our dignity and to prime our souls for security. Then we’re going to actively and deliberately receive what He gives us … I’ve purposely taken the guesswork out of the process (Moore, pp. 161-162).

    We get to ask for a supernatural act of God Himself. We get to draw from the bottomless sea of divine strength. Even if you know very little about what the Bible says, I want you to lock your gaze upon these two verses and grasp their bearing on our journey – This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us–whatever we ask–we know that we have what we asked of him. 1 John 5:14-15. …it is God’s will for you to have your dignity restored…I can promise you that God wills for us to walk out the depth and breadth of our lives with dignity and security. Neither God nor you have anything to gain by your persistent insecurity (Moore, pp. 162-163).

    If you’re willing to exercise the kind of boldness that excites the heart of God, you can go right ahead and thank Him in advance because you what that you’ve asked is as good as done (Moore, p. 163).

    The core of her process is an approximately 10 page prayer that was developed from Moore’s supernatural wisdom and insight:

    I’ve never before felt the leadership of God to put anything like this prayer journey in a book or study. I am convinced it was His idea to make good use of it…I’ve asked Him to equip me with the supernatural wisdom and insight to compose a prayer that will receive His resounding “Yes!” And I have no other choice but to trust that he has answered my earnest request (Moore, p. 164).

    Find a private place where you can be undisturbed and undistracted for at least half an hour. If you can take a little longer to process the emotions with the meditations, the healing will be more substantial … but don’t let complicated arrangements keep you from accomplishing the goal … Get in a comfortable posture before God, someplace where you can sit, kneel, or even lie facedown … [following] examples throughout Scripture where people took on postures of prayer than reflected their sincerity. I want you to fully engage. Count on the absolute certainty that God will hear you and meet with you through the power of His Spirit (Moore, p. 163-164).

    When you’ve set aside your time, place, and posture, begin the prayer guide that follows. Read it slowly, thoughtfully, and out loud as if it were rising spontaneously from your own heart (Moore, p. 164).

    The only thing you have to do to make this petition your own is to mean it (Moore, p. 165).

    Moore has turned prayer into a man-centered activity. If you do everything properly then God must obey. Here is a partial list of her requirements to reclaim your dignity and overcome your insecurity:
    1. Ask for a supernatural act of God (Moore, p. 162)
    2. Exercise boldness (Moore, p. 163)
    3. Find a private place where you can be undisturbed and undistracted (Moore, p. 163)
    4. Set aside at least half an hour; more if you want more substantial healing (Moore, p. 163)
    5. Get in a comfortable posture that reflects your sincerity (Moore, p. 164)
    6. Read her prayer slowly, thoughtfully and out loud (Moore, p. 164)
    7. Make her prayer seem to come spontaneously from you own heart (Moore, p. 164)
    8. Mean it (Moore, p. 165)
    9. Claim the priceless traits as your own (Moore, p. 166)
    10. Realize how valuable you are (Moore, p. 169)
    11. Receive His lavish forgiveness (Moore, p. 169)
    12. Actively and deliberately receive what God is giving you (Moore, p. 174)
    13. Vow to keep receiving everything God is giving you (Moore, p. 174)

    The above passages sound suspiciously like the “Name It and Claim It” prosperity teachers. If you follow this process, with the right kind of boldness and activities, then God will definitely answer this specific prayer for you with a “resounding `Yes!'” If the process does not work and you do not get rid of your insecurity, whose fault is it? Yours! This then becomes a new set of rules that you must follow to realize God’s purpose for your life. This is a teaching based upon law not gospel.


    Despite the use of assorted Biblical texts, So Long Insecurity is not based on sound Biblical exegesis and does not lead people to the true source of Christian security–the Bible. Moore’s repeated errors in interpretation of Scripture, personal non-Biblical revelation, and a form of legalism make her a teacher that should be avoided. Instead, we should look directly to the Bible and its revelation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for our security. “He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken” (NASB, Psalm 62:6). The true Gospel can radically change lives and cultures, but Moore’s self-help plus God’s help to be a better person still leaves people as lost and fallen sinners who are without hope and no real security.

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